Sunday, July 10, 2011





[The Law of Inevitability]



So, what is the Law Of Inevitability and what has it too do with the fall of Capitalism?  The Persians were an Empire at one time much as any Empire, and each is different and alike all at the same time, but all Empires share the one constant they all fall, and like Humpty Dumpty all the Kings Horses and all the Kings Men's will never but that particular Empire in its exact form together ever again, and the beginning of the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex - the [EMPIRE], is well in progress. This is just the Law of Inevitability – This Too Shall End, the only thing constant in the universe is change, if you play with fire sooner or later your going to get burned, and sooner or later your luck has got to change from bad to good or from good to bad, it is much like the changing of the seasons, sooner or later winter will end, the plants will grow, the harvest will begin the cycle of life, your born, life is less than prefect for the many, than you die.



[The Ceiling Effect]



Everyone has had the ceiling effect, the feeling that nothing is going right and the whole ceiling is falling down around their ears, chicken little has an entire story written about the Sky Is Falling, an no one believed the little guy until the ceiling fell in, the golfer who got struck by lighting, the meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs. So, what has this got to do with the fall of the [EMPIRE]? Yet, another of those Laws of Inevitability, there is always that [1%] that group of individuals who had, have and will always have an itch for power, and why is it that only [1%] power carries that burden, well it's a lot of work but somebody has got to do it, headaches, responsibility, time, and effort, and as the old saying goes one day of fishing, or coping a squat, is worth a lot more than long hours at work, slaving away for the man, taking the better half and kids down to the old fishing hole, or a family outing, has its own value. But, be that as it may those that suffer the affection of a type [A] personality and the lust for power get given what they want by default, as much as anything else, life is short let them work it away while the rest of us enjoy it. But, with power comes the responsibility, not to mismanage things, sort of keep things on an even keel as it were, don't sink the boat, or bring down the house around everyone's ears. But, as the Law of Inevitability works and the sun will rise and set, the [1%] Wall St., Elite of the Plutocracy of Hypocrisy, tried to change the rules concerning one of the Seven Deadly Sins, from Greed is a Sin, to Greed is a virtue and is good! Now, it's not a question as to if they got stupid, they got greedy and that is stupid, and have brought the ceiling down around all our ears.



[Super Greed Effect]



The Super Greed Effect is seen every year at Christmas Time or the Winter Solstice, when Charles Dickens Scrooge is shown, and all Empires suffer the Super Greed Effect and is what brings them down, the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex, up to the [21st] Century the most advance Empire of the World for most of the [20th] Century, started upon the process of taking from the less advantaged Global Citizens of the World thru the [IMF] International Monetary Fund, loans sharks to the World, the World Bank, and of course Wall St., and telling its own citizens that they would get a cut of them thru a trickle down theory, and it turned into a drop here and a drop there,  mostly a down in wages, with more work for the same wage, and thru wage stagnation, and inflation and a decline in the value of their currency, shipping jobs out of country to those who work for less, increasing the unemployment but increasing profits, sending the pipe dreams of a better future, popping, along with all the bubbles in the economic system that were and are bursting, as money and wealth continue to move to the top as cream in a milk churn. But once again the Law of Inevitability catches up to you, you can fool most of the people most of the time but not all the time, telling them you feel their pain is not exactly the same as sharing the pain, the majority will put up with some discomfort but inevitability they start to say enough is enough, and that is when the Law of Inevitability kicks in, and those in power are kicked out, this too not only shall end it must end, and that's how Empires are brought to their end, thru THE LAW OF INEVITABILITY – This Too Shall End!




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