Friday, July 22, 2011




Now, just what is Symbolic Logic, well according to our dictionary it's a method of employing a special notation symbolism capable of manipulation in accordance with precise rules, in other words there is a method to the Emperor of the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRES], cunning logic, and that is nothing is what it seems, let's take the [$USD$] the [EMPIRE$Dollar$] now it was established as the Base Currency in [1944] at Bretton Woods, and at that time the [$USD$], was tied to the Gold Standard, you could redeem a [$USD$] for its value in Gold Bullion, but now you can only exchange one piece of Quantitative Easing [$USD$], for another, and there are a lot of them out there, so many that if they lose [18 Billion $USD$] and can't find them, it's no big thing, and the exchange of one for another that is less than nothing. So, what has this got to do with the price of tea in China, well a lot, the question is the value of the tea to the value of the [$USD$] and that is what is the real value of that [$USD$] what is it based upon, and no one really knows, beyond the Symbolic Logic that it must be valuable since it is the base currency, and that make's it valuable in itself right, well it beats me.


[From 97% to 124% debt by 2015 and Symbolic Logic]


Now, we wrote once before that, the [EMPIRE] debt is estimated by some to be running at about [97%] begging, the larger question will the plan pass muster beyond just coming up with a typically big number saying what it's projected to save. The [EMPIRE] is only [3%] short of being [100%] in debt at [97 %] if you divide the [$12.4-Trillion-USD$] debt by its [GDP] Gross Domestic Product of [$12.7-Trillion-USD$]. And it is certain that a deal to raise the debt ceiling will happen and a meaningful deficit reduction plan of around [$4-Trillion-USD$ trillion], will not happen, and will bring the [EMPIRE] debt too [124%] by [2015]. Well a Harvard man wrote an article saying that isn't right as it's comparing apple's and oranges, now this guy has all this education, so who are we to argue, since he's fighting with other's about the same idea, who have just as much education and brain matter, between their ears and have written books about these produce comparisons. So, we got the basic idea that none of these bright guys even know how to determine what the [$USD$] real value is, what it's based upon beyond it's the base currency and that make's it so, and beyond that if or when the [EMPIRE] is in debt and how much, it's one of those symbolic logic things.


[Symbolic Logic and Monopoly]


Now, we like the board game monopoly, you roll the dice and at the end of the game you hold all the money or you are bankrupt no money, hardcore Capitalism, let's see you landed on Park Place with [5] hotels, and the other guy owned them, ouch! But, you never had a place where if you landed on Park Place, were you could be sent to Uncle Money Bags Sam, and have [QE$USD$], printed up, and pay the rent on Park Place, roll the dice and move on down the line. Now, we think its time to upgrade Monopoly, it only seems fair, just think of it, on the [EMPIRE] monopoly game you would never go bankrupt  with [QE$USD$] to bail you out, but this would not apply to the International Monopoly Game as is now being done in the Global Economy like the[EU] and the  [PIIGS] Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain, in other than the [EMPIRE] game you can go bankrupt because they are not the Base Currency and the [$USD$] will always have value, [QE$USD$] to bail you out based upon Symbolic Logic, get it. Dagong Global Ratings Co., Ltd., The [EU] European German Rating Agency, the [BIG THREE] agencies [S&P 500] Stands & Poor, Moody's and Fitch, specter of a rating downgrade its just [SYMBOLIC], The [UN] United Nations General Assembly to vote of the creation of the Palestinian State just [SYMBOLIC], when the Emperor speaks it is in Symbolic Logic, it's [SYMBOLIC], of just take it as a grain of salt. This Symbolic stuff is great unless your not part of the [EMPIRE].



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