Sunday, February 13, 2011


THE WORLD WIDE REVOLUTION  [They Are As Mad As Hell And are Not Going To Take It Anymore!!]


[Mad As Hell!!]

What really was the message of [911], certainly not the one that was, and is being put out by the controlled media of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex of being the victim, of [3K] Three-thousand of its citizens murdered by crazed Islamic Terrorist, by taking a look at not a revised history but a different view of what the message was that those Islamic Revolutionary Martyrs, where making a statement made at the cost of  their lives. The very same thing which Egypt, Iran, Venezuela, and Okinawa are all saying thru Revolutionary Movements, and that is they will no longer be victims of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, just as the Islamic Revolutionary's of [911] where the products of countries under the thumb of dictators put into place by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and victims of those client states, and they came to the conclusion that Power only understands Power, and the only power they had was the willingness to forfeit their lives rather than continue to be victims of the perpetual system, of World Wide sustained victimization under the guise of Democratic Hypocrisy, Democracy for the very few elite of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex with Controlled Dictatorships for those Regional Spheres which have resources which it covets. The message of [911] was [WE ARE MAD AS HELL AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!].


[The Innocent Victims]


The Innocent Victims of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex are counted by the hundreds of millions, starting with the [3K] Three thousand of [911] citizen victims of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex by victims created by that Complex, they are just the tip of the iceberg, the Open Air Concentration Camp of Gaza, the lost lives of [400] innocent's the smaller ones are harder to hit, T-shirt victims, those who live one minute to the next waiting for the food, medical supplies, water and electric to be cut off, the peoples of Iraq under the military occupation of the foreign troops of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, much as Okinawa, their [Foothold] Far-East, under yet another dictatorship controlled and run by an Emperor, who in turn is run by Japanese elite families who wealth depends upon remaining in favor with the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to the extent that they unlike the very well paid dictators of other regions, in the [$Billions of USD$], have placed a [Sympathy Extortion Tax], upon the entire of the Japanese Peoples, in support of the continued illegal occupation of the Peoples of Okinawa, forced to live under the heal of foreign occupation, even outside of Japanese law, as the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has over [240] Nuclear Weapons on Okinawa, in violation of the Japanese Constitution, but they are only Okinawa's not really Japanese. The list is long growing daily as increasing Regional Spheres geographic resources are being grasps in the long reaching tentacles' the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Democracy of Hypocrisy, and their wars of Economic Stimulation, wealth for controlled elite and poverty and worse for its victims; Cuba's Gitmo, The Black Op Camps of Egypt, the Gaza Open Air Concentration Camp, the Rape Camps of Argentina, the Occupation of Okinawa all just the tip of a very large iceberg. And the Revolutionary Cry is being heard around the Globe [WE ARE MAD AS HELL AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!].


[The Spheres of Global Parity Influence]


No longer are the victims willing to remain victims, they are as [MAD AS HELL AND ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!], it has come time for a new reality, a new World Order of [Spheres of Global Parity of Influence], the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China and The Union of South Africa, are just the beginning, the Cyber Star Children, the [21st] Century at first didn't know what they would do but they have taught of something, an that something is the ending the Status Quo, of no long being victimized by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, based upon Hypocrisy, a Worlds Democracy of Victimization. The Cyber Star Children have taken their destiny into their own hands, and the Spheres of Global Parity of Influence will be the new World Order. The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex view that only they should have [WMD's] Weapons of Mass Destruction as they and they only are responsible enough to be entrusted with them has been seen thru just another means to its own ends, just as dictators who are not really dictators as they too sever their interests. It has come time for Regional Spheres of Influence Nuclear Parity, to end the present arms race which is being run by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to increase its hold on client states and those which it desires to make its client states, but Spheres of Influence with Parity of Power based upon Parity of First Strike Force. The option otherwise will be [WE ARE AS MAD AS HELL AND WE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!] increasing by magnitudes' of ten upon tens, [THEY ARE AS MAD AS HELL AND ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!]



1 comment:

  1. An interesting synthesis of farthest-right & farthest-left delusions.

    SAVINIEN/Paul (either one) '12!


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