Monday, February 14, 2011


IT'S ABOUT THE JOURNEY / THE ODYSSEY! – "Arc of Imperial Nuclear Terror" house cleaning.



[Egypt in the crosshairs]



Egypt is in the crosshairs of history, and in the sights of the Democratic Hypocrisy American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex "Arc of Imperial Nuclear Terror" running from its [Foothold Germany] thru Tunisia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan [The Islamic Crescent], [Lynch Pin] Nationalist China, [Trip-Wire] Republic of Korea, to [Foothold] Okinawa, with its massive use of "Coalition of the willing" client state support. The very forces that seek to control, contain, intimidate thru the brutal force of puppet dictators and Emperors, and unchanging client Democracy's of Hypocrisy. The [Global Spheres of Global Parity of Influence] must stand together the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Democratic Peoples Republic of China, and The Union of South Africa, lending aid and assistance to the Egyptian Peoples, not allowing massive external interference, thru covert subversion of the revolution by the [CIA] Central Intelligence Agency/State Department], or the continued on going open intervention now underway between the [Joint Chiefs of Staff] and the heads of the former Egyptian Armed Forces Leadership, trained at the [School of Terrorism] in Ft. Benning, Georgia, and financially supports to the tune of [$Billion in USD's$] Billion in United States Dollars and its forces of "The Coalition of the willing" client states.



[Dictatorship or Equal Partnership]



The Journey the Odyssey has begun, and history is all about the small steps and the large leaps forward, based upon lessons learned from the past, but with the full knowledge that what is past is past, and the present will determine the course of the future. [The Spheres of Global Parity of Influence] are on the march and must act in an aggressive supporting nature to other [Spheres of Regional Influence] acting as bulwarks, against and hold accountable the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and those client "Coalition of the willing" states, which are seeking to block by any means the Journey the Odyssey, of any an all [Spheres] seeking Freedom of Choice of Religion, Freedom of Choice of Governmental Structure, Control of their own Regional Resources, Establishment of like minded Regional Exclusive Association Memberships to address regional issues, to control their own destiny in the [21st] Century and beyond, without outside interference or control. The Global Revolution has begun and it is a fight between the past and the present for the future, the continued Democracy's of Hypocrisy of the American Israeli Military Industrial Complex government of Washington, [D.C.] District of Clowns, with its economic strangulation by the long reaching tentacles of the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange with its [Tyranny of the Bottom Line], the [CIA/State Department]  spider and web masters of covert subversion, and its heavy handed  [Military/CIA/Mercenary] Coalition of the Willing Client State, repeat with  Black Op Prisons and torture, and its "Arc of Imperial Nuclear Terror" running from [Foothold Germany to Foothold Okinawa], or [The Spheres of Global Parity of Influence], a dictatorship or a community with equal partnership.



[House Cleaning]



The [The Spheres of Global Parity of Influence], can no longer sit idly by and take a wait and see approach, but must become actively involved, the building of the "Arc of Imperial Nuclear Terror" must be countered with their own "Spheres of Nuclear Parity" protective umbrella's of modern missile delivery systems able to penetrate any and all defensive systems presented. They must end the [$USD$] based economic system cutting the tentacles ending the reach and grasp by the [NYSE] upon the economic legs of developing future association membership nations of developing [Spheres of Global Parity of Influence] drowning them in the sea of its Tyranny of the Bottom Line Debt. The Spider Webs of Covert subversion centered in their embassy's must be swept away by the closing of the embassy's of Washington [D.C.s] Democracy's of Hypocrisy and working thru neutral government embassy's if that's what it takes, the hunting down of the Spiders of the [CIA] eliminating them by counter espionage methods, and to work together to stop any actions against any state by the Military Industrial Complex [Military/CIA/Mercenary/Coalition of the Willing Client States], to include the addition of any client state development based upon military support or training development. All this must be support by a Free Press and not a Controlled version of a Free Press, The Russian writer Mikhail Bakunin once said quote; [The people must be told everything.]Unquote, but it is up to the people to read what has been written, digest it, understand it, and then make their own decisions, holding those they placed into the public offices of the people; to act of the people, by the people, and for the people, accountable to fulfill those duties, monitored by its Free Press. In the [Arc of Imperial Nuclear Terror] it is necessary to do house cleaning and revolutions are just house cleaning and putting things back in order.





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