Tuesday, May 25, 2010




[This is a Test]


Now, everyday we try to search the Web to find something that we just feel like writing a comment upon that will make others unhappy about the comment, and we found another jewel, today's comment was made the one and only Media Messiah Imperial President of [The Empire] The Israeli-American Empire, quote This review is aimed at ensuring that we [The MIC Military Industrial Complex of the Empire] have adequate measures in place and to identify areas where adjustments would be appropriate, unquote, this in response to the sinking of a South Korean Warship by a Submarine of the North Korean Navy, an act of war in a war that is still in progress. The question is does anyone really know what this guy is talking about, the [PRK] The Peoples Republic of Korea, North Korea is a Nuclear Armed nation under the umbrella of protection of yet a larger Nuclear Armed Sphere of Influence in the [21st] Century the [PRC] the Peoples Republic of China, Red China, a member of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and Peoples Republic of China, [21st] Century Spheres of Influence, and the country [The Empire] is the most financially in debt too. So, what was this all about, This is a Test and the [PRK] got a slap on the wrist, a Sanction, like the [PRC] didn't sanction the event, and will not comply with any sanctions, to a country within its [SPHERE OF INFLUENCE] and under its umbrella of protection.


[Did You Get The Message?]


Come on give me a break! What is an appropriate response what are adequate measures in the [21st] Century, you have got to be kidding, this is not the Korean Police Action of [1950-1953], this is not [6] Six years after [WWII] World War Two, and forget about duck and cover, there isn't enough ducking and covering to save anyone from a Nuclear Winter. The [PRC] has been sending messages that [The Empire] has no business in its Sphere of Influence, and to begin a phased withdrawal from its Sphere;

* Forcing an [Empire] Spy Plane to land on Chinese Territory. 

* Chasing an [Empire] Spy Ship out of the Sea of China.

* Closing its ports to [Empire] Men of War, and any Battle Groups heading to the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/ Hindu Cush.

* Demanding and having the demands met that the [Empire] stop all military aide to the Nationalist Chinese held up on the [PRC] Island of Taipei, and stop  any further interference between the [PRC] and its breakaway province.

Get real folks, the [PRC] is well aware of any actions or non-actions taking place within it [SPHERE OF INFLUENCE], and to think otherwise is less than critical thinking, and dangerous thinking since the Nuclear Club Door has been kick in.


[Marking Territory]


Where does Japan fit into all this mess, well the answer will be a missile defense system, along with a way to drag the Japanese into a war on the Korean Peninsula, its just that simple, vise just [EMPIRE] troops to ship from the Land of The Rising Sun to that of the Land of the Morning Calm, after the [3rd] Third Nuclear Weapon, since Hiroshima and Nagasaki  goes off on Nago, Okinawa Marine Corp. Base, well the Japanese will be needed to balance the [2M] Two Million Route Chinese Armies backing the [2M] Peoples Republic of Korea Army pouring into the [ROK]. That's if they even get them there before the Peninsula is completely taken by the forces of the [PRC] and Kim Jung ILL will have completed the work started by his father Kim IL Suk giving the [EMPIRE] its worse defeat in the [Empire's] history. So, did you hear again a missile defense system, do we know of yet another missile defense system, the Foothold Europe missile defense system maybe? The fact of the matter [ALL] the [SPHERES OF INFLUENCE] are Marking Their Territory, this is our spot in the sand box and yours is over there, the review should aim at taking our toys out of the [PRC's] spot in the sandbox, and adequate measures in place and taken to identify where any adjustments where possible would be appropriate to make it happen very rapidly.



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