Thursday, May 13, 2010


Now, the Japan Times [], has a poll asking what [PM] Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama should do since his approval ratings have dropped [12%] Twelve percent since he took office, and [42%] Forty-Two percent of Japanese demand the IMMEDIATE REMOVAL of Futenma Air Base and the [Empire's] Foothold Base on Okinawa, It is not a question of if the Foothold Troops of the Far East, who have a military boot on the neck of Japan should be removed from the Land Of the Rising Sun, it is a matter that they must leave. The [PM] Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama of  the [LDP] Liberal Democratic Party, from the [9th] Ninth District of Hokkaido,  was elected by a solid majority of the Japanese electorate on the express promise that Israeli-American Empire [The Empire], troops would be removed from the Japanese Empire.
The New Left-leaning Japanese government took office in September of [2009], representing the New [21st] Century Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [Netcitizens], of Japan and what do they want;
* The reassessing of present alliances/ commitments/ relationship with the American-Israeli Empire in the [21st] Century, with change to the Status Quo, which now exists.
* The ending of all Japanese military involvement in the Wars of Economic Stimulus, Blood for Oil, wars in progress against the Islamic Peoples upon the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush, which has taken place with the removal of Japanese Troops, and the ending Japan's refueling missions within the Indian Ocean of their fleets.
* The ending of the [2006] agreement allowing the [47K] Forty-Seven Thousand, [FOOTHOLD] Troops of Far East Occupation, to remain on Japanese soil, demanding their total removal from Japan, and its occupation of the southern Japanese Island of Okinawa, with the closing of their Marine Corp Air Station Futenma.
* The ending of port calls of any American-Israeli Empire, nuclear-armed warships to Japanese ports, ending hidden past agreements, violating the hallowed anti-nuclear principle of postwar Japan. 
* Calling for a closer relationship with [PRC] People's Republic of China, a member of the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China a member of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and the Peoples Republic of China Sphere of Influence of the [21st] Century [within the Chinese Sphere of Influence.
* Membership within the [ASEAN] Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of [16] nations using a single [ASEAN] trading currency by [2020] within the bloc and [PRC/ASEAN] Sphere of Influence; Australia, Brunei, China, India, Indo-China [Vietnam], Indonesia, Japan, A United Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Paracel Islands, The Philippines, and The Spratly Islands.
It is now time for the Japanese government to make good on its pledge to the Japanese Peoples, Japan must not become another Cuba of [The Empire], were they are unwelcome troops of occupation, upon the sovereign territory of Cuba, it is time for Japan to act on it's pledge!

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