Thursday, April 15, 2010






[No. A5377]


The question that has to be asked is will the warning of Auschwitz prisoner, No. [A5377], Hanna Weiss be listened to by Television Mogul Jerry Bruckheimer, or not, and that warning is that the Holocaust Guilt Trip that both Jerry and the Israeli-American Empire, has reached its limits, and in fact has reached the point of being counter-productive otherwise know as creating a backlash effect, giving rise to increased Anti-Semitism, as long as your getting the blame for something you might as well do it, especially as the Empire has totally lost any moral high ground with its treatment of those Palestrina's live within the Open Air Concentration Camp of Gaza. When you're living in a glass house its best not to throw stones at others. Bruckheimer seems to make it his duty around D-Day, or the [6th] of June each year to include some type of Holocaust connected Television or other venue feature, and Hanna is saying that enough is enough, the Empire is being judged today by its own actions on fellow human beings, and not by actions of a past generation on people long gone, and yes they will be forgotten, to history, as the Israeli-American Empire has, the Open Air Concentration Camp of Gaza, and [400] Four Hundred dead children. It's time for the world and Jerry Bruckheimer in particular to look at the modern day Holocaust but this time it's not the Nazis Auschwitz Concentration Camp, it's the Israeli Open Air Concentration Camp of Gaza.  



[The Yellow Crescent]


The Israeli-American Empire does not want peaceful Coexistence with a guarantee of and full equality and rights which are prerequisites to stable modern democracies, but Apartide / Segregation based upon [ID] Identification Cards, as Jewish or Arab, creating a vague national identity, of Jewish which is undefined, and placing both Arab and Christians under Israeli Arab classification Israeli identity allowing a quasi-legal form of Apartide/Segregation to exist. An [ID] card acting as a Yellow Crescent, reminiscent to Yellow Star of David worn by the Jew's of Europe, this has to end. Jerry Bruckheimer can show a past Holocaust but that is only throwing stones from a glass house without a moral high ground to stand upon.


[Who's On First]  



David Kaufman of (www.Transracial.Net), a Jew, and again what ever that means writes that both Jew's and the definition of Israelis have to be clearly defined, by national boarders and not by race, color, creed, gender, or other standard, but by an established national identity, with equal rights for all. Their should only be one [ID] for all Israeli, period. We have seen the outcome of having separate and unequal societies; it's time the Israeli-American Empire is held to the same standards that it places upon others. We were having a difficult time even trying to understand how the Israeli-American Empire can claim to be a modern democratic society, with no one knowing just what their positions were within the society, its like the Abbott and Costello routine which can be viewed on (www.YouTube.Com),  Who is On First, What is On Second, I Don't Know is on Third, Why is in Left Field, Because is in Center Field, the Pitcher is Tomorrow, the Catcher is Today, and I don't Care is the Short Stop, But Who is On First.



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