Friday, April 23, 2010




Now, these are the Legal positions of the [UN] United Nations, the Oslo Accords, Annapolis Conference, Road Map to Peace Agreements, and the [URJ] Union for Reform Judaism Resolutions, The Community of Nations Sphere's of Influence versus the Israeli-American Empire position.




* Settlements: The on going building and expansion of  Illegal Israeli settlements  in the Occupied Territories based upon natural growth, by Israel must [freeze/halt/ stop] the construction of settlements in the West Bank is neither equal to freezing the Freezing of the Life Blood of that State, nor unreasonable, it is sucking the Life's Blood out of any chance of a reasonable settlement of the Israeli/Palestinian Problem, and is in fact breaking International Law, under the Oslo Accords, which were reaffirmed at the Annapolis Conference, in the ditch and off the road of the roadmap to peace agreements, and in direct violation of  the[URJ] Resolutions of (1978, 1983, 2001, 2004, & 2007), and therefore must be dismantled, for Israel to fulfill their legal commitments under International Law, signed,  pledges and agreements, there is  no future along this path but endless catastrophe, and so it's time to explore the road not taken.


* Sovereignty: Establish a Sovereign Palestinian State, a [2] two-state solution in which an independent Palestinian state would exist alongside Israel, with  each side -- the Israelis and Palestinians – meeting their international obligations to their neighbors the Palestinian Authority, building up its civic institutions, economy and security, a sovereign, self-governing member of the Islamic Crescent Sphere of Influence.




The Empire's position on the [PA] Palestinian Authority is that it is the same as the former Indian Territory of Oklahoma with those nations within its boundaries having the same position as the [PA] Palestinian Authority within the established regions they hold within the State of Israel, and hold the same citizenship position as the Oklahoma Territory and its inhabitants have had, the inhabitants of the [PA] not citizens of the State of Israel, but are wards of the State of Israel. Israel is amenable to and will agree to establish [Interim/Temporary] boarders for a [PA-Reservation/Protectorate/An Oklahoma Territory] within the State of Israel. The [Interim/Temporary] boarders are not meant to in anyway establish another Independent Nation State of the [PA] on the West Bank or any other part upon the Sovereign Territory of the State of Israel and all Jewish settlements within the [PA-Reservation/Protectorate/An Oklahoma Territory], are not on occupied territory, but upon the  Sovereign Territory and State of Israel, and will remain as such, a [PA-Reservation/Protectorate/An Oklahoma Territory] with established [Interim/Temporary] boarders is simply seen as a way to unfreeze the road to clear the misunderstanding of what the [PA] is and what its position is within the State of Israel, a [Reservation/Protectorate/An Oklahoma Territory]. As a Security Issue, if Israel were to withdraw from the  [PA-Reservation/Protectorate/An Oklahoma Territory]  the Shi-ite Persian Republic of Iran would use the vacuum created as it did in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip with Israeli withdrawal, too fill that void of opportunity.



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