Tuesday, April 13, 2010


[Bob Wistrich on Anti-Semitism]

Now, we have said we are reading the various English-Israeli Sites to see what they have too say about what's going on an their views, and we came upon an article written by Raphael Ahren, based upon an interview the boy had with a anti-Semitism scholar named Robert Wistrich, for  (www.Haaretz.Com) now Bob Wistrich believes;

*  Anti-Semitism is always beneath the surface in every civilization and generation.

*  There is no reason why everyone has to love the Jews.

* It is unrealistic to think Anti-Semitism will ever be eradicated / ended.

*  That the worst Holocaust has passed, there maybe another but not to level of those in the past.

Now, we are in complete and total agreement with only [75%] Seventy-Five percent of what old Bob has come to the conclusion about, the first [3] Three of [4] Four points but not the [4th] Fourth.

[The Romans]

Now, we aren't the brightest bulb in the pack and never claimed to be much more than adequate and sometimes not even that, but we do have an inadequate opinion, we sort of figure that the only one's in Jewish History that weren't Anti-Semitic, were the Romans, they were simply Anti-Not-Getting-Their-Way. We sort of figure the only things the Romans expected from anyone was Tax's, Quasi-Loyalty, and Troops, and if they didn't get them they pretty much did something about it, it was a matter of business, if the Jews had paid the tax's, submitted to Roman rule and laws, and provided troops to the Empire, then in time Rome would have fallen with the Jews regaining their freedom, as Britain and other countries had done but they incurred the wrath of Rome who came up with a plan;

* Settle the religious problem Tear Down their Temple.

* Settle the Zealots, put them to the sword or hang them on a cross to set an example, not to challenge the power of Rome.

* The Remainder spread across the Empire, as slaves of the Empire. 

[The Protocols]

Now, the Jew's of the time of the Romans had to come up with a plan to keep the Jewish people a separate and united people during their deportation and exile out of what was then Judea, and today Israeli so they came up with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and they do exist, and they were only meant for a short period of time and that time turned into [2K] Two-Thousand Years. There was a dual effect caused by the Protocols, the [1st] First was they did what those brilliant Elders had designed them to do, keep the Jewish People together as a separate an unique people among the peoples of the Empire, and upon its fall the Empires to come, but at the same time it created a backlash within those communities in which the Jew's lived, [Anti-Semitism], if your not one of us then you must be against us, therefore were against you. The Protocols stopped the Assimilation of the Jew's into others cultures, they were always Jew's first and never part of the culture they were in. Well up until the Nazis Final Solution, most Jew's where pretty much mouthing the Jewish Protocols of [This Time Next Year In Jerusalem], but after the Final Solution, the Jew's figured it out, after every country that came under the Final Solution were more than willing to help the Final Solution along even after the Final Solution, with survivors going back to property they had once owned, and at best being told to get lost, and at times being buried upon their former property, to settle and unsettled matter with a Final Solution. They had [2] Two places to go [New York City] or Jerusalem.

[Defying a Jew]

Bob, never address the on going problem with the Jews, both within and without Israel, who are they, and what do they want, if Bob can't defy who is a Jew how can anyone be Anti-Semitic against them? The Jews that went to America took it over and made it into what is today the Israeli-American Empire, simply know as the Empire, they used the Protocols to their full extent and beyond, [AIPAC/AZC] The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee/American Zionist Council, is the government of that Empire, it has [300] Three-Hundred of [544] Five-Hundred and Forty-Four Federally elected officials of American in their control [55%] Fifty-Five percent, of the government, it controls the lions share the media, within America, it insures that huge appropriations of both military and other aide is provided to Israel, while providing additional funding thru its own membership, to the [IDF] Israeli Defense Force, to grease palms, to build dual-military-civilian structures within the Eternal City of Jerusalem and its first protective ring around the city, with underground bunker connections, without permits, evicting, and deporting Palestinian Residents. At the same time telling [2nd +] Second Generation plus Israelis of the Final Solution, well your not really Jew's, your not Arabs, your Israeli, and what does that mean? One says their a Jewish Brit, another will say their an American of Jewish Heritage, one is a Jew first and a Brit second the other is an American First a person of Jewish Faith second, which can first the chicken or the egg? And, if Bob says that the Protocols are still in effect for those outside of Israel then shouldn't they be given Israeli Citizenship and there citizenship to the countries in which they live revoked? Shouldn't they be required to pay tax's to Israel do military service in the [IDF]? We all understand that the Israeli-American Empire exists how does the rest of the world deal with that [Special Relationship]? Revoke all Jew's citizenship and deport them to the Empire? So on the last point Bob made, that the worst Holocaust has passed, there maybe another but not to the level of those in the past, there are different types of Holocaust, and casting out of those considered now Non-Jews is a new and possibly greater Holocaust is it not?

HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVINIEN                                  

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