Thursday, April 22, 2010






* Based upon the Camp David [2000] agreements, [CNAS] Center for a New American Security Plan, and [March 24th, 2010] White House Confab attendees;


The Imperial Media Messiah President: What do we do?


General Jim Jones: Well group what say you?


Zbigniew Brzezinski: Out lined strategic parameters of a plan, based on [Past areas of agreement].


George Mitchell: Step-by-Step, Bridging Proposals coaxing concessions.


Brent Scowcroft: Yes! A Step-by-Step initiative of Bridging Peace Proposals based upon Past areas of agreement coaxing concessions.


Sandy Berger: Yes! 


Frank Carlucci: Yes!


Robert C. McFarlane: Yes!


Colin Powell: Yes! Can I take it to the [UN] United Nations, Please! PLEASE!!




* Borders; Based upon the plan of [CNAS] Center for a New American Security Plan, Israeli withdrawal from all occupied territories, a return to the pre-Six Day War [1967] borders mandated by the [UN] United Nations, the withdrawal from the Golan Heights, with an interim internationalization of West Bank/Jordan River Valley , patrolled by [UN], international peacekeeping forces, Andrew Exum, has provided a long laundry list of why Israel will have no problem with such a force.


* Incrementalism: OUT


* Jerusalem: Include Jer[usa]lem and security settlements surrounding the Eternal City in the package, making the entire of the Eternal City of Jer[usa]lem, into an open city, under international dominion, a [UN] United Nations protectorate, much as the Vatican City of Rome, a capital city to neither Israeli or Palestinian Governments, the Eternal City to many religions, but Capital City to None.


* Linkage: A direction connection between the Economic War of Stimulus on the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/ Hindu Cush must be established, the individual regional nations must be formed into a Regional Sphere of Influence. By creating a Linkage between the Economic War of Stimulus, and Israeli Palestinians Conflict, the Empire will be seen as no longer having an Unshakable Special Relationship or being an Israeli pillar and cornerstone, its enabler, but fact that the Empire for its own interests, will no longer be seen as the facilitator of Israel, allowing the moving away from the incremental approach of the past to a Regional Sphere of Influence approach.



* Regional Sphere of Influence:  With The Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush Sphere of Influence,  Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Palestinians, Syria, Turkey and other countries in the Region or the Middle East, seeing that the State of Israel is a quasi-State of the Empire, under its control and not in control of that Empire but not representing the interests of the State of Israel within the Peace Process, but interests of the Empire above the interests of the State of Israel.  A Change  allowing the Empire to exercise greater influence with the membership of the Islamic Sphere of Influence membership hopefully producing a Step-by-Step initiative of Bridging Peace Proposals based upon Past areas of agreement coaxing additional concessions from its member nations.


* Right of Return: For Palestinian Refugees.


* Security Arrangements: Meet Israeli Security Issues; this is not a matter of this generation rising up against Israel to destroy Israel, but the Empire working with the regional Sphere of Influence to ensure the continued Peaceful and Prosperous existence of the State of Israel.


* Settlements: The on going building and expansion of  Illegal Israeli settlements  in the Occupied Territories based upon natural growth, by Israel must [freeze/halt/ stop] the construction of settlements in the West Bank is neither equal to freezing the Freezing of the Life Blood of that State, nor unreasonable, it is sucking the Life's Blood out of any chance of a reasonable settlement of the Israeli/Palestinian Problem, and is in fact breaking International Law, under the Oslo Accords, which were reaffirmed at the Annapolis Conference, in the ditch and off the road of the roadmap to peace agreements, and in direct violation of  the[URJ] Resolutions of (1978, 1983, 2001, 2004, & 2007), and therefore must be dismantled, for Israel to fulfill their legal commitments under International Law, signed,  pledges and agreements, there is  no future along this path but endless catastrophe, and so it's time to explore the road not taken.


* Sovereignty: Establish a Sovereign Palestinian State, a [2] two-state solution in which an independent Palestinian state would exist alongside Israel, with  each side -- the Israelis and Palestinians – meeting their international obligations to their neighbors the Palestinian Authority, building up its civic institutions, economy and security, a sovereign, self-governing member of the Islamic Crescent Sphere of Influence. 


* Water Rights:




The Empire to Date has failed to follow through on what it says [70% to 80%] seventy to eighty percent of the time concerning the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict, in fact it has said one thing while doing the complete opposite in its inter-national relationships, serving as an Israeli enabler going along with what Israel wants to do at any given time and reinforces, Israeli self-destructive and shortsighted impulses of it feels good to Israel they can just go ahead and do it. Israeli is part of the Empire a quasi-State of the Empire. The question is, can the Empire continue its war of Economic Stimulus with Islam for decades and generations to come, all reports and evidence suggest otherwise, with Spring [2010 to 2011], seen as one of rapid decline and support for its continuance. Israel and its policies have become the Empires, greatest liability in the Islamic Sphere of Influence, the Empire will continue to support the existence of the State of Israel, one that is in compliance with the [UN] United Nations Mandate,  The Empire, must and  will therefore issue a NEW BLUEPRINT, an official declaration that Middle East Peace Talks will Embraces a peace plan, even if indirect proximity talks between all the regional players, beginning with a Step-by-Step initiative of Bridging Peace Proposals based upon Past areas of specifically addressed agreement's of already agreed upon points of past Mideast Peace Proposals, coaxing additional concessions from Israel dealing with the conflict's core issues, Israelis must acknowledge that just as Israel's right to exist cannot be denied, neither can Palestine's, and both the Israeli and Palestinian people will have to learned to live with it, both Israeli Jew's and Palestinians know that peace in the Middle East is absolutely essential too both the re-election of the Media Messiah Imperial President of the Israel American Empire, and to the Community of Nations both in the short and long term. The time of long-term intermediate agreements, has passed the time of facing and dealing with the tough issues has come, a comprehensive peace agreement will happen but This New Plan will be implemented and signed  with first stages in place [NLT] Not Later Than [May 2012] a period of [6] Six months prior the [2nd] Second term election of [Nov 2012],of the Empires Messiah,  either thru diplomatic method or under International Mandate backed by military intervention a comprehensive solution will be reached, it has a Drop Dead Date, this is not an open ended when ever accomplishment Blueprint, there has been to much overrun on its completion, THIS IS NOT JUST ANOTHER BLUEPRINT.



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