Thursday, April 29, 2010






So, what are the pillars of society and not being a lettered man or a social engineer, and not really interested in being one but only an observer at the ending of life, we have noticed from living in various social environments, that some things seem to be unique to all neighborhood's and would have to apply to the greater social engineering of society,  and those would have to be;


* Common Language: Well it make's it a lot easier in a local neighborhood if you can speak to the other guy, growing up before the growing evolution of the North American Continent, we had [DP's] Displaced Persons from [WWII] World War Two Europe primarily, and the parents would scream at the kids we are in America now, we are American's you Speak American, plus a few ear pulling and open handed smacks to the face, but the message got thru, but it didn't apply to Grandma or Grand-dad. So a common language seems to be a key, the movie Pillow Book is a good movie to demonstrate how important a common language is.



* Common Regional Area with Geographic Boundaries: The boundaries were set in the city by streets generally, but could be divided by factory areas, parks, commercial areas, but generally there had to be a common regional area of safety, if you want a better idea get the movie Warriors, basically a Gang called the Warriors had to fight their way back to their turf Common Regional and Geographic Area, thru others turf. So a common area where you have the advantage of Regional knowledge and supremacy is a must.


* Common Race: Now this is the point when all the liberals get up in your face and call you a racist and that in today's society race has nothing to do with anything, that the Israel-American Empire is going to be a Black-African Heritage based society, the answer to that is well maybe. The Empire is in the process of social engineering the creation of a mix race society, portraying it as the new wave. Now, these things have a way of working themselves out we sort of figure, but we have lived long enough to have seen it ain't gonna work, or the price can be very high.  Fiddler on the Roof was a good example, the old Jew with all the daughters when along with pretty much everything and saw change as well it happens, but when it came to marriage outside the Religion and Social Group, Get Out And Never Darken My Door Again. Try being a Red Headed Whiskey drinking no prospects Catholic Irishman dating a dark haired, dark eyed brain Greek Orthodox, chick you don't see to many My Big Fat Greek Wedding, like that's going to happen.  


* Common Religion: The Jewish Religion has to be the proof of the pudding when it comes to the Common Religion. The Protocols' of the Elders of Zion, a written method of keeping a nation without a Common Regional Area with Geographic Boundaries, and Common Race locations, a people who had decided on a [1] One True God Deist Religion, built an entire dogma, and social engineered group around it, that takes the cake, they did it and are still doing it, and it works.




The Israeli-American Empire only consists of the [2] Two Metropolis City, which really combined is a Mega-Metropolis of [NYC] New York City, and Washington, D. C. [District of Clowns], which have many if not all of the pillars of society Common Language Money and Power, Common Race Green Back Dollar Green, Common Religion Greed, and of course common regional area, plus most are inter-married or at least having intercourse with each other over money or physically, and now they are trying to do social engineering to preserve themselves in power, but this should have been started in [1492] when Columbus decided to sail the oceans blue, well they sort of did the GOLD was in South America, so all the basic's of society a Common Society exist South of the Boarder between Mexico and the Yankee North. But the North American Continent is in a period of Evolution, Secession or Breaking Apart into at least [8] Eight Geo-Political Regional Common Regional Area's with Geographic Boundaries:


* The Republic of Alaska


* America: The Confederate States of America


* America: The United States of America


* The Republic of California


* The Republic of Cascadia: Carved out of Northwestern Washington State, and the Canadian province of British Columbia.


* The Republic of Hawaii


* The Mormon Republic


* The Republic of Texas


* The Republic of Vermont: Carved out of the New York State Adirondacks, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. 


[The Collapse from Within]


The Israeli-American Empire failed to even, begin to build the pillars of society that ensure its being a lasting one.


* A Common Language? NO!


* A Common Religion? NO!


* A Common Race? NO! But, now the social engineering is built upon the idea of having a mixed not Black, not White, non descript racial identity as the North American Race, with a combined racial identity, this idea hasn't work either way it turned into either a White with Black features or a Black that has White features, much like a fashion statement in the [60's] the Jackie Syndrome, in the [21st] Century the Imperial Media Messiah President Syndrome look, but there are many who do not want to live in a mixed race society, and you can see this in any city, some cities are all Black, this goes beyond just Color, the Irish neighborhood, the Italian neighborhood, the Jewish Ghetto, the Korean, Japanese, Little China Town, etc. etc. etc. Love seems to have its own agenda and rules, but it has to be understood it can come at a very high price.


* Common Geographic and Regional Areas; NO! Again people who don't want to be around other groups separate themselves into enclaves which each side knows what and where the boundary lines are, its Apartheid, and all communities and nations have some form of it.


[A Time of Empire Evolution]


The Empire has lost its moral authority, intellectually, financially, militarily having reached the point of being unsustainable, ungovernable, and is unfixable, governed from the Mega-Metropolis of [NYC] New York City, and Washington, D. C. [District of Clowns], by an oligarchy of jaded pros, the permanent inter-married residents locked in the Beltway whose only movement is from Pennsylvania Avenue, when they are in office, to K-Street when they are out and back again. The Empire has begun its decline from both without and within, the Southwest is in rapid Evolution as a Society based upon A Common Language Spanish, A Common Religion Roman Catholicism, and Common Heritage are in fact bring about the creation of what will be at least [1] One if not [2] Two New Republics on the North American Continent; The Republic of California and The Republic of Texas or [1] Large New Republic of what Texifornia. Make no mistake the Evolution is in progress, caused by the weakening of prolonged Wars of Economic Stimulus without maintenance of social structure or inter-structure, an a failure to get its Pillars built first, the New North American Continent will; 


* Evolution into an Afro-American Heritage Society in some regions


* Evolution away from an Afro-American Heritage Society in other regions.


* Evolution into Socialism from Capitalism in regions, while others seek Communism, or other form of economic system.


* Evolution into English, French [Republic of Vermont], and Spanish Speaking Republics [Republic of California/Texas or Texifornia]


* Evolution into Roman Catholic, Mormon, Jewish and other Republics.

No matter what you choose to call it Change, Collapse, Evolution, Secession or Revolution, The PILLARS OF SOCIETY were never put into place, a piece of cloth on a pole, or a piece of paper behind bullet proof glass in a hermetically sealed environment, or long speeches are not substitutes for the Pillars. All Men are NOT created Equal, they were created Different and they choose to be among others who share those individual traits that make them different and unique, the State of Arizona is simply wasting its time, a New Republic in the Southwest in being born carved out the Empires Southwest.



Wednesday, April 28, 2010




Now, many writers are writing as if the present Status Quo is going to remain, and in fact their professional careers seem to be one's of ensuring that the Status Quo remains locked in place, instead of putting it out there and saying we are in uncharted territory, this is what is going on now, this is what is coming up, and there is no safety net, were flying by the seats of our pants;


* The idea of a [W] shaped economic recovery seems to be coming true, first Greece and than Spain, this is not going to be solved by a short term quick fix, just throwing [Euros] at the problem is not going to be the answer, all things are connected, in this case its connected to the Empires War of Economic Stimulus on the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush.


* [NATO] The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is broken, it could not continue to act an offensive arm for the Israel-American Empire, the [Special Relationship Empire] with the [W] shaped economy first up then down but with each downward movement sinking to another lower plateau the {EU] European Union has to face the reality they can no longer afford continued expenditures on the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/ Hindu Cush, The Danes are preparing to leave and the Canadian will be hot on their heels.


* The Empire is locked into [20th] Century Wars of Economic Stimulus, The Empire see's the [Spheres of Influence] as nothing more than [AER's] Areas of Empire Responsibility [Their Providences], as the Russian Federation Sphere of Influence  moves back into Eastern Europe after the Media Messiah Imperial President  and the Empire had through them under the bus.


* The Japanese want the Foothold in the East upon their necks off their necks and the Empire off their soil period, wanting to be part of the Chinese Sphere of Influence, and [ASEAN] Currency System, the question is will the Empire simply pull another Cuba, Sorry we're not leaving, the Empire's Foothold in the Far East far out weights any objections your government may feel.




Is Israel a State of the Israeli-American Empire the controlling State, or is the Special Relationship just now words, one day the Messiah is speaking sweet nothing in the ear of Israel and the next in the ear of the Muslim World, one day there is Linkage the next there is no Linkage, and then the next there is Linkage;


A Taliban militant gets lost and is wandering around the desert looking for water. He finally arrives at a store run by a Jew and asks for water.


The Jewish vendor tells him he doesn't have any water but can gladly sell him a tie. The Taliban begins to curse and yell at the Jewish storeowner. The Jew, unmoved, offers the rude militant an idea: Beyond the hill, there is a restaurant; they can sell you water.


The Taliban keeps cursing and finally leaves toward the hill. An hour later he's back at the tie store. He walks in and tells the merchant: "Your brother tells me I need a tie to get into the restaurant.


Now, there was a Linkage between the [2] Two Jewish Brothers, this is not a racist joke, there is a country song about a son sending a girl down to get some sweet tea who was lost driving down a southern road, his mothers place, and she sent her right back to Me the song goes, which meant she approved, it's what relative's do for each other, but it defines Linkage, and then goes on to say there is no connection between the War of Economic Stimulus and the Israeli vs. [PA] Palestinian Authority Conflict.


And if that's not bad enough Gen. David H. [Betray-Us] Petraeus the butcher of Islam is quoted as saying "Israeli-Palestinian tensions often flare into violence and large-scale armed confrontations. The conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S. favoritism for Israel. Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships with governments and peoples in the AOR and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes in the Arab world." Unquote on the Website (www.TheAtlantic.Com), in an on line article General Petraeus Is Right, by Jeffery Goldberg.




The point is that governments are in fact falling the Danish government, now the economy of Greece and Spain, which are LINKED to the [EU], if the domino theory didn't apply to Southeast Asia immediately it helped to created the Chinese Sphere of Influence, things are inter-connected they are LINKED, and at present the LINKAGE has a downward spiral May to May Hell to Pay, we're flying by the seats of our pants and they seem to be smok-in, say can you sell me a tie, the guy at the restaurant won't let me in to get some water to put out this fire without a tie.




Monday, April 26, 2010




[The Eternal Jew!!]


Now, over the last number of weeks our focus has been upon the rift between the Love Birds with the Unshakable Special Relationship, oh isn't that so sweet, but the history of young stud suitors and lovers of the Cougar Wife of Israel has always been more of the Black Widow relationship. The Vampire Cougar Black Widow has a [5K+] Five Thousand Year old history or [5M] Millenniums, as you please history of burying those who had been suitors, and lovers but never possessors of their desire, sooner or later the young suitor begins to regret the relationship into which they have willing entered, and try to end that bonding thru separation, D-I-V-O-R-C-E, or Murder, but in the end the faces, names, and numbers have simply vanished in time, Jew's can be insulted, and humiliated, but rise up from one type of destructive force after another, like the Phoenix, but never are they vanquished. And, so it is with and will be for the Media Messiah Imperial President of the Israel-American Empire, another smooth talking, corrupt, community, activist thug with no moral value backbone, sort of sounds like Adolf Hitler instead of being from Austria the Messiah is from near South Side Chicago, but this one is only a One-Term Wonder, Media Messiah Imperial President, The Black Widow Vampire Cougar has shown her poisonous fangs, the question is will the suitor once again fool the Cougar until after the November [2012] elections and then cage with the intent of ending the life of the Vampire, the Black Widow Cougar its her choice One-Term and a new lover or become a caged Vampire Black Widow Cougar in the Sun.




Now, in the Roman Catholic Religion, a wife is to submit to her husband in all matters and the Husband is to be a thoughtful, attentive, kind loving husband and father, and anyone who has viewed the move the Quite Man with the Duke John Wayne, knows that in the end their has to be a cold shower of reality and the slap of humility given, and in an article worth reading on Yedioth Ahronoth (www.YNetNews.Com.), written by Yitzhak Benhorin, entitled [President Obama's new face? Just such a Reconciliation/Blackmail seems to have been the [OD] order of the day;


* The [WCOS] White House Chief of Staff and no less than [20] twenty Rabbis to the White House.


* [WHSO] White House Senior Advisor David Axelrod called on the carpet of the [NJDC] National Jewish Democratic Committee.


* [NSA] Empire National Security Advisor called for a lecturing in front of the [WINEP] Washington Institute for Near East Policy.


* [SOS] Empire Secretary of State, Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, to make a commanded presence in front of yet another major Jewish Organization.


* Talking pointed issued [We have a SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP] with Israel and that will not change], with letters of that effect sent by Royal Decree across the Empire to Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, by the much humbled, Media Messiah Imperial President of the Empire, Mae A Coupe, Mae A Coupe, Mea Mae a Coupe!


* The [AIPAC/AZC] the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee/American Zionist Council] controlling the  American Media Messiah Imperial President and Court ensuring its total  commitment to Israel's security and Israel's future, incommensurate with Israeli real regional [Islamic Crescent Sphere of Influence/ [AER] Area of EMPIRE Responsibility], interests, the Linkage between the [2] Two is more in the area of what it is the Israeli-American Empire, the strength, power and deterrence, are equally shared, one draws off the need of the other, did it's E-mail thing at which no one top's praised the administration, and the [Unbreakable Special Relationship].


[Not Even a Tempest in a Tea-Pot]


The Israeli-American Empire controlled media has been told to move on which it has obediently done, when the Messiah orders that this is not a rift, not even a Tempest in a Tea-Pot, that;


* There is no smoke or smoking gun, and no raging political fire, if anything it's the just a smok'in hot Unbreakable Special Relationship. There is not even a mole hill to begin too make a mountain from.


* The only Linkage is that between [2] two closely knit partner's sharking an Unbreakable Special Relationship. Love and Marriage Go Together Like a Horse and Carriage, a [Besherta] Jewish for a Soul Mate, each willing to lay down their life for the other, but with the Vampire Cougar Black Widow the Consort of  Israel has proven to be the Romeo laying down on their swords. 


[Here's a Quarter]


Now, gag me with a spoon, this is sickening sweet, it all really comes down to the Media Messiah Imperial President of the Empire was severely chastised, given a cold shower of political reality, the slap of humility and boot in the backside of obedience, its Love, Honor and OBEY. And that Obey part is just what should now be understood. And by the way here is that Quarter [The Cost of Telephone Call in the Empire] back you gave us and told us to call someone who cared, well now you know just who is the one that better care in fact a roll in your pocket will let us feel it, you know, is that a roll of quarters in your pocket or are you just glad to see us, and you better start petting this Vampire Black Widow Cougar's fur, to prove your loving care and devotion.



Saturday, April 24, 2010




* Linkage: A direction connection between the Economic War of Stimulus on the [Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/ Hindu Cush Sphere of Influence] must be established, the individual regional nations must be formed into a Regional Sphere of Influence. By creating a Linkage between the Economic War of Stimulus, and Israeli Palestinians Conflict, the Empire will be seen as no longer having an Unshakable Special Relationship or being an Israeli pillar and cornerstone, its enabler, but fact that the Empire for its own interests, will no longer be seen as the facilitator of Israel, allowing the moving away from the incremental approach of the past to a Regional Sphere of Influence approach.


* Regional Sphere of Influence:  With The [Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush Sphere of Influence],  Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Palestinians, Syria, Turkey and other countries in the Region or the Middle East, seeing that the State of Israel is a quasi-State of the Empire, under its control and not in control of that Empire but not representing the interests of the State of Israel within the Peace Process, but interests of the Empire above the interests of the State of Israel.  A Change allowing the Empire to exercise greater influence with the membership of the Islamic Sphere of Influence membership hopefully producing a Step-by-Step initiative of Bridging Peace Proposals based upon Past areas of agreement coaxing additional concessions from its member nations.




Now, the Media Messiah Imperial President of the Israeli-American Empire will not use the term [Sphere's of Influence] nor open his eyes to the fact that in the [21st] Century they do exist and are growing in Geo-World Community of Interests, much as Israel will never give in over the Eternal City as its capital, and only its capital. So other terms are invented to replace them instead of the [Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula Sphere of Influence] it is called the [AER] Area of EMPIRE Responsibility, as if it is the Responsibility of the Messiah and the Empire, when in fact what goes on in their [Sphere of Influence] is a matter for their concern, and real scary that in the [21st] Century the Empire considers the [21st] Century Spheres of Influence, [AER's] Areas of Empire Responsibility, but they in fact are quite aware of the actual Linkage's;


* LINKAGE [1] ONE: [Unshakable Special Relationship] where Israel is more than just a strong and special ally, with deep running bonds, but the controlling senior member of the Israeli-American Empire and Israel has a vested interest in a strong pillar and cornerstone in place the [AIPAC/AZC] the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee/American Zionist Council] controlling the  American Media Messiah Imperial President and Court ensuring its total  commitment to Israel's security and Israel's future, incommensurate with Israeli real regional [Islamic Crescent Sphere of Influence/ [AER] Area of EMPIRE Responsibility], interests, the Linkage between the [2] Two is more in the area of what it is the Israeli-American Empire, the strength, power and deterrence, are equally shared, one draws off the need of the other.


LINKAGE [2] TWO:  That Linkage [1] One [Israeli-American Empire], has made the Israeli-American Empire vs. [PA] Palestinian Authority Conflict, fomenting anti-Empire sentiment, due to a perception of shared interests favouritism of the Israeli-American Empire, part of the over-all problem and not part of the Empire War of Economic Stimulus solution, making not just difficult to advance the interests of the Empire;


(1) The Nabucco gas pipeline: which is to be laid through the territories of the Former Soviet Republic of (Georgia), into, Azerbaijan into the strategic Northwest Iranian territory or Shi-ite Persian Iran were currently (4) four- million Kurds are concentrated in Iran, waiting to declare a Kurdish state, and with Russian peacekeepers in place to protect the new formed Kurdish state from Georgian or Iranian aggression, onto Turkey and the Tabriz refinery, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria to connect Europe.


(2) The Central Asian Pipeline: from Turkmenistan which is rich in hydrocarbons and the building of the "Central Asian Pipeline" system transporting (NG) across Afghanistan to the ports of Pakistan, Karachi, and round the globe in (LG) Liquid Gas from, to waiting markets, with a branch line to supply the needs of India.


(3) The Caspian Sea Basin: to supply the Nabucco Pipeline with it's estimated at (7.25 Trn.Cu.Mts.) Seven-two-five trillion cubic meters, yet to be developed underneath the Caspian Sea, along with (1/5th) One-fifth, (20%) Twenty-Percent of the remaining global oil reserves.


But are making those, Geo-national strategic economic security interest impossible to achieve, the stakes are high, and high rollers have to make hard strategic decisions, and by bringing about and resolving the Israeli-American Empire vs. [PA] Palestinian Conflict, with Empire Troops on the line and the [NATO] North American Treaty Organization ready to break if not already broken, a corner could be turned and major tensions in the regional [Islamic Crescent Sphere of Influence/ [AER] Area of EMPIRE Responsibility] lessened;


* The weakening of moderate Islamic regimes within the regional [Islamic Crescent Sphere of Influence/ [AER] Area of EMPIRE Responsibility]


* The Empire toughening of its attitude toward weapons smuggling from Syria to Lebanon.


* Iran's influence with Lebanese Hezbollah and Hamas, along with its Nuclear Issue.


The bottom line is there is trouble in the [Unshakable Special Relationship] marriage, they don't see eye to eye on just how, things are to be done, and just who is running the show, and with as close a relationship that has existed over the period of time it has existed, each could do serious damage to the other, with the whole Empire sinking due to their [LINKAGE], within the regional [Islamic Crescent Sphere of Influence/ [AER] Area of EMPIRE Responsibility]



Friday, April 23, 2010




Now, these are the Legal positions of the [UN] United Nations, the Oslo Accords, Annapolis Conference, Road Map to Peace Agreements, and the [URJ] Union for Reform Judaism Resolutions, The Community of Nations Sphere's of Influence versus the Israeli-American Empire position.




* Settlements: The on going building and expansion of  Illegal Israeli settlements  in the Occupied Territories based upon natural growth, by Israel must [freeze/halt/ stop] the construction of settlements in the West Bank is neither equal to freezing the Freezing of the Life Blood of that State, nor unreasonable, it is sucking the Life's Blood out of any chance of a reasonable settlement of the Israeli/Palestinian Problem, and is in fact breaking International Law, under the Oslo Accords, which were reaffirmed at the Annapolis Conference, in the ditch and off the road of the roadmap to peace agreements, and in direct violation of  the[URJ] Resolutions of (1978, 1983, 2001, 2004, & 2007), and therefore must be dismantled, for Israel to fulfill their legal commitments under International Law, signed,  pledges and agreements, there is  no future along this path but endless catastrophe, and so it's time to explore the road not taken.


* Sovereignty: Establish a Sovereign Palestinian State, a [2] two-state solution in which an independent Palestinian state would exist alongside Israel, with  each side -- the Israelis and Palestinians – meeting their international obligations to their neighbors the Palestinian Authority, building up its civic institutions, economy and security, a sovereign, self-governing member of the Islamic Crescent Sphere of Influence.




The Empire's position on the [PA] Palestinian Authority is that it is the same as the former Indian Territory of Oklahoma with those nations within its boundaries having the same position as the [PA] Palestinian Authority within the established regions they hold within the State of Israel, and hold the same citizenship position as the Oklahoma Territory and its inhabitants have had, the inhabitants of the [PA] not citizens of the State of Israel, but are wards of the State of Israel. Israel is amenable to and will agree to establish [Interim/Temporary] boarders for a [PA-Reservation/Protectorate/An Oklahoma Territory] within the State of Israel. The [Interim/Temporary] boarders are not meant to in anyway establish another Independent Nation State of the [PA] on the West Bank or any other part upon the Sovereign Territory of the State of Israel and all Jewish settlements within the [PA-Reservation/Protectorate/An Oklahoma Territory], are not on occupied territory, but upon the  Sovereign Territory and State of Israel, and will remain as such, a [PA-Reservation/Protectorate/An Oklahoma Territory] with established [Interim/Temporary] boarders is simply seen as a way to unfreeze the road to clear the misunderstanding of what the [PA] is and what its position is within the State of Israel, a [Reservation/Protectorate/An Oklahoma Territory]. As a Security Issue, if Israel were to withdraw from the  [PA-Reservation/Protectorate/An Oklahoma Territory]  the Shi-ite Persian Republic of Iran would use the vacuum created as it did in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip with Israeli withdrawal, too fill that void of opportunity.



Thursday, April 22, 2010






* Based upon the Camp David [2000] agreements, [CNAS] Center for a New American Security Plan, and [March 24th, 2010] White House Confab attendees;


The Imperial Media Messiah President: What do we do?


General Jim Jones: Well group what say you?


Zbigniew Brzezinski: Out lined strategic parameters of a plan, based on [Past areas of agreement].


George Mitchell: Step-by-Step, Bridging Proposals coaxing concessions.


Brent Scowcroft: Yes! A Step-by-Step initiative of Bridging Peace Proposals based upon Past areas of agreement coaxing concessions.


Sandy Berger: Yes! 


Frank Carlucci: Yes!


Robert C. McFarlane: Yes!


Colin Powell: Yes! Can I take it to the [UN] United Nations, Please! PLEASE!!




* Borders; Based upon the plan of [CNAS] Center for a New American Security Plan, Israeli withdrawal from all occupied territories, a return to the pre-Six Day War [1967] borders mandated by the [UN] United Nations, the withdrawal from the Golan Heights, with an interim internationalization of West Bank/Jordan River Valley , patrolled by [UN], international peacekeeping forces, Andrew Exum, has provided a long laundry list of why Israel will have no problem with such a force.


* Incrementalism: OUT


* Jerusalem: Include Jer[usa]lem and security settlements surrounding the Eternal City in the package, making the entire of the Eternal City of Jer[usa]lem, into an open city, under international dominion, a [UN] United Nations protectorate, much as the Vatican City of Rome, a capital city to neither Israeli or Palestinian Governments, the Eternal City to many religions, but Capital City to None.


* Linkage: A direction connection between the Economic War of Stimulus on the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/ Hindu Cush must be established, the individual regional nations must be formed into a Regional Sphere of Influence. By creating a Linkage between the Economic War of Stimulus, and Israeli Palestinians Conflict, the Empire will be seen as no longer having an Unshakable Special Relationship or being an Israeli pillar and cornerstone, its enabler, but fact that the Empire for its own interests, will no longer be seen as the facilitator of Israel, allowing the moving away from the incremental approach of the past to a Regional Sphere of Influence approach.



* Regional Sphere of Influence:  With The Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush Sphere of Influence,  Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Palestinians, Syria, Turkey and other countries in the Region or the Middle East, seeing that the State of Israel is a quasi-State of the Empire, under its control and not in control of that Empire but not representing the interests of the State of Israel within the Peace Process, but interests of the Empire above the interests of the State of Israel.  A Change  allowing the Empire to exercise greater influence with the membership of the Islamic Sphere of Influence membership hopefully producing a Step-by-Step initiative of Bridging Peace Proposals based upon Past areas of agreement coaxing additional concessions from its member nations.


* Right of Return: For Palestinian Refugees.


* Security Arrangements: Meet Israeli Security Issues; this is not a matter of this generation rising up against Israel to destroy Israel, but the Empire working with the regional Sphere of Influence to ensure the continued Peaceful and Prosperous existence of the State of Israel.


* Settlements: The on going building and expansion of  Illegal Israeli settlements  in the Occupied Territories based upon natural growth, by Israel must [freeze/halt/ stop] the construction of settlements in the West Bank is neither equal to freezing the Freezing of the Life Blood of that State, nor unreasonable, it is sucking the Life's Blood out of any chance of a reasonable settlement of the Israeli/Palestinian Problem, and is in fact breaking International Law, under the Oslo Accords, which were reaffirmed at the Annapolis Conference, in the ditch and off the road of the roadmap to peace agreements, and in direct violation of  the[URJ] Resolutions of (1978, 1983, 2001, 2004, & 2007), and therefore must be dismantled, for Israel to fulfill their legal commitments under International Law, signed,  pledges and agreements, there is  no future along this path but endless catastrophe, and so it's time to explore the road not taken.


* Sovereignty: Establish a Sovereign Palestinian State, a [2] two-state solution in which an independent Palestinian state would exist alongside Israel, with  each side -- the Israelis and Palestinians – meeting their international obligations to their neighbors the Palestinian Authority, building up its civic institutions, economy and security, a sovereign, self-governing member of the Islamic Crescent Sphere of Influence. 


* Water Rights:




The Empire to Date has failed to follow through on what it says [70% to 80%] seventy to eighty percent of the time concerning the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict, in fact it has said one thing while doing the complete opposite in its inter-national relationships, serving as an Israeli enabler going along with what Israel wants to do at any given time and reinforces, Israeli self-destructive and shortsighted impulses of it feels good to Israel they can just go ahead and do it. Israeli is part of the Empire a quasi-State of the Empire. The question is, can the Empire continue its war of Economic Stimulus with Islam for decades and generations to come, all reports and evidence suggest otherwise, with Spring [2010 to 2011], seen as one of rapid decline and support for its continuance. Israel and its policies have become the Empires, greatest liability in the Islamic Sphere of Influence, the Empire will continue to support the existence of the State of Israel, one that is in compliance with the [UN] United Nations Mandate,  The Empire, must and  will therefore issue a NEW BLUEPRINT, an official declaration that Middle East Peace Talks will Embraces a peace plan, even if indirect proximity talks between all the regional players, beginning with a Step-by-Step initiative of Bridging Peace Proposals based upon Past areas of specifically addressed agreement's of already agreed upon points of past Mideast Peace Proposals, coaxing additional concessions from Israel dealing with the conflict's core issues, Israelis must acknowledge that just as Israel's right to exist cannot be denied, neither can Palestine's, and both the Israeli and Palestinian people will have to learned to live with it, both Israeli Jew's and Palestinians know that peace in the Middle East is absolutely essential too both the re-election of the Media Messiah Imperial President of the Israel American Empire, and to the Community of Nations both in the short and long term. The time of long-term intermediate agreements, has passed the time of facing and dealing with the tough issues has come, a comprehensive peace agreement will happen but This New Plan will be implemented and signed  with first stages in place [NLT] Not Later Than [May 2012] a period of [6] Six months prior the [2nd] Second term election of [Nov 2012],of the Empires Messiah,  either thru diplomatic method or under International Mandate backed by military intervention a comprehensive solution will be reached, it has a Drop Dead Date, this is not an open ended when ever accomplishment Blueprint, there has been to much overrun on its completion, THIS IS NOT JUST ANOTHER BLUEPRINT.



Wednesday, April 21, 2010




Now, the eastern half of the Israeli-American Empire, the State of Israel, hasn't awoken to the fact that it has become a Geo-Threat to the total Empire, one that the Media Messiah Imperial President of the Empire has set his mind and power of his office to change, either thru inter Empire political methods or by the use of International Military Force, a Mideast Peace Proposal, based upon the[CNAS] Center for a New American Security, plan of [UN] United Nations,  interim internationalization of West Bank/Jordan River Valley , patrolled by [UN], international peacekeeping forces and making the entire of the Eternal City of Jer[usa]lem, into an open city, under international dominion, [NLT] Not Later Than [May 2012] a period of [6] Six months prior the [2nd] Second term election of [Nov 2012] the Tip of the Spear into the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush will comply to the hand of its master as an obedient servant state or the vassal state will be beaten into submission, it will be broken to the will of its master, the facts seem to be pretty much straight forward;


 * The Shi-ite Persian Republic of Iran will in fact become a member of the Nuclear Club, is can not be stopped, but an accommodation must and can be made, the world will be just have [1] One more nation, it's protection is unquestioned, it comes under the protection of [2] Two of the most powerful Spheres of Influence in the new political reality of the [21st] Century, the Sphere of Influence of the Peoples Republic of China the New Empire of the [21st] Century, and Sphere of Influence of the Russian Federation, a growing Geo-Force to be respected, both Nuclear Powers of Equal capabilities to the declining Israeli-American Empire, their interests too be defended with military force if necessary include but not limited to;


(1) The Nabucco gas pipeline: which is to be laid through the territories of the Former Soviet Republic of (Georgia), into, Azerbaijan into the strategic Northwest Iranian territory or Shi-ite Persian Iran were currently (4) four- million Kurds are concentrated in Iran, waiting to declare a Kurdish state, and with Russian peacekeepers in place to protect the new formed Kurdish state from Georgian or Iranian aggression, onto Turkey and the Tabriz refinery, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria to connect Europe.


(2) The Central Asian Pipeline: from Turkmenistan which is rich in hydrocarbons and the building of the "Central Asian Pipeline" system transporting (NG) across Afghanistan to the ports of Pakistan, Karachi, and round the globe in (LG) Liquid Gas from, to waiting markets, with a branch line to supply the needs of India.


(3) The Caspian Sea Basin: to supply the Nabucco Pipeline with it's estimated at (7.25 Trn.Cu.Mts.) Seven-two-five trillion cubic meters, yet to be developed underneath the Caspian Sea, along with (1/5th) One-fifth, (20%) Twenty-Percent of the remaining global oil reserves.




* BEND OR BE BROKEN:  Bend its knee to the will of its Master the Media Messiah Imperial President of the Empire, politically, and withdraw to the [1967] mandated boarders, having shed blood and years of effort to created the New Israel, in vain, while putting itself in mortal danger, without the questionable protection of the Media Messiah Imperial President or any other holding the Empire reins of power.


* FIGHT MILITARILY: Striking out [NOT] on the Shi-ite Persian Republic of Iran, as that would bring down the wrath of the entire Global Community upon Israel, if not cause [WWIII] World War Three, but determine the boarders that Israel really considers as its, driving all inhabitants who are not Jewish off the land, and make it clear that Israel will not submit but will fight to the death to maintain its established existence, but will not go down without a fight.


* FIGHT POLITICALLY: Begin an immediate program to bring down the Media Messiah Imperial President and those within his party or administration that support and are working toward a forced [2] Two State solution date of [May 2012], and proof from those who have in the past stood firm with Israel the [300] Three-hundred that their loyalty is not weak Willie, funding will have to flow to unseat those who even hint of support of the Media Messiah Imperial President, the rubber has hit the road, November [2010] will set the cement of choice for the State of Israel




Sometimes you have bad options, and then you have very bad options, and sometimes the wheel of fate leaves you with no options, the deadline is [May 2012], after [2K] Two-Thousand Years [2] Two Millennium, if you have come this far, do you simply bend a your knees in defeat or to in the kneeling firing position, do you show submission of a slave or strength of a warrior, NEVER AGAIN MASADA??