So, what are the pillars of society and not being a lettered man or a social engineer, and not really interested in being one but only an observer at the ending of life, we have noticed from living in various social environments, that some things seem to be unique to all neighborhood's and would have to apply to the greater social engineering of society, and those would have to be;
* Common Language: Well it make's it a lot easier in a local neighborhood if you can speak to the other guy, growing up before the growing evolution of the North American Continent, we had [DP's] Displaced Persons from [WWII] World War Two Europe primarily, and the parents would scream at the kids we are in America now, we are American's you Speak American, plus a few ear pulling and open handed smacks to the face, but the message got thru, but it didn't apply to Grandma or Grand-dad. So a common language seems to be a key, the movie Pillow Book is a good movie to demonstrate how important a common language is.
* Common Regional Area with Geographic Boundaries: The boundaries were set in the city by streets generally, but could be divided by factory areas, parks, commercial areas, but generally there had to be a common regional area of safety, if you want a better idea get the movie Warriors, basically a Gang called the Warriors had to fight their way back to their turf Common Regional and Geographic Area, thru others turf. So a common area where you have the advantage of Regional knowledge and supremacy is a must.
* Common Race: Now this is the point when all the liberals get up in your face and call you a racist and that in today's society race has nothing to do with anything, that the Israel-American Empire is going to be a Black-African Heritage based society, the answer to that is well maybe. The Empire is in the process of social engineering the creation of a mix race society, portraying it as the new wave. Now, these things have a way of working themselves out we sort of figure, but we have lived long enough to have seen it ain't gonna work, or the price can be very high. Fiddler on the Roof was a good example, the old Jew with all the daughters when along with pretty much everything and saw change as well it happens, but when it came to marriage outside the Religion and Social Group, Get Out And Never Darken My Door Again. Try being a Red Headed Whiskey drinking no prospects Catholic Irishman dating a dark haired, dark eyed brain Greek Orthodox, chick you don't see to many My Big Fat Greek Wedding, like that's going to happen.
* Common Religion: The Jewish Religion has to be the proof of the pudding when it comes to the Common Religion. The Protocols' of the Elders of Zion, a written method of keeping a nation without a Common Regional Area with Geographic Boundaries, and Common Race locations, a people who had decided on a [1] One True God Deist Religion, built an entire dogma, and social engineered group around it, that takes the cake, they did it and are still doing it, and it works.
The Israeli-American Empire only consists of the [2] Two Metropolis City, which really combined is a Mega-Metropolis of [NYC] New York City, and Washington, D. C. [District of Clowns], which have many if not all of the pillars of society Common Language Money and Power, Common Race Green Back Dollar Green, Common Religion Greed, and of course common regional area, plus most are inter-married or at least having intercourse with each other over money or physically, and now they are trying to do social engineering to preserve themselves in power, but this should have been started in [1492] when Columbus decided to sail the oceans blue, well they sort of did the GOLD was in South America, so all the basic's of society a Common Society exist South of the Boarder between Mexico and the Yankee North. But the North American Continent is in a period of Evolution, Secession or Breaking Apart into at least [8] Eight Geo-Political Regional Common Regional Area's with Geographic Boundaries:
* The
* The
* The
* The
* The
* The
* The
[The Collapse from Within]
The Israeli-American Empire failed to even, begin to build the pillars of society that ensure its being a lasting one.
* A Common Language? NO!
* A Common Religion? NO!
* A Common Race? NO! But, now the social engineering is built upon the idea of having a mixed not Black, not White, non descript racial identity as the North American Race, with a combined racial identity, this idea hasn't work either way it turned into either a White with Black features or a Black that has White features, much like a fashion statement in the [60's] the Jackie Syndrome, in the [21st] Century the Imperial Media Messiah President Syndrome look, but there are many who do not want to live in a mixed race society, and you can see this in any city, some cities are all Black, this goes beyond just Color, the Irish neighborhood, the Italian neighborhood, the Jewish Ghetto, the Korean, Japanese, Little China Town, etc. etc. etc. Love seems to have its own agenda and rules, but it has to be understood it can come at a very high price.
* Common Geographic and Regional Areas; NO! Again people who don't want to be around other groups separate themselves into enclaves which each side knows what and where the boundary lines are, its Apartheid, and all communities and nations have some form of it.
[A Time of Empire Evolution]
The Empire has lost its moral authority, intellectually, financially, militarily having reached the point of being unsustainable, ungovernable, and is unfixable, governed from the Mega-Metropolis of [NYC] New York City, and Washington, D. C. [District of Clowns], by an oligarchy of jaded pros, the permanent inter-married residents locked in the Beltway whose only movement is from Pennsylvania Avenue, when they are in office, to K-Street when they are out and back again. The Empire has begun its decline from both without and within, the Southwest is in rapid Evolution as a Society based upon A Common Language Spanish, A Common Religion Roman Catholicism, and Common Heritage are in fact bring about the creation of what will be at least [1] One if not [2] Two New Republics on the North American Continent; The Republic of California and The Republic of Texas or [1] Large New Republic of what Texifornia. Make no mistake the Evolution is in progress, caused by the weakening of prolonged Wars of Economic Stimulus without maintenance of social structure or inter-structure, an a failure to get its Pillars built first, the New North American Continent will;
* Evolution into an Afro-American Heritage Society in some regions
* Evolution away from an Afro-American Heritage Society in other regions.
* Evolution into Socialism from Capitalism in regions, while others seek Communism, or other form of economic system.
* Evolution into English, French [
* Evolution into Roman Catholic, Mormon, Jewish and other Republics.
No matter what you choose to call it Change, Collapse, Evolution, Secession or Revolution, The PILLARS OF SOCIETY were never put into place, a piece of cloth on a pole, or a piece of paper behind bullet proof glass in a hermetically sealed environment, or long speeches are not substitutes for the Pillars. All Men are NOT created Equal, they were created Different and they choose to be among others who share those individual traits that make them different and unique, the State of Arizona is simply wasting its time, a New Republic in the Southwest in being born carved out the Empires Southwest.