Wednesday, August 3, 2011




[The 21st Century Walton Family


Well, we have entered the [21st] Century Walton Family Era, of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [        EMPIRE] and [3] Generations of Walton's are once again living under the same roof, not by choice of course, but as a matter of survival. And, who's roof are they all living under, well of course Grandpa and Grandma Walton's roof, they have Social Security, and Medicare, and are only paying off the annual tax's and are getting a break on them due to their advanced age. The son and his wife, have lost their house due to bankruptcy, and of course are looked down upon by the Senior Walton, who feels the son and daughter-in-law have some how failed and disgraced the family name, and then there is John Boy Walton now twenty, and every time John Boy turns around its John Boy do this and John Boy do that. Well John Boy has begun to ask the questions, When, did we choose to be born wherever we were? And the answer was he didn't get that option. Does the mere accident that we were born where we were automatically demand us too blindly worship everything about that place? And, the answer was No! Does it deny me the right to make a decision for what I feel would be best for my economic well-being instead of slipping into abject poverty? And, the answer was again, No!


[The Downstairs Servants]


So, what have we got going, a now non-nuclear family living under the same roof, and the generation that got them into this very fine mess feeling the Beat Generation and the Hippie Generation Seniors feeling that they are being put upon and that everyone owes them, they have become the upstairs and the rest of the family have become the downstairs, the servants, the upkeep and maintenance staff, cook, bottle washers, maids, and footmen of the house to the Seniors because they now owe them, for putting a roof over their heads, and it seems that John Boy now twenty is at the bottom of the totem pole, and every thing is flowing down hill, and what his future looking like, one long procession of day's, week's, month's, year's, decades of you owe us, for we gave you life, and it is your duty to love, honor and obey with an emphases on the obey. And, now John Boy is asking himself, what about me, who got me into this mess in the first place, with a three in four chance of ever having employment, it wasn't his fault, not his fathers and certainly not his Grandpa, but boy is he getting the brunt of it.


[Fate, Flight, or Fight!]


This has become the increasing reality too all to many families, all pointing the finger of blame inward instead of outward, to those who must be held responsible, it started at the top and remains at the top, not of the family social structure but the governmental failed structure, which took what was to be a locked box Social Security System into which the public were to place money that would be their for them at the latter days of life, but was turned into a slush fund for the government. In the end John Boy is left with a life that he and he only can make a decision concerning Fate, Flight, or Fight to accept his fate to shoulder the weight to two generation upon his shoulders, take Flight run for it, unload a responsibly that should not have been his in the first place, or make a stand, with other of his generation and Fight for their own future. The question is if you were [20] years old what would your choice be?



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