Sunday, September 19, 2010


Footholds and New Treaties, and the Sea of Change


[A German Perspective]


First we would recommend that everyone read the [NATO's New Strategic Concept - A German Perspective: Speech by Minister of State Werner Hoyer at the SWP] on (, it is an eye opening read, the footholds are beginning a rapid slippage, both Foothold Europe and Japan are calling for new treaties, and all reference to building a cage around the Russian Federation, is out of the question to both Footholds, they what an end to the Grand Chessboard Game, and end to the confrontation with the Russian Federation and/or the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China, and they mean now, not some day, at some point down the line, but now. Any treaties signed in the past are in the past and they want new treaties, of international cooperation that are tied to the [UN] United Nations, and other organizations within any area of international confrontation. We hit a nerve when they all began to take a look at the cost of the cage being built and what its effectiveness would really be, none, but is breaking the world's economy, at the cost of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex.


[Who's paying for it?]


The deal is who is going to pay for this cage around the Russian Federation and China, the answer is China, Japan, and those who are taking in American-Israeli Treasury notes, which also means future generations of their citizens not yet born will be carrying the debt of a failed Cage. When the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex wants to get bigger and strengthened it is at dollars that are in decline and with each passing day they becoming worth less, which means more Treasury Notes have to be issued, making the dollar that much more worthless, and puts more debt upon the next generations, who have more of their dollars taken, to pay for that debt, it becomes a vicious circle of lend me more, which creates more debt, an at some point the whole thing comes crashing down. The cage can't be maintained at what ever level it is when it can't be maintained, it can't be strengthened, it can't be held, it can only be abandoned, just as the Romans abandoned Adrian's Wall, in Britain, the [USSR] Union of Soviet Socialist Republics buffer zone of states around its boarders, even in the early United States of America Ft. Kearny had to be abandoned the cost for a period was simply to high to maintain its presence within Native American Tribal areas.


[The Sea of Change]


The fact of the matter is that no nation today is going to pay for its own occupation by the American-Israeli Complex Military Industrial Complex, and treaties are not written in stone they are written on paper and often are not worth the paper that they were either written or signed upon, the Tudors and King Henry VIII signed one after another made promises one after the other for their own gain, does anyone remember the famous [PEACE IN OUR TIME] as uttered by Neil Chamberlain, no of course not its not taught in history classes. The age of FOOTHOLDS, are seen for what they really are Footholds in the sand on the edge of oceans of worlds ever change tide, and that tide has come in, and those Footholds are going to be simply washed away, by the sea of change.



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