Friday, September 17, 2010





[The Military Industrial Complex Creates Poverty]



Now, we have as stated before, been watching the weakening of the Footholds of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, with a great deal of interest, and had been struck by the Cavalier Attitude both the Russian Federation and the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China had been taking towards the prospect that both Footholds were to be strengthened vise being abandoned, and then the brilliance of it all came into focus, what the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is doing was to cause the implosion from within of the State as is described in the Art of War, written by Sun Tzu meaning Master Sun in [544BC], If the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain, which Ronny Ray-Gun used to break the former [USSR] Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which became the modern day state of the Russian Federation. So, what is happening, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is draining the resources of the State to the point of breaking, to the point were [1/7th] One-Seventh of the Citizens of that American-Israeli Empire are now living in poverty, with the prospects of that percentage increasing rather than decreasing.



[The Cost of the Cage]



Look at the monetary facts alone, in the [1980's] the American-Israeli Empire dollar was about on par with the British Pound Sterling on a one-for-one equality, but today, it takes a Dollar and Half to purchase One British Pound Sterling, and a Dollar and a quarter to purchase a Euro, with the Dollar in decline against both currencies, and what does that mean, it means a lot more tax's have to be levied upon the people of the American-Israeli State, it means that money must be diverted to the maintenance of the Footholds at a higher and higher level just to keep them at their current state, and by choosing to strengthen those footholds the cost becomes even more of a drain to the resources of the State, forcing more of its citizens into poverty. The Russian Federation had gone down this road under the Stalin Theory of the maintenance of client boarder state occupation, as a buffer zone against those coming to Russia with the closed fist of war. But today Russia is developing a modern [21st] Twenty-First Century leaner meaner, rapid deployment military force, with pin-point targeting of prospective enemies, limiting the amount of its countries wealth in that pursuit.



[A Wheel Barrel of Dollars]



At what point does a State simply collapse under the weight of such a burden, what is the breaking point, is it [1/6th], [1/5th], or [1/4th] of a states population living in poverty, or is it at a lower level when it simply implodes under the weight of taxation and debt, now there is a question, Germany during [WWI] World War One, simply couldn't afford to fight financially, a wheel barrel of money could only purchase a loaf of bread, at what point does the Dollar take a wheel barrel of that currency to purchase a loaf of bread, at what point does China and Japan simply say we can't handle anymore of your debt. So why should the Russian Bear be concerned about having a cage built to contain it, the cost of building and maintaining let along upgrading and strengthening it will break the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, its State, and people, while enriching the State coffers of the Chinese State, and Japanese Empire. The American Empire is bleeding itself dry, and the cage will simply fall as the Berlin Wall.




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