Thursday, September 30, 2010




[What to comment upon?]


Now for the last few days we haven't really seen anything in the news we have wanted to write about it all seems pretty certain how things are going along, that's badly for the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and its determined effort to complete the Father of Terror, Grand Chessboard Strategy and cage the Peoples Republic of China and the Russian Federation behind its missile wall built around them, and Trident Submarines at their highest patrol levels in their history, an now wanting the Taxpayers of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to shoulder the increased tax burden of building up its Footholds Europe and Japan as the Dollar continues to weaken against all other major world currencies. But we finally began to look at things from the countries that have been under the boot heels of that never ending occupation.


[Okinawa who's real estate is it anyway?]


We were reading the dumb comments made by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex [SOS] Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton concerning the Senkakus Islands [Clinton: Senkakus subject to security pact], which the taxpayers of the Military Industrial Complex are in the complete dark about, but its simply the Hillary believes that they the taxpayers of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex should go to a nuclear war over a small set of islands which are in debate over who's territory it is the Japanese Empire or the Peoples Republic of China, but that being said it came to mind Okinawa who's real estate is it anyway? The real question the people of Japan including its central government included is just who does Okinawa belong to? The way things are looking the [SOS] and her boss in the Oval Office of that Military Industrial Complex think's it not only is the Real Estate of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex it's a State of that Complex, much as Alaska is a detached but still State of the Complex.


[Time to sell Okinawa?]


It really has become that moment in history when the Central Government of Japan, its economic masters, and its tax base too answer the question as to just who does Okinawa belong to, what is the benefit of its remaining the property of a foreign state, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, what are the short term and long term interests of the Japanese Empire and its tax base, and what does such a continued arrangement mean? It appears that all it means at this point in history is a burden upon the Central Government of Japan as each year a new Prime Minister is put into office, and the needs of the Japanese people are made second to the needs of a foreign force of occupation an occupation that no longer serves the interests of the Empire of Japan or its people. So, now if the answer is Okinawa is to remain the sole Foothold property of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex shouldn't Japan just sell it off or give it way to that Complex and wash its hands of it, is there any real benefit to the continued support of someone else's property, with no benefit to the Japanese Empire beyond being a burden to the Japanese economy and its people? The Russians sold Alaska, maybe its time the Japanese sold Okinawa!



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