Sunday, January 30, 2011


DEMOCRACY OF HYPOCRISY – Revolution levels the playing field!



[Hypocrisy of Democracy vs. Democracy of the Streets]



So what has been learned by the Peoples Revolution of Egypt, well that the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex represents the height of Democratic Hypocrisy, and Hypocrisy according to the Random House Webster's College Dictionary are the false profession of desirable or publicly approved qualities, beliefs, or feelings, esp. a pretense of having viruses, moral principles, or religious beliefs that one does not really posses. And, what has this got to do with Egypt, well the American-Israeli Military Complex has for over the past forty years has been up to its old games, taking the talk about the virtues of a Democratic Society, and professing its duty to bring Democracy to the world, well maybe not a real Democratic Reformation but what would pass for one, if the Democratic Government that it did support was in line with what the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex felt it was all well and good, it was a Democratic government with its approval, and if not it was a corrupt Un-Democratic Government. And in Egypt well it was a good Democratic Government even if it some how had a President for Life, who could just get rid of anyone who didn't toe the line as established by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, which paid [$ USD's by the BILLIONS!!!] per year to the President for Life of Egypt, in its citizens Taxpayer [$USD's] to ensure its Democratic Hypocrisy, but it was a beautiful Democracy as far as the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is concerned, well until the Democracy of the Streets arose.   



[The Hypocrisy of Democracy]



Make no mistake it is very much in the interests of Israel, the United States and Europe that Mubarak remains in as President for Life even if the guy is [83] years old, they will prop up the dead body if necessary. Mubarak was their guy, not so much the man of the Egyptian Peoples but the man of the   American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, with all his the so called elected officials being simply well paid Yes men to the President For Life, who in turn is a Yes man to the American Israeli Military Industrial Complex, its all pretty much the system of Hypocrisy of Democracy, all family business, and connections. In the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex the guy at the top is the Yes Person, but with Term Limits, so the Democracy of Hypocrisy, seems less Un-Democratic, vice having a President for Life, the system has everyone else elected for Life. The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has [Yes Persons], its more Democratic allowing women to get graft for life also,. The Military Industrial Complex places plants into each State [Providence] of the underlings, within the government, with [NO TERM LIMITS], in carefully, [GERRYMANDERED DISTRICTS], and it's a slam dunk, the only way they leave the government is feet first, [$50K USD's] in their refrigerators from kick backs, wide stances in men's toilet rooms, getting a little on the side beyond the wife, and the Moral Hypocrisy goes on.



[Leveling the playing field]



Power to the People is growing globally with the aide of the Internet and all the other technical advancement in communications, with global citizens asking questions and finding out answers that don't fit the Democratic World view, they had expected but turns out that it's all a sham, of smoke and mirror Hypocrisy of Democracy. This creating a Global Revolution in the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex with the Tea-Bagger which has yet to be determined if it is a simple tempest in a tea pot, or the hot water heater is about to explode movement, but other global grassroots movements around the globe are turning into Hot Water Heater Explosions, looking to replace the dysfunctional Hypocrisy of Democracy that has been imposed over the last half century by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, with government's that more closely reflects the will of the peoples within their regional [Spheres of Influence]. All at a time when the world is in financial straights counter to the economic interests of the financial institutions [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange, who depend on the security Egypt and other autocratic regimes in other geographical [Spheres of Influence] providing the valuable resources needed to keep the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange globalization scheme afloat backed by the  American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, who in turn own the Yes Persons for life of its Democracy of Hypocrisy Government.   No, [Sphere of Influence] the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China, The Union of South Africa, or what appears to the be the developing [Peoples Democratic Islamic Republic] as right behind Egypt are Algeria, Jordon and Yemen, just a few of which are, all looking to free themselves of governments that the American-Israeli Democracy of Hypocrisy Government and its European puppet allies have all supported for decades, and directly profited from preventing the establishment of [Spheres of Influence] beyond their control, thru autocratic repression under the guise of a free market system controlled by Western Nations under common connection and the control of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, the only political Democracy and redistribution of wealth remains  under their terms and into their pockets. Revolution is a good thing, it levels the playing field.



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