Wednesday, November 24, 2010


THE SUPER DEBTOR NATION- The New First Tier Sphere of Influence [U.N. & BRIC]


The big surprise out of the artillery dual between North and South Korea, was an unexpected one, the rise of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and The Democratic Peoples Republic of China on the world scene. And, what are we talking about, seats on the [UN] United Nation Security Council, placing them not only as the worlds premier, Economic Sphere of Influence but as the world first tier of Geo-political and Geo-Military voting block member of that select seating within the [UN]. What happened was the Hermit Kingdom, the [DPRK] Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea [North Korea], proved beyond any doubt that the [20th] Century Cold War position and mentality of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is not only over rated but ineffectual, bleeding to death in Afghanistan, the Graveyard of Empires, while its modern day [20th] Century version of the old Battle Wagons the Super Carriers are sent to sail around in circles doing nothing more than sailing around in circles, showing just how little threat they really are in the [21st] Century. The fact is that Japan is in decline, its economic engine is on level with the [ROK] The Republic of South Korea, and The American-Israeli Complex has no economic engine, only it's over rated and failing military establishment to back it's over printed currency. So, when the artillery shells started popping in Korea, the Dollar began its clime, as Japanese Yen and Korean Wan began to pour into Wall St., just in case the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex did something stupid such as intervene with some type of military action,  elevating the [BRIC]  into Geo-Economic, Geo-Political, and Geo-Military Sphere of Influence position. There is now a new [21st] Century political reality, it takes more than just a large military and printing massive amounts of currency to be in the top tier of nations of [Spheres of Influence], so welcome once again into the Century of Spheres of Influence and the [BRIC] is the top Sphere.  



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