Monday, November 29, 2010


COLD WAR II or Just another Cold War I day.


Now, one could debate as if this is Cold War II or that the Cold War really never ended at least as far as the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and its continued Wars of Economic Stimulus, operation of its School of Terrorism at Ft. Benning, Georgia generally used to maintain control within South America, its Black Ops. Prisons around the globe, imprisonment of [2M] Two-Million of its own citizens, the largest imprisonment of any government both in number and in percentage of its own population in history, human rights violations by intrusive pat downs [Grouping] by Inspectors [Perverts], in the name of some sort of perverse national security, family members forced to stand-by as other family members are publically humiliated, the refusal to remove over [440+] Four-hundred and forty plus offensive nuclear weapons spread between its two [FOOTHOLD's] The Federal Republic of Germany and Okinawa, the use of military threats to ensure its Geo-Economic hold on both the [ROK] Republic of Korea [South Korea] and Japan, the only economic base left to support its declining World Super Debtor Nation collapse, beyond its printing press economy, by sending an ocean donut cutting Super Carrier to cut circles into the Yellow Sea between the [DPRC] Democratic Peoples Republic of China, and Okinawa, its [FOOTHOLD] militarily and Japan, one of [2] two Economic [FOOTHOLDS] in the Far East the other being the [ROK]. All this as its Trident Submarine Forces runs its Blue and Gold operations, at levels never see in its history, while [START] the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty is dying a slow death, heading for a scrap pile, to quote; Republican Senator from the State of Missouri and vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Christopher Bond; ["I think the treaty just needs to be scrapped,"], and now we have the State Department of [SOS] Secretary of State Hillary Diane-Rodham Clinton having the State Department Corp. acting like James Bond [007's] up to its ears in doing the job of being [007's] having watched to many movies, and not getting a dime more in pay while in fact facing a pay cap for the next two years unless they are not considered civilian employees but military intelligence specialist.


[START Stopped]


Now, [START] stopped even before it got started, it would give the cheating Russians just what they wanted, and their [MIRV's] Multiple Individual Reentry Vehicles, armed with Nuclear War Heads, would give them the advantage,  but in fact it is necessary for the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to spend [€67B/$84B] Six-Seven Billion Euros/Eighty-Four Billion dollars to begin the immediate, modernization, along with the ending to the moratorium on nuclear underground testing at a minimum thereby maintaining technological superiority, with their deployment too the missile cage now being built to encircle [3] three members of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and The Democratic Peoples Republic of China, after all the Russian Federation is once again planning to enter the Western Hemisphere the very [Sphere of Influence] of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, its sacred territory, only this time not only adding once again Cuba as its base of operations but Venezuela and with Brazil a member of the [BRIC] a larger continental land based threat would be faced by the Military Industrial Complex, along with the growing Geo-Political, and Geo-Economic threat that is being posed by this organization soon to be a major voting block within the [UN] United Nations, on the Security Council, [START] stopped before it even got started. 




Well, old Hillary thru out the rule book when it comes to the State Department, under the [UN] Convention on the Privileges and Immunity within the [UN], and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, it's a no-no for diplomats to engage in espionage and undercover activities that is to be done by the various special branches, and was pretty much the way things ran, until now. The idea of plausible deniability of the diplomatic corp. was throw out the window, yes the diplomatic corp. would gather information but not generally as part of its job description, but only as  required or if it fell in their laps, and then it was turned over the [CIA] operatives within the Embassy, to do their thing, make sure it was solid information feeding it back to [CIA] Headquarters in Langley or along with their feed back, under their department, without connection to the separate operations of the State Department to maintain plausible deniability, a department of state representative would then not be sitting across from his counter-part having made unfavorable reports about that person or his family, biting him on the backside, they knew nothing about such matters it would have gone thru the [CIA] and we know those spook [007] types, now the diplomatic corp. will most likely be  getting scripted worded answers within any diplomatic conversation, and private personal conversations, this is off the record, that's not going to happen. All diplomatic are now required to gather intelligence, what is the new job description to include?



* Organizational titles

* Positional titles

* Business Card information

* Types and numbers of telephones [cell, pagers, faxes]

* Any and all methods by which each could be reached too include;

        ** Telephone directories (in compact disc or electronic format if available)

* Internet and Intranet users to include;

        ** Web site identification-URLs Internet name, and e-mail listings, passwords and personal encryption keys.  

* Credit Card account numbers

* Number of frequent flyer miles and their account numbers

*Work schedules* Biographical information; to include any and all medical information not limited just to fingerprints, the body measurements and iris scans.

* Personal Comment about counter parts and members of their government.


And beyond this Hillary has really established a [2nd] a second government, a second Presidency within the present American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, Hillary has her claws pretty much dug into the Department of Defense along now with that of the [CIA] Central Intelligence Department, and the COLD WAR GOES ON.




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