Thursday, November 18, 2010


SUPER DEBTOR NATION – Cat's, Dog's, and Horses


[Can't get out of the hole]


In an article written by ( entitled [Fixing the U.S. economy], by Michael Spence a professor of economics at the Stern School of Business, New York University, and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, basically recognized that the American-Israeli Complex [QE2] Quantitative Easing II, dumping, (€437B/$600B), Four-hundred-thirty-seven Billion Euros / Six-hundred Billion Dollars, in cheap money, as it holds down interest rates to nearly [0%] Zero percent, while, Stephanie Flanders, Economic editor, [BBC] British Broadcasting News, states that quote, [There are fears that if US [The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] rates are kept too low, this could create bubbles in the prices of commodities and stocks, Unquote, as at the same time trying too set a quota on all nations of a [4%] Four percent, [GDP] gross domestic product limit of what it can export, the Empire, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex,  have dug themselves into, are in and will never again be able to achieve the ground level that it once stood upon before digging the hole.


[Don't trust mirrors or crystal balls]


And what has brought about this sad but true state of affairs, Spencer suggests the failure of economists, investment analysts, financial firms and regulators to look in their crystal balls and not see what was coming, well maybe, economics is all about looking in the rear view mirror, and seeing the fall out from past mistakes and than trying not to make the same one's again, while not seeing the new pot holes in the roads due to not paying attention to the warning signs of Danger Ahead, but were not here to rewrite a well written article but to suggest that the reader take the time and read it for themselves, we see it one way, you see it your way and maybe we can meet in the middle on that old Georgia Line. So why are we so sure that [QE-2] is going to fail, the handwriting is on the wall, you simply can't use monopoly money to pay your debts, either it has value or it doesn't, not just a promise on the Empires Dollar that you will get another monopoly Dollar, it has to be backed by a competitive economy, not just by ringing The Russian Federation, and The Peoples Republic of China with a Missile Wall, have unwanted and necessary [FOOTHOLDS OF EMPIRE],  [FOOTHOLD] Europe [German] and [FOOTHOLD] Japan [Okinawa] or engaging in Economic Stimulus Wars, and taxing your citizens just to support an out of control Military Industrial Complex, with a Cold War mentality, in the [21st] Century. And we once again refer you to the Spencer article, it is well written, the Infrastructure of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex was let go after the Eisenhower Administration, and is crumbling, Clinton shipped all the well paying manufacturing jobs along with some not so well paying jobs out of that country with [NAFTA] the North American Free Trade Agreement and now the late night comedian star, in the Oval Chair sitting in its White House wants to ship what is left out with a [FTAAP] Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, along with a large part of its agricultural products driving up food prices, and all this without an Infrastructure or Economic Machine, capable of supporting playing with the Big Boy Spheres of Economic World Influence.


[Cat's, Dog's and Horse's]


Both Spencer and Bond Fund Manger Bill Gross of the money management firm [Pimco] Pacific Investment Management Co, Newport Beach, California, Bill Gross and Spencer both see a new nor or new geo-economic reality,  agree that the paper asset economy had driven stock prices, far above all asset prices, and higher than the economic growth required to justify them, both had, and do see the failure of [QE-2] as a complete misinterpretation of what is going on, a period of tight credit, higher inflation, slower growth, elevated unemployment based upon structural unemployment, [NO INDUSTURY], causing declining tax revenues, while at the same time draining any [QE's] Quantitative Easing Stimulus Packages, creating a bubble in  growth in its budget deficits, leading to excessive debt, currency instability, there is no doubt that the proverbial dead cat bounce, of economics when free fall stops and inventories run out, causing output to pick up, or the so called [V] shaped recovery, sharp down and then sharp back up don't apply, this is just more trying to kick life in a dead horse, the nag is dead, and there isn't enough meat left to feed the dog, hey guys its raining cat's and dog's and stop kick the horse its dead.



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