Friday, April 16, 2010




Now, once again we are commenting upon the English/Israeli-American Empire, State of Israel press, it's a lot more interesting than the controlled press of the West, they themselves think they are suffering from [PTSD] Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and we just think their plain nuts. We were reading an article written by Alex Sinclair for Yedioth Ahronoth (www.YNetNew.Com.). The basic idea is well the Israeli Jew's should listen to the Non-Israeli Jew's, first of all the subject of what and who is a Jew hasn't come up on the docket before the Israeli Supreme Court, which should be just the Supreme Court, because no one has defined the term Israel or Israeli is either, its do up in May some time and that should be a hoot! If and when they get things defined, then there is the problem of those who don't fit the definition, a bunch of guy's with [PTSD] according to Alex trying to pull the cats out of the bag and decide if they are cats, or not, and then what type, and there is an old saying, you put [3] three Jew together and you got a fight, what if [1] one is a Jew, one is [1] Israeli, and [1]one is we haven't decided yet, without a definition of which [1] one is which.


But back to the article, Alex, was commenting on the yet to be determined Jew's [mot juste] a French Term meaning the conversation-clinching one-liner, the standard fall back positions, the Israeli mindset;


* Your Anti-Semitic:  One individual wrote and we quote; it is intellectually indefensible, illogical and morally bankrupt yet, to Israelis, the myth is far more comforting than reality, unquote. If you don't like one person in a group of individuals, you therefore dislike the entire group, and if you don't like what the group is doing then it must be due to the fact you dislike the group, the who you 'are' rather than what you do, the [mot juste].


ADL recommendations include:


  • Political leaders should use the bully pulpit to reject and marginalize anti-Semitism. This includes showing zero tolerance for anti-Semitism in international forums.


  • The US should prioritize combating anti-Semitism as part of its bilateral relations with other countries. Reporting on and combating anti-Semitism should be part of the full array of human rights and democracy programming, funding and public diplomacy efforts.


  • The US must not demur from addressing anti-Semitism with Muslim and Arab leaders. The instruments of US public diplomacy, and President Obama's emissary to the Organization of the Islamic Conference should seek ways to address the issue of anti-Semitism where it is needed most.


  • Provide training and assistance to improve the policing and prosecution of anti-Semitism.


  • Strengthen the fight against anti-Semitism and intolerance at home through effective hate crimes prevention and anti-bias programs and activities.


  • National and local authorities must call attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions what they are – anti-Semitism.


  • Promote enactment of inclusive hate crimes laws.


And, the [ADL] Anti-Defamation League should apply the same bullet points listed to Israel, in its treatment of Palestinians.  


* You don't pay taxed here [Israel]: No but the [TEA] in the Tea-Party movement generally is taken to mean [T] Taxed, [E] Enough, [A] Already, with the help of [AIPAC/AZC] The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee/American Zionist Council, which is the government of the Empire, having [300] Three-Hundred of [544] Five-Hundred and Forty-Four Federally elected officials of American [The Dukes and Duchess of the Imperial Court], in their control [55%] Fifty-Five percent, of the government, within America, it insures that huge appropriations of both military and other aide is provided to the State of Israel, while providing additional funding thru its own membership, to the [IDF] Israeli Defense Force, to grease palms, to build dual-military-civilian structures within the Eternal City of Jerusalem and its first protective ring around the city, with underground bunker connections, without permits, evicting, and deporting Palestinian Residents. So, if Israel really doesn't need the Americans of the Empire's tax dollars feel free to send them back, you need not include interest.


* No Linkage: Everything that happens, is completely and totally unrelated there is no [6] Six degrees of separation, everything operates in its only little universe, in its own little place of time, in a complete and total vacuum, except when it isn't to the benefit of the State of Israel, then there is linkage.


* And The List Goes On: What you naive rose color glass wearing  [Non-Israelis / Non- Jews] Living in your large two-garage home [In Foreclosure], in your ex- cloistered middle-class suburbs, fairytale of human rights and liberalism, All Men are Created Equal, and how's that working out for you? You who should be more worried about your own problems and not sticking your noses into someone else's, and worry more about yourselves, and stop throwing stones from your [In Foreclosure] glass house.  Open your eye's and grow up start seeing things as they really are and not as you think they  should be according to you, we don't see eye to eye and were not going to see eye to eye, get over it, What we Jews see from Israel, you Non-Israeli Jews / Non-Jews can't see period, so just do us a favor and Just Talk To The Hand! And sooner more than later the reply is going to be well in the future just call upon the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate.



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