Wednesday, April 21, 2010




Now, the eastern half of the Israeli-American Empire, the State of Israel, hasn't awoken to the fact that it has become a Geo-Threat to the total Empire, one that the Media Messiah Imperial President of the Empire has set his mind and power of his office to change, either thru inter Empire political methods or by the use of International Military Force, a Mideast Peace Proposal, based upon the[CNAS] Center for a New American Security, plan of [UN] United Nations,  interim internationalization of West Bank/Jordan River Valley , patrolled by [UN], international peacekeeping forces and making the entire of the Eternal City of Jer[usa]lem, into an open city, under international dominion, [NLT] Not Later Than [May 2012] a period of [6] Six months prior the [2nd] Second term election of [Nov 2012] the Tip of the Spear into the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush will comply to the hand of its master as an obedient servant state or the vassal state will be beaten into submission, it will be broken to the will of its master, the facts seem to be pretty much straight forward;


 * The Shi-ite Persian Republic of Iran will in fact become a member of the Nuclear Club, is can not be stopped, but an accommodation must and can be made, the world will be just have [1] One more nation, it's protection is unquestioned, it comes under the protection of [2] Two of the most powerful Spheres of Influence in the new political reality of the [21st] Century, the Sphere of Influence of the Peoples Republic of China the New Empire of the [21st] Century, and Sphere of Influence of the Russian Federation, a growing Geo-Force to be respected, both Nuclear Powers of Equal capabilities to the declining Israeli-American Empire, their interests too be defended with military force if necessary include but not limited to;


(1) The Nabucco gas pipeline: which is to be laid through the territories of the Former Soviet Republic of (Georgia), into, Azerbaijan into the strategic Northwest Iranian territory or Shi-ite Persian Iran were currently (4) four- million Kurds are concentrated in Iran, waiting to declare a Kurdish state, and with Russian peacekeepers in place to protect the new formed Kurdish state from Georgian or Iranian aggression, onto Turkey and the Tabriz refinery, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria to connect Europe.


(2) The Central Asian Pipeline: from Turkmenistan which is rich in hydrocarbons and the building of the "Central Asian Pipeline" system transporting (NG) across Afghanistan to the ports of Pakistan, Karachi, and round the globe in (LG) Liquid Gas from, to waiting markets, with a branch line to supply the needs of India.


(3) The Caspian Sea Basin: to supply the Nabucco Pipeline with it's estimated at (7.25 Trn.Cu.Mts.) Seven-two-five trillion cubic meters, yet to be developed underneath the Caspian Sea, along with (1/5th) One-fifth, (20%) Twenty-Percent of the remaining global oil reserves.




* BEND OR BE BROKEN:  Bend its knee to the will of its Master the Media Messiah Imperial President of the Empire, politically, and withdraw to the [1967] mandated boarders, having shed blood and years of effort to created the New Israel, in vain, while putting itself in mortal danger, without the questionable protection of the Media Messiah Imperial President or any other holding the Empire reins of power.


* FIGHT MILITARILY: Striking out [NOT] on the Shi-ite Persian Republic of Iran, as that would bring down the wrath of the entire Global Community upon Israel, if not cause [WWIII] World War Three, but determine the boarders that Israel really considers as its, driving all inhabitants who are not Jewish off the land, and make it clear that Israel will not submit but will fight to the death to maintain its established existence, but will not go down without a fight.


* FIGHT POLITICALLY: Begin an immediate program to bring down the Media Messiah Imperial President and those within his party or administration that support and are working toward a forced [2] Two State solution date of [May 2012], and proof from those who have in the past stood firm with Israel the [300] Three-hundred that their loyalty is not weak Willie, funding will have to flow to unseat those who even hint of support of the Media Messiah Imperial President, the rubber has hit the road, November [2010] will set the cement of choice for the State of Israel




Sometimes you have bad options, and then you have very bad options, and sometimes the wheel of fate leaves you with no options, the deadline is [May 2012], after [2K] Two-Thousand Years [2] Two Millennium, if you have come this far, do you simply bend a your knees in defeat or to in the kneeling firing position, do you show submission of a slave or strength of a warrior, NEVER AGAIN MASADA??



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