Monday, April 26, 2010




[The Eternal Jew!!]


Now, over the last number of weeks our focus has been upon the rift between the Love Birds with the Unshakable Special Relationship, oh isn't that so sweet, but the history of young stud suitors and lovers of the Cougar Wife of Israel has always been more of the Black Widow relationship. The Vampire Cougar Black Widow has a [5K+] Five Thousand Year old history or [5M] Millenniums, as you please history of burying those who had been suitors, and lovers but never possessors of their desire, sooner or later the young suitor begins to regret the relationship into which they have willing entered, and try to end that bonding thru separation, D-I-V-O-R-C-E, or Murder, but in the end the faces, names, and numbers have simply vanished in time, Jew's can be insulted, and humiliated, but rise up from one type of destructive force after another, like the Phoenix, but never are they vanquished. And, so it is with and will be for the Media Messiah Imperial President of the Israel-American Empire, another smooth talking, corrupt, community, activist thug with no moral value backbone, sort of sounds like Adolf Hitler instead of being from Austria the Messiah is from near South Side Chicago, but this one is only a One-Term Wonder, Media Messiah Imperial President, The Black Widow Vampire Cougar has shown her poisonous fangs, the question is will the suitor once again fool the Cougar until after the November [2012] elections and then cage with the intent of ending the life of the Vampire, the Black Widow Cougar its her choice One-Term and a new lover or become a caged Vampire Black Widow Cougar in the Sun.




Now, in the Roman Catholic Religion, a wife is to submit to her husband in all matters and the Husband is to be a thoughtful, attentive, kind loving husband and father, and anyone who has viewed the move the Quite Man with the Duke John Wayne, knows that in the end their has to be a cold shower of reality and the slap of humility given, and in an article worth reading on Yedioth Ahronoth (www.YNetNews.Com.), written by Yitzhak Benhorin, entitled [President Obama's new face? Just such a Reconciliation/Blackmail seems to have been the [OD] order of the day;


* The [WCOS] White House Chief of Staff and no less than [20] twenty Rabbis to the White House.


* [WHSO] White House Senior Advisor David Axelrod called on the carpet of the [NJDC] National Jewish Democratic Committee.


* [NSA] Empire National Security Advisor called for a lecturing in front of the [WINEP] Washington Institute for Near East Policy.


* [SOS] Empire Secretary of State, Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, to make a commanded presence in front of yet another major Jewish Organization.


* Talking pointed issued [We have a SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP] with Israel and that will not change], with letters of that effect sent by Royal Decree across the Empire to Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, by the much humbled, Media Messiah Imperial President of the Empire, Mae A Coupe, Mae A Coupe, Mea Mae a Coupe!


* The [AIPAC/AZC] the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee/American Zionist Council] controlling the  American Media Messiah Imperial President and Court ensuring its total  commitment to Israel's security and Israel's future, incommensurate with Israeli real regional [Islamic Crescent Sphere of Influence/ [AER] Area of EMPIRE Responsibility], interests, the Linkage between the [2] Two is more in the area of what it is the Israeli-American Empire, the strength, power and deterrence, are equally shared, one draws off the need of the other, did it's E-mail thing at which no one top's praised the administration, and the [Unbreakable Special Relationship].


[Not Even a Tempest in a Tea-Pot]


The Israeli-American Empire controlled media has been told to move on which it has obediently done, when the Messiah orders that this is not a rift, not even a Tempest in a Tea-Pot, that;


* There is no smoke or smoking gun, and no raging political fire, if anything it's the just a smok'in hot Unbreakable Special Relationship. There is not even a mole hill to begin too make a mountain from.


* The only Linkage is that between [2] two closely knit partner's sharking an Unbreakable Special Relationship. Love and Marriage Go Together Like a Horse and Carriage, a [Besherta] Jewish for a Soul Mate, each willing to lay down their life for the other, but with the Vampire Cougar Black Widow the Consort of  Israel has proven to be the Romeo laying down on their swords. 


[Here's a Quarter]


Now, gag me with a spoon, this is sickening sweet, it all really comes down to the Media Messiah Imperial President of the Empire was severely chastised, given a cold shower of political reality, the slap of humility and boot in the backside of obedience, its Love, Honor and OBEY. And that Obey part is just what should now be understood. And by the way here is that Quarter [The Cost of Telephone Call in the Empire] back you gave us and told us to call someone who cared, well now you know just who is the one that better care in fact a roll in your pocket will let us feel it, you know, is that a roll of quarters in your pocket or are you just glad to see us, and you better start petting this Vampire Black Widow Cougar's fur, to prove your loving care and devotion.



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