Thursday, March 25, 2010



[We salute those who are about to die]

Now, in all honesty we are on the side of those who are taking a stand against the Capital Gang, in the Beltway, and have no sympathy, BOO-WOO, not a drop, in Our Humble Opinion, we would completely support either a Coliseum, in which the entire of the Imperial Court would be matched off against each other and we would be in the stands saluting those who are about to die, or having their heads removed by Madame La Guillotine, into the basket and then on to a pike along Pennsylvania Avenue. So what has been happening that the modern day French Style Imperial Court, which has made the Gazette of Monsieur Hercule Triathlon Savinien?

[The Gazette]

* A bullet was shot through the window of one of the court fobs, the fob was not hurt the window has been repaired; the shooter was a bad shot.

* A coffin was found on the lawn of another court jester, it was not up to the standard for the jesters use, it was quickly removed, it was suggested that an urn would be more appropriate.


* Another Imperial Clown received a phone call; you, baby-killing mother---er. ... I hope you bleed out your a--, got cancer and die, you mother---er, the Imperial Clowns Mother leaped up out of his sons bed, and ran to the Church for absolution of the Priest, over having done away with the child of her, and her son, while her son called for a physician to check is backside.


* A man swears at a court goose while wishing for the goose to die, the man tossing [3] Three Coins in the fountain, we will report if and when the wish is granted for us all.


* Somebody also cut a propane line attached to a grill at the home of yet another lamentable court peacocks brother, whose address was mistakenly posted online as being that of the fine feather courtesan, the U. S. Capitol Police were immediately dispatched to check, check the court peacock and brother for Gas but only found Hot Air, a repairman was called to repair the propane line. 


* The court lawmakers called upon media to not be used as a vehicle for political gain, from either the balcony or on the floor of the House, therefore the Media and those culpable colleagues left the balcony or the floor of the House, to continue the fanning of and pouring more and more gasoline on the already dangerous fires of partisan issues, elsewhere.  


* It was announced that any suggestion that a leader in the body of District Clowns, that would incite threats or acts against other members clowns was is akin to saying that they would endanger themselves, their wives, or children, the wives have filed for divorce and the children have been sent to military schools around the Empire.


[Off With Their Heads]


Let's get real for a change, the Israeli-American Empire is in decline, with the Washington, D. C. [District of Clowns] the most detested, hated and despised group of individuals on the face of the Blue Jewel of a Plant upon which [6B] Six-Billion human beings live. The strutting Peacocks within the Beltway are full of themselves, out of touch not only with those they were tasked to govern, but out of thus with the new [21st] Global reality. The Media Messiah Imperial President is not considered as a legal office holder, a LIAR and called a LIAR on the Floor of the House of the People, and the Anti-Christ by Deist. With [8] Eight regions within the Empire calling for Secession and the tearing apart of the Empire, foreign leaders openly question the Messiah's ability to lead in any fashion, with those in his Imperial Court as paid minion of [AIPAC/AZC]: The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee/American Zionist Council, by those it governs and the Global Community of Spheres of Influence, all of  whome make pilgrimages quarterly to their conferences pledging their Loyalty to the [Unshakable Special Relationship with, deep running bonds, Strong as a Rock, one's security resting in the security of the other.] And, then they wonder why the Citizens are calling for the heads of the Aristo's, what should we do with them Citizen, why take them to Madame La Guillotine [OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!].



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