Monday, March 29, 2010


Build Temple Quickly, In Our Time, Or Bring and End Too Us All, In Our Time!


[Think Tanks]


Now, think-tanks were originally designed to think thru problem and come up with possible ending to a problem, based upon all the possible information available, while the other side is doing the exact same thing but neither can read the others minds or are prepared for the unforeseen, [FATE]. But that was changed by the American-Israeli Empire, they start from the conclusion and work backwards, this is what we want to happen now how do we get there, and that is exactly what they are doing today. The object of the exercise is plausible deniability.


[Plausible Deniability]


Reading some of the Empire Think-Tanks, the conclusion that must be reached is it was the Israeli State without our knowledge, or support that was responsible for the pre-emptive Nuclear Attacks against the Shi-ite Persian Republic of Iran's Nuclear Medical Research and other facilities and we denounce and condemn there actions. There Think-Tank scenario suggests that there will only be limited response by the other Sphere-of-Influence, in their own self interests if at all, The State of Israel would be involved in armed combat for a period of time with its Northern Lebanon, and the Empire's Fleets would clear the Straits of Hormuz of minds and all threats to the oil flowing from ports along the oil coasts and of course be in absolute control the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, and the Northwestern Arabian Sea, by Superior Naval Sea Power, and such action was taken only as a last resort, and the Empire would send all assistance necessary in aide and relief, and any security forces necessary to maintain order, as the Republic of Iran re-established it control over the situation.


[Jerusalem in Mix?]


The only question is just all this is going to work, now all the Deist of the [3] Three Torah/Old Testament, religions, believe that the Third-Israeli Temple [MUST] be rebuilt prior to each of their God's, or at least [2] Two, as the Israeli Jews will have their God in a Box, retrieved from some small village in Ethiopia, brought there by the son of David and the Queen of Sheba, but is in the Third Jewish Temple in the Box, behind the Curtain. White we Non-Deist think there all nuts, but to each his own, as long as it doesn't involve us. Now, it's the timing of the rebuilding of the Third Temple, we are beginning to think that the attack upon the Republic of Iran severs a [2nd] Second objective, to provide cover for the destruction of the Dome of the Rock.


[The Noble Sancturary]


The Dome of the Rock, or Haram al-Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary, which contains the Al Aqsa Mosque, and is Islam's third Holiest Site of the Faith of Islam, is going to be replaced by the Third Jewish Temple, and no less than [200] Two-Hundred Sex-Segregated, [Women in the Back of the Bus], Israeli Only Buses, are moving about the city of Jerusalem, with [Build Temple Quickly, In Our Time], plastered on the sides, as Uzi gun carrying, Hard-Core Israeli ultra-nationalist Yisrael Beitenu (Israel is Our Home) party, and Eretz Israel Shelanu (Our Land of Israel), headed by Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpo and Baruch Marzel, member pour into East Jerusalem, and into the settlements surrounding  the city acting as a second security ring beyond that of the present wall that separates Jerusalem from the West Bank. And a strike upon Iran would provide the catalyst for the destruction of the Dome of the Rock and the re-building of the Temple.


[Chicken or The Egg]


The question arises which will come first the Chicken or the Egg, will the catalyst be the Third Jewish Temple or the Pre-Emptive Nuclear Attack upon, the Republic of Iran, or both in injunction. Either way it's going to happen, the Think-Tanks have taught it out, there is plausible deniability, all the part are in place, in Jerusalem, the Settlement Ring of Security, The Inner Ring of Security, and the Fleets of the Empire are in place to take control of oil routes, with additions Empire troops in position to flood the zone. So, when the button is pushed what will it be, one, the other, or both? As a Non-Deist we really hate religion, its going to get us all killed in the end. Build Temple Quickly, In Our Time, more like Bring and End Too Us All, In Our Time!



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