Thursday, May 19, 2011

WISE UP AND WEAPON UP - There is a time and purpose for every season!

WISE UP AND WEAPON UP – There is a time and purpose for every season! 


[The time of peaceful protests has ended] 


The time has come for the [Spheres of Parity] to wise up and begin in earnest realizing the fact that the time of Peaceful Protest and Demonstrations has passed, from Palestine to Okinawa, hand holding and demonstrations only work within systems that have a moral code of ethics, and that moral code does not extend to the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex- the [EMPIRE], the Corporation Plutocracy of Hypocrisy, and its dog to the tail relationship between it and  the Pure Jewish State of Israel, the Ultra Theocratic Democracy of Hypocrisy, or their autocratic minions placed into and maintained in positions of power, their plan is a simply one, just keep talking while they keep pushing forward on world domination, militarily, economically, and politically agenda. The tail of the dog the Pure Jewish State of Israel continues to move step by step to establish a Pure Jewish State, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, the Nile to the Euphrates, made up of only those of Pure Jewish Blood, a state of Pure Theocratic Zionism, not a Democratic State, wagging the dog the American Corporation Plutocracy of Hypocrisy, which is creating a Nuclear Choke Chain Necklace of Pearls running from [Foothold Germany] to [Foothold Okinawa]. The [EMPIRE] no longer can nor should be seen as anything but a threat seeking world domination, by the positioning of forward military installations with advanced military technology in such a way as to extort control by threat of overwhelming military force, [WMD] Weapons of Mass Destruction.




The only protection against not only the Status Quo, which is not really that but a stalling tactic as it continues to undermine the regional security of nation after nation, region after region, is that of building a response system, to neutralize that threat, not a defensive system, a modern day regional [MAD] Mutual Assured Destruction System a tactically offensive system. And for those already engaged in military operations against the [EMPIRE] it is time to do what is necessary to ensure victory at what ever cost, defeat is now more than ever not an option, Osama Bin Laden was a warrior of Islam and Islam is at war with the [EMPIRE] make no mistake about that, his vision that Islam must strike at the heart of the beast was correct, it is a tit-for-tat, for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction thinking, it is what keeps things in a balanced state, the concept that those who would do harm to us must expect that they in turn will not walk away untouched. The [EMPIRE] no longer recognizes the sovereignty of other nation's national boarders, or the regimes, governing the citizens of those regions, but feels it is the world's Omnipotent Imperial Regent Nation. But this concept does not only apply to the ongoing [EMPIRE] Islamic War, but the war being planned against the regional interests of the developing [PARITY SPHERES OF INFLUENCE] and those are the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Democratic Peoples Republic of China, and the Republic of South Africa], this applies at this moment in time directly to three member of those Spheres The Russian Federation, India, and The Democratic Peoples Republic of China, as the Nuclear Choke Chain Necklace of Pearls is to take hold within their regional spheres of influence.




The [PARITY SPHERES OF INFLUENCE] regional association membership systems of government will provide an umbrella of [WMD] protection against the [EMPIRE] solidifying, the regional and territorial integrity, economic growth, political interests, and national sovereignty, of each association member, at all costs to defend against any external forces applied to its regional sphere of influence membership nations by the [EMPIRE], with a no non-sense First Strike Nuclear Tactical Offensive Military System. The [EMPIRE] has brought the world to this point in history, were it has become necessary to take drastic measures to end its War of Economic Stimulus at the expense of those nations that lack the ability to defend their interests. Sometimes you simply have to draw the hard line, to put up fences to make a good neighbor of a bad one, the global community has reached that point, the [EMPIRE] has become that neighbor the one that the neighborhood would rather not have, the community of nations must now deal with that neighborhood bully with drastic measures, the fences must be built of [21st] Century Nuclear First Strike Nuclear Missiles, with warning signs, no trespassing [EMPIRE KEEP OUT], all will be welcomed who come with the open hand of friendship but those who come with the closed fist of war will not set one foot upon its [PARITY SPHERE OF INFLUENCE] association membership soil, it time to bring to and end the [EMPIRE] reign of terror, it's time to wise up and weapon up.  


HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVINIEN                                                  

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