THE PURE JEWISH STATE The Holocaust of non Jewish religious sites
[The Last days of the Dome of the Rock]
Now, the fact of the matter is that the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex the [EMPIRE] is made up of two parts the Pure Jewish Theocratic State, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, the Nile to the Euphrates, made up of only those of Pure Jewish Blood, a state of Pure Theocratic Zionism, and those living in the [EMPIRE], the Plutocracy of Hypocrisy, a form of government where power effectively rests with a small elite segment of society distinguished by wealth. It's the biggest con ever perpetrated upon a people in history, basically controlled by [AIPAC/AZC] the American Israeli Political Action Committee / American Zionist Committee. And they are tide together by an Iron Clad, Unbreakable, union of [SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP], so they are two peas in the same pod, and as such must both be held responsible for the Holocaust of non Jewish religious sites that must be expected with the final solution to the problem of those of non-Jewish Pure Blood within the Pure Jewish State. What do you mean the by the Holocaust upon non Jewish religious sites? The Dome of the Rock as it is widely know a monument of structural architectural style and beauty, will be torn down an replaced by the New Jewish.
[Pure Theocratic State Religions]
This in turn leads to other non Pure Jewish Religious Sites, in a Pure Theocratic Zionism State, as with any other Pure Theocratic State Religion; there can be no room for any other Religion as it undermines the State, this has been thru time immemorial on every continent on the face of the globe, any and all signs of deviance from the Pure True and singularly correct Religion of the State must be eradicated, without exception. This therefore must apply to the Pure Jewish Theocratic Zionist State. So, let's put this in to words that everyone can understate, once the Jewish State has been established [ALL] non Jewish Religious Sites must be done away with within that State, this applies across the board, regardless of the religion. Otherwise the State risks its Purity, power, control, and authority. You are no longer talking about a non Secular State, basically a State without a singular State Religious Structure, but a Theocratic State that controls its citizens based upon after life punishment for crimes against that state after death, a State that in fact controls thru after death pain and suffering, for not being a Theocratic State Citizen, the State is the Religion, the Religion is the State, and the Citizens are its Subjects.
[The Worst of both worlds]
The Pure Jewish Theocratic State is becoming a reality under the protection of the [EMPIRE] via the Unbreakable, Iron Clad, Union of [SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP], controlled by [AIPAC/AZC] the American Israeli Political Action Committee / American Zionist Committee, it can not be touched, controlled or stopped, and either they act in support of each other or they both fall together, which means they must act with concern to all matters in a unified way, one supporting the other, one must back the acts of the other and both must be held to account as a singular unit. The Religion of Profit is tied to a