Friday, December 17, 2010


SUN TZU VS WALZER & RAMSEY- Humanist vs Natural Law warfare justification



[Justification of wars of economic stimulus]



Now we just got thru reading an article by Stephen L. Carter who is the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law at Yale [The Skull and Bones Society School], where he has taught since [1982]. His seven nonfiction books include God's Name in Vain: The Wrongs. His first novel, The Emperor of Ocean Park (2002), spent [11] weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. His twelfth book, The Violence of Peace: America's Wars in the Age of Obama, will be published by Beast Books in January [2011], entitled Obama's Overview of Afghanistan War Fails to Specify Goals at (www.TheDailyBeast.Com). A very well written article with a long list of questions, as one would expect from a teacher, based upon the Roman Catholic Religion justification for warfare of Natural Law, by philosopher Michael Walzer and theologian Paul Ramsey, as to what gives cover for a state to wage war, as a justification for the terrible cost in lost of lives, and treasure, to create the idea that it is a necessary war. Now, we ourselves adhere more to the Buddhist Humanist philosophical theory of Sun Tzu and the Art of War, that when Empires [The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] are taken into wars of Economic Stimulus by inadequate leaders lacking in the art of ruling, leadership, and in the responsible use of State Power, it no longer can be considered as being anything less than a terrorist state [The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] fits that description to a [T]. And no one knew better than President Dwight David Eisenhower, who in "The Chance for Peace" [1953] wrote, [No nation's security and well-being can be lastingly achieved in isolation but only in effective cooperation with fellow-nations."] and we choose to interpret that to mean no one nation can take upon itself the sole power too determine what is and what is not a Justification for War, The same President that warned of the coming of the Military Industrial Complex, which ever since its rise has been engaged in Wars of Economic Stimulus based upon ever New Incidents of Justification. 



[Of bee's and scorpions]


In the Tso Chuan, Chen Hao wrote ["If bee's and scorpions carry poison, how much more will a hostile state! Even a puny opponent, than, should not be treated with contempt."] This is the ultimate Achilles' heel, of the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex], leading to a war of stalemate on the Korean Peninsula, which is now showing signs of once again becoming a hot war, the Quagmire and defeat in Vietnam, the on going War of Terror, running from Africa to the Far-East. Professor Carter wrote a very good article with many questions that will not be answered by any member of, or part of the whole  of the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] as any answer could be given that would justify its costs. When will the Empire walk away and declare victory from the [AF-PAK] Afghanistan-Pakistan Quagmire, the War On Terror, with its [911] Incident of Justification, well that maybe sooner more than later, as the [FOOTHOLD] Far-East Okinawa weakens, the threat from South America increases, it's control over Israel weakens, as more fires that need to be addressed begin to blaze than it has the means to put out, by itself without that effective cooperation with fellow nations that Ike, spoke of. Is the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] prepared to lose several of its major cities along the West Coast over a renewed War on the Korean Peninsula, having Anti-Yankee nations of South America with offensive nuclear weapons, a war of Liberation by the peoples of Okinawa establishing the [DPRO] Democratic Peoples Republic of Okinawa tearing away its industrial base [Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea in the process] or if Israel attacks the Shiite Persian Republic of Iran? The Bee's are buzzing while the scorpions are gathering the question that Professor Carter may have to consider is how many Wars of Economic Stimulation can one Empire afford, and handle at one time, against increasingly growing [Spheres of Geographic Powers], who reject the concept of the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] Global Democracy, one size fits all. We encourage the reader to read the Professor article it is a very well written one, look at his questions and answer them to your own satisfaction.



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