Thursday, December 30, 2010


COLD WAR STAND DOWN TIME- Or face an automated Nuclear Winter.


[World Class [21st] Century Naval Power]

The stated mission of the Chinese armed forces is not only to be prepared to fight wars, but also to deter or prevent their outbreak, prompt response to any threats within the  changing political winds and landscape, of the [21st] Century, and is therefore,  committing China to the investment into the development of [ASBM] Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Systems to be deployed upon, vessels that would establish its military [Sphere of Influence] with a [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China, Carrier Group to include support craft such as it's advanced Type [051C] destroyers, which are fitted with cutting-edge air defense missile systems, and backed up by both Fast Attack and Boomer Submarines one area in which China has made the greatest advances part of what is now the largest fleet of naval vessels in Asia having deployed at least one of a new type of nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarine called the Jin class which gives China's navy a credible second-strike nuclear capability; its missiles have a range of [6436] Kilometers. In October [2006], one of [63]  Chinese Song-class diesel-powered attack submarine not only shadowed the forward based [USS Kitty Hawk] aircraft carrier know as the [Shitty Kitty] and its Battle Group, but penetrated, carrier  battle group and surfaced undetected [6.436] Kilometers from the [USS Kitty Hawk]. The goal is to established military dormancy within its own Asian Sphere of Influence,  pushing past the islands that ring China's coasts, into The South China Sea [Hainan],  Fujian [ The Straight of Taiwan], Jiangsu [Shanghai], Zhejiang [Nanjing], The Yellow Sea [Dalian or Qinghai], the Sea of Japan [Rajin [ROK] Republic of Korea]. Then pushing past these islands that ring China's coastal water and the its regional [Sphere of Global Influence], with one Carrier Task Group on constant global tour, to assert it role within it's Costal Waters but upon the Global High Sea with a [21st] Century Blue Water Navy, and member of the [BRIC] Brazil, Russian Federation, India, and [PDRC], Spheres of Influence of the [21st] Century.


 [Air Superiority in the [21st] Century]


The [PDRC] is has also committed  itself to the investment into the development of a [21st] Century air force capable of a unique combination of offensive and defensive operations, establishing air superiority within its [Sphere of Influence] starting with [BRIC] member [R] Russian Federation, manufactured Salyut and Chernyshev factories jet engines, the [ISRAELI]  developed [J-10]  and [FC-1] Attack Fighter, [Su-35] fighter, [J-11B] Interceptors, [H6K – JH7K] Carrier based aircraft, the Carrier based [Z-9]  helicopters the workhorses for the Chinese Naval Expeditionary of the [21st] Century, providing easier operations between a new fleet of replenishment ships, with anti-submarine surface to sub-surface ability, while providing the Peoples Army with Air Calvary Units support capabilities, for the first of many [21st] Century Chinese aircraft carriers now in production. Along with [IL-476] military transport aircraft, with heavy lift capacity of [40+] Kilo Tons capacity payload, providing long range potential by the [IL-478] air refueling tanker.


[Cutting edge Ballistic Missile Technology]


The gifted scientist of China's cutting edge ballistic missile technology Qian Xuesen, provided along with so many other gifted scientist of the [PDRC] has given the [PRRC] both a nuclear and conventional striking power made it better than world class, impressing all those in other nations working in the field. On [Jan. 11, 2007], a Chinese missile traveling at more than [6.436] Kilo-meters per second hit a satellite in orbit with [1M] with a one meter square area.  China within the last few years has placed into orbit [11] eleven Yaogan military-only satellites to track targets for its unmatched [21st] Century capabilities. China's has topped all other nations having developed the only know effective [ASBM] Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile, an [aircraft-carrier killer weapon] using the short range [DF-21], transforming it into the [Dong Feng 21D]  with the ability as a ship takes evasive maneuvers upon its detection by satellite to make in flight corrective actions allowing it to seek out and destroy its intended target;


China Closer on 'Carrier Killer' Missile


December 28, 2010

Associated Press

BEIJING -- China is moving closer to deploying a ballistic missile designed to sink an aircraft carrier, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Command said in newspaper interview published Tuesday.

Adm. Robert Willard told Japan's Asahi Shimbun newspaper that he believed the Chinese anti-ship ballistic missile program had achieved "initial operational capability," meaning that a workable design had been settled on and was being further developed.

Known among defense analysts as a "carrier killer," the Dong Feng 21D missile would be a game-changer in the Asian security environment, where U.S. Navy aircraft carrier battle groups have ruled the waves since the end of World War II.

The DF 21D's uniqueness is in its ability to hit a powerfully defended moving target with pinpoint precision -- a capability U.S. naval planners are scrambling to deal with.

The system's component parts have likely been designed and tested, but U.S. sources have not detected an over-water test to see how well it can target a moving ship, Willard said.

Years of tests are probably still needed before the missile can be fully deployed, he said. The system requires state-of-the-art guidance systems, and some experts believe it will take China a decade or so to field a reliable threat.

The missile is considered a key component of China's strategy of denying U.S. planes and ships access to waters off its coast. The strategy includes overlapping layers of air defense systems, naval assets such as submarines, and advanced ballistic missile systems -- all woven together with a network of satellites.

At its most capable, the DF 21D could be launched from land with enough accuracy to penetrate the defenses of even the most advanced moving aircraft carrier at a distance of more than 900 miles (1,500 kilometers).

That could seriously weaken Washington's ability to intervene in any potential conflict over Taiwan or North Korea, as well as deny U.S. ships safe access to international waters near China's 11,200-mile-long coastline.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu on Tuesday referred questions about Willard's comments to military departments, but reiterated China's insistence that its expanding military threatens no one.


"I can say that China pursues a defensive national policy. ... We pose no threat to other countries. We will always be a force in safeguarding regional peace and stability," Jiang told reporters at a regularly scheduled news conference.

While China's Defense Ministry never comments on new weapons before they become operational, the DF 21D -- which would travel at 10 times the speed of sound and carry conventional payloads -- has been much discussed by military buffs online.

and yet the [PDRC] has not forgotten its duty in missile defense investing in the [S-400] air defense system, cutting edge technology. All made possible by just one of;


[Obama's seven headaches]



Special to The Japan Times

* China's new Tianhe-1A (Milky Way) supercomputer, capable of performing more than 2.5 petaflops (a petaflop is 1,000 trillion calculations a second), or almost 50 percent as fast as its closed U.S. rival, is symbolic of the advances that China is making in science and technology, leaving America trailing. *


[BRIC] as [21st] Century Military [Spheres of Influence]


The message is a clear one with the [C] of the [BRIC] just representing one member of the [21st] Century Spheres of Influence, that they do not like the game of militarism, but that does not mean that they can't play the game. If just one Chinese Song-class diesel-powered attack submarine can penetrate a protective forward based Aircraft Carrier Battle Group undetected within [6.436] Kilometers what city along any coast line would be safe from pre-emptive attack from unprotected international waters of millions of square kilometers on any given day, what Carrier Battle Group and carrier would be safe from Aircraft-Carrier Killer, [ASBM] Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Systems? The question to the only country in the world that seeks to continue Super-Power dominion upon the nations of the world, thru continued Cold-War tactics, if it is worth a Nuclear Winter as automated systems as shown in the movie [War Games] begin to take over the Game, or is it better to stand down, and work within the new [21st] Century Spheres of Influence non Cold War, peaceful social order?




VENEZUELA A [BRIC] SUB-MEMBER– In need of support  

World War [III]  is now in progress and it is the entire Community of Nations versus The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, and the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and the Peoples Democratic Republic of China. Their War is directed directly at the [BRIC], of which Venezuela is a sub-member nation thru the [UNASUR] Union of South American Nations, made up of three member communities, [CAN-Mercosur- and other State Members], as are the other [BRIC] Sphere of Influence members nations are made up of sub-community member nations.          

Andean Community of Nations (CAN):  Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru.

Members of Mercosur: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay.

Other member States: Chile, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela.


All senior [BRIC] member nations [MUST!!!] develop [WMD] Weapons of Mass Destruction under a [MAD] Mutual Assured Destruction policy, an Atomic, Biological, and Chemical parity, combined with delivery systems, and join together under a mutual defense agreement to provide support to the other.  Without a Nuclear Weapons Shield, the [B] Brazil [BRIC] in close geographic location to the Western Hemisphere School of Terrorism located in Ft. Benning, Georgia will have a long hard fight, but one that can be taken to the mainland of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex in the [21st] Century as opposed to past eras. The [BRIC] must support each support its member nations within the [BRIC] Spheres of Influence, in this war of Tyranny of the Bottom Line, and the [B] Brazil members of the [BRIC] will need all the support they can get from its [BRIC] partner [Sphere of [21st] Century] Influence, and if each is not within a mutual defense pact will be [Contained-Caged-Walled In] or come under Terrorists trained in the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex.



Tuesday, December 28, 2010


WHAT'S NEXT- Your guess as good as any!


Now some people are into reading their horoscopes [I AM] there a hoot, some look to others for their insight into the future, crystal balls, taro cards, I-Chang, and fortune telling, and the [So Called] weaker sex They Who Must Be Obeyed, has always been looked too in these pursuits, and their have been some of the [Strong Sex] muscle between the ears, that have been said to have the gift if one could consider it a gift, and we are not one of them, if we were, well lets say being a rich fat cat would be the first goal to set using advance knowledge, not saying that having nothing to lose doesn't have its up side, what more can they take. So, what do we have to work with in seeing into the future a guess as good anyone else, combined with the knowledge of past and present events having set into motion events that may or may not be effected by equal and opposite events having been set into motion from other directions, or you could just say What Will Be Will Be the future is not ours to see, just watch the roll of them bones [dice] and see how it all plays out, nothing is certain, its all a crap shoot. But, it doesn't mean we still don't like taking a stab at it.


[The Military Industrial Complex]


Bob Gates is having to leave the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex position as the [SOD] Secretary of Defense, it will all be very polite and all but the boy said some things to some very wrong people to say them to, that you just can't keep on spending [53%] Fifty-Three percent of the tax revenues collected, upon the Military Industrial Complex without breaking the economy. Well that went over like a lead balloon, the groups getting the money for toys the military of the world really don't need, except to show the other side that mine is bigger than yours, didn't see things that way. And then Bob said the military had to be cut, that was an end of game comment, you can cut social security, government pensions, have a jobless recovery, let the infrastructure fall apart, and educational systems fail, but don't you dare say were going to cut up the sacred cow!!! And, besides they have been, are, and will continue to get away with it, with the world spending [178 X 6B], One-Hundred-Seventy-Eight Euros for each living human being upon the planet over six billion, why shouldn't things keep going the way they are. So old Bob Gates is on his last tour as the Secretary of Defense of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, next stop China which will be very polite and understand whatever Bob say's doesn't mean a thing as the new kid in town will say what the Military Industrial Complex bid him say at any given moment.  


[Containing and Tearing the [BRIC] apart]


So what is the goal of the next [SOD] well its to aid in the containing and tearing apart of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, [PDRC] and Peoples Democratic Republic of China, [Sphere of Influence] the world's [21st] Century revolutionary challenge to the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex along with interfering into the Dr. Westwelle peace-nik politics of Germany, backing German politicians who want to keep Nuclear Weapon's and American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex troops in Europe, some in Germany and some in Eastern Europe along with missile defense systems, while keeping German Troops in the [AF-PAK] Afghanistan- Pakistan WAR, while ending the [Chimany] economic development cooperation between Germany and China the [C] of the [BRIC], assuring the hold on [FOOTHOLD] Germany. Then its on to dealing with the [B] of the [BRIC], the stepping up of political interference in Brazil as the present President of Brazil completes his term in office, it is time to strike while the iron is hot, using the graduates from the School of Terrorism, in Ft. Benning, Georgia, to pound that Non-Nuclear [BRIC] member into dust. That leaves the [RIC] Nuclear member's of the [BRIC], the biggest problem of that being the [Okinawa] problem and Japanese Law's concerning Nuclear Weapons upon Japanese soil which they just ignore, and its peace-nik constitution which with the Korean Peninsula flare up combined with run in's  with the [C] of the [BRIC] and Japan over old island issues, allows the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to solidify its hold and commence the militarization of the Japanese Empire maintaining and solidifying its hold on [FOOTHOLD] Okinawa. That leaves the [RI] of the [BRIC] which is to be held/contained/caged/walled in with the [C] China of the [BRIC], behind the Nuclear Wall running from Foothold Germany to Eastern Europe, thru Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, and into Okinawa.


[The End Game]


The End Game for the next year to years is to hold the line for the present and then push forward in the following year's one at a time to preserve the status quo, while moving forward on one size fits all American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Democracy, of course with it being the Super Democracy. So the next [SOD] of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has their work cut out for them. And this is all just a guess and one that is just as good any anyone else, it's like your backside everyone has one, and just think we haven't even addressed what the other guy is thinking, I think I'll just check my horoscope we need a good laugh.



Sunday, December 26, 2010


COLD WAR STAND DOWN TIME- Or face an automated Nuclear Winter.


[World Class [21st] Century Naval Power]

The stated mission of the Chinese armed forces is not only to be prepared to fight wars, but also to deter or prevent their outbreak, prompt response to any threats within the  changing political winds and landscape, of the [21st] Century, and is therefore,  committing China to the investment into the development of [ASBM] Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Systems to be deployed upon, vessels that would establish its military [Sphere of Influence] with a [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China, Carrier Group to include support craft such as it's advanced Type [051C] destroyers, which are fitted with cutting-edge air defense missile systems, and backed up by both Fast Attack and Boomer Submarines one area in which China has made the greatest advances part of what is now the largest fleet of naval vessels in Asia having deployed at least one of a new type of nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarine called the Jin class which gives China's navy a credible second-strike nuclear capability; its missiles have a range of [6436] Kilometers. In October [2006], one of [63]  Chinese Song-class diesel-powered attack submarine not only shadowed the forward based [USS Kitty Hawk] aircraft carrier know as the [Shitty Kitty] and its Battle Group, but penetrated, carrier  battle group and surfaced undetected [6.436] Kilometers from the [USS Kitty Hawk]. The goal is to established military dormancy within its own Asian Sphere of Influence,  pushing past the islands that ring China's coasts, into The South China Sea [Hainan],  Fujian [ The Straight of Taiwan], Jiangsu [Shanghai], Zhejiang [Nanjing], The Yellow Sea [Dalian or Qinghai], the Sea of Japan [Rajin [ROK] Republic of Korea]. Then pushing past these islands that ring China's coastal water and the its regional [Sphere of Global Influence], with one Carrier Task Group on constant global tour, to assert it role within it's Costal Waters but upon the Global High Sea with a [21st] Century Blue Water Navy, and member of the [BRIC] Brazil, Russian Federation, India, and [PDRC], Spheres of Influence of the [21st] Century.


 [Air Superiority in the [21st] Century]


The [PDRC] is has also committed  itself to the investment into the development of a [21st] Century air force capable of a unique combination of offensive and defensive operations, establishing air superiority within its [Sphere of Influence] starting with [BRIC] member [R] Russian Federation, manufactured Salyut and Chernyshev factories jet engines, the [ISRAELI]  developed [J-10]  and [FC-1] Attack Fighter, [Su-35] fighter, [J-11B] Interceptors, [H6K – JH7K] Carrier based aircraft, the Carrier based [Z-9]  helicopters the workhorses for the Chinese Naval Expeditionary of the [21st] Century, providing easier operations between a new fleet of replenishment ships, with anti-submarine surface to sub-surface ability, while providing the Peoples Army with Air Calvary Units support capabilities, for the first of many [21st] Century Chinese aircraft carriers now in production. Along with [IL-476] military transport aircraft, with heavy lift capacity of [40+] Kilo Tons capacity payload, providing long range potential by the [IL-478] air refueling tanker.


[Cutting edge Ballistic Missile Technology]


The gifted scientist of China's cutting edge ballistic missile technology Qian Xuesen, provided along with so many other gifted scientist of the [PDRC] has given the [PRRC] both a nuclear and conventional striking power made it better than world class, impressing all those in other nations working in the field. On [Jan. 11, 2007], a Chinese missile traveling at more than [6.436] Kilo-meters per second hit a satellite in orbit with [1M] with a one meter square area.  China within the last few years has placed into orbit [11] eleven Yaogan military-only satellites to track targets for its unmatched [21st] Century capabilities. China's has top all other nations having developed the only know effective [ASBM] Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile, an [aircraft-carrier killer weapon] using the short range [DF-21], with the ability as a ship takes evasive maneuvers upon its detection by satellite to make in flight corrective actions allowing it to seek out and destroy its intended target, and yet the [PDRC] has not forgotten its duty in missile defense investing in the [S-400] air defense system, cutting edge technology.


[BRIC] as [21st] Century Military [Spheres of Influence]


The message is a clear one with the [C] of the [BRIC] just representing one member of the [21st] Century Spheres of Influence, that they do not like the game of militarism, but that does not mean that they can't play the game. If just one Chinese Song-class diesel-powered attack submarine can penetrate a protective forward based Aircraft Carrier Battle Group undetected within [6.436] Kilometers what city along any coast line would be safe from pre-emptive attack from unprotected international waters of millions of square kilometers on any given day, what Carrier Battle Group and carrier would be safe from Aircraft-Carrier Killer, [ASBM] Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Systems? The question to the only country in the world that seeks to continue Super-Power dominion upon the nation of the world, thru continued Cold-War tactics, if it is worth a Nuclear Winter as automated systems as shown in the movie [War Games] begin to take over the Game, or is it better to stand down, and work within the new [21st] Century Spheres of Influence non Cold War, peaceful social order?



Saturday, December 25, 2010


CALYPSO AND THE CHINA SEA - How do you treat the Goddess Apocalypse?


[Who's it named after anyway]


Now, the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China is taking exception to just how one should treat Calypso as at present there seems to be [5] five different unwelcome suitors in the area which the [PDRC] feels is their exclusive or at least have claim as its being within its [Sphere of Territorial integrity] and nation with most the most national interest in that [Regional Sphere], after all the Sea in question is called the China Sea. The Chinese are not going along with the concept that whomever claims Calypso [The China Sea], also know as [Apocalypse] the daughter of Atlas, from Davy Jones, the[PDRC] should go unchallenged, it's like saying it's fine to give one's wife to whomever claims her because there are countless other erstwhile mistresses to be had, go find another, who's sea is it named after anyway?


[Might Makes Right]


Therefore to support its claim of right to [Sphere of Influence] Territorial Integrity, as a [BRIC] Brazil, Russian Federation, India, and [PRDC] as the [C] member of [21st] Century [Sphere's of Influence], many are urging and believe that there will in the near future the absolute necessity for the [PDRC] to back its new role in the [21st] Century with military might with [1] One [PDRC] Carrier Group to include support craft and backed up by both Fast Attack and Boomer Submarines at; The South China Sea [Hainan], Fujian [ The Straight of Taiwan], Jiangsu [Shanghai], Zhejiang [Nanjing], The Yellow Sea [Dalian or Qinghai], the Sea of Japan [Rajin [ROK] Republic of Korea], with one on [1] on constant global tour, to reinforce their Costal and Blue Water Navies, along with  seeking air superiority within its [Sphere of Influence] with [J-10] Attack Fighter, [J-11] Interceptors, [H6K – JH7K] Carrier based aircraft, [Z-9] Carrier based anti-submarine based helicopters, Army Air Calvary Units, with heavy lift [40 tonne+] capability payload aircraft, in the end it comes down to might makes right.


[Asia angry over Japanese dynamic defense capability posture]


All the while as the  Japanese Empire's Imperial Armies, are busy rebuilding Japanese Militarism, under their new dynamic defense capability posture, with a new budgeted [0.22T/ ¥23.39T] Zero-Point-Twenty-Two Trillion Euros/Twenty-Three-Point-Thirty-Nine Trillion Yen with an additional [0.93M/100M] Zero-Point-Ninety-Three Million Euros/One-Hundred Million Yen, for unexpected needs, for the next decade in military spending, while its arms industry enters  the arms dealer markets of the region within the entire Sphere of Influence of the [BRIC] member [C] China. The Anger of all the nations of the Far-East are rising both with Japan which has been in violation of its own constitution with [220+] nuclear weapon upon Okinawa and is now taking yet another step outside its own constitution by its not only wanton desire for renewed militarism, but being supported in its desires by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex. Talk about anger, on a scale of one to ten this is an eleven. And once again everyone taught the Cold War was over, think again!



Wednesday, December 22, 2010


JAPAN OPENS OLD WOUNDS- Dynamic defense capability



[Rent a cop over load]



Now, Japan, the [ROK] Republic of Korea, and Taipei, are considered by the American-Israeli Military complex as its property in the Far-East its industrial base, which if you look at Japan may or may not be the case, its just who has been getting what from whom, its more of a symbiotic relationship its like the shark and its pilot fish, both gain something from each other. The Empire of Japan has had a free ride not having to support a large Military Machine by renting one from the West, as at the same time it increased its profits by the manufacture and sale of products in the West doing away with transportation cost, and possible damage of goods, increasing its profit margins. Basically the West has been up to this date been a rent a cop, of Japanese Industry, which is willing to pay an extortion fee, or as LT. Gen. Edward Rice, the former commander of the forces of occupation Okinawa,    remarked was a modest level of owed payment in support of the occupation of Okinawa, a payment of [1.75B/¥188B] One-Point-Seven-Five Billion Euros/One-Hundred-Eighty-Eight Billion Yen thru [2016] to its rent a cop security force, after all the peoples of Okinawa are not Japanese but a conquered peoples of the Japanese Empire, their burden is for the good of the Mainland Japanese Empire.



[Japans dynamic defense capability posture]


The problem is the rent a cop company is going broke, having over extended its international business and is no longer able to provide the increasing security needs of the Japanese Empire. While Japanese industry has been out sourcing its own business operations which are now at risk, the breakaway Chinese Providence of Taipei, Nationalist China with the growth of the [C] of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and The [DPRC] Democratic Peoples Republic of China, will soon be faced with a choice of a Hong Kong peaceful reunification with mainland China, or its forced one by the peoples armies, and the [ROK] versus the [DPRK] The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, which peaceful reunification process has been stopped cold by the [ROK], flexing its military muscle backed by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, and then the peoples of Okinawa rising up peacefully at the moment only forming human chains of opposition around its foreign occupation troops fortifications, demanding removal the burden of foreign occupation, placed upon them by their Japanese Imperial Masters, for the support of the Japanese Imperial Industrial and Defense needs. All the while as the  Japanese Empire's Imperial Armies, are busy rebuilding Japanese Militarism, under their new dynamic defense capability posture, with a new budgeted [0.22T/ ¥23.39T] Zero-Point-Twenty-Two Trillion Euros/Twenty-Three-Point-Thirty-Nine Trillion Yen with an additional [0.93M/100M] Zero-Point-Ninety-Three Million Euros/One-Hundred Million Yen, for unexpected needs, for the next decade in military spending, while its arms industry enters  the arms dealer markets of the region within the entire Sphere of Influence of the [BRIC] member [C] China.


[There will be change]


The Chinese [C], China [Our Land] and as a member nation of the [BRIC] Sphere of Influence is trying to strengthen and unite those regional states within its own Sphere of Influence under a shared protective umbrella of economic, military, political, stability, based upon fundamentally shared values and interests in an effort to avoid regional destabilizing factors during the process of change currently sweeping the [21st] Century within its own Sphere of Influence, as the forces of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and Japanese Empire join together in what appears to be an attempt to thwart the tide of change sweeping the world of the [21st] Century, but as it was once stated by a Native American Nation Chief, "I do not know if it will be for good or bad, but I do know for certain their will be change!" The Era of Pox America-Israeli Military Complex hegemony is coming to its end, the only question is will it be with acceptance or with a Nuclear Winter, either way it will end there will be change.



Monday, December 20, 2010


COLD WAR ARMS RACE HEATS UP- [RI-BRIC] members sign deal!



[RI of the [BRIC]] Cold War Arms Race



Now, to somehow still have the mistaken notion that the Cold War ever ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall, is like believing in the tooth fairy, a deity, or Santa Clause. Well maybe not Santa Clause after all the Christmas Gift that will keep on giving in any Cold War, deals in arms made during the Cold War. And, so it is with the deal just struck along with many others that have been made in the past between two of the members of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and The Democratic Peoples Republic of China, Sphere of Influence, the [RI] The Russian Federation and India which have reached an agreement to the tune of [23.8B]Twenty-Three-Point-Eight Billion Euros, as reported by the [R] ambassador Alexander Kadakin, and excepted to be signed by Dmitry Medvedev, in which the [R] of the [BRIC] which supplies [70%] Seventy Percent of the arms to the [I] of the [BRIC] on his trip to the [I], hot on the heels of Vladimir Putin who agreed to supply [16] sixteen nuclear reactors, adding [63K] megawatts of power to the [I] from the [R], beginning with [2] new reactors at Tamil Nadu in southern [I] of the [BRIC]. The [I] and  [2nd] Second largest arms buyer, which has been a purchasing agent for [7%] Seven Percent of the World's arms exports, during the past [5] Five years, latest in toys from the [R] is a new [R] stealth fighter jet aircraft that top's the American-Israeli's Military Industrial Complex [F-22] Raptor in performance, its not only an arms sale but a combined business venture as [RI] will share joint jet and missile development and production of [R] - [MiG-35's], and looking to purchase or manufacture an additional [126] One-Hundred-Twenty-Six, multi-role combat aircraft for its air force, plus missiles such as the  recently-tested Brahmos supersonic cruise missile, with additional maintenance contracts worth about [3.9B] Three-Point-Nine Billion Euros, in doe-ray-me. Santa hurried down the [R] chimney with a pen in hand, and were is Viktor Bout the Merchant of Death, in a American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Prison, talk about getting a lump of coal in your stocking, especially since the pot at the end of that rainbow is [79.3B+] Seventy-Nine-Point-Three Billion Euros plus to be purchased by the [I] from the [R] from the pot of gold [4th] largest military and defense wish list at the end of the rainbow too boot.


[American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Cold War Arms Deals]


But, there have been and we should expect more counter arms deals to be made by the bested American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex as it will no doubly be selling arms too Pakistan while the [AF-PAK] Afghanistan-Pakistan Quagmire continues with Pakistan the best supply route to the land locked battle site can't let the [I] have less toys in their stocking, and then there is the Nationalist Chinese breakaway providence of Taiwan, since the American –Israeli Military Industrial Complex has drawn a line in the Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan, marking what is its industrial base of the Mainland of Japan at the cost of Okinawa, the [ROK] Republic of South Korea with its new War Hawk President at the cost of the Korean People with any taught of a peaceful reunification or peace at all, along with sticking it in the eye of the [C] of the [BRIC] by its own sale of arms to the  breakaway providence of Taipei with a sales package of [€4.5B/$6.3B] Four-Point-Five-Billion Euros/Six-Point-Three-Billion-Dollars, in military support to the National Chinese consisting of a [2.2B/$3.1B] Two-Point-Billion-Euros/Three-Point-One-Billion-Dollars, package of [60] Sixty, Blackhawk [UH-60M], Helicopters, and [€2.9B/$4.1B] Two-Point-Nine-Billion-Euros/Four-Point-One-Billion-Dollars, worth of [114] One-Hundred-fourteen, [PAC-3] Patriot anti-missile systems, [12] Twelve Harpoon anti-ship missiles, [2]  mine-sweeping ships and communications and surveillance equipment .the   who said the Cold War was over, it was just in neutral for a little while, it just picked up were it left off. And you taught the Cold War had Ended with all its Arms Deals and Spying, silly boy tricks are for kids, [START] Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, Naw, just Start your engine's it's off to the races.  



Saturday, December 18, 2010


BEIJING'S THREAT TO ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION: Bubble's of economic comfort, Washington, D.C., Tokyo, and Táiběi Shì; Northern Taiwan City,


Well it has begun the attack on the [DPRC] Democratic Peoples Republic of China, which is now labeled once again a Cold War foe, in an article on the site (, entitled [Defense focus shifts from Russia to China-Beijing's rising military might, North's threat key concerns, by Masami Ito. This article coming on the heels of the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] direct attack upon the Chinese Currency the Yuan, with it's passage of [QE-3] QUANTITIVE EASING THREE-[BO] Tax cuts, which is the massive dump of yet another Trillion Dollars upon the World Currency Market in an attempt to devalue the dollar, while forcing up the value of the Chinese Yuan on the World Currency Markets. The Central Government of Japan, in Tokyo will set its defense budget at [€0.03T/¥23.39T] Point Zero Three Trillion Euro's/Twenty-Three point Thirty-Nine Trillion Yen, with an additional [€0.93B/¥100B] Zero-Point Nine-Three Billion Euro's/One-Hundred Billion Yen additional ceiling funding for unexpected situations, for the next decade [10] ten year period. And this is all cause by the growing [DPRC] defense budget, military activities, and lack of it transparency, causing military issues of shared fundamental values, of gave and urgent destabilizing regional and international concern. The line has been drawn in the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea, with the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex [7th] Fleet] beefs up it presence in the Yellow Sea drawing its line at less than [300km] Thee-hundred kilometers from the Chinese Mainland, and [3km] Three kilometers from the disputed Yellow Sea boarder between the [DPRK] Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and the [ROK] Republic of Korea, just [12km] Twelve kilometers from the [DPRK] mainland coastline, extending to the Nationalist Chinese breakaway island of Taipei, connecting with the  Japanese [SDF] Self Defense Force willing its line in the Sea of Japan to connect with the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] line thru the Nansei Islands between Kyushu joining the multiple series of Siege Lines drawn in the sand around the [DPRC] at  Taipei, and we can expect that the breakaway Nationalist Chinese government will have an upgrade of its military which in the past has been put on hold in difference to the [DPRC] Sphere of Influence military and geo-political muscle within that Sphere, but that is too now be challenged.


Yet Another Gomenesai Tour


The [2nd] Second Class citizens of the Japanese Empire the peoples of Okinawa are once again to sacrificed on the alter of Mainland Japanese Companies, by the Central Government of Tokyo, allowing the citizens of the Japanese Mainland to live in its bubble of economic comfort, of family solidarity and corporate customs of annual bonuses, provided by investments, and profitable companies located in the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex], maintaining its own global leadership in high-tech niches in electronics and carbon fibers, providing Japanese know how to Apple's iPhone and Boeing's latest airplane which rely heavily on Japanese innovations. But at the lost of the lost of freedom of the peoples of Okinawa, ending any dream of a renewed Edo Era of the once [1600-1800] period with sufficient wealth able to invest in its own development, creating a refined Okinawa National identity and culture for present and future generations to come, as [1st] Class Citizens of their own [DPRO] Democratic Peoples Republic of Okinawa, free of [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] Occupation and treatment by an Japanese Central Government willing to allow them to be threat as [2nd] Class Citizens upon their own land, carrying the Burden of foreign occupation, given only a continuous series of Gomenesai Tours in exchange. With the Central Government leading economist and architect of the Japanese Economic System Eisuke Sakakibara telling the citizens of Okinawa to wake up from their poetic utopia dream of a [2nd] Second Edo Era and except the new economic globalization process, an lot as [2nd] Class Citizens of an occupied nation, for the greater good. And what does the Central Government of Japan offer the peoples of Okinawa in return, the [JSDF] Japanese Self Defense Force, will be given  [0.031T/ ¥33.54T] Point-Zero-Thirty-One Trillion Euros/Thirty-Three-Point-Five-Four Trillion Yen , to offset the [Extortion Tax] paid for the Japanese Mainland taxpayers and the occupied peoples of Okinawa to keep the burden of the Super Debtor American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex forces of occupation, and its [200+] Two-Hundred plus, illegal nuclear weapons on the Island of Okinawa, and off the Japanese mainland, leaving the burden of it all on the [2nd] Class Japanese citizens of Okinawa, all to support  the economic globalization comfort bubble's of Washington, D.C., Tokyo, and Táiběi Shì; Northern Taiwan City.



Friday, December 17, 2010


SUN TZU VS WALZER & RAMSEY- Humanist vs Natural Law warfare justification



[Justification of wars of economic stimulus]



Now we just got thru reading an article by Stephen L. Carter who is the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law at Yale [The Skull and Bones Society School], where he has taught since [1982]. His seven nonfiction books include God's Name in Vain: The Wrongs. His first novel, The Emperor of Ocean Park (2002), spent [11] weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. His twelfth book, The Violence of Peace: America's Wars in the Age of Obama, will be published by Beast Books in January [2011], entitled Obama's Overview of Afghanistan War Fails to Specify Goals at (www.TheDailyBeast.Com). A very well written article with a long list of questions, as one would expect from a teacher, based upon the Roman Catholic Religion justification for warfare of Natural Law, by philosopher Michael Walzer and theologian Paul Ramsey, as to what gives cover for a state to wage war, as a justification for the terrible cost in lost of lives, and treasure, to create the idea that it is a necessary war. Now, we ourselves adhere more to the Buddhist Humanist philosophical theory of Sun Tzu and the Art of War, that when Empires [The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] are taken into wars of Economic Stimulus by inadequate leaders lacking in the art of ruling, leadership, and in the responsible use of State Power, it no longer can be considered as being anything less than a terrorist state [The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] fits that description to a [T]. And no one knew better than President Dwight David Eisenhower, who in "The Chance for Peace" [1953] wrote, [No nation's security and well-being can be lastingly achieved in isolation but only in effective cooperation with fellow-nations."] and we choose to interpret that to mean no one nation can take upon itself the sole power too determine what is and what is not a Justification for War, The same President that warned of the coming of the Military Industrial Complex, which ever since its rise has been engaged in Wars of Economic Stimulus based upon ever New Incidents of Justification. 



[Of bee's and scorpions]


In the Tso Chuan, Chen Hao wrote ["If bee's and scorpions carry poison, how much more will a hostile state! Even a puny opponent, than, should not be treated with contempt."] This is the ultimate Achilles' heel, of the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex], leading to a war of stalemate on the Korean Peninsula, which is now showing signs of once again becoming a hot war, the Quagmire and defeat in Vietnam, the on going War of Terror, running from Africa to the Far-East. Professor Carter wrote a very good article with many questions that will not be answered by any member of, or part of the whole  of the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] as any answer could be given that would justify its costs. When will the Empire walk away and declare victory from the [AF-PAK] Afghanistan-Pakistan Quagmire, the War On Terror, with its [911] Incident of Justification, well that maybe sooner more than later, as the [FOOTHOLD] Far-East Okinawa weakens, the threat from South America increases, it's control over Israel weakens, as more fires that need to be addressed begin to blaze than it has the means to put out, by itself without that effective cooperation with fellow nations that Ike, spoke of. Is the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] prepared to lose several of its major cities along the West Coast over a renewed War on the Korean Peninsula, having Anti-Yankee nations of South America with offensive nuclear weapons, a war of Liberation by the peoples of Okinawa establishing the [DPRO] Democratic Peoples Republic of Okinawa tearing away its industrial base [Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea in the process] or if Israel attacks the Shiite Persian Republic of Iran? The Bee's are buzzing while the scorpions are gathering the question that Professor Carter may have to consider is how many Wars of Economic Stimulation can one Empire afford, and handle at one time, against increasingly growing [Spheres of Geographic Powers], who reject the concept of the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] Global Democracy, one size fits all. We encourage the reader to read the Professor article it is a very well written one, look at his questions and answer them to your own satisfaction.



Thursday, December 16, 2010




[AWOL] Away Without Official Leave, Obama leaves Bill in Charge at     (www.TheDailyBeast.Com), Clinton to Obama's Rescue, while President Obama said he let Bill Clinton fly solo at the podium because of a holiday party, this animation explores a greater conspiracy. That being said, it also looks like the trailer for a rip-roaring buddy movie





Tuesday, December 14, 2010




[The line in the sand]


Now, the [QE-3] Quantitive Easing Three or the so called tax cut bill that is too be passed and signed into effect by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, has nothing at all too do with correcting the base economic problems of that Military Industrial Complex namely its own infrastructure, and industrial base, this has to do with a backdoor attack upon the Yuan, the currency of one of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and the [DPRC] Democratic Peoples Republic of China, Sphere of Influence and the Yuan is the currency of the [DPRC]. The Federal Reserve of the Military Industrial Complex will once again print an addition Trillion Dollars in currency to be dumped upon the world's economic markets systems but aimed specifically at the Yuan to undercut the value of the Dollar and drive up the value of the Yuan within the international market. The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has been forced by the [DPRK] Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea [North Korea] and the peoples of Okinawa, which is heading to becoming a new nation within the community of world nations as the [DPRO] Democratic Peoples Republic of Okinawa into both a Geo-military, economic, industrial and political Gambit against the [DPRC], drawing a line in the sands of the Yellow Sea between mainland China and what it considers its own Geo-military, economic, industrial, and political Sphere of Influence.



[Backdoor Anti-Yuan Attack]



The way this economic backdoor attack upon the Yuan is too work is that the Federal Tax will be cut, but it's the trickle down value of the tax cut domestically will do little, as that tax cut reaches the various states of the Military Industrial Complex each state will increase its tax cutting into the Federal tax cut, followed in turn by each county and then by each city, to make up for their own short falls in revenues and what little does reach the consumer will then follow the path of the jobs that were shipped out of the country overseas to the countries of the [BRIC], thus increasing their dollar reserve's and the more one has of something the less value it has, and that means the value of the Yuan along with the value of the Yen the currency of Japan will increase along with all other currency world wide against the dollar. Which in turn means they will want to get rid of these dollars, with the purchase of hard currency, hard currency meaning Gold, Silver, all metals that can be used in the manufacture of military, computer, etc. assets, anything that will provide a higher yield, and which are able to either increase in value or hold value through price fluctuations, and not vanish into thin air, and will be willing to pay in as many dollars as asked too get rid of valueless dollars for value stable hard currency items again driving down the value of the dollar. But the main objective is to drive up the value of the Chinese Yuan devaluing the dollar which is the number one currency held in the reserve system of the [DPRC].


[From Iron/Bamboo Curtain to [BRIC] Cold War era]


Why is it so important to the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to drive up the value of the Yuan and undercut the value of the dollar, the answer is to maintain its Cold War Far East [FOOTHOLD] Okinawa, nuclear threat presence, distance is time, launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike from Okinawa is more time effective than one from a non hardened Trident Submarine with limited strike capabilities than that which can be provided by Okinawa, this is its military reason, its economic reason is that the [ROK] The Republic of Korea [South Korea], Taiwan [Nationalist China], and Japan represent its true [21st] Century only remaining industrial system, as all the industry of the Military Industrial Complex was sucked out of that country by [NAFTA] the North American Free Trade Agreement to the [BRIC] and these countries lay in the Sphere of Influence of the [C] China of the [BRIC]. Which once again shows that it is about driving the value of the Yuan up, as it also drives the cost of items made in its own Far-East assets made in Korea, Taiwan, and Japan, increasing its profits on the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange at not only the cost of China but to its own citizens. The entire Gambit Militarily, Politically, Industrially and economically is to maintain its [FOOTHOLD] and control of Okinawa which is key within the never ending Cold War, which has been waged first against the Iron/Bamboo Curtains and now against its new and expanding form the [BRIC].