Friday, May 28, 2010






So as not to confuse anyone other there that actually reads any of my rantings, the word Gomenesai is the Japanese word which in English translation mean [I'm Sorry], and once again the [PM] Prime Minister of Japan made a trip to the Japanese Island of Okinawa and was said too have been saying [I'm Sorry] every other word to the Japanese officials and people of that island, and for those who have made the mistake of reading these rantings for the first time it is because to get elected in September of [2009], the [PM] had given his word all Israeli-American Empire know as the [THE EMPIRE] troops of occupation would be ordered off of all Japanese soil. But, seeing as they are troops of occupation and not really guests, guests after all you can show to the door, with a smile and handshake goodbye, but are really troops of occupation, aren't going anywhere, and so say's both the former, [EMPIRE] Ambassador to Japan Thomas Schieffer, and Guam Senator Judith P. Guthertz, who is the chair of the Committee on Military Buildup and Homeland Security in the Senate, with a threat to the Japanese [PM] of he would have a lot to lose if the agreement is not honored, will Tom Schieffer, flat came right out with it that quote, you can negotiate all you want to, but until a replacement facility is built, Futenma is going to continue to stay right where it is, unquote, which is to say that [The Empire's] troops of occupation are not only going to stay in Japan on Japanese soil but unless they have a new base built like they want, they are going to just stay exactly were they now sit, thank-you very much. And now Japan and especially the Island of Okinawa has the distinction of being Cuba of the East or, another Island country that the [EMPIRE] just doesn't know when to leave.




Now, the Japanese government is a Parliamentary Government, the Japanese call it a Diet, which means you have to cob together a group to make up the government, and if someone leaves well the government falls and you have another election, to replace it. The present Japanese Government has a coalition called the Hatoyama's and they are as hot as a Black Topped Road in the middle of the Mojave Dessert in California in the middle of July, they are seething over all this. And the leader of the party that wants to pull out Ms. Muzuho Fukushima, leader of the [SDP] Social Democratic Party, and the party's Diet affairs chief Kantoku Teruya are looking to not only pull out of the government and resign their government positions, if the [EMPIRE] troops of occupation are not shown the door and told its time to go home, which leaves the people of Japan with no light at the end of the tunnel for ending of their occupation.




With no light at the end of the tunnel of occupation, and with the central government of Japan, the Emperor or his Diet taking action, well that leaves no other alternative but for the people of Japan to take matters once again into their own hands as they did in [16th] Sixteenth Century Japan, which can be seen in the movie the Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa, in which the villagers welcomed the by then hated Samurai into their villages gave them all the Saki [Bose], they could drink and then dispatched them to the here after, and their bodies were never to be found, and of course the local officials were more than willing to round up the usual suspects if any could be located like Casablanca, for questioning with the usual your guess is as good as mine, we don't know. The Bottom line is no occupied peoples are going to remain so, with no light at the end of the tunnel, with or without outside assistance, and there are more than one Asian country willing to provide any assistance asked for, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, aide will flow to assist, but freedom can only be gained at one's own hands, not trading one master for yet another, it is a time of decision for the people of Japan, that has been forced upon them; accept continued occupation, or a [RA] Resistance Army, an [OAR/JAR] Okinawa Army of Resistance /Japanese Army of Resistance, the choice is that of the people of Japan, Victory over the Occupation or Victimization of it.



1 comment:

  1. So what the big scoop on the current situation with the Korean Conflict?


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