Monday, May 31, 2010






Now, we got an E-mail from David Scott of (, and it read David Scott has left a new comment on your post "GOMENESAI TOUR II": So what's the big scoop on the current situation with the Korean Conflict?  Well Dave should have know better we did a dump job on the poor guy, for which we should say were sorry, but we sort of got a kick out of it. So what is the big scoop about the on going Korean Conflict, it's all political theater, the Israeli-American Empire, simply know around the world as the [EMPIRE], is in an increasingly rapid state of decline, and to stay in the game at all need to maintain it's [2] Two Footholds, the European Foothold in Germany, along the Russian Federations Sphere of Influence, and in the Far East in Japan the now Cuba of the Far East, neither Cuba nor Japan want  [Empire] Foothold Troops of Occupation on their soil. The [EMPIRE] is aware that the day they lose one of the [2] Two Footholds they lose both of them, and they are losing rapidly their Foothold Hold in Japan, and the [SOSE] Secretary of State of the Empire, Hillary Diane Rodham- Clinton is doing a great job of almost single handily prying that Foothold out of Japan, With her My Way Or The Highway Non-Diplomatic State Department, yes Hillary got her signed agreement, but its something like the time [FDR] Franklin D. Roosevelt had it out with the Supreme Court, they handled down a ruling against [FDR] and the old boy just looked at them and said now enforce it! Now, we will quote ourselves from a previous posting, The Ire of the Japanese people was finally brought to the point where there can no longer be any middle ground, as the [SOSE] Secretary of State to the Empire Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, in her usual My Way or the Highway performance, ignored, downplayed and brushed aside the overwhelming Japanese peoples demands that the [EMPIRE'S] troops of Foothold Far East be removed from the soil of Japan, that the occupation of Japan be ended. But, The Clinton State Department forced the signing of the so called [2006] Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, and more than just kicking the can down the road, has lit the fuse to the powder keg of Japanese private citizens and Ire over the continued occupation of their country, unquote. 




The [EMPIRE] media is covering the Far East mostly do to the fact it's so bad, Hillary doesn't want it covered but here's how its shaking out;


* The latest Japanese Government which is Parliamentary is coming apart which will mean a new election in September and the [EMPIRE] and Hillary in particular has caused a bigger headache then they now have, they didn't like the present government of Japan, we tend the believe that they are going to really hate the next one, and that election is in [120] days.


* And the [EMIC] Empire Military Industrial Complex is sticking it to the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China Sphere of Influence for not backing them on Sanctions against the [PRK] Peoples Republic of China in the [UN] United Nations, Ya! Like that was really going to happen, but the [EMPIRE] arm twisted the present government of Japan into letting [EMPIRE] military assets in particular [59] Fifty-Nine [Empire] carrier Fighter Aircraft, which the Nationalist  Chinese Island of Taipei says its not going to accept or put up with as the Japanese are extending its [ADIZ] Air Defense Identification Zone, a line that a military aircraft must first provide flight details to the national airspace into which it is entering or will meet with prompt interception by military means, in other words they could use what ever means to take it down. Now, for those of you who can't quite grasp the concept, Israeli-American Empire fighter aircraft become legal targets of the Nationalist Chinese, but that also means the Red Chinese, mainland government has that right, as they consider the Nationalist Chinese Island as their territory, including its airspace. 




Now, most [Jar Heads] Marines like Gibbs from [NCIS] Naval Criminal Investigative Service came from one of those town that standing under the one traffic light in town, that had a constant speed trap and if you drove one kilometer over or under the speed limit you when in front of the local barber shop judge who gave you a stiff fine, and from that point beneath the traffic signal one could see the town limits in both directions, and that is why they joined the Marines to get away from it. Well, Guam is that one traffic light town but the only difference the edge of town drops off for leagues into the Pacific Ocean with a lot of big sharks, and for a female its like Jimmy Buffets song Sharks to the left, Sharks to the right and you're the only meal in town. A family sent to Guam either comes back with more in the family, or no longer a family due to D-I-V-O-R-C-E. The advantage to the one traffic light town there is a way out, and if you run out of something you can simple drive down the road and get it, it don't work that way in Guam, you run out, guess what you have to wait until a supply ship or cargo plane fly's more in. So what does this have to do with anything Guam Senator Judith P. Guthertz, who is the chair of the Committee on Military Buildup and Homeland Security in the Senate, got [8K]Eight Thousand Marines relocated from Japan to Guam, you got it [8K] more Marines in a one traffic light community, at taxpayer expense with [EVERYTHING] having to be provided from large distances at cost, big costs                  




So, my only reply to David Scott of (, this whole thing is not a scoop of horse manure, it's a massive pile of horse, manure. The short term gains in no way out weight the long term losses created by the hurry up and get it done My Way Or The Highway Clinton mantra, see we have an agreement, now lets see how much of it is implemented.



Saturday, May 29, 2010






There is an old Japanese tale about Mt. Fujiyama, the mountain abounding with warriors, that if the people of Japan were to burn their letters of grief upon its summit they would rise to the heavens, where their pleas would be answered, the wheel of fate would be turned their sadness would pass, the heavens would be compassionate, and the feather robe of would be placed on the nation, and the warriors of mountain would arise to defend the people. Now, [2.7K] Two-Thousand Seven hundred, in total, with smoking hot anger rising to the sky, Japanese gathering to protest against the continued presence of Israeli-American Empire simply know as the [EMPIRE,] Foothold Far East Troops of Occupation on Japanese soil, the Land of the Rising Sun, may not seem as colorful as Samurai Warriors flowing down from the mountain abounding with warriors but it doesn't make any less a stirring event. The spirit of the Samurai is once again filling the Land of the Rising Sun. 




The Ire of the Japanese people was finally brought to the point where there can no longer be any middle ground, as the [SOSE] Secretary of State to the Empire Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, in her usual My Way or the Highway performance, ignored, downplayed and brushed aside the overwhelming Japanese peoples demands that the [EMPIRE'S] troops of Foothold Far East be removed from the soil of Japan, that the occupation of Japan be ended. But, The Clinton State Department forced the signing of the so called [2006] Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, and more than just kicking the can down the road, has lit the  fuse to the powder keg of Japanese private citizens and Ire over the continued occupation of their country, a slap to the face of the Japanese people, leaving Japan with no  face saving option beyond that of total confrontation and actions of resistance, this no longer about having the problems caused coming back to haunt both Japan and the [Empire] at some distant far date this is a Clear and Present Confrontation, between the people of Japan its Central Government, with the Japanese People questioning who's interests are being served by that Government the will of the Japanese People or the interest of the Israeli-American Empire, the interests of the Mega- Metropolis  New York City and Washington, D. C. or the People of Japan, and this time it may well go beyond the fall of the Japanese Parliamentary Government called the Diet.  




The Japanese [PM] Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama of the [LDP] Liberal Democratic Party and  son of former [PM] Ichiro Hatoyama, was elected to that Position from the [9th] District of Hokkaido, on the platform and promise that all the [EMPIRE] Troops of Foothold Far East Occupation would be removed from the soil of Japan, is now seen as having brought shame too himself and his family name, the house of Hatoyama, and Japan The ancestor's of the Hatoyama family will be crying, Yukio Hatoyama  is a liar, and any agreement reached by the [PM] does not represent the will of the People of Japan which is Japan,  and  the Japanese peoples direct representatives to the Central Government of Japan, and the Emperor of Japan, are no longer to engage in negotiations, and agreements being made over their objections and heads but are now saying that the entire process was nothing more than a scam, that will meet with the resistance of the Japanese people, who will with the hearts and determination of the Samurai are  willing  lay their lives on the line,  to ensure that the chance of the implementation of the odious  Clinton [2006] Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, is Zero, and there will only be future bilateral cooperation between the  [Empire] and Japan only when, all [Empire] Foothold Hold Troops of Far East Occupation are removed from the soil The Land of The Rising Sun and then only when such cooperation serve the  interests of the Japanese People. The Central Government of Japan signed an Agreement with [SOSE] Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, which has been null and void by the People of Japan, and is no longer worth the paper upon which the agreement was written, the question that Hillary now faces is was the My Way or The Highway Confrontational Diplomacy worth the present and future consequences caused by it?



Friday, May 28, 2010






So as not to confuse anyone other there that actually reads any of my rantings, the word Gomenesai is the Japanese word which in English translation mean [I'm Sorry], and once again the [PM] Prime Minister of Japan made a trip to the Japanese Island of Okinawa and was said too have been saying [I'm Sorry] every other word to the Japanese officials and people of that island, and for those who have made the mistake of reading these rantings for the first time it is because to get elected in September of [2009], the [PM] had given his word all Israeli-American Empire know as the [THE EMPIRE] troops of occupation would be ordered off of all Japanese soil. But, seeing as they are troops of occupation and not really guests, guests after all you can show to the door, with a smile and handshake goodbye, but are really troops of occupation, aren't going anywhere, and so say's both the former, [EMPIRE] Ambassador to Japan Thomas Schieffer, and Guam Senator Judith P. Guthertz, who is the chair of the Committee on Military Buildup and Homeland Security in the Senate, with a threat to the Japanese [PM] of he would have a lot to lose if the agreement is not honored, will Tom Schieffer, flat came right out with it that quote, you can negotiate all you want to, but until a replacement facility is built, Futenma is going to continue to stay right where it is, unquote, which is to say that [The Empire's] troops of occupation are not only going to stay in Japan on Japanese soil but unless they have a new base built like they want, they are going to just stay exactly were they now sit, thank-you very much. And now Japan and especially the Island of Okinawa has the distinction of being Cuba of the East or, another Island country that the [EMPIRE] just doesn't know when to leave.




Now, the Japanese government is a Parliamentary Government, the Japanese call it a Diet, which means you have to cob together a group to make up the government, and if someone leaves well the government falls and you have another election, to replace it. The present Japanese Government has a coalition called the Hatoyama's and they are as hot as a Black Topped Road in the middle of the Mojave Dessert in California in the middle of July, they are seething over all this. And the leader of the party that wants to pull out Ms. Muzuho Fukushima, leader of the [SDP] Social Democratic Party, and the party's Diet affairs chief Kantoku Teruya are looking to not only pull out of the government and resign their government positions, if the [EMPIRE] troops of occupation are not shown the door and told its time to go home, which leaves the people of Japan with no light at the end of the tunnel for ending of their occupation.




With no light at the end of the tunnel of occupation, and with the central government of Japan, the Emperor or his Diet taking action, well that leaves no other alternative but for the people of Japan to take matters once again into their own hands as they did in [16th] Sixteenth Century Japan, which can be seen in the movie the Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa, in which the villagers welcomed the by then hated Samurai into their villages gave them all the Saki [Bose], they could drink and then dispatched them to the here after, and their bodies were never to be found, and of course the local officials were more than willing to round up the usual suspects if any could be located like Casablanca, for questioning with the usual your guess is as good as mine, we don't know. The Bottom line is no occupied peoples are going to remain so, with no light at the end of the tunnel, with or without outside assistance, and there are more than one Asian country willing to provide any assistance asked for, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, aide will flow to assist, but freedom can only be gained at one's own hands, not trading one master for yet another, it is a time of decision for the people of Japan, that has been forced upon them; accept continued occupation, or a [RA] Resistance Army, an [OAR/JAR] Okinawa Army of Resistance /Japanese Army of Resistance, the choice is that of the people of Japan, Victory over the Occupation or Victimization of it.



Tuesday, May 25, 2010




[This is a Test]


Now, everyday we try to search the Web to find something that we just feel like writing a comment upon that will make others unhappy about the comment, and we found another jewel, today's comment was made the one and only Media Messiah Imperial President of [The Empire] The Israeli-American Empire, quote This review is aimed at ensuring that we [The MIC Military Industrial Complex of the Empire] have adequate measures in place and to identify areas where adjustments would be appropriate, unquote, this in response to the sinking of a South Korean Warship by a Submarine of the North Korean Navy, an act of war in a war that is still in progress. The question is does anyone really know what this guy is talking about, the [PRK] The Peoples Republic of Korea, North Korea is a Nuclear Armed nation under the umbrella of protection of yet a larger Nuclear Armed Sphere of Influence in the [21st] Century the [PRC] the Peoples Republic of China, Red China, a member of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and Peoples Republic of China, [21st] Century Spheres of Influence, and the country [The Empire] is the most financially in debt too. So, what was this all about, This is a Test and the [PRK] got a slap on the wrist, a Sanction, like the [PRC] didn't sanction the event, and will not comply with any sanctions, to a country within its [SPHERE OF INFLUENCE] and under its umbrella of protection.


[Did You Get The Message?]


Come on give me a break! What is an appropriate response what are adequate measures in the [21st] Century, you have got to be kidding, this is not the Korean Police Action of [1950-1953], this is not [6] Six years after [WWII] World War Two, and forget about duck and cover, there isn't enough ducking and covering to save anyone from a Nuclear Winter. The [PRC] has been sending messages that [The Empire] has no business in its Sphere of Influence, and to begin a phased withdrawal from its Sphere;

* Forcing an [Empire] Spy Plane to land on Chinese Territory. 

* Chasing an [Empire] Spy Ship out of the Sea of China.

* Closing its ports to [Empire] Men of War, and any Battle Groups heading to the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/ Hindu Cush.

* Demanding and having the demands met that the [Empire] stop all military aide to the Nationalist Chinese held up on the [PRC] Island of Taipei, and stop  any further interference between the [PRC] and its breakaway province.

Get real folks, the [PRC] is well aware of any actions or non-actions taking place within it [SPHERE OF INFLUENCE], and to think otherwise is less than critical thinking, and dangerous thinking since the Nuclear Club Door has been kick in.


[Marking Territory]


Where does Japan fit into all this mess, well the answer will be a missile defense system, along with a way to drag the Japanese into a war on the Korean Peninsula, its just that simple, vise just [EMPIRE] troops to ship from the Land of The Rising Sun to that of the Land of the Morning Calm, after the [3rd] Third Nuclear Weapon, since Hiroshima and Nagasaki  goes off on Nago, Okinawa Marine Corp. Base, well the Japanese will be needed to balance the [2M] Two Million Route Chinese Armies backing the [2M] Peoples Republic of Korea Army pouring into the [ROK]. That's if they even get them there before the Peninsula is completely taken by the forces of the [PRC] and Kim Jung ILL will have completed the work started by his father Kim IL Suk giving the [EMPIRE] its worse defeat in the [Empire's] history. So, did you hear again a missile defense system, do we know of yet another missile defense system, the Foothold Europe missile defense system maybe? The fact of the matter [ALL] the [SPHERES OF INFLUENCE] are Marking Their Territory, this is our spot in the sand box and yours is over there, the review should aim at taking our toys out of the [PRC's] spot in the sandbox, and adequate measures in place and taken to identify where any adjustments where possible would be appropriate to make it happen very rapidly.



Monday, May 24, 2010




The question that now has to be asked has the American-Israeli Empire [The Empire] brought down the last Emperor of Japan. Now General Douglas MacArthur was careful not to in anyway down grade the importance of the Japanese Emperor at the end of [WWII] World War Two, but the [20th] Century is now over, and almost [7] Seven decades have passed, in which time the Far-East has been turned upside down, by the Communist Revolution of Chairman Mao Tse-tung, of the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China, a Revolution that continues to this day around the globe, one brought about by [The Empire] The [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange, and the [MIC] The Military Industrial Complex of [The Empire], and now the same short sighted thinking which brought about the Communist Revolution in China, is seen in the county of Cuba East / Japan. Once again [The Empire] is playing The People against a government which it [The Empire] feels it has the complete control of, a government that has broken each and every promise given to its people, while offering only an apology.


The Questions for the Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [NetCitzens] of the Japanese [21st] Century are;


* Do they accept the apology of the newly elected Left-leaning Japanese government that took office in September, but after its election, reflection, and assessment and having promised a New Japan is now offering more of the same, the continued Status Quo of the [20th] Century into the [21st] just more or the same the [20th] Century Quo?


* Does Japan remain tied to [The Western Empire] the Israeli-American Empire, of [NYC] New York City, the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange, and under the thumb of [The Empire's MIC] Military Industrial Complex, Japan as [The Empire's] Foothold Cuba East, and is the Megatropolis Empire the New Central Government of Japan, or is Tokyo, or is the Last Emperor, just the Governor of Japan, and Tokyo, simply, a state capital of [The Empire]?   


* Does Japan once again become mired in [The Empire's] Wars of Economic Stimulus?


* Do the Japanese Citizens, those who's families have given all to the soil and government of Japan, simply remain quite as they are asked to continue to accept a never ending occupation of their homeland with yet another agreement the so called [2006] Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, repairing [The Empire's] roads, at their expense, the coolies of the [21st] Century, an agreement allowing the [47K] Forty-Seven Thousand, [FOOTHOLD] Troops of Far East Occupation, to remain on Japanese soil, with almost half the occupation force on the southern Japanese Island of Okinawa, in a new upgraded Marine Corp Air Station Futenma, built to [The Empire's] specifications?


* Will Japanese Ports continue the port calls of any American-Israeli Empire, nuclear-armed warships to Japanese ports, in violation of any and all past agreements, all of which are ignored by [The Empire] violating the hallowed anti-nuclear principle of postwar Japan? 


* Is all hope for a closer relationship with [PRC] People's Republic of China, within the Chinese Sphere of Influence, of the [BRIC] Sphere's of Influence, of Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, and the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China, been ended?


* Does Japan stay tied to the declining [Empire] Dollar based economic system forgoing the dream of the creation of a [ASEAN] Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of [16] nations using a single [ASEAN] trading currency by [2020] within the bloc and [PRC/ASEAN] Sphere of Influence; Australia, Brunei, China, India, Indo-China [Vietnam], Indonesia, Japan, A United Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Paracel Islands, The Philippines, and The Spratly Islands?


On Friday, the [28th] of May, 2010, will the Status Quo, be maintained, will the wheel of fate be stopped, altered, turned back to the [20th] Century by [The Empire] and the puppet Central Government of Tokyo, and its Emperor, or will fate have its way, will the people of Japan, betrayed by its own Central Government its Emperor seek a new path a new way in a new Century, rejecting unending foreign occupation, and foreign domination? Will [The Empire] have over played political and military its hand in the [21st] Century, will it have gone too far, by not replacing boots on the ground with mutual defense pacts and agreements, an unwelcome guest is not a guest but an intruder? Will this be the era of the Last Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun? Japan's Last Emperor!!



Sunday, May 23, 2010




The question that now has to be asked has the American-Israeli Empire [The Empire] brought down the last Emperor of Japan. Now General Douglas MacArthur was careful not to in anyway down grade the importance of the Japanese Emperor at the end of [WWII] World War Two, but the [20th] Century is now over, and almost [7] Seven decades have passed, in which time the Far-East has been turned upside down, by the Communist Revolution of Chairman Mao Tse-tung, of the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China, a Revolution that continues to this day around the globe, one brought about by [The Empire] The [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange, and the [MIC] The Military Industrial Complex of [The Empire], and now the same short sighted thinking which brought about the Communist Revolution in China, is seen in the county of Cuba East / Japan. Once again [The Empire] is playing The People against a government which it [The Empire] feels it has the complete control of, a government that has broken each and every promise given to its people, while offering only an apology.


The Questions for the Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [NetCitzens] of the Japanese [21st] Century are;


* Do they accept the apology of the newly elected Left-leaning Japanese government that took office in September, but after its election, reflection, and assessment and having promised a New Japan is now offering more of the same, the continued Status Quo of the [20th] Century into the [21st] just more or the same the [20th] Century Quo?


* Does Japan remain tied to [The Western Empire] the Israeli-American Empire, of [NYC] New York City, the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange, and under the thumb of [The Empire's MIC] Military Industrial Complex, Japan as [The Empire's] Foothold Cuba East?


* Does Japan once again become mired in [The Empire's] Wars of Economic Stimulus?


* Do the Japanese Citizens, those who's families have given all to the soil and government of Japan, simply remain quite as they are asked to continue to accept a never ending occupation of their homeland with yet another agreement the so called [2006] Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, repairing [The Empire's] roads, at their expense, the coolies of the [21st] Century, an agreement allowing the [47K] Forty-Seven Thousand, [FOOTHOLD] Troops of Far East Occupation, to remain on Japanese soil, with almost half the occupation force on the southern Japanese Island of Okinawa, in a new upgraded Marine Corp Air Station Futenma, built to [The Empire's] specifications?


* Will Japanese Ports continue the port calls of any American-Israeli Empire, nuclear-armed warships to Japanese ports, in violation of any and all past agreements, all of which are ignored by [The Empire] violating the hallowed anti-nuclear principle of postwar Japan? 


* Is all hope for a closer relationship with [PRC] People's Republic of China, within the Chinese Sphere of Influence, of the [BRIC] Sphere's of Influence, of Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, and the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China, been ended?


* Does Japan stay tied to the declining [Empire] Dollar based economic system forgoing the dream of the creation of a [ASEAN] Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of [16] nations using a single [ASEAN] trading currency by [2020] within the bloc and [PRC/ASEAN] Sphere of Influence; Australia, Brunei, China, India, Indo-China [Vietnam], Indonesia, Japan, A United Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Paracel Islands, The Philippines, and The Spratly Islands?


On Friday, the [28th] of May, 2010, will the Status Quo, be maintained, will the wheel of fate be stopped, altered, turned back to the [20th] Century by [The Empire] and the puppet Central Government of Tokyo, and its Emperor, or will fate have its way, will the people of Japan, betrayed by its own Central Government its Emperor seek a new path a new way in a new Century, rejecting unending foreign occupation, and foreign domination? Will [The Empire] have over played political and military its hand in the [21st] Century, will it have gone too far, by not replacing boots on the ground with mutual defense pacts and agreements, an unwelcome guest is not a guest but an intruder? Will this be the era of the Last Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun? Japan's Last Emperor!!



Saturday, May 22, 2010




[Human Wave of Change]


So, just what were the lessons that were learned from the week that was Korea and Japan, the Japanese are so unhappy about the presence of Israeli-American Empire [The Empire] troops of Foothold Occupation Cuba Far East on Japan they surrounded an air base with a  human chain of protesters a human wave of change in the making as the spirit of the Samurai is once again awaking and walking in the brave hearts and indomitable human spirit of the people of Japan, standing against continued oppression of [The Empire], as the simmering dispute increases over the Marine base on the Japanese Island of Okinawa, and the crime wave created by the Marines on the Island, deadlines have been dumped, flexible is out of the question and you can't take any legal action or any other to change the status quo, and anyone who is looking for any real progress, can see each side has a very different agenda, the Japanese not only want to take back their government they actually want to take back the soil they live upon.  [The Empire] seeks to continue its Foothold Cuba Far East, upon the Island of Okinawa/Cuba East, blaming the failure of negotiations on Okinawa itself, and its elected officials for not lobbying harder in support of Okinawa/Cuba East after Trillions of not only Empire Dollars but Japanese Yen have been spend to assure the Status Quo of Foothold Cuba Far East , with [The Empire] creating an under-current grassroots opposition which has now surfaced not only to the continued Occupation, but to the central government of Japan, for its failure to take action in support of the people of Japan.


[The Tug of War]


But, [The Empire] is there not as troops of occupation but to defend the country of Japan, the question is from what? It is there to contine Foothold Hold Japan, as Japan seeks to be and is within the Sphere of Influence of the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China, a member of the International Spheres of Influence the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India and the [PRC], and nothing happens in the [PRC] Sphere of Influence that the [PRC] that any outside force should even begin to address without first requesting talks with the [PRC]. [The Empire] yet in denial of the Spheres of Influence, that now exist in the  [21st] Century, refuse to see the [PRK] The Peoples Republic of Korea is a Nuclear Power, the entrance into the Nuclear Club can no longer be restricted by [The Empire], the old think that [Foothold Far East Cuba] Empire Troops would be able to support the Trip-Wire Troops in the [ROK] Republic of Korea, if any war were to break out upon the Korea Peninsula is a dream, a Nuclear Strike would not only wipe out that force upon the Island of Okinawa but kill hundreds of thousands of Japanese, and that is the only reason such troops are Foothold Cuba Far East, to draw the Japanese People into a war that would other wise not be in their best interests. And, the Japanese people are well aware of the tug of war that Japan is caught between, that of tearing itself loose from being Foothold Cuba Far East and entering the [21st] Century free of that Foothold and as a member of the [BRIC] Spheres of Influence Community. The people of Japan are seeking to remove themselves from [The Empire] web of Wars of Economic Stimulus, of being a pawn [The Empire] Grand Chess game.


[Korea and Japan the Week That Was]


The door to the Nuclear Club of Nations can no longer be held close and never could be maintained by [The Empire], The life span of agreements are only as long as they maintain the interests of both parties, and all agreements are reviewable, and breakable. The [21st] Century is not the [20th] Century, the wheel of fate has in fact turned, it is the era of Spheres of Influence, the end of [The Empire] the Israeli-American Empire, Unique Unbreakable Special Relationships, don't exist in reality, all things change with time and the [21st] Century is in a period of flux, within the winds of change, as [The Empire] calls for Sanctions, Wars of Economic Stimulus, Footholds, Trip-Wires, and confrontation, the Spheres of Influence are working within common areas of interests, creating economic stimulus thru trade based upon low lever negotiations first then ratification and limited life span agreements of common interests where each side can bring back to the table for re-negotiation in a non-confrontational manner, ending offensive wars of Economic Stimulus, creating Armed Forces of Defensive nature around a Nuclear Sphere of Influence Controlled Response. The Week has proven just how Weak [The Empire] is in the [21st] Century, and how strong the Spheres of Influence are becoming, the interest of the Far East are now addressed thru the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China Sphere of Influence, Korea and Japan the Week that was.


HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVINIEN                       

Friday, May 21, 2010




[Empire AER or Sphere Member]


Now the Israeli-American Empire [The Empire] former Ambassador Thomas Schieffer got our attention, the boy seems to agree with us that the move of the Marines based on Okinawa, to a more remote location on the Island would be a good idea, well it is only a good idea if it happens, and the move is not a done deal and many not be. Now Tom keeps referring to the so called [2006] Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, as if it was written in stone by some deity, and the fact is its only an agreement as long as both parties agree to it, and in this case its more than an iffy deal. Tom keeps talking about some grand alliance, and the Japanese have already said that any idea of Japan having some Unbreakable Special Relationship with [The Empire] is bogus, and in fact Japan wants to have a closer relationship to the local Sphere of Geo-Influence the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China, a member of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and [PRC] People's Republic of China, and is not an [AER] Area of Empire Responsibility.




And again Tom seems to have put his foot in his mouth, with statements that about the grand bilateral agreement and the Marines aren't going anywhere until [The Empire] has a new facility and have moved in, and that is the only move they are going to make. Basically Tom has put his foot down, but down his own throat, and if anything is putting stress on the Japanese [PM] Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama and his [LDP] Left-leaning government, to pull off what maybe a miracle statements like Tom's do the trick , Tom doesn't see it as a crisis, and when any of the Washington, D.C., District of Clowns, over paid and under productive Bureaucratic class says there is not a crisis or they have it under control its time to start worrying. Old Tom said and we quote;  I think that they could be, if we take each other for granted or if we think that the [The Empire] -Japan alliance is something that doesn't need to be cared for and nurtured, unquote, and the Japanese have already said they don't want anymore lovie dovie caring and nurturing they want a D-I-V-O-R-C-E, [The Empire] out of the house, there is nothing left to resolve, and the only differences is Japan is going the way of the Sphere of Influence of the [21st] twenty-first century were as [The Empire] is mired in the [20th] Century of Wars of Economic Stimulus, and the only interests [The Empire] is trying to protect is what it seems to believe is an [AER] Area of Empire Responsibility Northeast Asia, An area that is no longer an [AER] of [The Empire] but part of the Sphere of Influence of the [PRC]. Now, Tom did know one thing that Japan understands how difficult Northeast Asia can be, its [The Empire] that is clueless to the changes that have taken place over the years, living in denial and not facing up to the reality of the  facts on the ground, [The Empire] doesn't live here, and neither does Tom, the Marines would never get off Okinawa, but are only targets themselves and making Okinawa a target to a Nuclear Attack, Tom suffers from pre-Nuclear Weapons mind think, backup reserve troops will never put foot in Korea, in the event of a Second Korean Police Action.


[D-I-V-O-R-C-E Papers]


The LDP Election Mandate; The Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama and his [LDP] Left-leaning government took office in September [2009] , backed by the [SDP] Social Democratic Party within its coalition, vehemently opposed to Israeli-American Troops of Foothold Far East Occupation of Japan, and their remaining on Japanese soil, and with a solid majority mandate of the Japanese electorate upon a promise that ALL Israeli-American Empire Foothold Troop in the Far East on Japanese soil, would be removed from Japanese soil the New [21st] Century Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [Netcitizens], People and their New Government would tear up the Roadmap for Realignment Implementation replacing it with a [GPS] Ground Position System of Reappraisal, Reassessment and Removal Achievement;


* The reassessing of present alliances/ commitments/ relationship with the American-Israeli Empire in the [21st] Century, with change to the Status Quo, which now exists.


* The ending of all Japanese military involvement in the Wars of Economic Stimulus, Blood for Oil, wars in progress against the Islamic Peoples upon the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush, which has taken place with the removal of Japanese Troops, and the ending Japan's refueling missions within the Indian Ocean of their fleets.


* The ending of the [2006] agreement allowing the [47K] Forty-Seven Thousand, [FOOTHOLD] Troops of Far East Occupation, to remain on Japanese soil, demanding their total removal from Japan, and its occupation of the southern Japanese Island of Okinawa, with the closing of their Marine Corp Air Station Futenma.


* The ending of port calls of any American-Israeli Empire, nuclear-armed warships to Japanese ports, ending hidden past agreements, violating the hallowed anti-nuclear principle of postwar Japan. 


* Calling for a closer relationship with [PRC] People's Republic of China, a member of the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China a member of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and the Peoples Republic of China Sphere of Influence of the [21st] Century [within the Chinese Sphere of Influence.


* Membership within the [ASEAN] Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of [16] nations using a single [ASEAN] trading currency by [2020] within the bloc and [PRC/ASEAN] Sphere of Influence; Australia, Brunei, China, India, Indo-China [Vietnam], Indonesia, Japan, A United Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Paracel Islands, The Philippines, and The Spratly Islands.


* The selling of Israeli-American Empire debt in the form of Bond's and legal tender, to support a more diversified Japanese economic position.



Thursday, May 20, 2010




Now, all day we have had writers block, which may people would say is a blessing to them, the jerk didn't write anything, and we can feel their pain as much as Clinton feels anyone's pain, but that being said, we were thing over the Foothold Troops in the Far East Japan situation. And, everyone has a backside and an opinion, so here is our considered opinion.


The Japanese [PM] Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama and his [LDP] Left-leaning government is trying to put something together that will be a stop gap measure between what the Israel-American Empire demands, and what he can realistically deliver. Japan is a powered keg about to explode; to date the Japanese population has put on the smiling face, and dealt with the prolonged Occupation, but their stoic reservation is wearing thin, so far the demonstrations in opposition to the Empire Occupation has been one of Peaceful Protests, much like the [60's] in the Empire led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but like the peaceful demonstrations turned into eruptions across the country when the shot was fired that ended his life. The Japanese are just a breath away from taking violent actions, and both service members and their dependents are at risk.


The Japanese [PM] has decided upon the Cuban Solution, which would mean Empire Occupation Forces would be moved to a more remote part of the Island of Okinawa, from the Prefecture of Ginowan, to that of Nago, over their objections, this is not in accordance with the so called [2006] Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, and more than just kicking the can down the road, its more in line with keeping the fuse to the powder keg from being lit. We believe that vise have a Cuban style fence and guard post, the Japanese Government will have to implement severe restriction for this all to work;


* Curfew for all Empire Military Personnel they will have to within the perimeters of their camp [NLT] not later than [1700/5 P.M.] each day.


* They will find many unwelcome signs within the Nago Prefecture, Americans Not Welcome Here, this is Japan not the Empire and they have the right to refuse service to whome ever they like.


* Japan for the safety of Empire Service Member may not allow dependents to accompany the service member Japan will become an unaccompanied tour.


* That a date and plan be put into place for the removal of all Empire Troops of Occupation from Japanese soil before the year [2020] if not sooner.


* The [60] Sixty F-15 Fighter, [15] fifteen KC-135 Air refueling tankers, and [2] two P-3 Orion Navy reconnaissance aircraft, will have to be removed from Japan, and their operations taken over by Empire Naval Air from an Aircraft Carrier positioned in the Sea of Japan, outside of Japanese Territorial Waters, with limited visiting aircraft missions to or thru the Japanese Empire.  



Japan is [2nd] only to the [PRC] People's Republic of China when it comes to Empire debt held, and Japan could call upon the [PRC] if the Empire refused to comply with the government of Japan, there is very little wiggle room that the [PM] of Japan has concerning this matter, and at best any offer put on the table would be a stop gap one, and could still cause the fall of the Parliamentary Government of Japan, to be replaced by a yet more unfriendly Japanese Government while the [EU] European Foothold Europe was watching, old Hillary had take what she can get, and be glad she got it, if not she's not going to like what offered next.



The Israeli-American Empire is coming to its end, things are in a flux, but one thing is for certain if any the longer the Troops of Foothold Far East remain an irritant to the Japanese the more the resentment will grow and increasingly Japan will become Cuba East, but with the potential to cause economic pain to its tormentor, and within the protection and Geo-Sphere of the [BRIC], Brazil, The Republic of Russia, India, and [PRC] The Peoples Republic of China, within the Sphere of the [PRC]


Now, the latest new out of Japan is that the [PM] has in fact decided to go it alone with a Cuban Solution Package, which has [2] two possible outcomes, Japan becoming Cuba East with it's own Gitmo/Nago facility, or the fall of the [PM] The Japanese [PM] Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama and his [LDP] Left-leaning government, either way the relations between Japan and the Israeli-American Empire are headed in the same direction as the Israeli-American Empire's with the Republic of Cuba, down the tube, as long as the irritant remains the problem will only worsen, Japan is now Cuba East.     



Wednesday, May 19, 2010




Now, all day we have had writers block, which may people would say is a blessing to them, the jerk didn't write anything, and we can feel their pain as much as Clinton feels anyone's pain, but that being said, we were thing over the Foothold Troops in the Far East Japan situation. And, everyone has a backside and an opinion, so here is our considered opinion.


The Japanese [PM] Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama and his [LDP] Left-leaning government is trying to put something together that will be a stop gap measure between what the Israel-American Empire demands, and what he can realistically deliver. Japan is a powered keg about to explode; to date the Japanese population has put on the smiling face, and dealt with the prolonged Occupation, but their stoic reservation is wearing thin, so far the demonstrations in opposition to the Empire Occupation has been one of Peaceful Protests, much like the [60's] in the Empire led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but like the peaceful demonstrations turned into eruptions across the country when the shot was fired that ended his life. The Japanese are just a breath away from taking violent actions, and both service members and their dependents are at risk.


The Japanese [PM] has decided upon the Cuban Solution, which would mean Empire Occupation Forces would be moved to a more remote part of the Island of Okinawa, from the Prefecture of Ginowan, to that of Nago, over their objections, this is not in accordance with the so called [2006] Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, and more than just kicking the can down the road, its more in line with keeping the fuse to the powder keg from being lit. We believe that vise have a Cuban style fence and guard post, the Japanese Government will have to implement severe restriction for this all to work;


* Curfew for all Empire Military Personnel they will have to within the perimeters of their camp [NLT] not later than [1700/5 P.M.] each day.


* They will find many unwelcome signs within the Nago Prefecture, Americans Not Welcome Here, this is Japan not the Empire and they have the right to refuse service to whome ever they like.


* Japan for the safety of Empire Service Member may not allow dependents to accompany the service member Japan will become an unaccompanied tour.


* That a date and plan be put into place for the removal of all Empire Troops of Occupation from Japanese soil before the year [2020] if not sooner.


Japan is [2nd] only to the [PRC] People's Republic of China when it comes to Empire debt held, and Japan could call upon the [PRC] if the Empire refused to comply with the government of Japan, there is very little wiggle room that the [PM] of Japan has concerning this matter, and at best any offer put on the table would be a stop gap one, and could still cause the fall of the Parliamentary Government of Japan, to be replaced by a yet more unfriendly Japanese Government while the [EU] European Foothold Europe was watching, old Hillary had take what she can get, and be glad she got it, if not she's not going to like what offered next.



Monday, May 17, 2010




[Prefecture Problem Shifting]


Japans problems with the [IAE]  Israeli-American Empire's refusing to remove its Foothold Hold Troops, on the necks of the Japanese Empire, a Foot that the [IAE] will continue to maintain if not forced relocate to another location, separate from that of Japanese soil, will remain well into the [21st] Twenty-First Century, if not into the [22nd] Century, and the idea of just passing the problem from [1] one Prefecture in Japan to another Prefecture of Japan is no more than insanity, that of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come, when the same out come has happen over and over again, which is what the so called [2006]  Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, does it the [2006] Israeli-American Empire Kicking the Can Down the Road Order, Aomori, Ibaraki, Iwakuni  and Nago Prefecture's, quote [We are against moving the base inside our prefecture.] Unquote, and do not want the growing criminal problem along other sea of troubles cause by the Israeli-American Empire Foothold Troops of Occupation  want Ginowan's, Okinowa Prefecture's  problems, this is not about lessening the burden by burden sharing this is a cop out to the Israeli-American Empire, the burden is not removed its is simply spread around Japanese headline's tell the story;


* Base-friendly islanders urged to lobby mayors


* Clinton weighs in on simmering dispute with Japan over future of US Marine base in Okinawa


* GI's suspected in yet another taxi robbery


* Hatoyama dumps May 31st deadline on Futenma


* Okinawan construction companies oppose proposed [QIP] Quick Installment Platform, method.


* Shifting flights from Okinawa not likely to "lessen burden"


* U.S. air base surrounded by human chain of protesters


[The LDP Election Mandate]


The Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama and his [LDP] Left-leaning government took office in September [2009] , backed by the [SDP] Social Democratic Party within its coalition, vehemently opposed to Israeli-American Troops of Foothold Far East Occupation of Japan, and their remaining on Japanese soil, and with a solid majority mandate of the Japanese electorate upon a promise that ALL Israeli-American Empire Foothold Troop in the Far East on Japanese soil, would be removed from Japanese soil the New [21st] Century Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [Netcitizens], People and their New Government would tear up the Roadmap for Realignment Implementation replacing it with a [GPS] Ground Position System of Reappraisal, Reassessment and Removal Achievement;


* The reassessing of present alliances/ commitments/ relationship with the American-Israeli Empire in the [21st] Century, with change to the Status Quo, which now exists.


* The ending of all Japanese military involvement in the Wars of Economic Stimulus, Blood for Oil, wars in progress against the Islamic Peoples upon the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush, which has taken place with the removal of Japanese Troops, and the ending Japan's refueling missions within the Indian Ocean of their fleets.


* The ending of the [2006] agreement allowing the [47K] Forty-Seven Thousand, [FOOTHOLD] Troops of Far East Occupation, to remain on Japanese soil, demanding their total removal from Japan, and its occupation of the southern Japanese Island of Okinawa, with the closing of their Marine Corp Air Station Futenma.


* The ending of port calls of any American-Israeli Empire, nuclear-armed warships to Japanese ports, ending hidden past agreements, violating the hallowed anti-nuclear principle of postwar Japan. 


* Calling for a closer relationship with [PRC] People's Republic of China, a member of the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China a member of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and the Peoples Republic of China Sphere of Influence of the [21st] Century [within the Chinese Sphere of Influence.


* Membership within the [ASEAN] Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of [16] nations using a single [ASEAN] trading currency by [2020] within the bloc and [PRC/ASEAN] Sphere of Influence; Australia, Brunei, China, India, Indo-China [Vietnam], Indonesia, Japan, A United Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Paracel Islands, The Philippines, and The Spratly Islands.


* The selling of Israeli-American Empire debt in the form of Bond's and legal tender, to support a more diversified Japanese economic position.


[Caught In the Spider Web of Empire]


It is now time for the Japanese government to make good on its pledge to the Japanese Peoples, Japan must not become another Cuba of [The Empire], were they are unwelcome troops of occupation, upon the sovereign territory of Cuba, it is time for Japan to act on it's pledge! And what must not be missed by those countries that either willingly the host to or unwillingly subjected to the occupation by [Empire] Troops is once you have them it seems that the [Empire] end game is your never getting rid of them, you simply are a host to fed upon by the [Empire], a victim caught in its spider web of [Empire].