Now, we got an E-mail from David Scott of (www.Freethegods.blogspot.com), and it read David Scott has left a new comment on your post "GOMENESAI TOUR II": So what's the big scoop on the current situation with the Korean Conflict? Well Dave should have know better we did a dump job on the poor guy, for which we should say were sorry, but we sort of got a kick out of it. So what is the big scoop about the on going Korean Conflict, it's all political theater, the Israeli-American Empire, simply know around the world as the [EMPIRE], is in an increasingly rapid state of decline, and to stay in the game at all need to maintain it's [2] Two Footholds, the European Foothold in Germany, along the Russian Federations Sphere of Influence, and in the Far East in Japan the now Cuba of the Far East, neither Cuba nor Japan want [Empire] Foothold Troops of Occupation on their soil. The [EMPIRE] is aware that the day they lose one of the [2] Two Footholds they lose both of them, and they are losing rapidly their Foothold Hold in Japan, and the [SOSE] Secretary of State of the Empire, Hillary Diane Rodham- Clinton is doing a great job of almost single handily prying that Foothold out of Japan, With her My Way Or The Highway Non-Diplomatic State Department, yes Hillary got her signed agreement, but its something like the time [FDR] Franklin D. Roosevelt had it out with the Supreme Court, they handled down a ruling against [FDR] and the old boy just looked at them and said now enforce it! Now, we will quote ourselves from a previous posting, The Ire of the Japanese people was finally brought to the point where there can no longer be any middle ground, as the [SOSE] Secretary of State to the Empire Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, in her usual My Way or the Highway performance, ignored, downplayed and brushed aside the overwhelming Japanese peoples demands that the [EMPIRE'S] troops of Foothold Far East be removed from the soil of Japan, that the occupation of Japan be ended. But, The Clinton State Department forced the signing of the so called [2006] Japan-U.S. Roadmap for Realignment Implementation, and more than just kicking the can down the road, has lit the fuse to the powder keg of Japanese private citizens and Ire over the continued occupation of their country, unquote.
The [EMPIRE] media is covering the Far East mostly do to the fact it's so bad, Hillary doesn't want it covered but here's how its shaking out;
* The latest Japanese Government which is Parliamentary is coming apart which will mean a new election in September and the [EMPIRE] and Hillary in particular has caused a bigger headache then they now have, they didn't like the present government of Japan, we tend the believe that they are going to really hate the next one, and that election is in [120] days.
* And the [EMIC] Empire Military Industrial Complex is sticking it to the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China Sphere of Influence for not backing them on Sanctions against the [PRK] Peoples Republic of China in the [UN] United Nations, Ya! Like that was really going to happen, but the [EMPIRE] arm twisted the present government of Japan into letting [EMPIRE] military assets in particular [59] Fifty-Nine [Empire] carrier Fighter Aircraft, which the Nationalist Chinese Island of Taipei says its not going to accept or put up with as the Japanese are extending its [ADIZ] Air Defense Identification Zone, a line that a military aircraft must first provide flight details to the national airspace into which it is entering or will meet with prompt interception by military means, in other words they could use what ever means to take it down. Now, for those of you who can't quite grasp the concept, Israeli-American Empire fighter aircraft become legal targets of the Nationalist Chinese, but that also means the Red Chinese, mainland government has that right, as they consider the Nationalist Chinese Island as their territory, including its airspace.
Now, most [Jar Heads] Marines like Gibbs from [NCIS] Naval Criminal Investigative Service came from one of those town that standing under the one traffic light in town, that had a constant speed trap and if you drove one kilometer over or under the speed limit you when in front of the local barber shop judge who gave you a stiff fine, and from that point beneath the traffic signal one could see the town limits in both directions, and that is why they joined the Marines to get away from it. Well, Guam is that one traffic light town but the only difference the edge of town drops off for leagues into the Pacific Ocean with a lot of big sharks, and for a female its like Jimmy Buffets song Sharks to the left, Sharks to the right and you're the only meal in town. A family sent to
So, my only reply to David Scott of (www.Freethegods.blogspot.com), this whole thing is not a scoop of horse manure, it's a massive pile of horse, manure. The short term gains in no way out weight the long term losses created by the hurry up and get it done My Way Or The Highway Clinton mantra, see we have an agreement, now lets see how much of it is implemented.