Saturday, February 20, 2010



[Reconstruction Political Gerrymandering] 

Now, we spent the last two days on (, blogging on the Matthew Yglesias, site, a [SUPERIOR SITE], and this is not meant to be a hit job we're not Anthony come to bury Caesar, but that being said, he's a far-Far-FAR-Left, Democratic Nelson Mandela/John Brown Abolitionist Socialist Activist Thinker, just to keep in touch with what, the Far-Left is thinking, now we seldom go on the Far-Right sites we pretty much worked as a hired mercenary for them all our lives, Marine Corp. Gen. Chesty Puller always said, the military were Wall St., enforcers, and that hit the nail on the head. And, Yglesias is a very bright individual and has thinking in line with that of Nelson Mandela, the concept that the transition from a North American Continent, of Anglo-Saxon based Heritage to one of a Black/Negro Based African Heritage, can be done thru peaceful political means, and much as with Mandela the road to Hell is paved with good intentions and has targeted the Confederate States of Mississippi and Alabama, for a [21st] Twenty-First Century re-creation of the [19th] Nineteenth Century Post War of Secession [1865] Reconstruction Era Period, using a new [21st] Century, Gerrymandering System, with the intent of, placing as in [1865], more Black/Negro faces into State thru Federal government. 


[White Man's Burden/Black Man's Revenge]   


But, that being said we found that Yglesias, while having the best of intentions, and the best laid plans of mice and men often, go astray, has followers much as Mandela's, who have far less noble one's as the Confederate States [19th] Century White Mans Burden, is seen more in view as an opportunity for Black revenge of the [21st] Century with Mississippi the top of the hit list with Alabama a close [2nd] Second. This would all seem like a bad dream or a badly made movie if it wasn't for real. It's stopped being about good government and more about some Zeitgeist in reverse, a skin pigmentation based Social Agenda, the oppressed must now be given rule, its much like the French Revolution, with Madam Guillotine and citizen mob ruling of France, now this may not be the intended out come, that Matt Yglesias envisions but his followers seem to have a vengeance is justified mine set, as much as the continued retribution served upon Germany over the last [65] Sixty-Five year, of Political house cleaning, Para-Military/Military/Police, occupation of some form and Economic repression, with reparations paid to the State of Israel, too now be wrought  upon former Confederate States.  


[Capitalist/Socialist Democratic]  


Now, we seem to have developed a split in the Democratic Party, now made up of [2] two types of Democratic, Capitalist and Socialist; 


[THE CAPITALIST DEMOCRATIC]: The Capitalist Democratic are like Ronnie Reagan, he didn't leave the party the party left him, and then he became a Republican. Well, it seems the Capitalist Democratic are pretty much like Ronnie Reagan, they didn't leave the party, the party, left, Left, LEFT, them, and the boys were left out in the cold, they were not Socialist Democratic, and they weren't Republican, so what to do, not seek re-election, they haven't got a political party that they can support, the [18th] Century government The United States of America doesn't exist, having been replaced by the [21st] Century, American-Israeli Empire.   


[THE SOCIALIST DEMOCRATIC]: The American-Israeli Empire, far-Far-FAR-Left, Democratic Nelson Mandela/John Brown Abolitionist Socialist Activists, the My Way Or The Highway, Socialist, they hate, Hate, HATE, Tea-baggers and Republican's, the white establishment, the White Devils, thinking in line with [Malcome-X/El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz], and Black Muslim leader Lewis Farakhan, and they have a lexicon of foul words used by Sailor's and is not meant for civilized society, used upon those who's comment's don't fix into the thinking of their blogging community, and will tell you to just leave their blogging community. There goal is one of retribution, much as occurred in The Union of South Africa, which became a blood bath, which ended up in the breaking up of the country, and return to a [3rd] third world status. 


[The Consequences of Empire in Decline]


Now, the whole great social experimentation started in [1776] was never going to work anyway, as was said on [1] One episode of Inspector Lewis All Men Are Created Equal and how did that work out for you, to an American Tourist, one can only guess how this is going to work out as the [18th] Century United States of America Social experiment comes too a close, as a [21st] Century American-Israeli Empire, as an intellectually, financially, morally bankrupt, militarily weak, ungovernable, unfixable, unsustainable, Empire, governed by of an oligarchy of jaded pros, permanent residents locked in the Beltway whose only movement is from Pennsylvania Avenue, when they're in office, to [K] Street, when they're out -- & back. We would suggest, much as the Union of South Africa, in blood-shed, and the breaking up forming New Republic and a new map of the North American Continent; 

* The Republic of Alaska 

* America [The Confederate States/The United States] 

* The Republic of California 

* Republic of Cascadia" [Northwestern separatists envision a "Republic of Cascadia" carved out of Oregon, Washington and the Canadian province of British Columbia.] 

* The Republic of Hawaii 

* The Republic of Texas 

* The Republic of Vermont carved out of [The New York Adirondacks, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, New Hampshire.]   

And, all this in the mist of a War of Economic Stimulus on the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush, as [NATO] The North Atlantic Treaty Organization falls apart, and the Empire of Japan demands ending of Empires, Far-Eastern [FOOTHOLD] established in Japan, with the replacement of the [$] Dollar as the World's Base Currency, while living off the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China's Credit unwilling too be dictated to by a debtor Empire in decline, printing [$] Dollars as fast as they can be printed, with a government in Grid-lock, The Consequences of Empire in Decline.  


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