Sunday, February 28, 2010








Now, we are in the [21st] Century, and the American-Israeli Empire has been dragging the problems of the [20th] Century into it, and its time that it ended, there are those that are the enemies of the Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [NetCitizens] of the [21st] Century and the Champions of the Old-Think, the Empire Think, the use of paralimentary tricks to accomplish the will of the Empire, the continuation of the Empire, the global rule of the Empire with military bases of [Occupation, Footholds, Trip-wire and regional encirclement], of Wars of Economic Stimulus. They see a world of rule from within the Beltway of Washington, D.C. [District of Clowns], not doing the business of the people, but ruling the people by political backroom choice for their gains. They see the [NYC/NYSE] New York City/New York Stock Exchange as the Worlds Economic Epicenter, they see the $$$Dollar$$$ as the one and only base currency of the new World Order. They see the [20th]  Century as the American-Israeli Empire all knowing, all powerful, all supreme, on Steroids, the question is WHAT DO YOU SEE!!, what do you the Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers and [NetCitizens] of this the [21st] Century see, not only for yourselves but for generations to come, for the [22nd] Century and beyond.






There is a vision, of one who is a Ponder, of the [20th] Century, who's circle of life is nearing it close, which is as life and all things must and should be [This Too Shall End], a vision where government is not based upon parliamentary tricks and backroom deals, were those in government as sent by the regions they represent to a location, not multiple time zones away from those they are sent to represent, not a government made up of [50] fifty vassal states of the [CENTRAL GOVERNMENT], too be dictated too but [8-10] eight to ten Republics were the American-Israeli Empire which now exists, upon the North American Continent, part of a new North American Sphere of Influence one of many International Spheres of Influence, forming the New Community of Nations, each with its own Geo-Economic, [Defensive] Military and Political, Structures making their own decision as to their forms of governments, and/or religious, basis. We envision Spheres of Influence working in harmony with each other, based upon a Diverse Monetary Structure, a floating value to each individual currency based upon markets values. We envision separate Sphere of Influence Economic Markets with separate currencies for the Sphere of Influence, as the Euro for the Common Market the [EU] European Union, we envision the [UN] United Nations in Brussels, and we envision [NATO] the North American Treaty Organization as no longer in existence, a relic of a bygone era.    





The Ponder of the [20th] Century see's one possible vision of the [21st] Century but that is unimportant, what is important is what do you the Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, [NetCitizens] of the [21st in the 22nd] Century envision for yourselves, a [21st] Century of Empire on Steroids, or the ending of the Empire its division into a peaceful group of Republics, being only a separate buy equal Geo-Economic, [Defensive] Military, and Political Structure, within its own Sphere of Influence. What is it that you would want for yourselves and others to look up into the light of day, and see only the Sun and the clouds, and birds in their domain, or the cool of the evening looking into the heavens seeing the moon in its many phases, the stars on a cloudless evening, or the DRONES OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION, raining down death to the innocent, prisons filled with prisoners awaiting trials without the ability to have even the show of a proper defense, after having been imprisoned, abused, beaten, tortured, for years having been given [SPECIAL RENDITION]. What do you of the [21st] Century see, and when if not brought to its end do you think it will be your fate to be a victim of that Empire, or masters of your own fates within your own communities, and Sphere of Influence, it's the [21st] Century What Do You See?



HERCULE TRIAHLON SAVINIEN                                  

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Return of the Confederacy Or The South Shall Rise Again


[Avlon Vs Triathlon]


Now, we have written in opposition against John Avlon before and we will in all likely hood do so again, Again, and AGAIN. And, who is John Avlon, he is a young writer for (www.TheDailyBeast.Com), and the author of several books to his own credit [Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe is Hijacking America, and Independent Nation; How Centrists Can Change American Politics], having worked his way up in the New York Sun, from columnist to associate editor, which is no small achievement on his part.  And, from his picture taken in New York City of course, one knows that John is a hard-core YANKEE, and from his writing we find him to be a bomb throwing Yankee, using derogatory names/ terms/ and labels to describe those with own he does not agree [Wingnuts, Lunatic Fringe, Hijacking], John is a Bill Ayers type writer quote, [I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough.], unquote, John sells books and makes a living stirring up controversy, others have done it before John and others will in the future, but in all fairness such is the way of life, everyone does it, and then denies having done it, and this is what John does, and when his writing leads as they will to a violent counter re-action, they disclaim any fault but hide behind the idea that we were just shedding like on those[Wingnut, Lunatic Fringe, Anti-Americans Hijacking our Union]. We could without doubt go back into the history just prior to the War of Secession and find another two facing off in print, in very much the same manner, with opposite views, on this very subject.



[Return of the Confederacy Or The South Shall Rise Again]



Now, John takes the position as most Yankee's do that some how the Confederacy when away, just as many taught that after the defeat of Nazis Germany that it would never return, or that after the fall of the Berlin Wall, that Communism was dead, and all these things have proven not to be the case. Now, all country and western fans, know of Charlie Daniels, or Hank Williams Jr. and their songs and each has sung The South Shall Rise Again, but the boys aren't the only one's if one looks up the phrase on the old computer, one will find it is used so often its more of a rising battle cry than just a phrase. John Avlon is a Yankee, has always been a Yankee, and always will be a Yankee, and can never understand, and can't see beyond his thinly veiled HATE of the South, that Yankee's and Confederates will never see eye to eye, and can never be one people. John fails to see the end of Empire, clinging to the idea that the Persians were wrong that [This Too Shall End], and with the end of Empire comes its total collapse, and its division, and once again we will point to facture points on the North American Continent;  



[The Consequences of Empire in Decline]


Now, the whole great social experimentation started in [1776] was never going to work anyway, as was said on [1] One episode of Inspector Lewis All Men Are Created Equal and how did that work out for you, to an American Tourist, one can only guess how this is going to work out as the [18th] Century United States of America Social experiment comes too a close, as a [21st] Century American-Israeli Empire, as an intellectually, financially, morally bankrupt, militarily weak, ungovernable, unfixable, unsustainable, Empire, governed by of an oligarchy of jaded pros, permanent residents locked in the Beltway whose only movement is from Pennsylvania Avenue, when they're in office, to [K] Street, when they're out -- & back. We would suggest, much as the Union of South Africa, in blood-shed, and the breaking up forming New Republic and a new map of the North American Continent;


* The Republic of Alaska


* America [The Confederate States/The United States]


* The Republic of California


* Republic of Cascadia" [Northwestern separatists envision a "Republic of Cascadia" carved out of Oregon, Washington and the Canadian province of British Columbia.]


* The Republic of Hawaii


* The Republic of Texas


* The Republic of Vermont carved out of [The New York Adirondacks, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, New Hampshire.]  


[History and experience are hard teachers]


Now, we can't hold much against John Avlon, it was all pretty much his up bringing, and his schooling that made him the individual he is at this moment in time, a person of static think, [That Will Never Happen], until the day comes along that it does in fact happen and smacks him in the face , viewing the world thru a straw, looking at the lone tree, instead of the forest, showing a lack of history, and life experience beyond New York City, and NO! New York City is not a microcosm, of the world, that place does not exits, any more that the Empire is a melting pot, or All Men Are Created Equal With Certain Unalienable Rights. There are [350M] Three-Hundred and Fifty Million human being on the North American Continent, divided into [8] eight parts, John would argue [50] Fifty States not including the Territories, and the argument would just go round and round, only proving the width and breath of the divide that exists between the [8] regions of the North American Continent but their peoples.  Return of the Confederacy Or The South Shall Rise Again, John would say it will NEVER! Happen, we content that one should beware of using the term Never. Another writer we can't remember who once wrote that history, and experience are hard teacher's, and my God what hard teachers.



Friday, February 26, 2010






It really seems the American-Israeli Empires [SOS] Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton has a knack of starting fights that she ends up on the loosing side on. We all know about her rowel in the White House Administration with Rahm Emanuel, well she seems to be spreading the wealth around. Now, Hillary is at odd's with Dr. G. Westerwelle the Foreign Minister of Germany, and Dr. Ron Paul the head of the Tea-Bagger Movement in the Empire, and a U.S. Representative to the [DC] District of Clowns, from the [14th] District of the Republic of Texas, its all over the same thing, more or less;


* Dr. Westerwelle, wants the estimated [20] Twenty nuke's on Germany soil off of Germany soil and all estimated [200] Two hundred nuke's in the [EU] European Union out of the [EU].


* Dr. Ron Paul, wants all the [Foothold] troops around the globe all [300] Three-hundred bases closed, and the [MIC] Military Industrial Complex of the Empire reduced to that of a defensive organization, end the Empires Wars of Economic Stimulus. 




Now, Dr. Westerwelle and others in the [EU] have been stating the facts that nuclear weapons in the [EU] are hurting the Empire politically and really serve no military purpose in this day and age, calling them superfluous. The idea of getting in the first punch and winning is plane nuts, yes the Empire could take out Moscow, and other cities in a first strike, but to believe that a response strike could be stopped is a dream. If anyone has never seen the movie War Games, well we really suggest that you either rent it at the local movie rental store or go on line and rent it from Netflix, and to once again repeat the famous quote of Albert Einstein [I don't know what kind of weapons will be used in the third world war, assuming there will be a third world war. But I can tell you what the fourth world war will be fought with -- stone clubs.], unquote, you would really have to agree that the only purpose today of the nuclear deterrence concept is the alternative a Nuclear Winter and return to age of the cave man, having unnecessary nuclear weapons, and troop from the Empire in what amounts to a continuation of [20th] Century Cold War mentality, is a sign of the wrong thinking and decay within the Empire.


Dr. G. Westerwelle, Dr. Ron Paul, President Dmitry Medvedev of the Russian Federation, The [PM] Prime Minister of Japan, from the [9th] District of Hokkaidō Yukio [Sangokushi Manga] Hatoyama of the [LDP] Liberal Democratic Party, the Tea-Bagger Movement, the Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [NetCitizens], around the globe, representing Billions of human beings, are working with each other, to move forward into the [21st] Century, as the Empire sinks into the history books. It is time for;


* [NATO] the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, to be ended, and a new purely [EU] defensive force be established.


* It is time for the [UN] United Nations to be relocated to Brussels.


* It is time for all Empire Military [Footholds] and [Trip-Wire] bases to be closed.





Thursday, February 25, 2010




[Kicking the Oval Office Door In]


Now, we all knew that the political wedding between the Imperial Media Messiah President and Park Ridge Bee-Itch, was one made in Swell, and we all knew that sooner or later the Battle Royal would ensue, and here it is. The Office of the President is an open battlefield between former Clinton employee Rahm Emanuel, whom Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton has fired over his involvement in the Lewinsky affair the got Bubba Impeached, and Hillary once again planning to have Rahm fired, kicking in the door to the Oval Office. The Jewish Mob from Chicago, are engaged in a fight to the death of political careers, with the Clinton Crew.


[The Blame Game]


The Clinton Crew have been players on the Beltway scene for a long, Long, LONG, time, they know where the skeletons are buried and they know when to lay down the [IOU] chip, for favors given and just who's looking for favors to be done, hold out their hand for their rings to be kissed, if I do this thing for you, when I call upon you to do a thing for me in return, there can be no refusal. And, the boys in the press always pick sides in a fight and those who have survived in the [DC] District of Clowns have a nose to which way the wind is blowing. The Imperial Media Messiah President has warfare in the Executive, The Party is split between Socialist Democratic and Capitalist Democratic [Blue Dog], Hillary is running the State Department, and has Gates the Secretary of Defense answering to her, while directing the fight in the oval office like a Field General, pushing her enemy Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago Jewish Mob, on to Desperate Ground were the only option is battle. All the while the finger of Blame for the pickle the Democrat are in,  in the Blame Game is pointed directly at Rahm Emanuel, and the Messiah.


[The options]


* Option One: The Messiah does nothing and lets Clinton and Rahm continue their fight in the open media and Hillary Diane, resigns in a huff, blaming the Socialist Agenda on the Chicago Jewish Mob.


* Option Two: The Messiah fires Hillary, and once again Hillary Diane, blame's the failing Socialist Agenda on the Chicago Jewish Mob.


* Option Three: The Messiah fires Rahm, Hillary has her Clinton Crew continue with the Socialist Agenda, but distances herself with work in the State Department, but leaves the Messiah surrounded with the Crew, and after the mid-term elections and before the last year of the Messiahs term in office she resigns in a huff, again, she tried to stop his Socialist Agenda but the Messiah simply wouldn't listen.


Now, as one can see in all [3] three options Hillary Diane resigns or is fired in [1] One, but the blame is always placed upon the Messiah. When [2011], arrives the Clinton Crew shifts into campaign mode, with the Democratic Capitalist, Centrist Hillary Diane, presenting herself as the only one able to put things in order, Israel should never have been given [Special Relationship] Status nor any other nation, but treated equally among the Community of nations as can be see with Bubba's talking to Yasser Arafat, almost closing a Middle East Peace agreement. Hillary always did know how the game was played, a Battle Royal or a Battle of Strategic positioning.





Wednesday, February 24, 2010


To Who's Tune will the EU Dance






So, we all know what the Empire is, and for those who don't it's the American-Israeli Empire, and that means that the so called [SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP], between the State of Israel and the former United States of America as become an Empire. The State of Israel was the head of the Spear into the [IAH] Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush, but has become the driving force behind the Empires take over of the area. And its ultimate take over with control of over the worlds economy by control of;



(1) The Caspian Sea Basin: to supply the Nabucco Pipeline with it's estimated at (7.25 Trn.Cu.Mts.) Seven-two-five trillion cubic meters, yet to be developed underneath the Caspian Sea, along with (1/5th) One-fifth, (20%) Twenty-Percent of the remaining global oil reserves.


(2) The Nabucco gas pipeline: which is to be laid through the territories of the Former Soviet Republic of (Georgia), into, Azerbaijan into the strategic Northwest Iranian territory or Shi-ite Persian Iran were currently (4) four- million Kurds are concentrated in Iran, waiting to declare a Kurdish state, and with Russian peacekeepers in place to protect the new formed Kurdish state from Georgian or Iranian aggression, onto Turkey and the Tabriz refinery, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria to connect Europe.


(3) The Central Asian Pipeline: from Turkmenistan which is rich in hydrocarbons and the building of the "Central Asian Pipeline" system transporting (NG) across Afghanistan to the ports of Pakistan, Karachi, and round the globe in (LG) Liquid Gas from, to waiting markets, with a branch line to supply the needs of India.


With Israel in control of the political process of the entire Empire with its political Israeli Arms,  



[Special Relationship Covenant]


This meant the regular doling out of tens of millions of dollars in campaign contributions, collected by more and more forcefully arguments, to its donors that their continued relevance in defining global affairs is based upon higher amounts of donations. [AIPAC/AZC] is estimated to have an annual budget of [$60M/41] Sixty-Million Dollars/Forty-One-Million Euro's use to pay the hired hands, the [DC/544] Degenerate Democratic and Republican Crooks, to ensure that its hard line State of Israel agenda's s were not only part of every discussion of foreign policy that takes place in Congress or the White House, too dutifully carry them out under the [SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP COVENANT].  The [AIPAC/AZC] succeeded because they knew that the (DC/544) needed to court [AIPAC/AZC], needing money for reelection campaigns, and money holds sway in their political system, and the [AIPAC/AZC] has stood ready to fund their election campaigns with generous donations and gifts.


[The Spheres of Influence]


The Spheres of Influence are those Geo-economic powers that are now flowering;


* [EU] EUROPEAN UNION: The Nations of Europe who set the pattern for all other Spheres of Influence.


* [BRIC] Sphere of Influence, Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, and the Peoples Republic China


* BRAZIL: [UNASUR] the Union of South American Nations: All [12] South American states (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela)


* THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION: The Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus, the Caucasian Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Tajikistan Turkey and Uzbekistan


* INDIA: India, Bhutan, Bangladesh.


* THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA: [ASEAN] made up of [16] nations, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, using a single [ASEAN] trading currency by [2020] within the bloc and [PRC/ASEAN] Sphere of Influence; Australia, Brunei, China, India, Indo-China [Vietnam], Indonesia, Japan, A United Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Paracel Islands, The Philippines, and The Spratly Islands.



[NATO Empire Offense or EU Defensive Force]



The Empire sees [NATO] as a Offensive tool in its offensive military arsenal to be use to gain control of the [IAH] Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush, in its War of Economic Stimulus, and maintain its world position, having a strangle hold upon oil and gas reserves of the world, giving the American-Israeli Empire geo-economic and military dormancy into the [22nd] Century, a position it has held since the end of [WWII] World War Two, but which has been in decline with the growth of the Spheres of Influence. The question is now will the [EU] European Union, continue to be used as an Offensive Arms of the Empire, or will it choose to remain an Independent [European] Defensive Force, is it any longer necessary that Europe be tied to the apron strings of the Empire;



* The Japanese have chosen the [ASEAN] association, and the [BRIC] Sphere of Influence.



* The German Republic is beginning its path to a new Europe calling for the removal of Empire Nuclear Weapon from German.



* The French will not provide additional forces to the [IAH]



* The Danes will withdraw from it in August.



The Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [Netcitizens] of the [EU] will have to make a hard choice between [1st May 2010 & 2011], a Defensive Independent Sphere of Influence Military Structure, or Offensive Empire Membership of World domination. One government within the [EU] has fallen as their citizens' demand an Independent [EU], the question for other governments within the [EU] does the [EU] dance to its own tune or do they dance to the Empire fiddlers' tune.



HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVINIEN                         

Tuesday, February 23, 2010




[Japan Calls for Foothold Far-East's End]


Now, Japan's Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [Netcitizens] have long come to the conclusion that this is the [21st] Century, and that [FOOTHOLD] Far-East is a product of the [20th] Century, another time and another era, and this is the [21st] Century, and it has come time to decouple itself from the American-Israeli Empire and its use of Japan, and Japanese territory for its unending wars from the past century extending yet any farther into the present era. A NEW Left-leaning Japanese government took office in September of [2009], representing the New [21st] Century Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [Netcitizens], of Japan calling for;



* A period of reflection, the reassessing of present alliances/ commitments/ relationship with the American-Israeli Empire in the [21st] Century, with change to the Status Quo, which now exists.



* The ending of all Japanese military involvement in the Wars of Economic Stimulus, Blood for Oil, wars in progress against the Islamic Peoples upon the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush, which has taken place with the removal of Japanese Troops, and the ending Japan's refueling missions within the Indian Ocean of their fleets.



* The ending of the [2006] agreement allowing the [47K] Forty-Seven Thousand, [FOOTHOLD] Troops of Far East Occupation, to remain on Japanese soil, demanding their total removal from Japan, and its occupation of the southern Japanese Island of Okinawa, with the closing of their Marine Corp Air Station Futenma.



* The ending of port calls of any American-Israeli Empire, nuclear-armed warships to Japanese ports, ending hidden past agreements, violating the hallowed anti-nuclear principle of postwar Japan.



* Calling for a closer relationship with [PRC] People's Republic of China, within the Chinese Sphere of Influence.



* The Creation of a [ASEAN] Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of [16] nations using a single [ASEAN] trading currency by [2020] within the bloc and [PRC/ASEAN] Sphere of Influence; Australia, Brunei, China, India, Indo-China [Vietnam], Indonesia, Japan, A United Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Paracel Islands, The Philippines, and The Spratly Islands.



[Tea-Baggers Call for End of Footholds]



The Tea-Baggers, described by the far-Far-FAR Left Socialist half of the Described as Racist, Un-Patriotic, Un-American, Traitors, by the followers of the Media Messiah Imperial Presidents Loyal boot kissers, Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, Harry Reid, and of course Nancy Pelosi, and led by Dr. Ron Paul the United States Representative from the [14th] Congressional District of the Republic of Texas, has called for the ending of both Foothold Europe and Foothold Japan, on the same grounds that they are in the new era the, the new century relics of a bygone century. The Tea-Bagger Movement in fact has called for the closing of all [300] Three-hundred Empire [MIC] Military Industrial Complex bases around the globe to be closed, and the size of the [MIC] be substantially reduced, along with its funding, in an effort to restore fiscal responsibility to the nation.



[Europe Slow On Uptake]



Europe has been slow on the uptake, and behind what both Japan and those of the Tea-Bagger Movement have long been aware of, what other Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [Netcitizens] around the globe, and the Spheres of Economic Global Community Co-operation, has come to understand, this is not the [20th] Century, and it need no longer be tied by an out dated organization [NATO] the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, an organization which was set up for European defense and not to support American-Israeli Empire War of Economic Stimulus, into the [21st] Century.

Europe has been slow to see that each and every death of each of each and every European soldier upon the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush, was totally and completely unjustified and unnecessary loss of life. Take the loss of lives suffered by the country of Demark over the last [2] Two years;



Dutch troops have been stationed in Afghanistan since [2006], on a [2] Two year tour of duty that had been extended not by choice but due to the deterioration of support for the war around the globe and [NO REPLACEMENTS AVAILABLE], to a [4] Four year tour of duty with a definite end date of August [2010], which was voted upon by the Dutch Parliament headed by the Christian Democratic Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende who until the fall of his government declined to endorse.



The American-Israeli Empire could have easily pulled [1K] One-Thousand [FOOTHOLD] troops each from [60K] Six-thousand Foothold Europe, and [47K] Forty-Seven-Thousand, Foothold Japan, a total of [107K] One-Hundred-Seven-thousand troops, from duty drinking German Beer, and Japanese Saki, saving the lives just over the last [2] Two years of Danish Troops, let along those of other European countries, but [NO REPLACEMENTS WERE AVAILABLE].




Monday, February 22, 2010






Now, the American-Israeli Empire controlled media, tend to try an draw attention away from any an all failure's of the Media Messiah Imperial President and his rubber stamp Imperial Court, especially the Department of State, and the media is made up of College Educated Journalist who write down and present anything that is presented to them, each changing a few words here and there but all basically the same, they couldn't dig up the dirt if you gave them a brand new chrome plate shovel and pointed to spot to dig. But that being said, the coalition of the willing, is willing no more, having heard [18] eighteen months spoken of in October [2009], now leaving only [13] thirteen months, commitment requirements to the Empires War of Economic Stimulus on the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush, request of the Media Messiah Imperial President, the door was opened and the exit strategies and time tables are being arranged by each member of the coalition of once [48] Forty-Eight now [44] Forty-Four coalition members.





DENMARK/NETHERLANDS: TROOP LEVELS: [2K /30 KIA] (Southern Afghanistan/Uruzgan/Helmand Province) operating out of Base Camp Armadillo, with a field hospital Camp Bastion, from the Royal Lifeguard Regiment, playing a vital role in peace and reconstruction efforts, building roads, training the Afghan police and providing security for civilians while having been fighting along side of Australian troops on their own in an increasingly violent battle. Dutch troops have been stationed in Afghanistan since [2006], on a [2] Two year tour of duty that had been extended not by choice but due to the deterioration of support for the war around the globe and no replacements available, to a [4] Four year tour of duty with a definite end date of August [2010], which was voted upon by the Dutch Parliament headed by the Christian Democratic Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende who until the fall of his government declined to endorse. With the end date approaching the Labour/Labor Party Finance Minister Wouter Bos, demanded an immediate endorsement of the vote, which was refused and were upon the Labour/Labor Party pulled out of its coalition membership with the Christian Democratic Party controlling the Dutch Parliament bring down its government, and the resignation of Dutch [PM] Prime Minster Balkenende, to Dutch Queen Beatrix.


In a face saving effort the Secretary General of [NATO] the North Atlantic Treaty Organization  Anders Fogh Rasmussen of Denmark, 'Der Stümper von Kopenhagen' ('The Clutz from Copenhagen'), has called for provincial reconstruction team to remain in place, and not leaving a total vacuum behind, with in progress projects unfinished, in the wake of a Danish withdrawal. 


But, the Danish support for the war at best is split [50/50] depending on who's polls are read, an polls can be made to say what ever you want them to, based upon polls asking questions designed to produce the desired answer, and not based upon empirical data [Counting beans]. Any type of continued Danish involvement would depend on the make up of a new Danish Parliament, which at the moment would be dominated by the right-wing Freedom Party, which has called for a complete, total and unconditional end to Demarks participation in any form. And with a total lack of trust caused by the Dutch Parliament headed by the Christian Democratic Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende Secretary General of [NATO] the North Atlantic Treaty Organization  Anders Fogh Rasmussen of Denmark, 'Der Stümper von Kopenhagen' ('The Clutz from Copenhagen'), any continued Danish contribution seems unlikely.






The bigger picture is in fact that the entire Community of Nations is seeing the handwriting on the wall;



* The American-Israeli Empire is in decline, as the [18th] Century United States of America Social experiment comes too a close, as a [21st] Century American-Israeli Empire, as an intellectually, financially, morally bankrupt, militarily weak, ungovernable, unfixable, unsustainable, Empire, governed by of an oligarchy of jaded pros, permanent residents locked in the Beltway whose only movement is from Pennsylvania Avenue, when they're in office, to [K] Street, when they're out -- & back, with the Democratic Party split between Socialist/Capitalist.



* The Medial Messiah Imperial President is a One –Time Loser.



* THE EMPIRE: Dr. Ron Paul and the growing Tea-Bagger movement working with the [GOP] Grand Old Party, to smooth out any differences between the [2] Contracts offered to the American People, the Contract From America and a [2nd / GOP] Contract for America, are calling for the ending of military adventurism by the Empire around the globe, the ending of the War of Economic Stimulus on the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/ Hindu Cush, and the closing of ALL [300] Three-Hundred military installations around the globe, along with a downsizing of the [MIC] Military Industrial Complex.



* CANADA: Canada will withdraw all its troops by [1st May 2011], from the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/ Hindu Cush.



* CHINA: The [PRC] Peoples Republic of China will not support any sanction upon the Shi-ite Persian Republic of Iran, and can be expected to once again close all its ports and facilities to combat ships of the American-Israeli  Empire, while confronting any Empire intrusions into its Sphere of Influence and internal affairs.       



* GERMANY: Dr. G. Westerwelle the Foreign Minister of the German Republic has called for the Empire to remove ALL nuclear based weapon from the territory and soil of the German Republic and we could see the German government fall over any further commitments to the Empires War of Economic Stimulus on the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/ Hindu Cush.



* JAPAN: The Japanese are calling for the ending of the American-Israelis Far-Eastern [FOOTHOLD], upon and within the nation of Japan, and its territories.


By May Day, May [1st] of [2010], the damage done both internally and externally to the trust and standing of the American-Israeli Empire due to the Media Messiah Imperial President and his [DC] District of Clowns, Imperial Court will have gotten to the point of no return, it creditability, world standing and internal trust lost, the only outcome that can be seen by Dr. Ron Paul and others around the globe, as the last one out turns out the lights and locks the door behind them as they leave the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/ Hindu Cush.



Sunday, February 21, 2010




[The May 1st NYSE Nose Dive]


Now, we know that there are [2] Two type's of Democratic, Capitalist/Socialist, and the Socialist seem to believe they can by using procedural methods change the entire Medical System of the American-Israeli Empire by the [1st] of May, 2010. But, shortly thereafter you can expect the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange to take a nose dive. Why, would this happen, the simple answer is the Capitalist Medicine System is a major industry, not made up of just Hospitals and Doctors and Nurses, then there is the question of just were do all these health care technicians come from, Cuba,  but of those who supply tools and support to them, with bandages, bed's, bed  pans, hypodermic needles, the medication, the and these come at a cost, and many out of country investors are heavily invested into companies listed on the [NYSE] that provide these items, no return on their investments or a  sharp decline in those returns and they withdraw their money to reinvest into areas where they can once again make the return they were getting in the Empire medical system.


[Green Vs VA]


The Empire has a population of over [350M] Three-Hundred and Fifty Million, spanning [4] Four time zones, and with within just miles in La Jolla, [4] Four different types of medical service are being provided to the citizens of The Empires Finest County, San Diego County, the top of the line is Green Hospital, only the [ELITE] are treated there, Henry Winkler and many stars have been patients in Green Hospital, along with sports figures from around the world with the worlds finest sports medicine and than you head down the coast to the remaining hospitals and each one is a step down from the other one, from Green to the [VA] Veterans hospitals which is staffed with many of the doctors of the other hospitals of that same community of hospitals, who do research projects out of the [VA] Hospital. Do you really believe that the same is not done, in New York City, Chicago, L.A., of course not, the Elite are not going to want to be among the mass, the mob, the rabble, mob, they certainly don't at Green hospital, if someone of the lower cases is brought to its doors, they only stabilize that individual and immediately transport them to one of the lower class hospitals, the cops can take the gang bangers and criminals to that hospital not here, to those fresh out of medical school, and you can still bet that Bill Clinton will call his Doctors directly while you can get a receptionist who will ask if its an emergency, and if so call [911] to bring you in, if not take [2] Two aspirins, call the doctor in the morning and they will make an appointment to see you and don't just reschedule like Bubba, big mistake, it will be [6] six months not the next day before you get in.  


[Dr. Ron Paul Called It]  


Dr. Ron Paul at a meeting of the Tea-Party Movement said that this was going to be a year that would shake the world, and how little did anyone understand what that statement, it is going to shake the very economic institutions around the globe as investment money is shifted to more stable markets after the none dive of the [NYSE] do to the ending of the Capitalist provided medical system, which the world will recognize for what it is the beginning of the end of the Empire, Socialism does not work for large populations spread between [2] Two oceans, and [4] Four time zones. Especially when it took the Island Nation of the United Kingdom, Great Britain, England [65] sixty-five years to get were its is and they are not happy with what they have. The Rich and Elite are and will be treated in those Green Hospitals that exist around the globe, and their doors are not open to anyone but the Elite and nothing is going to change, the money will be spent on the Green's, and then dribble down to the rest as it does in La Jolla. The only change and damage will be in the [NYSE] shaking the world economic markets.