COLD WAR STAND DOWN TIME- Or face an automated Nuclear Winter.
[World Class [21st] Century Naval Power]
The stated mission of the Chinese armed forces is not only to be prepared to fight wars, but also to deter or prevent their outbreak, prompt response to any threats within the changing political winds and landscape, of the [21st] Century, and is therefore, committing China to the investment into the development of [ASBM] Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Systems to be deployed upon, vessels that would establish its military [Sphere of Influence] with a [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China, Carrier Group to include support craft such as it's advanced Type [051C] destroyers, which are fitted with cutting-edge air defense missile systems, and backed up by both Fast Attack and Boomer Submarines one area in which China has made the greatest advances part of what is now the largest fleet of naval vessels in Asia having deployed at least one of a new type of nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarine called the Jin class which gives China's navy a credible second-strike nuclear capability; its missiles have a range of [6436] Kilometers. In October [2006], one of [63] Chinese Song-class diesel-powered attack submarine not only shadowed the forward based [USS Kitty Hawk] aircraft carrier know as the [Shitty Kitty] and its Battle Group, but penetrated, carrier battle group and surfaced undetected [6.436] Kilometers from the [USS Kitty Hawk]. The goal is to established military dormancy within its own Asian Sphere of Influence, pushing past the islands that ring China's coasts, into The South China Sea [Hainan], Fujian [ The Straight of Taiwan], Jiangsu [Shanghai], Zhejiang [Nanjing], The Yellow Sea [Dalian or Qinghai], the Sea of Japan [Rajin [ROK] Republic of Korea]. Then pushing past these islands that ring China's coastal water and the its regional [Sphere of Global Influence], with one Carrier Task Group on constant global tour, to assert it role within it's Costal Waters but upon the Global High Sea with a [21st] Century Blue Water Navy, and member of the [BRIC] Brazil, Russian Federation, India, and [PDRC], Spheres of Influence of the [21st] Century.
[Air Superiority in the [21st] Century]
The [PDRC] is has also committed itself to the investment into the development of a [21st] Century air force capable of a unique combination of offensive and defensive operations, establishing air superiority within its [Sphere of Influence] starting with [BRIC] member [R] Russian Federation, manufactured Salyut and Chernyshev factories jet engines, the [ISRAELI] developed [J-10] and [FC-1] Attack Fighter, [Su-35] fighter, [J-11B] Interceptors, [H6K JH7K] Carrier based aircraft, the Carrier based [Z-9] helicopters the workhorses for the Chinese Naval Expeditionary of the [21st] Century, providing easier operations between a new fleet of replenishment ships, with anti-submarine surface to sub-surface ability, while providing the Peoples Army with Air Calvary Units support capabilities, for the first of many [21st] Century Chinese aircraft carriers now in production. Along with [IL-476] military transport aircraft, with heavy lift capacity of [40+] Kilo Tons capacity payload, providing long range potential by the [IL-478] air refueling tanker.
[Cutting edge Ballistic Missile Technology]
The gifted scientist of China's cutting edge ballistic missile technology Qian Xuesen, provided along with so many other gifted scientist of the [PDRC] has given the [PRRC] both a nuclear and conventional striking power made it better than world class, impressing all those in other nations working in the field. On [Jan. 11, 2007], a Chinese missile traveling at more than [6.436] Kilo-meters per second hit a satellite in orbit with [1M] with a one meter square area. China within the last few years has placed into orbit [11] eleven Yaogan military-only satellites to track targets for its unmatched [21st] Century capabilities. China's has topped all other nations having developed the only know effective [ASBM] Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile, an [aircraft-carrier killer weapon] using the short range [DF-21], transforming it into the [Dong Feng 21D] with the ability as a ship takes evasive maneuvers upon its detection by satellite to make in flight corrective actions allowing it to seek out and destroy its intended target;
China Closer on 'Carrier Killer' Missile
December 28, 2010
Associated Press
Adm. Robert Willard told
Known among defense analysts as a "carrier killer," the Dong Feng 21D missile would be a game-changer in the Asian security environment, where U.S. Navy aircraft carrier battle groups have ruled the waves since the end of World War II.
The DF 21D's uniqueness is in its ability to hit a powerfully defended moving target with pinpoint precision -- a capability U.S. naval planners are scrambling to deal with.
The system's component parts have likely been designed and tested, but
Years of tests are probably still needed before the missile can be fully deployed, he said. The system requires state-of-the-art guidance systems, and some experts believe it will take
The missile is considered a key component of
At its most capable, the DF 21D could be launched from land with enough accuracy to penetrate the defenses of even the most advanced moving aircraft carrier at a distance of more than 900 miles (1,500 kilometers).
That could seriously weaken
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu on Tuesday referred questions about Willard's comments to military departments, but reiterated
"I can say that
and yet the [PDRC] has not forgotten its duty in missile defense investing in the [S-400] air defense system, cutting edge technology. All made possible by just one of;
[Obama's seven headaches]
Special to The
[BRIC] as [21st] Century Military [Spheres of Influence]
The message is a clear one with the [C] of the [BRIC] just representing one member of the [21st] Century Spheres of Influence, that they do not like the game of militarism, but that does not mean that they can't play the game. If just one Chinese Song-class diesel-powered attack submarine can penetrate a protective forward based Aircraft Carrier Battle Group undetected within [6.436] Kilometers what city along any coast line would be safe from pre-emptive attack from unprotected international waters of millions of square kilometers on any given day, what Carrier Battle Group and carrier would be safe from Aircraft-Carrier Killer, [ASBM] Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Systems? The question to the only country in the world that seeks to continue Super-Power dominion upon the nations of the world, thru continued Cold-War tactics, if it is worth a Nuclear Winter as automated systems as shown in the movie [War Games] begin to take over the Game, or is it better to stand down, and work within the new [21st] Century Spheres of Influence non Cold War, peaceful social order?