Saturday, December 25, 2010


CALYPSO AND THE CHINA SEA - How do you treat the Goddess Apocalypse?


[Who's it named after anyway]


Now, the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China is taking exception to just how one should treat Calypso as at present there seems to be [5] five different unwelcome suitors in the area which the [PDRC] feels is their exclusive or at least have claim as its being within its [Sphere of Territorial integrity] and nation with most the most national interest in that [Regional Sphere], after all the Sea in question is called the China Sea. The Chinese are not going along with the concept that whomever claims Calypso [The China Sea], also know as [Apocalypse] the daughter of Atlas, from Davy Jones, the[PDRC] should go unchallenged, it's like saying it's fine to give one's wife to whomever claims her because there are countless other erstwhile mistresses to be had, go find another, who's sea is it named after anyway?


[Might Makes Right]


Therefore to support its claim of right to [Sphere of Influence] Territorial Integrity, as a [BRIC] Brazil, Russian Federation, India, and [PRDC] as the [C] member of [21st] Century [Sphere's of Influence], many are urging and believe that there will in the near future the absolute necessity for the [PDRC] to back its new role in the [21st] Century with military might with [1] One [PDRC] Carrier Group to include support craft and backed up by both Fast Attack and Boomer Submarines at; The South China Sea [Hainan], Fujian [ The Straight of Taiwan], Jiangsu [Shanghai], Zhejiang [Nanjing], The Yellow Sea [Dalian or Qinghai], the Sea of Japan [Rajin [ROK] Republic of Korea], with one on [1] on constant global tour, to reinforce their Costal and Blue Water Navies, along with  seeking air superiority within its [Sphere of Influence] with [J-10] Attack Fighter, [J-11] Interceptors, [H6K – JH7K] Carrier based aircraft, [Z-9] Carrier based anti-submarine based helicopters, Army Air Calvary Units, with heavy lift [40 tonne+] capability payload aircraft, in the end it comes down to might makes right.


[Asia angry over Japanese dynamic defense capability posture]


All the while as the  Japanese Empire's Imperial Armies, are busy rebuilding Japanese Militarism, under their new dynamic defense capability posture, with a new budgeted [0.22T/ ¥23.39T] Zero-Point-Twenty-Two Trillion Euros/Twenty-Three-Point-Thirty-Nine Trillion Yen with an additional [0.93M/100M] Zero-Point-Ninety-Three Million Euros/One-Hundred Million Yen, for unexpected needs, for the next decade in military spending, while its arms industry enters  the arms dealer markets of the region within the entire Sphere of Influence of the [BRIC] member [C] China. The Anger of all the nations of the Far-East are rising both with Japan which has been in violation of its own constitution with [220+] nuclear weapon upon Okinawa and is now taking yet another step outside its own constitution by its not only wanton desire for renewed militarism, but being supported in its desires by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex. Talk about anger, on a scale of one to ten this is an eleven. And once again everyone taught the Cold War was over, think again!



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