THE CULT OF CATS Contribution and Tax Exemption Status Re-think
The Cult of Cats the [ASPCA] The American Society for the Protection of Cruelty against Animals The Humane Society and Feral Cat Society, do not understand the concept of property rights, business concerns and rights, the protection of endangered species, or floral and fauna, these organizations once again place the sub-species of [CATS] above the human species, they are unable to differentiate between a [CAT] as an Outside Pest an undomesticated wild sub-species, and that of an Inside [Cat] as a Pet a domesticated wild sub-species, or a Pet that when in an outside environment as a dog is by its master, must be under the direct control of its master, a cat is a sub-species to that of the human species it is a the human is the master and the cat is the sub-species, the cat does not control the human the human must be its master and in total control of that sub-species. Thus it flies in the face of common sense with an a entire Pet and Pet Supply Industry devoted to the care and maintenance of any and all pet sub-species, that this concept eludes that of the The Cult of Cats the [ASPCA] The American Society for the Protection of Cruelty against Animals The Humane Society and Feral Cat Society. If the [CAT] sub-species is not under the control of dominate Human Master Species in an outside environment it is no longer a pet but a pest and must be seen for what it is a sub-species pest, and The Republic of California, the County of San Diego, has [1/2M] One Half Million such pests under the protection of the The Cult of Cats the [ASPCA] The American Society for the Protection of Cruelty against Animals The Humane Society and Feral Cat Society, the American Israeli Military Industrial Complex [The Empire], it is time to change things.
THE CULT OF CATS - The ASPCA - Humane Society Feral Cat Society
It has come time for a re-thinking of the continued tax exemption status of the [ASPCA] The American Society for the Protection of Cruelty against Animals The Humane Society and Feral Cat Society in view of their anti-business, anti-community, anti-environmental, and anti-national security positions in their support of the rights of Cats. These organizations place the rights of Cats totally and completely above the Rights of the Human Species; it is one matter to have concerns about the treatment of a species but yet another to place that species [Cats] above and beyond other more pressing issues. Business and Property owners have the right to the control of their property rights and legal business interests, Hotel, Motel, and other business concerns have the right to take whatever actions they feel necessary to protect not only their property but their guests, and clients from pests [Cats], and this right extends to that of home owners, and renters upon rental property. But the Cult of Cats the [ASPCA] The American Society for the Protection of Cruelty against Animals The Humane Society and Feral Cat Society, have established a policy of a confrontational and combative nature it is not the Cat pest problem but the business or the individual who is at fault. The Cult of Cats does not approach the matter as one in which the problem is the Cat Pest Problem, that needs to be dealt with and resolved but that the business or individual property owner, or renter must be educated to the Rights of Cats, to free unrestricted, and unmolested access at all times and that if cats have established a residence upon that business, private property, or rental property that business, private property owner, or rental property resident is totally and completely responsible for the welfare of the Pest Cats. These organizations are not about Animal Control but Animal Right above and beyond Mankind and the interest of the Human Species.
It has come time for to re-think the tax exemption status of the Cult of Cats the [ASPCA] The American Society for the Protection of Cruelty against Animals The Humane Society and Feral Cat Society, and contributions make by individuals as a tax exemption, as these organizations no longer serve the public or its interests, but that of Rights of select species above all other interests both public and private, that individual contributors may indeed continue their donations to these organizations if they so desire but without a tax exemption, but it would be far better if their contributions were directed to the interest that would far better sever the interest of Mankind, and these include [UNICEF], Doctors without boarders, the Cancer Society, the AIDS Foundation. The American Israeli Military Industrial Complex [The Empire], has [100K] One Hundred Thousand Veterans of their Wars of Economic Stimulus, spread across the length and breath of its vast territory may suffering from [PTSD] Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, formally know as Shell Shock, one community within its vastness only provides a week of help to these individuals, The Republic of California, County of San Diego, and no other, and there is the hope of a vast return to be make by such contributions, which do not contribution to the destruction of private and business interests, the destruction of the environment and the placement of a sub-species interests above that of the human condition, and interest, the Cult of Cats the [ASPCA] The American Society for the Protection of Cruelty against Animals The Humane Society and Feral Cat Society, and contribution are once again upon a contribution drive, it is suggested at after viewing their presentations, view those of children around the globe and within the local community, who are not Pets, but are part of the Human Species, and re-think which will bring the greater return on the investment of contribution dollars, will a [CAT] pest bring about world peace, create a method of feeding the entire worlds growing population, be an artist whose plight needs the greater response, which species, in it is time for a CULT OF CATS Contribution and Tax Exemption Status Re-think