Friday, September 16, 2011

ADVERTIZING - In Economic hard times


ADVERTIZING – In Economic hard times



[Day's of Wine and Rose's are gone]



Now, we grew up in an era of when things such as purchasing on layaway was almost if not the accepted method of purchasing those items that one could not possibly afford if not purchased by the layaway method, the concept of credit cards and high interest rates was not even in the cards and a housewife had a budget provided by the husband and heaven held her if she could not make the household work within that budget. Well, we are now seeing that the concept of the layaway programs are now returning in the modern world wide economic downturn, but much more has to be done by the media to generate sales of their products. The Day's of Wine and Rose's are over, the economic good times have ended, and if companies continue to advertise as if the good times are still in vogue many will join those that have already gone into bankruptcy.



[Selling it]


It is time to revisit the days of yesteryear, what goes around comes around, things that were done in the past have a way of once again becoming the new waves of the future or present but with a twist, such as cargo pants, cut at the knees are nothing more than the [1950's] [G.I.] Government Issue Cargo Pants of the American [G.I.]. So, what has this got to do with advertizing, it is time for the actors and so called stars have  too start hawking products not only in commercials, during their own shows but within the shows themselves, in economic hard times it is suicide not to hard sell the products that support programming. Products must have their labels front and center, both visually and verbally by those who are getting paid by companies to support their living. It should not be just get me a coffee, it should be get me a Starbuck's, it should not be left up to the viewer to look a vehicle and just happen to see its make and model, as an actor points out the options that make it better or have a value added feature, the make and model must be verbally said. Actors, Writers, Producers, within the industry have to get off their high horses and start getting down with the new reality, they must understand that they are going to have to become pitch men, get out their and sell it baby, it's no longer going to sell itself. These are hard times and it take a hard sell to overcome the competition, and beyond just the product a method that will allow the public to purchase it beyond high interest credit, buy now go bankrupt later.



Wednesday, September 14, 2011

HOMELAND SECURITY - The New [21st] Century Protection Squadron

HOMELAND SECURITY – The New [21st] Century Protection Squadron


[The Protection Squadron]


Now, growing up in the aftermath of [WWII] World War Two, we had the opportunity to meet both sides of the holocaust but the one that has more context with what is happening today is those from the Nazi side those members of the Gestapo, [S/S] The Schutzstaffel  or Protection Squadron, and members of the Hitler Youth. One has to understand that the [USA] United States of America no longer exists, and was replaced by the [EMPIRE], the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex, as was predicted by [IKE] Dwight David Eisenhower, In his [January 17, 1961] farewell message to the nation, Dwight Eisenhower said: "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex, the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." Ike was persuaded by advisors to leave "congress" off his famed "military-industrial complex." But the unbreakable amalgam of the military might of the corporate structure within the [EMPIRE] has managed make huge profit's from it, with the backing of congress, an [EMPIRE] not based upon the Constitution of the United States but upon the Patriot Act creating a National Security State which is the very definition of fascism, which makes Homeland Security the new [21st] Century, Protection Squadron.


[Just doing my job]


Now, Homeland Security is not all that hard to locate or find, they are located on the top Falcon Nest, floors of most [EMPIRE], [VA] Veterans Administration and other buildings of the [EMPIRES] Military Industrial Complex, across the [EMPIRE] this is no large state secret, and you can always tell that they are located there by the ground floor security, and you are subjected to just short of a strip search when entering, and by looking for the white cars with the green and gold Homeland Security written on the side in the parking lots, and when entering the special security tags hanging around the necks of the New[21st] Century, Protection Squadron, each showing their individual security clearance level within the Protection Squadron. We happened to corner one of the Protection Squadron on the way up to the Falcons Nest, in an elevator one day, and we were struck by answer to why they were undermining the civil liberties of the citizens of the [EMPIRE], the response was, they were acting under the provisions of the Patriot Act, and were only doing their jobs, the same response that was given for the action taken by the [S/S] members we had talked to at Oktoberfest and in Argentina on the celebration of the birth of Adolf Hitler, [20 April 1889] at around [6:30 pm] at the Gasthof zum Pommer, an inn in Ranshofen, [Beer Here!!!], great places for lots of free beer, they were just doing their jobs, and you wouldn't prosecute a rat catcher for killing rats would you?


[Trading liberty for safety]

Now, we also talked to one of the Federal Police guarding the ground floor providing protection for the New [21st Century Protection Squadron] and even he had to admit that Homeland Security had gone far from protect and serve, to Maintain and Control, and there is an immense difference between the two, and this is were the Hitler Youth comes in, the Federal Officer had to agree that the youth of the [EMPIRE] would grow from youth to adult hood with only the knowledge of heavy security, the invasion of their privacy thru continual video surveillance by at least [60] sixty if not more cameras at any one time in public, to metal detectors in schools and public building, to computerized files maintained by Homeland Security the New [21st Century Protection Squadron], and would consider them as part of a normal society, Homeland Security has in fact become their [Big Brother] their protectors, but in a truly free society would be viewed as their Masters, as depicted in George Orwell's 1984. The Federal Security Guard admitted that [Homeland Security] were a tight knit group that had no interest in any suggestions that went against their version of what security was, or how it should be implemented making his job more of Schultz from Hogan's Hero's to Colonel Klink, one of, I know nothing, I hear nothing, I see nothing, beyond that of what the job calls for, everyone is just doing their jobs, and in the end as old Ben Franklin said,  Quote, They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety, Unquote, there is no longer any question as to which the [EMPIRE] as taken away with Homeland Security the New [21st Century Protection Squadron], Freedom and Liberty, and when in the future a new generation takes back what was taken from them, and those who took it are held accountable, you will hear the same response from those responsible quote, I was only doing my job, unquote.