Sunday, July 31, 2011

THE FIVE YEAR [PRC] PLAN - Ending the hierarchical [EMPIRE/$USD$] base currency system.

THE FIVE YEAR [PRC] PLAN - Ending the hierarchical [EMPIRE/$USD$] base currency system.




It has reached the point were it has become necessary for the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China and the International Geo-Economic Spheres of Parity too begin a  steady diversification towards other than [$USD$] assets, global investors have only one choice left and that is too follow the [PRC] and say enough to [EMPIRE], assumptions that it would all work out because life is sweet and the best thing in life always happens, and not the inescapable fact, which is immeasurable and can not be countered – uncertainty, and that even the best laid plans of mice and men go astray, but slow and easy wins the race more than not in building sound economic stability. The [PRC] can not, nor will it continue to support an [EMPIRE] thru the continued folly of borrowing [40%] of its daily operating expenses. The [EMPIRE] has been afforded more leeway, by convention, to pay lower [PRC] and international interest rates via., the confidence in their ability to support international debt, but once that debt now will exceeds [100%] the interest rate on the debt equals the nominal growth rate, and at that point growth becomes untenable, and stops. This determined by Debt divided by [GDP] Gross Domestic Product, which stands, at present, at [97%], and is expect to reach [124%] by [2015] must be reduced to no more than [60%]. The [EMPIRE] abandoned this debt to [GDP] ration and now has put the [PRC] and entire global economy in peril.


[Stepping out of pot hole not over cliff]  


The independent [PRC] Republic of China which has its own State Run and Funded Rating Agency Dagong Global Ratings Co., Ltd., and which had  previously down graded the [EMPIRE] ratings from an [AA] rating to [A+] on [November 9th, 2010] in response to the [2nd] round of the [QE-2$USD$] Quantitative Easing Two has now once again placed the [EMPIRE] on a negative watch list as once again the [EMPIRE] raises the specter of a [QE-3$USD$] financial action of a [12%] weaker [$USD$], and can now be expected to once again downgrade the [EMPIRE], do to  the nonchalant, cavalier attitude of the [EMPIRE] that the [PRC], will continue to make up [EMPIRE] reckless spending, financed by debt, borrowing from the [PRC],, to tide the [EMPIRE] over a period of investment deficiency, as not a temporary stop gap measure, and but as a permanent solution of [EMPIRE] geo-economics and therefore the Global Economic landscape, has had enough, and will no longer risk the financial and stability of the [PRC], over the [EMPIRES] lack of economic stewardship of the base economic structure of the Worlds Geo-Economic System, and must risk minor short terms loss in comparison to major long term damage, the [PRC] has had ENOUGH! In the end the solution is taking a short term loss, and downturn in [PRC] economic interests, of long term growth, is doesn't take a wise to know that it is better to step out of a pot hole by one's self, than step over a cliff holding hands with a fool. 


[The Five Year Program of Chinese Gradualism of Diversification]


To this end the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China State Council using the proven technique of always starting slowly and gradually expanding, allowing for a new plan to take shape, giving time to make course changes as necessary to respond and counter those  immeasurable uncertainties which could occur during the [5] year program of Gradualism of Diversification upon which it has embarked too be complete by the year [2015], ending its connection to the [EMPIRE] present base [$USD$] currency system, to a Diversified/Multilateral Currency Regime, based upon a broader trade-weighted basket. The Multilateral Currencies would be the new Global Numeraire Currency, made up of the nations of the (BRICS), Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Republic of China, and the Republic of South Africa, the [EU] European Union, Spheres of Global Economic Parity Influence Economic in the [21st] Century flexing their collective muscles geo-politically-economically-militarily, ending the Hierarchical [EMPIRE] base currency system. Based upon a basket of  [Euro, Pound Sterling, Japanese Yen, and Chinese Yuan], and hard currency Gold, Silver, Oil and Mineral Currency [Gold, Silver, Lithium, Rare Earth etc.], Food Production Currency, and Production Currency creating a  less volatile currency based system, against price fluctuations, virtually context-free of the chance of their value disappearing entirely.



Friday, July 29, 2011

THE [PDRC] PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CHINA - Walking out of pot hole not stepping over cliff.

THE [PDRC] PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CHINA – Walking out of pot hole not stepping over cliff.


[Slow and Easy Wins]


It has reached the point were it has become necessary for the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China and the International Geo-Economic Spheres of Parity too begin a  steady diversification towards other than [$USD$] assets, global investors have only one choice left and that is too follow the [PDRC] and say enough to [EMPIRE], assumptions that it would all work out because life is sweet and the best thing in life always happens, and not the inescapable fact, which is immeasurable and can not be countered – uncertainty, and that even the best laid plans of mice and men go astray, but slow and easy wins the race more than not in building sound economic stability. The [PDRC] can not, nor will it continue to support an [EMPIRE] thru the continued folly of borrowing [40%] of its daily operating expenses. The [EMPIRE] has been afforded more leeway, by convention, to pay lower [PDRC] and international interest rates via., the confidence in their ability to support international debt, but once that debt now will exceeds [100%] the interest rate on the debt equals the nominal growth rate, and at that point growth becomes untenable, and stops. This determined by Debt divided by [GDP] Gross Domestic Product, which stands, at present, at [97%], and is expect to reach [124%] by [2015] must be reduced to no more than [60%]. The [EMPIRE] abandoned this debt to [GDP] ration and now has put the [PDRC] and entire global economy in peril.


[Walking out of pot hole not stepping over cliff]   


The independent [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China which has its own State Run and Funded Rating Agency Dagong Global Ratings Co., Ltd., and which had  previously down graded the [EMPIRE] ratings from an [AA] rating to [A+] on [November 9th, 2010] in response to the [2nd] round of the [QE-2$USD$] Quantitative Easing Two has now once again placed the [EMPIRE] on a negative watch list as once again the [EMPIRE] raises the specter of a [QE-3$USD$] financial action, and can now be expected to once again downgrade the [EMPIRE], do to  the nonchalant, cavalier attitude of the [EMPIRE] that the [PDRC], will continue to make up [EMPIRE] reckless spending, financed by debt, borrowing from the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China, to tide the [EMPIRE] over a period of investment deficiency, as not a temporary stop gap measure, and but as a permanent solution of [EMPIRE] geo-economics and therefore the Global Economic landscape, has had enough, and will no longer risk the financial and stability of the [PDRC], over the [EMPIRES] lack of economic stewardship of the base economic structure of the Worlds Geo-Economic System, and must risk minor short terms lose in comparison to major long term damage, the [PDRC] has had ENOUGH! In the end the solution is taking a short term loss, and downturn in [PDRC] economic interests, of long term growth, it is better to step out of a pot hole, than walk over a cliff.  



Wednesday, July 27, 2011




[Who are the Credit-Ratings Agencies ]


The [EMPIRE/SEC]  American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex, Securities and Exchange Commission has [10] Ten, [NRSRO] Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations, on its approved list, making up the [EMPIRE] opinion-oligopoly, , which is to say, they the few, controlled and held in their hands, as it were the fait of the many, including [1] Canadian agency and [2] Japanese, and the [BIG THREE] - Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch the Credit Ratings Industry standard-bearers, but other [Spheres of Geo-Economic Influence] have ratings agencies independent from those of the [NRSRO]. The independent [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China which has its own State Run and Funded Rating Agency Dagong Global Ratings Co., Ltd., and which had  previously down graded the [EMPIRE] ratings from an [AA] rating to [A+] on [November 9th, 2010] in response to the [2nd] round of the [QE-2$USD$] Quantitative Easing Two has now once again placed the [EMPIRE] on a negative watch list as once again the [EMPIRE] raises the specter of a [QE-3$USD$] financial action, and then there is the soon too be established new German independent [EU] funded Ratings Agency, will also look to the interests of the [EU] and not those of the [EMPIRE], and which are now forcing the [EMPIRE] opinion-oligopoly the ratings agencies [S&P 500] Stands & Poor, Moody's and now even Fitch will by mid-August review the [EMPIRE] credit ratings with an eye to its lowering, following it's member [BIG THREE] all located in the [EMPIRE], and all are not lauding the [EMPIRE] debt reduction plan, which normally would be expect to happen with all, once again closing their eye's, to the long term kick the can down the road policy but are now taking the position of, Fool Me Once, Shame on Me, Fool Me Twice, Shame On You! Basically raise the debt ceiling promise to reduce Debt to [GDP] Gross Domestic Product Ratio and then do nothing.


[Empire Downgrade to Banana Republic]


The Credit Ratings Industries Globally will downgrading the [EMPIRE] Platinum Ratings to banana republic Credit Ratings, based upon economic, regulatory and geopolitical influences, management and corporate governance attributes, and competitive position, and will downgrade the [EMPIRE], in accordance with indicators of ability to repay debt with or without the [EMPIRE] defaulting, of itself but and will put the [EMPIRE] into a default status, for not cutting thru the fat and to the bone. If the big credit-ratings agencies don't see what they want done by the [EMPIRE], what ever deal is struck by the [EMPIRE] will make no difference, and if not resolved within the next few days will have a highly detrimental effect upon the entire global economy. It's no longer a matter of if the [EMPIRE] will default, by failing to raise its debt ceiling, but it's a matter of how long it will remain in default until a debt ceiling is reached, at which time the rating agencies will downgrade the [EMPIRE] ratings to [SD] Selective Default, when the [EMPIRE] Treasury misses interests and principle payments an it would main in [SD] until [ALL] payments are made in full.


[What the Credit-Ratings Agencies Want]


( A ): [Cut, Cap and Balanced] the Social Safety Net! Simon and Garfunkel once wrote,  [Quote, Where have you gone, Dwight David Eisenhower?, Unquote]. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Republican President, in [1954] wrote in a letter to his brother Edgar, [Quote, should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. Going on to say that those who would repeal these items were negligible and stupid. Unquote]. But, once again the Rating Agencies disagree, and see the Social Safety Net as do many business people, as a free lunch, with need of a roll back on Medical, Medicaid, and Social Security to be restrained slowed, and then cut, with a means test, if a person does not need government agency support, that support must be denied, either way the social upper economic strata, would not be hurt.


 ( B ):  A major overhaul of the [EMPIRE] budget and the budgetary process, including but not limited to a  constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget by the [EMPIRE]. The [EMPIRE] debt market -- the deepest and most liquid in the world, remains the main investment destination for foreign currency reserves in the short term, but has failed to create a solid foundation for global investors, by implementation of market controls to  prevent the entire market from, stock plunge, due to even the specter of a default of the government, and the creation of, widening bond spreads, with yields increases, the system should be flexible but not break, creating full-scale panic thru the entire geo-economic system, at present the [EMPIRE] preeminence and leadership is in decline, losing respect and power to move allies or adversaries, due to its failure of fiscal responsibility to ensure the integrity of the base currency the [$USD$]. This point has been brought to clear light as even [OPEC] Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries based upon the [$USD$] are now looking to price oil in other than the [$USD$], no longer able to control the price of oil by flooding the markets, using the base currency as payment. As the manger of failure of the worlds base currency, it has reached the point were it has become necessary that a steady diversification towards other than [$USD$] assets, is the only choice of global investors, as in the near term the [EMPIRE] will continue to pursues a loose monetary policy and will issue more debt and another round of [QE/$USD'S] Quantitative Easing, but in the long term the decline of the [$USD$] and its end as the world's base currency is inevitable.   


( C ):  The lowering of borrowing costs for the [EMPIRE 51 State Governments].


( D ): The lowering of borrowing costs, and tax's for businesses, homeowners and consumers across the board, but require banks to raise interest rates and reserve requirement ratios, as economic circumstances, demand.


( E ): Reagan taught the [EMPIRE]  that deficits don't matter, but the ratings agencies disagree, and say they in fact do and that the [EMPIRE] must lower its Debt! With deep long-term budget cuts, a [$$$$$[$4 TRILLION$USD$]$$$$] deficit reduction plan over the next [10] years, and end the folly of continuing to borrow [40%] of daily operating expenses. The [EMPIRE] is afforded more leeway, by convention, to pay lower international interest rates via., the confidence in their ability to support international debt, but once that debt exceeds [100%] the interest rate on the debt equals the nominal growth rate, and at that point growth becomes untenable, and stops. This determined by Debt divided by [GDP] Gross Domestic Product, which stands, at present, at [97%], and is expect to reach [124%] by [2015] must be reduced to no more than [60%]. The [EMPIRE] abandoned this debt to [GDP] ration and now has put the entire global economy in peril.


( F ) [EMPIRE] spending, financed by debt, borrowing from the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China,  to tide the [EMPIRE] over a period of investment deficiency, should have only been a temporary stop gap measure, and never allowed to become a  permanent feature of the [EMPIRE]  geo-economics and therefore the Global Economic landscape, due to one inescapable fact, which is immeasurable and can not be countered – uncertainty, and also must be slowed, and brought to a lower limit. 



Sunday, July 24, 2011




[Credit-Ratings Agencies Views]


The independent [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China which has its own State Run and Funded Rating Agency Dagong Global Ratings Co., Ltd., and which had  previously down graded the [EMPIRE] ratings from an [AA] rating to [A+] on [November 9th, 2010] in response to the [2nd] round of the [QE-2$USD$] Quantitative Easing Two has now once again placed the [EMPIRE] on a negative watch list as once again the [EMPIRE] raises the specter of a [QE-3$USD$] financial action, and then there is the soon too be established new German independent [EU] funded Ratings Agency, will too look to the interests of the [EU] and not those of the [EMPIRE], and now the [EMPIRE] opinion-oligopoly, [THE BIG THREE] which is to say, they the few, controlled and held in their hands, as it were the fait of the many, the ratings agencies [S&P 500] Stands & Poor, Moody's and now even Fitch will by mid-August review the [EMPIRE] credit ratings with an eye to its lowering, following it's member [BIG THREE] all located in the [EMPIRE], no one may laud the [EMPIRE] debt reduction plan, which normally would be expect to happen with all, once again closing their eye's, to the long term kick the can down the road policy but are now taking the position of, Fool Me Once, Shame on Me, Fool Me Twice, Shame On You! Downgrading the [EMPIRE] Platinum Ratings to banana republic Credit Ratings, with or without the [EMPIRE] defaulting, of itself but will be put into a default status, for not cutting thru the mustered, cutting out the fat. If the big credit-ratings agencies don't see what they want what done by the [EMPIRE], what any deal struck will make no difference, and if not resolved within the next few days will have a highly detrimental effect upon the entire global economy.


[What the Credit-Ratings Agencies]


( A ):  [EMPIRE] Spending to be restrained slowed and then cut. Medical, Medicaid, Social Security, must be put on a means test, if a person does not need government agency support, that support must be denied, et. el., upper, social economic strata. The entire social safety net must be for those who are in need of it and not a free lunch for those who can pay.      


( B ):  Create a solid foundation for global investors.


( C ):  The lowering of borrowing costs for the [EMPIRE 51 State Governments].


( D ): The lowering of borrowing costs, and tax's for businesses, homeowners and consumers across the board.


( E ):  The [EMPIRE] must lower its Debt! The [EMPIRE] is afforded more leeway, by convention, to pay lower international interest rates via., the confidence in their ability to support international debt, but once that that exceeds [100%] the interest rate on the debt equals the nominal growth rate, and at that point growth becomes untenable, and stops this determined by Debt divided by [GDP] Gross Domestic Product, which stands at present at [97%], and expect to reach [124%] by [2015] must be reduced to no more than [60%]. The [EMPIRE] abandoned this debt to [GDP] ration and now has put the entire global economy in peril.


( F ) [EMPIRE] spending, financed by debt, borrowing from the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China,  to tide the [EMPIRE] over a period of investment deficiency, should have only been a temporary stop gap measure, and never allowed to become a  permanent feature of the [EMPIRE]  geo-economics and therefore the Global Economic landscape, due to one inescapable fact, immeasurable and can not be countered – uncertainty, and also must be slowed, and brought to a lower limit. 



Friday, July 22, 2011




Now, just what is Symbolic Logic, well according to our dictionary it's a method of employing a special notation symbolism capable of manipulation in accordance with precise rules, in other words there is a method to the Emperor of the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRES], cunning logic, and that is nothing is what it seems, let's take the [$USD$] the [EMPIRE$Dollar$] now it was established as the Base Currency in [1944] at Bretton Woods, and at that time the [$USD$], was tied to the Gold Standard, you could redeem a [$USD$] for its value in Gold Bullion, but now you can only exchange one piece of Quantitative Easing [$USD$], for another, and there are a lot of them out there, so many that if they lose [18 Billion $USD$] and can't find them, it's no big thing, and the exchange of one for another that is less than nothing. So, what has this got to do with the price of tea in China, well a lot, the question is the value of the tea to the value of the [$USD$] and that is what is the real value of that [$USD$] what is it based upon, and no one really knows, beyond the Symbolic Logic that it must be valuable since it is the base currency, and that make's it valuable in itself right, well it beats me.


[From 97% to 124% debt by 2015 and Symbolic Logic]


Now, we wrote once before that, the [EMPIRE] debt is estimated by some to be running at about [97%] begging, the larger question will the plan pass muster beyond just coming up with a typically big number saying what it's projected to save. The [EMPIRE] is only [3%] short of being [100%] in debt at [97 %] if you divide the [$12.4-Trillion-USD$] debt by its [GDP] Gross Domestic Product of [$12.7-Trillion-USD$]. And it is certain that a deal to raise the debt ceiling will happen and a meaningful deficit reduction plan of around [$4-Trillion-USD$ trillion], will not happen, and will bring the [EMPIRE] debt too [124%] by [2015]. Well a Harvard man wrote an article saying that isn't right as it's comparing apple's and oranges, now this guy has all this education, so who are we to argue, since he's fighting with other's about the same idea, who have just as much education and brain matter, between their ears and have written books about these produce comparisons. So, we got the basic idea that none of these bright guys even know how to determine what the [$USD$] real value is, what it's based upon beyond it's the base currency and that make's it so, and beyond that if or when the [EMPIRE] is in debt and how much, it's one of those symbolic logic things.


[Symbolic Logic and Monopoly]


Now, we like the board game monopoly, you roll the dice and at the end of the game you hold all the money or you are bankrupt no money, hardcore Capitalism, let's see you landed on Park Place with [5] hotels, and the other guy owned them, ouch! But, you never had a place where if you landed on Park Place, were you could be sent to Uncle Money Bags Sam, and have [QE$USD$], printed up, and pay the rent on Park Place, roll the dice and move on down the line. Now, we think its time to upgrade Monopoly, it only seems fair, just think of it, on the [EMPIRE] monopoly game you would never go bankrupt  with [QE$USD$] to bail you out, but this would not apply to the International Monopoly Game as is now being done in the Global Economy like the[EU] and the  [PIIGS] Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain, in other than the [EMPIRE] game you can go bankrupt because they are not the Base Currency and the [$USD$] will always have value, [QE$USD$] to bail you out based upon Symbolic Logic, get it. Dagong Global Ratings Co., Ltd., The [EU] European German Rating Agency, the [BIG THREE] agencies [S&P 500] Stands & Poor, Moody's and Fitch, specter of a rating downgrade its just [SYMBOLIC], The [UN] United Nations General Assembly to vote of the creation of the Palestinian State just [SYMBOLIC], when the Emperor speaks it is in Symbolic Logic, it's [SYMBOLIC], of just take it as a grain of salt. This Symbolic stuff is great unless your not part of the [EMPIRE].



Wednesday, July 20, 2011





 [From 97% to 124% debt by 2015]



The American –Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE] debt is estimated by some to be running at about [97%] begging, the larger question will the plan pass muster beyond just coming up with a typically big number saying what it's projected to save. The [EMPIRE] is only [3%] short of being [100%] in debt at [97 %] if you divide the [$12.4-Trillion-USD$] debt by its [GDP] Gross Domestic Product of [$12.7-Trillion-USD$]. And it is certain that a deal to raise the debt ceiling will happen and a meaningful deficit reduction plan of around [$4-Trillion-USD$ trillion], will not happen, and will bring the [EMPIRE] debt too [124%] by [2015].



[EMPIRE banana republic Status]



And the answer seems to be NO! The [EMPIRE] will not pass muster, lacking the all important deficit reduction plan part, the solution to the problem, tax's can be expected to increase but cuts in spending will only be empty promises, and both the short term and long term credit ratings of the [EMPIRE] will be lowered, by all credit ratings agencies globally. The [EMPIRE] has entered the Banana Republic Status, a sovereign nation unable to meet its debts, spending more than it takes in taxation, unwilling to Cut, Cap, and Balance its public finances.



[Platinum Ratings to banana republic Credit Ratings!]  



The independent [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China which has its own State Run and Funded Rating Agency Dagong Global Ratings Co., Ltd., and which had  previously down graded the [EMPIRE] ratings from an [AA] rating to [A+] on [November 9th, 2010] in response to the [2nd] round of the [QE-2$USD$] Quantitative Easing Two has now once again placed the [EMPIRE] on a negative watch list as once again the [EMPIRE] raises the specter of a [QE-3$USD$] financial action, and then there is the soon too be established new German independent [EU] funded Ratings Agency, will too look to the interests of the [EU] and not those of the [EMPIRE], and now the [EMPIRE] opinion-oligopoly, [THE BIG THREE] which is to say, they the few, controlled and held in their hands, as it were the fait of the many, the ratings agencies [S&P 500] Stands & Poor, Moody's and now even Fitch will by mid-August review the [EMPIRE] credit ratings with an eye to its lowering, all located in the [EMPIRE], no one may laud the [EMPIRE] debt reduction plan, which normally would be expect to happen with all, once again closing their eye's, to the long term kick the can down the road policy but are now taking the position of, Fool Me Once, Shame on Me, Fool Me Twice, Shame On You! Downgrading the [EMPIRE] Platinum Ratings to banana republic Credit Ratings, with or without the [EMPIRE] defaulting, of itself but will be put into a default status, for not cutting the mustered.




Tuesday, July 19, 2011





[EMPIRE-Cob Job Plan]



It is not a matter as to if the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE], will default, as much as can it cob, some sort of Economic Plan that will not drag down the rest of the Geo-Economic Global Economy, as the [EMPIRE] will agree on some sort of plan, will  – the [EMPIRE] opinion-oligopoly, [THE BIG THREE] which is to say, they the few, controlled and held in their hands, as it were the fait of the many, the ratings agencies [S&P 500] Stands & Poor, Moody's and Fitch which up to the present, all located in the [EMPIRE] laud it which you can expect to happen once again closing their eye's, to the long term kick the can down the road policy,  the [BIG-3] cannot be expected to stick their collective necks out against those that can and will rain terror down upon them, no, they will support the boss's.



[Passing Muster]



The Larger question is will the plan pass muster with the independent [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China which has its own State Run and Funded Rating Agency Dagong Global Ratings Co., Ltd., and has previously down graded the [EMPIRE] ratings from an [AA] rating to [A+] on [November 9th, 2010] in response to the [2nd] round of the [QE-2$USD$] Quantitative Easing Two Dollar Devaluation Inflationary back door Tariff raising the  cost of imports to the [EMPIRE] at the same time lowering the cost of products to be sold outside the [EMPIRE  action, has now once again place the [EMPIRE] on a negative watch list as once again the [EMPIRE] raises the specter of a [QE-3$USD$] financial action, and then there is the soon too be established new German independent [EU] funded Ratings Agency, look to the interests of the [EU] and not those of the [EMPIRE] or would they continue to work hand and glove with the [BIG-3], Fool Me Once, Shame on Me, Fool Me Twice, Shame On You!



[Cut, Cap, and Balance--VS--Spend, Tax, and Bankruptcy]



The Stool rests upon [3] Three Legs, and if one is not there your left with only two legs to support your backside. The fact is clear that the [EMPIRE] must Cut, Cap, and Balance. The days of that can't be cut that can't be capped, and that can't be balanced, are long over, now its time to stop, the uncontrolled spending, and direct and indirect taxation which is leading an entire [21st] Century into Bankruptcy.






The Military-Industrial Complex, overseas bases must be closed, all the plans for such items as Okinawa have to be scraped, and the concept of the containment of those nations within its Blue & Gold Nuclear Choke Chain Necklace running from the Black Sea Eastward to the Arctic Pacific Ended, its must mothball a major part of its fleets, both Carrier Task Groups and Trident Submarines, the entire size of the Military-Industrial Complex must be trimmed to the bone, the Wars of Economic Stimulus and Regime, under the cover of Wars on Terrorism must end. Cuts in Medicare and Medicate begin at the [1%] Rich of the Globe in the [EMPIRE] which must be to take care of themselves they can and should be required to pay for their own retirements, and healthcare without public assistance. Those earning [$30K$USD's$] Thirty Thousand [$USD's] must be exempt from tax.






There has to be a cap at some point established were automatic tax's increases begin not only on individuals but on corporations, the guy at the top has to be held to a certain [%Percentage%] above which he can not earn more than the guy at the bottom, in any form, cash or stock options, the guy at the bottom has a plastic show curtain from Wally World and the guy at the top has a [$5K$] Five Thousand Dollar shower curtain, made by some other rich guy. There has to be an automatic trip wire that stops the spending of any government entity that can not be supported by tax's taken in, and not by expecting [QE's] Quantitative Easing, start up the printing press, when Uncle Sam Money Bags is willing to Print [QE$UDS], what's to lose, mentality.






There has to be a new way of thinking, there has to be a balance stuck between the [1%] and the rest of the [99%] in the [EMPIRE], and then with the rest of the Geo-Economic developing Spheres of Parity, there has to be a balance struck between the Military Industrial Complex, between the needs for national defense only scrapping Imperialism for the pursuit of a Competitive Peace Time Geo-Economic [EMPIRE] Industrial Complex.



[The Road to Economic Disaster – Spend, Tax, and Bankruptcy]



[Spend -QE's] simply printing more [$USD's$] and treasury certificates, devaluing the [$USD$]  while it creates a backdoor tariff trying to protect the [EMPIRE] from competition it cannot defeat, [Tax] the population from top to well below the [1%] and leaving the [1%] untouched taking money need just to survive from the population, and [Bankruptcy], as their will be no Jobs, leading to higher unemployment less of a tax base and more of a dependent society without a social safety net.



[The Geo-Economic Spheres of Parity Solution]



The solution is in progress in the Communist Spheres of Economic Parity, Regional Spheres of Influence which are using combined economic regional [SDR's] Special Drawing Rights, of Association Memberships, removing themselves from the [$USD$] Geo – Economic World Based Economy, and any connections to the World Bank, [IMF] and Wall St., with caps and controls upon their Regional Spheres of Economic Parity, placing high priorities upon their regional Infrastructures [Roads, Bridges, Water Reclamation Projects, Railway, Transportation, etc.] , Healthcare for their citizens, Care for their Youth and Elderly, and Education for their citizenry. Uncontrolled Capitalism has proven to be the Roadway to World Global Economic Disaster, as it sinks it sucks everything down into its vortex along with it. This along with the creation of Regional Ratings Agencies ending the [Big-3 EMPIRE] choke hold, of one sided economic opinion, and creating new [21st] Century solutions in a new economic world, breaking all ties to the [EMPIRE] and its [$USD$] based Geo-Economic Structure in favor of Spheres of Economic Parity.




Saturday, July 16, 2011

THE NEW [21ST] CENTURY RATINGS AGENCIES - Spheres of Parity Influence Geo-Economic ratings agencies

THE NEW [21ST] CENTURY RATINGS AGENCIES – Spheres of Parity Influence Geo-Economic ratings agencies


[Dagong Global Ratings Co Ltd. Puts Empire on [2nd] Watch in [2] years]


Now the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE] opinion-oligopoly, which is to say they the few controlled and held in their hands as it were the fait of the many, the ratings agencies [S&P 500] Stands & Poor, Moody's and Fitch which up to the present have been considered the [Big 3], main credit ratings agencies, all based in the [EMPIRE], and all have direct conflict of interests in their rating of  companies which pay them, and make it impossible to give a truly impartial assessment of their true ratings, to the point that they are no longer considered valid by the Spheres of Parity of Influence of the [21st] Century, including the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China which has its own State Run and Funded Rating Agency Dagong Global Ratings Co., Ltd., and has previously down graded the [EMPIRE] ratings from an [AA] rating to [A+] on [November 9th, 2010] in response to the [2nd] round of the [QE-2$USD$] Quantitative Easing Two Dollar Devaluation Inflationary back door Tariff raising action by the [EMPIRE], has now once again place the [EMPIRE] on a negative watch list as once again the [EMPIRE] raises the specter of a [QE-3$USD$] financial action another back door Tariff action, at the same time being unable and unwilling to curtail its rising debt, to a point were by [2015] the [EMPIRE] will have a debt of [124%] of its [GDP] Gross Domestic Product.


[A [21st] Century [EU] Ratings Agency]


The [EU] European Union has along with the [PDRC] come to see the Hypocrisy, of the opinion-oligopoly [Big-3], which as been and is fast on the draw to downgrade [EU] common market states among others, during their Euro Zones debt crisis, while turning a blind eye to the debt crisis in their own backyard, gaining the comment made to the German Newspaper Handelsblatt by the head of Germany's, Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition government Rainer Bruederle, [Trust in the statements of the opinion-oligopoly of the three largest US agencies is one of the reasons that risks in financial markets became known too late], Unquote, basically saying, the [EMPIRE BIG-3], closed their ranks and eyes blindsiding the entire Geo-Economic Community to the economic melt-down that was in the making do to banks and the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange taking high wire financial risks while expecting Uncle Sam [QE'S] to bail them out if things went south – sour – bad, when Uncle Money Bags is willing to Print [QE$UDS], what's to lose. Well the chickens have come home to roust with the loss being the confidence and trust in the [EMPIRE BIG-3], within the [EU] Sphere of Parity Influence Geo-Economic of which Germany is emerging the standard bearer, introduced a bill to the German Parliament to create an Independent [EU] funded Ratings Agency, which would over look the interests of the [EU] and not those of the [EMPIRE] in much the same fashion as the [PDRC] Funded Rating Agency Dagon Global Ratings Co., Ltd.


[Spheres of Economic Parity]


The solution is in progress in the Communist Spheres of Economic Parity, Regional Spheres of Influence which are using combined economic regional [SDR's] Special Drawing Rights, of Association Memberships, removing themselves from the [$USD$] Geo – Economic World Based Economy, and any connections to the World Bank, [IMF] and Wall St., with caps and controls upon their Regional Spheres of Economic Parity, placing high priorities upon their regional Infrastructures [Roads, Bridges, Water Reclamation Projects, Railway, Transportation, etc.] , Healthcare for their citizens, Care for their Youth and Elderly, and Education for their citizenry. Uncontrolled Capitalism has proven to be the Roadway to World Global Economic Disaster, as it sinks it sucks everything down into its vortex along with it. The along with the creation of Regional Ratings Agencies ending the [Big-3 EMPIRE] choke hold, of one sided economic opinion, and creating new [21st] Century solutions in a new economic world, breaking all ties to the [EMPIRE] and its [$USD$] based Geo-Economic Structure in favor of Spheres of Economic Parity.



Friday, July 15, 2011




The Elite [1%] rich of the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE], has created the perfect Economic Storm, the citizens of not only the [EMPIRE] but of the Western World have been put directly under their thumbs. The choice that the Western World Citizens have been given to deal with are;


Tax The [1%] Elite and the small business owners, with the result that the [1%] will as with [NAFTA] the North American Free Trade Agreement, once again create the sucking sound of jobs being shipped to more tax friendly environments with bank accounts being moved to more secure and business friendly off shore accounts, leaving the citizens of the [EMPIRE] with fewer jobs, a declining [$USD$] with little or no purchasing power, which is a Tariff on imported items, as their price increases due to the decline of the value of the [$USD$]. At the same time tax's have to be raised across the board to all it citizens, to try an pay the national debt from spending [44%] more than it has taken in from its tax base for years, while browning to make up the difference, printing and selling bonds to the point were it was purchasing its own debt, by simply printing and purchasing them itself, and to support the increasing number of unemployed.    


[Quantitative Easing Economic Slow Decline]


Don't do anything stay the course, in fact lower the tax's upon the [1%] and continue to believe in the trickle down theory of economics, a drop here and a drop their of trickle down wealth that never seems to make it to the mass majority. The rich get richer and the jobs still continue to flow were there is cheaper labor, while the value of the [$USD$] continues to decline, as it continues to spend more than it takes in thru tax revenues, and continues to borrow at increasing interest rates, printing more and more [QE$USD$] Quantitative Easing Dollars, which in turn devalue the [$USD$], causing Stagnation of wages, leading to wage decline, in real terms as once again the purchasing power of the [$USD$] declines which is nothing more than an across the board tax at the same time being a Tariff upon imported items, as their costs increases. As the bond markets are forced in the end to devalue the [EMPIRE] bond status to Junk, a Quantitative Easing Economic Slow Decline.


[Empire Sucks Western Economies Dry]


The [EMPIRE] has thru the World Bank,[IMF] International Monetary Fund, and Wall St., the economic blood suckers and loan sharks of the Geo-Economic World Economy, created a domino effect of economic collapse, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and soon the entire [EU] European Union will see the [Euro] collapse under the pressure, as even now boarders are being closed between membership nations  and further membership is being curtailed or even ended as Turkey and Eastern European Nations are being shut out.


[Spheres of Economic Parity]


The solution is in progress in the Communist Spheres of Economic Parity, Regional Spheres of Influence which are using combined economic regional [SDR's] Special Drawing Rights, of Association Memberships, removing themselves from the [$USD$] Geo – Economic World Based Economy, and any connections to the World Bank, [IMF] and Wall St., with caps and controls upon their Regional Spheres of Economic Parity, placing high priorities upon their regional Infrastructures [Roads, Bridges, Water Reclamation Projects, Railway, Transportation, etc.] , Healthcare for their citizens, Care for their Youth and Elderly, and Education for their citizenry. Uncontrolled Capitalism has proven to be the Roadway to World Global Economic Disaster, as it sinks it sucks everything down into its vortex along with it. The Solution is to end all ties to the [EMPIRE] and its [$USD$] based Geo-Economic Structure in favor of Communist Spheres of Economic Parity. It is Sink or Swim Time.  



Tuesday, July 12, 2011

CAUSE AND EFFECT! - Of Empire increasing the debt ceiling

CAUSE AND EFFECT! – Of Empire increasing the debt ceiling



[OZYISM ASKS]: -- will the [EMPIRE] regime increase the debt ceiling?



[HTS REPLYS]: Yes the American - Israeli Military Industrial Complex - the [EMPIRE] will in fact raise the debt ceiling as it has at least [70] times in the past that is a given.



[OZYISM ASKS]: -- Will the increase of debt ceiling help the [EMPIRE] avoid a catastrophe?



[HTS REPLYS]: No! the raising of the debt ceiling will not avoid an economic world wide catastrophe, in fact it will only bring it on must faster, there is no possible way that the debt can ever be repaid, and saying that everything is going to be better in the future by looking into some  crystal ball is not reality.



[OZYISM ASKS]: -- Will the increase of debt ceiling come with tax rises and spending cuts? If not, how will that work out?



[HTS REPLYS]: It will in fact come with a tax increase but it may be more of an INFLATIONARY TAX increase, the value to its currency will decline on the international level making the cost of Wally World items increase along with the cost of Oil and other necessary resources for production, Rare Earth from China, Lithium from Afghanistan, Food and all costs across the economic spectrum. 


[OZYISM ASKS]: - Will US go on default?



[HTS REPLYS]: The Empire crossed the default line a long way back, the reality of that default has not sunk in. 



[OZYISM ASKS]:-- Where will the cuts come from? More teachers lay offs? Or maybe cut aid to pregnant women and children.



[HTS REPLYS]: The better question is where the cuts, not come from, will everywhere except from the [1%] Empire wealthy, and the Military Industrial Complex the war machine.


[OZYISM ASKS]: -- Will they cut funds from the military?



[HTS REPLYS]: No! the Nuclear Choke Chain Blue and Gold Necklace running from the Black Sea, around the under belly of the [ME] Middle East, to the Far East and then to the Pacific Arctic Region must be maintained, and used against those nations that have the oil and resources the [Empire] must have to continue to exist.  



[OZYISM ASKS]: -- Will they increase the taxes? How will that affect anything and everything?



[HTS REPLYS]: Again Inflation will be the tax, with causes sales tax's to rise, and city, county, state, federal, rents, which are all taxes of one form or another will rise while unemployment will also rise, this is cause and effect with one effecting each other.




Sunday, July 10, 2011





[The Law of Inevitability]



So, what is the Law Of Inevitability and what has it too do with the fall of Capitalism?  The Persians were an Empire at one time much as any Empire, and each is different and alike all at the same time, but all Empires share the one constant they all fall, and like Humpty Dumpty all the Kings Horses and all the Kings Men's will never but that particular Empire in its exact form together ever again, and the beginning of the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex - the [EMPIRE], is well in progress. This is just the Law of Inevitability – This Too Shall End, the only thing constant in the universe is change, if you play with fire sooner or later your going to get burned, and sooner or later your luck has got to change from bad to good or from good to bad, it is much like the changing of the seasons, sooner or later winter will end, the plants will grow, the harvest will begin the cycle of life, your born, life is less than prefect for the many, than you die.



[The Ceiling Effect]



Everyone has had the ceiling effect, the feeling that nothing is going right and the whole ceiling is falling down around their ears, chicken little has an entire story written about the Sky Is Falling, an no one believed the little guy until the ceiling fell in, the golfer who got struck by lighting, the meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs. So, what has this got to do with the fall of the [EMPIRE]? Yet, another of those Laws of Inevitability, there is always that [1%] that group of individuals who had, have and will always have an itch for power, and why is it that only [1%] power carries that burden, well it's a lot of work but somebody has got to do it, headaches, responsibility, time, and effort, and as the old saying goes one day of fishing, or coping a squat, is worth a lot more than long hours at work, slaving away for the man, taking the better half and kids down to the old fishing hole, or a family outing, has its own value. But, be that as it may those that suffer the affection of a type [A] personality and the lust for power get given what they want by default, as much as anything else, life is short let them work it away while the rest of us enjoy it. But, with power comes the responsibility, not to mismanage things, sort of keep things on an even keel as it were, don't sink the boat, or bring down the house around everyone's ears. But, as the Law of Inevitability works and the sun will rise and set, the [1%] Wall St., Elite of the Plutocracy of Hypocrisy, tried to change the rules concerning one of the Seven Deadly Sins, from Greed is a Sin, to Greed is a virtue and is good! Now, it's not a question as to if they got stupid, they got greedy and that is stupid, and have brought the ceiling down around all our ears.



[Super Greed Effect]



The Super Greed Effect is seen every year at Christmas Time or the Winter Solstice, when Charles Dickens Scrooge is shown, and all Empires suffer the Super Greed Effect and is what brings them down, the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex, up to the [21st] Century the most advance Empire of the World for most of the [20th] Century, started upon the process of taking from the less advantaged Global Citizens of the World thru the [IMF] International Monetary Fund, loans sharks to the World, the World Bank, and of course Wall St., and telling its own citizens that they would get a cut of them thru a trickle down theory, and it turned into a drop here and a drop there,  mostly a down in wages, with more work for the same wage, and thru wage stagnation, and inflation and a decline in the value of their currency, shipping jobs out of country to those who work for less, increasing the unemployment but increasing profits, sending the pipe dreams of a better future, popping, along with all the bubbles in the economic system that were and are bursting, as money and wealth continue to move to the top as cream in a milk churn. But once again the Law of Inevitability catches up to you, you can fool most of the people most of the time but not all the time, telling them you feel their pain is not exactly the same as sharing the pain, the majority will put up with some discomfort but inevitability they start to say enough is enough, and that is when the Law of Inevitability kicks in, and those in power are kicked out, this too not only shall end it must end, and that's how Empires are brought to their end, thru THE LAW OF INEVITABILITY – This Too Shall End!




Thursday, July 7, 2011

THE PLUTOCRACY OF HYPOCRISY Vs Scientific Socialism, and or Communism

THE PLUTOCRACY OF HYPOCRISY Vs Scientific Socialism, and or Communism



[HTS] in reply to Life after capitalism Robert Skidelsky, a member of the British House of Lords, is professor emeritus of Political Economy at Warwick University, author of a prize-winning biography of the economist John Maynard Keynes.



[Robert Skidelsky Says]: The dishonoring of greed is likely only in those countries whose citizens already have more than they need. And even there, many people still have less than they need.



[HTS REPLYS]: The word in the Plutocracy of modern Capitalism is no longer a need of the type one would really consider it to mean, it has evolved into more of being a stung out junkie, the thrill of each high only leaves the user with the craving to have more, they don't just need public transportation, they need private transportation, and then its the latest and greatest model of private transportation, not a simple form or mode needed for the area of use but one that makes a statement, it does not matter if the speed limit is [55MPH] Miles Per Hour, the vehicle must have the ability to beat any vehicle ever made, and say it can do it, just by its make and model. Everything is reduced to economic eye candy, its comes down to school yard one ups man ship, control is end game, Politically, Socially, Militarily, and Economically. 



[Robert Skidelshy Says]: The evidence suggests that economies would be more stable and citizens happier if wealth and income were more evenly distributed. The economic justification for large income inequalities – the need to stimulate people to be more productive – collapses when growth ceases to be so important.



[HTS REPLYS]: The evidence of Communist or Scientific Socialism would support that in the end not only would the [Regional Spheres of Influence] be more stable and their citizens much happier if the Worlds Wealth and Income were more evenly distributed, but would be safer in the longer term, form Plutocracy Capitalisms Wars or Economic Stimulus, which grows out of the need to gain access and control of resources need to produce the ever increasing demands of the [1%] of the American - Israeli Military Industrial Complex, the [EMPIRE] to continue its exploitation of the past decades as deep as possible into the [21st] Century. 



[Robert Skidelshy Says]: Perhaps socialism was not an alternative to capitalism, but its heir. It will inherit the earth not by dispossessing the rich of their property, but by providing motives and incentives for behavior that are unconnected with the further accumulation of wealth.



[HTS REPLYS]: The concept of shaming the rich and powerful into change have not, does not, and will not be the cause of a change in their behavior anymore than the taught of legal forms brought against them in some court or tribunal, the answer to the verdict is always the same, now try to enforce it. The social revolutions of the [ME] Middle East were not [24hrs] in the making and will take at least a decade to unfold, they like so many before were in works long before they erupted, all the signs were there to be seen if one but looked and were able to understand the dynamics of change that were coming. One but needs only too look to the [EU] European Union of today, and see that change is coming with growing signs of social unrest and disunity among its [NATO] North Atlantic Treaty Organization Members, let alone its [EU] membership heading increasingly towards their breaking point. Revolutions are not a picnic they like the tree of liberty must often be nurtured with the blood of valiant. 




Tuesday, July 5, 2011



[LadySmity008 SAYS]: You're so blinded by jealousy. Communism does NOT work.

[HTS REPLYS]: No, we are not in fact jealous, and Communism has been, and is in fact working in many countries around the globe, Communism has done what Democracy has done taken many shapes as defined by those that select the Communist Form of Government, and it is not your cup of tea, well so be it we have stated any form or government is better than the One World Government of the American - Israeli Military Industrial Complex - the [EMPIRE], it is our position that it is worth taking a new look at.

[LadySmity008 Says]: Putin recently warned Obama he is going down the wrong path, leading America into a communist state.

[HTS REPLYS]: Putin is not the only person on the face of the planet to be warning the Emperor, and we disagree with Conrad [KGB] Putin, in fact this is about the One World Government of the [1%] Elite of the Plutocracy of Hypocrisy, and it's [Pure Jewish Apartheid State] Controllers.

[LadySmity008 Says]: It only causes EVERYONE to be poor. (Except the rulers who live lavishly on the taxes of the countryman's taxes). 

[HTS SAYS]: Have you looked around in your own house and seen what is really going on, entire families are committing murder suicide, and that is not a sign that your own house is not in order, and the rulers, the [1%] continue to live how lavishly [5K] Five Thousand [$USD$] Shower curtains, a government leader with [50K] Fifty Thousand in his freezer, your schools in decline, your infrastructure falling apart, while the [1%] keep off shore accounts with untold amounts of money in them, and taxes what percent of your money is going to taxes, taxes at the store, taxes at the city, county, state, and government level, and now they want to place a tax upon sales made online but can't come to some type of method that works to the greed level of those wanting that money. Before you put down Communism you better look at your own affairs, and sit down and figure what percent you're really paying in taxes.

[LadySmity008 Says] The rich supply jobs and opportunity to the poor. If it weren't for people with wealth, I wouldn't have the means to feed myself and my family.

[HTS REPLYS]: The rich with the aide of Clinton [Bubba], shipped all the better paying jobs right out the [EMPIRE], to not only Mexico, but China, India, Japan, and Vietnam, what type of automobile do you drive a [BMW], Honda, etc, foreign made, while your tax dollar was spend on bail outs to auto firms that made poor quality automobiles forcing the purchase of better produced and in the long run cheaper foreign made products,  your light bulbs are made in Brazil, were [GE] General Electric set up shop, were do you shop at Wally World products from a Communist Country well made and cheap, do you eat rice, it comes mainly from Vietnam yet another Communist Country. Mexico has [4] Communist Providences along your boarders. Communism is about keeping jobs in country but with a fair trade arrangement with others, and the wealth turned back to all the people and not into off shore accounts. The [1%] are getting fatter and fatter as your wages remain flat, and with inflation added in are in decline, while the cost of your medical insurance is shifted to you to pay, while your children go to subpar schools with one in four coming out to no employments.

LadySmity008Says] are you employed by a poor person?  

[HTS REPLYS]: No, are you employed by a blood sucking Capitalist, who doesn't provide a living wage, but for many slave wages,  who expects [24/7] work, were your job is your life. Communism is not your cup of tea, and we accept that, but for others the choice between the [1%] and Communism is equality over Capitalist Slavery. We respect Conrad Putin, but he came out of the Old Communism, there is now a New Communism, the Communist Manifesto was written in [1848], this is [2011], and the one thing that is always constant is change, there is a New Communism, one that has surpassed the [1776] Declaration of Independence, the New Communism speaks to a [21st] Century Peoples, the [EMPIRE] speaks only to the [1%] Masters of the New World Order.   


Sunday, July 3, 2011

BIBI DECLARATION OF 2011 - Third World War of Empire

BIBI DECLARATION OF 2011 - Third World War of Empire



[Third World War of Empire]



There has been a Declaration issued, it was issued by Benyamin/ Binyamin "BiBi Gift from God" Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel, to the multiple standing ovations of the [AIPAC/AZC] American - Israeli Military Industrial Complex - the [EMPIRE], bought and paid for puppets of its political system, the Plutocracy of Hypocrisy. The [EMPIRE] needs resource there is oil in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, but that is not the only place where resources beyond just oil are located that the West is now in desperate need of. The present Third World War in which we are engaged is a theater of operations which can be easily followed running from the Black Sea along the Eastern Mediterranean Sea along the under belly of Middle East and Far East and the Eastern Pacific Polar Ice Cap of Eastern Russia.



[Hillary Puppet of the EMPIRE]  



Israel [THE PURE JEWISH ZIONIST APARTHEID STATE] is the crown jewel, the largest Pearl in the Nuclear Choke Chain Necklace that the [EMPIRE] is building as a tool to control those who are now wearing that choke chain necklace. The BiBi Declaration of 2011, was clear as a bell, an when it was given is the very moment that the Islamic World should have heard these words, Ask Not For Whome The Bell Tolls, It Tolls For Thee! Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton and the Emperor of the Empire are puppets in the big game, the creation of the one world government with [THER PURE JEWISH ZIONIST APARTHEID STATE] the master race state head. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is nothing more than a puppet to the greater glory of the [EMPIRE], to believe anything other is a mistake. Hillary plays the part well, but is still just a puppet, of her master BiBi and [AIPAC/AZC].


[The Bibi Declaration of 2011]



There is a Declaration the BiBi Declaration, the establishment of [THE PURE JEWISH ZIONIST APARTHEID STATE] and the establishment of the one world government, thru economic globalization, controlled by Wall St., the [IMF] International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and The Military Industrial Complex of the Plutocracy of Hypocrisy, Nuclear Choke Chain Necklace, with the [PURE JEWISH ZIONIST APARTHEID STATE] the center Pearl the Tip of the Spear able to reach targets from the Straits of Gibraltar, to the Russian Steps, to Pakistan, and points south, control to the [EMPIRE] of Europe, the Middle East, and Eastern Russia, just thru its Eastern Mediterranean Center Piece Pearl, and Master Race State, and that is the BiBi Declaration of [2011].