Wednesday, June 29, 2011

FLOTILLA TO EMPIRE ISOLATION - [21st] Century Civil Rights Flotilla

FLOTILLA TO EMPIRE ISOLATION – [21st] Century Civil Rights Flotilla



[Overt Military Force]



The Gaza Flotilla is the first step in the road to the Isolation of the American - Israeli Military Industrial Complex - the [EMPIRE], it can be expected that once again the [PURE JEWISH STATE] will act outside of International Norms, seeking to place its claims to the entire of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, by an overt show of military force, similar to the one that was seen as illegal by the government of Libya sometime back, just showing yet another Hypocritical stance by the [EMPIRE].



[The First Step to September]



But, be that as it may, this is a first step, and Mao said that the road to the completion of the Six Thousand Mile journey begins with the first step, and so it now begins, the first step in the long march to give a people their rights back that were taken from them, to the establishment of a Palestrina State, will the [PURE JEWISH STATE] once again shed the blood of peace loving peoples, and the answer is YES! And, will the American Plutocracy of Hypocrisy once again defend its Tip of the Spear, into the Islamic World, without even blinking an eye, with glowing reports throughout its controlled media, and praise for its master [BIBI] The Gift from God.



[Flotilla to Empire Isolation]



This is the first step towards September, and the [UN] United Nations General Assembly Vote, and by its own actions [THE PURE JEWISH STATE] will have sealed the deal, it is said that it is working day and night behind the scenes to secure votes against the Palestinian State Hood Vote, but by its own actions will have shown that time has come for a change, the International Community can not allow any nation to have control of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, or the subjugation of a peoples. So bring it on [PURE JEWISH STATE] the more blood and overt naked handed military force the better for the turn of events that will follow in September, created by the Flotilla to [EMPIRE] isolation.




FLOTILLA TO EMPIRE ISOLATION – [21st] Century Civil Rights Flotilla



 [21st] CENTURY CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT - The Civil Rights Flotilla, Free At Last! Free At Last! Thank-God Almighty! Free At Last!




JEREMY SAYS:  ... the more blood the better???? This triathlon, describes the mentality behind the flotilla so eloquently.  These people don't wish to actually help the Gazans, they wish to provoke a violent conflict.



[HTM REPLYS]: This is one of those moments in History when an act of courage on the part of those in The Civil Rights Flotilla will be met with the same acts of brutal repression, that have been the stock and trade of the [PURE JEWISH STATE], the Theocratic Zionist State. This will define them, for what not only what they represent, but the entire American - Israeli Military Industrial Complex - [THE EMPIRE] represents, repression of the Rights of Others thru naked oppression. It will show the world that Apartheid is alive and well in the Open Air Concentration Camp of Gaza. Those who will come in a non-violent demonstration against the continued abuse of fellow human being are creating a moment in history. The nation of Turkey has shown itself to be less than a bulwark and more of the cowardly lion state, giving one reason after another as to why its vessel is not among the Armada of the Brave. Yes! There well be blood of the Valiant upon the hands of the tyrants, but know this once again The Whole World Is Watching, and just maybe a song will come to mind, a speech given by the son of a slave will be heard, Free At Last! Free At Last! Thank-God Almighty! Free At Last!




Tuesday, June 28, 2011





[Overt Military Force]



The Gaza Flotilla is the first step in the road to the Isolation of the American - Israeli Military Industrial Complex - the [EMPIRE], it can be expected that once again the [PURE JEWISH STATE] will act outside of International Norms, seeking to place its claims to the entire of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, by an overt show of military force, similar to the one that was seen as illegal by the government of Libya sometime back, just showing yet another Hypocritical stance by the [EMPIRE].



[The First Step to September]



But, be that as it may, this is a first step, and Mao said that the road to the completion of the Six Thousand Mile journey begins with the first step, and so it now begins, the first step in the long march to give a people their rights back that were taken from them, to the establishment of a Palestrina State, will the [PURE JEWISH STATE] once again shed the blood of peace loving peoples, and the answer is YES! And, will the American Plutocracy of Hypocrisy once again defend its Tip of the Spear, into the Islamic World, without even blinking an eye, with glowing reports throughout its controlled media, and praise for its master [BIBI] The Gift from God.



[Flotilla to Empire Isolation]



This is the first step towards September, and the [UN] United Nations General Assembly Vote, and by its own actions [THE PURE JEWISH STATE] will have sealed the deal, it is said that it is working day and night behind the scenes to secure votes against the Palestinian State Hood Vote, but by its own actions will have shown that time has come for a change, the International Community can not allow any nation to have control of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, or the subjugation of a peoples. So bring it on [PURE JEWISH STATE] the more blood and overt naked handed military force the better for the turn of events that will follow in September, created by the Flotilla to [EMPIRE] isolation.



Monday, June 27, 2011

WORLD WAR THREE - [NATO] Auxiliary Troops to the EMPIRE

WORLD WAR THREE - [NATO] Auxiliary Troops to the EMPIRE



[NATO has failed]



[NATO] The North Atlantic Treaty Organization can no longer prevail, it has totally and completely failed by being forced by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex - the [EMPIRE] to over extend itself from being a defensive organization into its Auxiliary Force of offensive action, turning the entire organization into the coalition of the weak and unwilling, even the [EMPIRE] which has footed the bill of its existence to [3/4ths] of its total cost has come to the conclusion that it was and is a total waste of effort. In Libya [NATO] needs the support of the [EMPIRE] just to continue its weak showing against a country that is a stones throw from the [EU] European Union, but has proven itself to be both politically and militarily split on its mission which is no longer just the establishing of a [UN] United Nations No Fly Zone, but has been changed by the decree of the [EMPIRE'S] Emperor into to one of regime change, far beyond that of the [UN] mandate.



[NATO & EU failing]



The simple fact is that the [EMPIRE], in its last ditch efforts to harden its position in the [ME] Middle East with its Nuclear Choke Chain Necklace running from the Black Sea thru all the Oceans under the [ME] thru the Far East and into the Pacific Oceans Arctic Region, off the Russian, has pulled not only the Necklace to the point of breaking, as each of its [Pearls] on the chain are beginning to show signs of falling from the chain Turkey, Bahrain, Pakistan, Taiwan, and Okinawa, the strain is beginning to break apart  both [NATO] and the entire [EU] as the [EMPIRE] points its finger at both demanding to see a return on its investment, and is looking to cut its investment demanding both step up and begin supporting themselves and the [EMPIRE], much as Okinawa is forced to do with a sympathy extortion tax, in one form or another. But, the youth of the [EU] are are the children of their parents but they are not their parents and do not feel they should be held to the past the [20th] Century or [20th] Century Think, and ties, those ties are being broken and the youth of the [EU] are looking to their own European Spring of Youth, and are not willing to be held to past.



 [To Big to fail?]



Their is nothing that is fail proof, the only question is what will be left to salvaged, and at this point the question is will the [EU] be dragged to its end behind [NATO], for the glory of the [EMPIRE]? The [EU] is at a point were it must come to terms with the reality of its position in the changing times, will it sacrifice itself on the alter of Empire, or be more pragmatic, looking to its own short and long term survival, will [EU] blood and treasure continue to be wasted on [EMPIRE] War's of failed Economic Stimulus, or will it wipe its feet on the [20th] century and the [EMPIRE] entering the [21st] century, by cutting its ties to being [NATO] Auxiliary Troops to the [EMPIRE]?




Saturday, June 25, 2011

WORLD WAR THREE - Afghanistan - Pakistan Worse Case Scenario

WORLD WAR THREE – AfghanistanPakistan Worse Case Scenario





What are the real objectives of the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex the – [EMPIRE]? It's about Oil, Resources, and having yet another Pearl in its Nuclear Choke Chain Necklace running from the Black Sea and the Naval Facilities of the Russian Federation, around the Arabian Peninsula, around the entire of the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China, to the Northern Arctic Polar Region and once again the naval facilities of The Russian Federation. This is about the [CAAP] Central Asian Aramco Pipeline, a consortium of oil companies, the very same companies that control Saudi Oil, to be built at a cost of over   a [$2B/1.3B] Two-Billion-Dollars/One-Point-Three Billion-Euros, running thru the Russian Federation Central Asia, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, with the Taliban given a generous cut of the profits from the oil and gas to be pumped thus the [CAAP], the Taliban will be allowed to place an emir into political power under Sharia Law, in return for their cut and [CAAP] safety. The billions in mineral resources and in particular Lithium a virtual virgin area of untapped mineral wealth waiting to be tapped, and last but not least the control of the world Opium Triangle and its route to the ports of France.


[ [PDRC]  Pearl]



The [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China is involved in countering the [EMPIRE] Pearl Choke Chain Necklace and its interests also lay in the Afghanistan – Pakistan region and in particular the Pakistan Port City of Gwadar, which the [PDRC] reached an agreement to take over the operation, and modernization from the existing contract held previously by a Singaporean government company, while at the same time presenting the Pakistani government with the gift of [50] fifty, [JF-17], fighter jets, to show the appreciation of the [PDRC]. The [PDRC] also deployed units of the [PLA] Peoples Liberation Army to maintain security in the Pakistani – held Kashmir City as it transforms Gwadar into an energy trans-shipment terminal to transport Gulf and African oil to western China by pipeline, while providing military hardware too the Pakistani Government in putting down the insurrection against the central government in the mineral-rich province of Baluchistan all of which will have a market in the [PDRC]. While at the same time projecting its regional might in the Middle East, East Africa, India, its Pearl a naval anchorage in the Indian Ocean region, for its increasing  sophisticated nuclear submarine fleet, modern ballistic missiles, Carrier Killer missile system, and [GPS] Ground Positioning Satellite – blocking technology, bring to an end the present [EMPIRE] regional hegemony in the South China Sea, and Indian Ocean, and break the Blue and Gold Trident Submarine Chain, at the same time ending any hopes of [EMPIRE] companies ability to drill in the region, forcing the [EMPIRE]  too purchase the regions resources at market prices.



[Worse Case Scenario]



The [PDRC] according to and often cited [PLA] memorandum of the General Logistics Department director quote, "We can no longer accept the Indian Ocean as only an ocean of the Indians. We are taking armed conflicts in the region into account." Unquote, while at the same time the [EMPIRE] is planning an offensive in the same area in which the [PLA] is creating its own Pearl of Power, the Northern Area of Pakistan. The worse case Scenario is already happening the rubbing of two Pearls of Power in a limited space, for control of larger regional interests. And as everyone is aware when you start rubbing two items together things begin to heat up, this has become the Afghanistan – Pakistan Worse Case Scenario.




Friday, June 24, 2011

WORLD WAR THREE - The Afghanistan Theater of Military Operations.

WORLD WAR THREE - The Afghanistan Theater of Military Operations.



 [European Spring]



The very same questions that were asked at the end of Vietnam by all will once again surface, and it's not going to be pretty by any means. The decision to continue the slaughter for years instead of a year to withdraw all troops, with the last pair of boots be removed from Afghanistan the Graveyard of Empires, by not later than the last of June 2012, was the worst decision even made. The American - Israeli Military Industrial Complex - the [EMPIRE], is now facing being left holding the bag as all the Coalition of the Un-Willing begins a rapid pull out based upon their own regional and national interests, as each of those nations are faced with increasing economic problems in the [EU] European Union, which itself is facing a European Spring of its own, as its youth are beginning to ask if the [EU] is really concerned about its future or that of the [EMPIRE].



[The Death Card] 



Many on the battlefield will see that being the last man killed in a lost war is nothing to die for, and this always begins the decline in discipline within any military unit, from top to bottom, as those in command begin to question the sense of sending yet another generation of their country men to death at worse or life long injury at least, and the long term effects upon their individual nations, as those being asked to give the possible ultimate sacrifice not only question the reasoning but balk at the prospect, within the military structure of the [EU]. France, Germany, Poland, etc., as extended families protest against any further loss of their sons, as their political institutions have to face the questions from their own citizens as to why they should continue to support a lost cause. As Billion of Euros will be lost over generations to pay for the care of those effected by yet more years of unnecessary warfare, and who will draw the Ace of Spades, the Death Card the Last Man Too Die, and a Lost War, from Germany, France, and Poland etc.?






The [EMPIRE] is looking to take its offensive to the upper part of the Afghanistan and Pakistan boarder region, for yet another blood bath, and make no mistake it will be for nothing, as the coalition of the un-willing will not be their covering their six, and those who will be sent will be less than willing to fully commit to death and injury over a lost cause, as the Taliban and all Islamic Freedom Fighters smell blood, and fear of their enemy in the water, across the entire [ME] Middle East, under the White Flag of There is But One God Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger, and the worst is yet to come, the explosion of Islam will occur beginning this month between Turkey and Israel with Flotilla II, and the coming of September and the Palestine Statehood Vote in the [UN] United Nations General Assembly, where the [EMPIRE] will vote [NADA, NO, NYE,] at which time both the Plutocracy of Hypocrisy, and the [PURE JEWISH STATE] will be isolated by the votes of the coalition of the un-willing. It is time for an orderly but complete and rapid withdrawal, saving the loss of life and limbs of combatants from both side of the conflict, not by [2014] but within [12] months time, [NLT] Not Later Than the last day of [June 2012], Its about the economy of the World, the Saving of Lives, ending the [EMPIRE], giving hope to the youth of the [EU], or face an [[EU] SPRING], that will change the face of the [EU], in ways that no one can predict.




Friday, June 17, 2011

[WWIII] WORLD WAR THREE - The Theaters of Offensive Operations.

[WWIII] WORLD WAR THREE – The Theaters of Offensive Operations.



[WWIII] World War Three is in progress, under the code name of War on Terrorism, which is nothing more than a War by of American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [Empire] of Economic Stimulus, to ensure the Status Quo, being carried on by the combined forces of the Theocratic [Pure Jewish State] supported by its political arm in the Plutocratic State [AIPAC/AZC] the American Israeli Political Action Committee / American Zionist Committee, a combination of Religious and Corporate Interests. A war of Secretly Funded Covert Actions, complete with High Tech versus Low Tech engagements, Killer Teams, Black Op Torture facilities run by [{CIA} Central Intelligence Agency /Mossad] Agents, and Diplomatic Embassies turned into operational Spy Agencies, including the longest attempted naval blockade ever attempted in history running from the Black Sea  to the Asia Pacific Arctic Ice Cap, and this does not include the off the grid Warfare taking place on the Sub-Sahara African Continent, and Monroe Doctrine Latino Nations of the Western Hemisphere, and Pacific nations.To suggest that what is happening is anything less than [WWIII] that is fast spreading across the globe from one Hemisphere to the other is not reality.






[AFGHANISTAN]: The Graveyard of Empires is and has been an on going war, about running a pipeline across that country into Pakistan and India, which continues to be a full – scale war of Special Counterinsurgency operations with the [CIA/Mossad] running the show, with the use of high tech that has failed against low tech determined fighters.



Afghanistan [ARAMCO] a consortium of Texas oil companies, the same that control Saudi oil plan to construct a pipeline thru Russian Central Asian scheduled to run from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan, and into India,which is rich in hydrocarbons and the building of the Central Asian Pipeline system transporting (NG) across Afghanistan to the ports of Pakistan, Karachi, and round the globe in (LG) Liquid Gas from, to waiting markets, with a branch line to supply the needs of India offering  generous cut of the profits of the oil and gas pumped through a [$2B/1.3B] Two-Billion-Dollars/One-Point-Three Billion- with an emir to be put in place with lots of Sharia law, which the Oil companies are more than willing to live with.



[CHINA] : The [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China is increasing its sophisticated nuclear submarine fleet size and deployment, modernizing its ballistic missiles systems while deploying its Carrier Killer missile system, and [GPS] Ground Positioning Satellite – blocking technology, to end [EMPIRE] regional hegemony in the South China Sea, and Indian Ocean, and break the Blue and Gold Trident Submarine Chain, ending any hopes of [EMPIRE] companies ability to drill in the region, and will have to purchase the regions resources at market prices, forcing the [EMPIRE] to take measure to secure its interest in [ME] Middle East oil, at all costs. 



[PAKISTAN]: A secret off the books [CIA/Mossad] covert shadow war, running the show, with no popular or congressional oversight and therefore no accountability. Pakistan has invited the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China to build a naval base at the strategic port of Gwadar predominantly Chinese-funded commercial port located about [500 km] from the Strait of Hormuz and is meant to break the Nuclear Choke Chain Necklace of the [EMPIRE] along with its hegemony of the sea lanes of the regional area, in their growing regional struggle for regional control and resources.



[LIBYA]:  An [EMPIRE] run and funded [NATO] North Atlantic Treaty Organization fiasco fronting the operations, it may be in print [NATO] but in reality it's the [EMPIRE]. The best that can be expected is a stalemate and a partition of that country, which will not hold, and the real deal is that the [EMPIRE] is supporting its so called enemies Al Qaeda, against a dictator who had to that point held them in check, but now have surface to air missiles from various arms depots being spread across the [ME] Middle East.



[OKINAWA]: The [EMPIRE] has demanded a meeting on June [21st] with the Japanese Central Government and wants an as early as possible start date for construction of its [V] pattern two-runway Okinawa over the objections of the citizens of Okinawa, as in the middle of a crisis socially and economically have to pay an [Extortion Sympathy Tax] to support unwanted [EMPIRE] troops of occupation upon Okinawa, along with [220+] illegal nuclear weapon on Okinawa against Japanese Laws.



[RUSSIA]:  Without notice the [EMPIRE] began the first part of a decade long four part phased plan to place land, and sea based radars and interceptors [AMB] Anti – Ballistic Missile Systems into the backyard of the Central Russian Federation, into Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, and Poland, to control the Europe, Eurasia, Caucasus, Middle East, and Central Asia, by sending the guided-missile cruiser USS Monterey, which is capable of detecting and shooting down ballistic missiles, from its home port in Norfolk, Virginia, into the Black Sea  just off the shores of the Russia Federation, a  planned system, which it would threaten the Russian Federations own nuclear missiles while undermining its deterrence capability. This was done without, having meditated the terms of a treaty of clear legal guarantees, for possible joint cooperation missile system, which was rejected by the [EMPIRE] and its surrogate [NATO] without any compromise offered but based solely upon verbal assurances alone that the Russian Federation was not being targeted, with the intent to under mind the nuclear deterrence of the Russian Federation, a direct threat to its security. While at the same time the [EMPIRE] on a continual bases performs [C-5M]over flights of the Russian Federations strategic  Arctic / Afghanistan  supply routes air space, using [C-5M] military aircraft, within the Russian Federation [CSTO] Collective Security Treaty Organization and [CRRF] Collective Rapid Response Force regional security alliance of  Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.



[TURKEY]: Under the [1936] Montreux Convention an international agreement on the status of the Black Sea straits, only Turkey possesses sovereignty over the Black Sea straits, with the right to admit or bar sea borne traffic entering the Black Sea after transit thru the Bosporus, the [EMPIRE] USS Monterey is within the limits of the convention, as she displaces less than [15K] metric tonnage and has no large offensive guns, and is within the convention limitation stating that no  more than [9] warships of non-coastal states of the Black Sea may be simultaneously present in the Black Sea and their maximum total tonnage must not exceed [45K] metric tonnage, but the [EMPIRE] has in fact broken even this convention during the Georgia-South Ossetia conflict of August [2008], as both provisions were broken as [10] [NATO], warships entered the Black Sea with a total tonnage of [48.7K] metric tonnes, causing mistrust and apprehension on the part of The Russian Federation, concerning Turkey and its selective enforcement of the Montreux Convention, turning its back on the agreed Black Sea for and Black Sea Harmony security structures of the Black Sea coastal countries, long considered enough to guarantee stability and security within the region. As the [EMPIRE] and its surrogate [NATO] are equipped with warships and submarines of nuclear long range nuclear capability [5K/km], the [EMPIRE] has substantially succeeded in the revocation of the Montreux Conventions having replaced it with the [OSCE 1999] summit in Istanbul, and by Turkey being a member of [NATO] and seeking to become a member of the [EU] in its straddling of the fence has ended Ankara's influence in the region.



Turkey and the Nabucco pipeline versus the South Stream Bypass, the Nabucco pipeline was an "Empire" plan to pump Central Asian which is rich in hydrocarbons, (natural gas) to Europe, the pipeline was to have been laid through the territories of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria to connect Europe with Central Asia, a distance of (3,300 Km.), Three-thousand-three hundred kilometers. The Nabucco pipeline was meant to bypass the Gazprom Russian Federations Gas Monopoly, South Stream gas pipeline designed to annually pump (31Bln.Cu.Mtr.), Thirty-one-billion, cubic meters of natural gas from the Russia Russian Federation, and Central Asia via the Balkans to Europe. Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Italy and Greece which have already agreed to participate in the project. The interest in building it was caused by the dispute between the Former Soviet Republic of the Ukraine, in which hydrocarbons, (natural gas) to the Ukraine and Europe had been cut, stopping the flow to Europe over money owed, and the stealing of pipeline hydrocarbons, (natural gas) by the former Soviet Republic.





Wednesday, June 15, 2011




REGULA SAYS: I think your expectations as to how much the [UN] United Nations vote for a Palestinian state will decide are too high. While hopefully the world will acknowledge that Palestinian state, and Palestine will become a member of the [UN], the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE] intends to veto it and justify its veto with the same hypocritical assertions that the [EMPIRE] standpoint of the pre-67 borders as starting point for negotiations was always clear, but that the final borders could only be established by negotiation. The Emperor lobbied The Gift from God to accept that starting point, in an effort to pre-empt the [UN] vote and the isolation it will likely bring for the [EMPIRE] and [The Pure Jewish State]. The rest of the world will not likely be fooled by these maneuvers. But they do give an opening to Turkey as mediator.


HTS REPLY: We disagree the [UN] General Assembly vote will in fact isolate  [EMPIRE], the question will be what the continued damage will be, will it be the end of the [UN], a recruitment tool for forces against the [EMPIRE] and [The Pure Jewish State], not only in the [ME] Middle East but around the globe, as the [EMPIRE] is seen as hypocritical and nothing more, we feel the [UN] vote will stand as a black mark, against everything that it had claimed to stand for, no we totally disagree about the blow back that will occur caused by the Veto Vote by the [EMPIRE] in support of the [Pure Jewish State].    

REGULA SAYS: Neither Turkey nor the [EU] European Union, are particularly involved in the Central and South Asian pipeline jungle. That is a game of chess between the [EMPIRE] and the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China. The [EU] wants a diversification of its oil and gas suppliers, but without more wars.


HTS REPLYS: Sorry to clue you, but in fact the Cold War is once again heating up and it may already be the beginning of [WWIII] World War Three , as [EMPIRE] warships are moving into the Black Sea, as they had done in the Republic of Georgia [6] Day war, and working to place [ABM] Anti-Ballistic Missile sites into Poland, and on the other side of the Pearl Nuclear Choke Chain Necklace, the [EMPIRE] has demanded a meeting on June [21st] with the Japanese Central Government and wants an as early as possible start date for construction of its [V] pattern two-runway Okinawa over the objections of the citizens of Okinawa, as the [PDRC] is increasing its sophisticated nuclear submarine fleet size and deployment, modernizing its ballistic missiles systems while deploying its Carrier Killer missile system, and [GPS] Ground Positioning Satellite – blocking technology, to end [EMPIRE] regional hegemony in the South China Sea, and Indian Ocean, and break the Blue and Gold Trident Submarine Chain.


REGULA SAYS: Turkey will neither make itself into a European doormat nor the bulwark of the east. Turkey is a member of [NATO], desires to become a member of the [EU], but also remain an independent, sovereign nation with the freedom to get along and engage in trade and cultural relations with its neighbors Iran, Syria and Iraq, independent of [EMPIRE] policies and sanctions. To reconcile these complex pressures, Turkey chose a role as mediator of the precarious east-west tensions:



To show the [EU] the benefit of relations with the [ME], Iran and Turkey as the connecting link: that is what Turkey will contribute to the [EU] if accepted;


The benefit of Israeli-Palestinian peace through a genuine, independent and sovereign Palestinian state, based on just allocation of land and therefore the necessity of all world powers to act to stop Israeli expansionism, because it is required to prevent a third world war;


To show the non-viability of an independent Kurdish state - it would take land from Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq and rather than resolve the Kurdish problem, such a Kurdish state would become a point of constant instability because it would open the affected countries to undue [EMPIRE] pressure and subversion;


To strengthen its own national and international standing as an emerging economy and stable, prosperous Muslim democracy in order to continue developing Turkey;


And to change its constitution to lessen the political power of the military in conclusion of Turkey's transition from a military state to a free democracy.



HTS SAYS: We disagree once again, it is for the [UN] United Nations to be any type of Mediator, Turkey can not walk the tight rope between the East and the West, and hope to survive, it may work at times in the role of Mediator but not in a continual fashion. We feel that Turkey is Islamic and its major role is to the East and not the West, but do to its location, can act as more of a fascinator more than a mediator, more of a conduit between the West to the East, laying out the welcome mat to the West while acting as a Bulwark of protection to the East. As far as Kurdistan and the Kurdish problem it is being fueled by the pipelines and it is fool hardy not to see it.



REGULA SAYS: The capacity of any mediator is limited by the willingness of the parties in dispute or at the weaker end to see the danger and act to prevent it themselves as much as possible. Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria [if] Assad falls, Libya [if] Gaddafi demises, will have to make a real effort to find and support strong leaders and refuse [EMPIRE] interference and subversion. Turkey can then support them visa - vie the [EU] and the [EMPIRE] based on the qualifications of those leaders, and yes, Turkey will stand up for those leaders and any parties shunned by the [EMPIRE] based on their role in the resistance. But it can do so only if there are strong leaders put forth by those countries. It is not in the capacity of the mediator to prevent the [EMPIRE] from installing puppet leaders if there isn't any alternative. What Turkey has to do for itself, is to protect its own interests, namely to leave all roads to the east and to the west open, albeit without cowardice. That is vital for its prosperity. Turkey showed that it has that strength.



HTS REPLYS: Again Turkey should only act as a conduit and facilitator, from the East to the West not as a mediator the [UN] is the correct forum for mediations, Turkey should only facilitate the process, not mediate it. We see no happy ending in this with the current tightening of the Nuclear Choke Chain Necklace String of Pearls now underway by the [EMPIRE], and its behind the scenes support of a Kurdish Independent State, we feel you are seeing things thru rose colored glasses, the Necklace is tightening and the Cold War is once again heating up if not the beginning of [WWIII], we still support that in September, the concept that tectonic plates of change will shift, from West to East, the only question afterwards will be the after – shocks and change in geography.



Wednesday, June 8, 2011





[Japan and the Big One]




What Japan represented and does represent to the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex the [EMPIRE] is two things; The first of which is the Eastern Pearl of its Nuclear Choke Chain Necklace running from [FOOTHOLD] Germany to [FOOTHOLD] Okinawa, with a forward nuclear capacity to First Strike the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China, along with its Blue and Gold necklace chain of Trident Submarines, and the second which has now been damaged is its standing as the economic base of the [EMPIRE] made in Japan long ago replaced made in the [USA] United States of America, and with the Big One off of Northern Japan, other nations are having to take up the slack but the profits are no longer flowing to the [EMPIRE] and Wall St., the [ROK] Republic of South Korea is a high risk economic problem, with the question of is the [EMPIRE] willing to risk the chance of a nuclear confrontation over a renewed military war on the Korean Peninsula, and the loss of Billions if not Trillions in new major industrial development sites relocated from Japan to the [ROK], not likely.




[The Left Coast Big One!]




Prof. Pat Abbott of San Diego, has said that every possible tectonic plate in the Pacific Ring of Fire has moved and the only one left is the San Andreas, and it is long over due, will it bring the [EMPIRE] economically to its knees? That is fast becoming a question as most of the industry that was on the Left Coast has or is leaving not due environmental reasons as much as being taxed off the Left Coast moving to more pro-business countries and locations across the [EMPIRE], you can hear the sucking sound as they leave. But, when the San Andreas goes, and it will, yes the [EMPIRE] will be brought to its knees economically rapidly, compared to its slow but steady present decline.



[Empire not equal to the strain] 



Admiral Mike Mullen on the subject of what is the [EMPIRES] biggest threat feels it is its catastrophe national debt, which has reached a to point too where its Military Industrial Complex is consuming higher and higher levels of the [EMPIRES] [GDP] Gross Domestic Product, along with resources just to maintain present operations, maintenance pay and benefits, combined with other forms of overhead let along projected increases due to the continued up tick in ever mounting operational military commitments over diplomatic solutions, it has come to the point where a gap has developed between the [EMPIRE] society and its military, those in uniform, as one is suffering to support that complex as the other is suffering to protect those weighted with the cost of the [EMPIRES] Wars of Economic Stimulus, that is not doing any Stimulation, but has become a weight to economic recovery or growth. A lesson not understood but taught by Sun Tzu in the Art of War, if a campaign or war is protracted, the resources of the State, will not be equal to the strain. 





Friday, June 3, 2011




[The Bad Apple Tree] 


Now, some see a few bad apples as the problem from a tree, but we feel that what seems as only a few rotten apples point to a larger problem. A tree had been planted long ago in the virgin lands of the Western Hemisphere an orchard developed, the tree was called the tree of liberty, but over the years that tree feel victim to bad soil and water, and began to produce bad apples. Now, those apples began to fall and rolled very far from the tree and began to produce other tree's that in turn produced bad fruit and that is what has happened. The [USA] United States of American was that tree, but it fell victim to the river stream of corporate interests, corruption, greed, and special interests groups in particular [AIPAC/AZC] the American Israeli Political Action Committee / American Zionist Committee, that tree turned from the [USA] to the American - Israeli Military Industrial Complex - The [EMPIRE] and it produced the bad fruit the leaders that have been put into place into the national world orchards of the [21st] Century. Its not about this bad apple leader or that bad apple leader any longer, you can keep picking bad fruit or remove one puppet leader from the tree or leadership only to have it replaced by yet another bad apple leader as it is growing from a bad tree, the [EMPIRE].


[A Season of Change] 


There comes a time a season for every purpose under the heavens, and it comes time when a tree must be felled for the good of the orchard, and the wood from that tree used to build furniture, burned in the fire place for warmth and to cook the food, or cut into mulch for the rose or vegetable garden, and a new tree must be planted in its place, but as a live tree in the orchard of the world it no longer serves a purpose, September is that time the continued picking of bad apples from that tree, will not solve the problem, its the tree that is the ultimate problem, the [EMPIRE] producing bitter, and rotten to the taste fruit, and  that Tree will only continue to produce yet other generations of  bad apples to replace those that have been removed, but the season of change September is soon approaching and after the winter of that orchards season the spring will return, it may remain fallow for a seven year rest but the land will once again be tilled, and the stream of life will remove the pollution with the help of worlds care, and this time all will hope for a less bitter fruit, one that can be placed once again into the salad of the world community plate.   


[The Middle East Tree of Justice and Hope]


In September a new tree has the chance of being planted into the Middle East, a tree of hope to those who seek justice, and simple human rights, but the [EMPIRE] Emperor has called it nothing but a Symbolic Tree and not a real tree a fake tree and will never be a tree that will be allowed to produce fruit. But, we say that it is not only a very real tree but one that will bear a fruit that will sought by all, a tree of new life, a tree of hope, a tree of justice, a tree of human inspiration to all who seek human rights and recognition. It is time to chop down the rotten tree, it is time to go thru the orchards of the world and find the bad apples placed upon the ground by that rotten tree, and rid the orchards of there fruit. The American - Israeli Military Industrial Complex - the [EMPIRE] is that tree, and its puppets put into place around the globe are its bad fruit, September is the end of its growing season, and a time to end any future growth by that tree. The Western Apple Orchard – the Bad Apple Tree must come down.