Wednesday, April 27, 2011

THE RACE TO ERASE - Manifest Destiny Erasing Palestine

THE RACE TO ERASE – Manifest Destiny Erasing Palestine

[Manifest Destiny]



Now, both ( in an article entitled Netanyahu: Erasing the Green Line, and (, Russia Today, Cross Talk with Peter Levelle, Palestate! Are covering the upcoming political maneuverings, going on concerning the upcoming speech to be given by Israeli Prime Minister [BiBi] The gift from God, Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of Congress of the American- Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE], the tail wagging the dog, in an effort to shore up the [SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP] for the crisis ahead, as the September vote of the United Nations General Assembly [150] by all accounts aye/yes vote granting statehood to Palestine, approaches with or without the [EMPIRE], a vote that Israel's Alan Elsner of the Israel Project located in Washington, D. C. [District of Clown], has stated means nothing, and will only give the Palestinians only a [5 min.] statehood status, while arguing that a General Vote of the [UN] United Nations, is not the vote that would count but a vote only of the [UN] Security Council would be the only legitimate vote of course one in which the [EMPIRE] could and would Veto, a Palestinian State, setting up an Israeli challenge to the vote in the future, while at the same time rejecting the [UN] having any authority too establish a state when Israel itself was established by a vote of the [UN]. The other move to de-legitimatize, a Palestinian State is simply to Erase it before it is even voted upon, the race to erase the state. This is now being done by the Erasure of the so called Green Line, which leaves only one state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and that is the State of Israel without a [UN] vote or sanction, a pre-vote unilateral action that BiBi will have blessed by the [EMPIRE] on the [24th] of May. The idea being that if the former United States of America now the [EMPIRE] could and did create its [EMPIRE] from sea to shining sea, under the mandate of Manifest Destiny, placing the native inhabitants upon reservations, that exist to this day, which is an act of apartheid, and today Israeli makes the same claims of Manifest Destiny. That Israel could and will set up a bureau of Palestinian Affairs much as the United States of America had set up a Bureau of Indian Affairs which grants or denies different privileges to various native American tribes upon its own reservations, and BiBi's will in his speech bring the [EMPIRE] politicians, policy-makers, lobbyist and campaigners, up to date with the true reality of the new Israel.


[Gaza the new Oklahoma]


BiBi, has put the [EMPIRE] into a box, a government can not say one thing and do another, but of course that has never applied to the [EMPIRE] which is the prime of example of a Plutocracy of Hypocrisy, talking out of both sides of its corrupt system at the same time, but what now, can it now just abolish its own system of apartheid, close its bureau of Indian Affairs, over one day sovereign nations, within its territory, and the next day declare itself a now moral nation within the community of nations, don't think so. So, where does this leave the [EMPIRE], up the creek without a paddle, it must and will provide cover for the only true Democracy in the middle east of course, a clone copy of itself, right down to apartheid, bureaus of native affairs and grants rights and privileges, no native's running across the Canadian Boarder and no right of return for Palestinians. Gaza will become the new Israeli version of Oklahoma, the treaty was in effect as long as the water flowed, the grass grew, and the buffalo roamed, well pretty much under the laws of Manifest Destiny they turned off the water, the grass died and the buffalo no more roamed, followed by the land rush to open the Indian Territories up for settlement, with all those natives put on Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, and provided for by the U.S. Army and Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Israeli version is the Gaza Open Air Concentration Camp, they will turn off the water and allow the Palestinians  to either die or roam to other lands say Canada, just as long as its out of Israel, the Israeli version of Cowboys and Indians, the Indians and Palestinians both loose.



Tuesday, April 26, 2011

PATTERNS: Of gamesmanship, force, and death.

PATTERNS: Of gamesmanship, force, and death.   

[Status Quo diplomatic gamesmanship] 

The Arab Spring has been a long time in the making, and has been long overdue, given the autocratic repression under installed puppet regimes of the west, the Plutocracy of Hypocrisy, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, the [EMPIRE], leading to the Perfect Storm, as the patterns of political gamesmanship, are united within the vortex of change in the caldron of popular upheavals of transformational change sweeping the entire globe. The present Status Quo offered by the [EMPIRE] is no longer acceptable, and no amount of diplomatic gamesmanship, first words of sympathetic understanding, seeming receptive to reasoning, in historic times of change, speaking of wanting to be on the right side of history acting as if feeling the hopes, and dreams of a new generation, but in the end, having promised change delivered only more of the same, status quo, backed by it' s better for you and for us and for our relationship if you go along with the flow, as is. If not a list of list of sanctions, such as a withdrawal of monetary support, and political backing could be in the pipeline for you, its better not to be on our bad side, when we say jump you may want to ask how high, to avoid confrontational measures, having to be taken on our part, to ensure your compliance.  

[Disproportionate use of force] 

But it is clear that no amount threats of pre-emptive measures of campaigns of based upon disproportionate use of force by the state, of arrests and military force, following in the footsteps the Empires of the past will stop further escalation of popular upheaval, force will be met with force, regardless of the bloodshed as emboldened peoples have come to see that there is nothing to fear but fear itself have leaped barriers of fear barrier, facing their oppressors with courage and determination,  there's no turning back, now, going out determined to either return behind his shield of faith in victory or upon it in death, not as a martyr but as a warrior. Freedom is the breath of life is sweeping the globe and that genuine call for freedom will not be contained, controlled, or stopped. 

[Running the gauntlet] 

The proof will be in the pudding as [AIPAC/AZC] the American Israeli Political Action Committee/American Zionist Committee, as on May 24th, Israeli Prime Minister [BiBi] The gift from God, Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of Congress of the [EMPIRE], the tail wagging the dog, in an effort to shore up the [SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP] for the crisis ahead, as the September vote of the United Nations General Assembly aye/yes vote granting statehood to Palestine, approaches with or without the [EMPIRE]. This is not about any acceptance on the part of the [EMPIRE] or the tail of the dog of a Palestinian State but to prepare, for the blow back the globe created by the [SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP], and its policy of Democracy for the few  and [Empire] controlled dictators for the mass,  showing the [EMPIRE] for what it is the Plutocracy of Hypocrisy, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, the [EMPIRE], ending not only in the burning of [EMPIRE] flags but destruction of its embassies as the global community is faced with the very things that have created hated and anger against it, its total sanctimonious self righteous, as its tail Israeli wags it, as its [IDF] Israeli Defense Force Commandos, once again attacks a foreign flotilla inward bound to the Open Air Concentration Camp of the Gaza Strip, in an attempt to breach the gauntlet of death the illegal blockade,  with  supplies and aid, which the whole world will be watching live on satellite [TV] television, followed no doubt with a second Cast Lead Operation. Israeli will expect its dog, to lay down a cone of silence much as has been done to Bahrain, and Okinawa, while providing cover in the [UN] United Nations Security Council, voting [NO] to any attempts to stop the crushing of any real Palestinian State, by Israel.   


Saturday, April 23, 2011


SHORTING THE EMPIRE – Sorosing the Empire Bond Market 

[Limiting markets to ensure government sovereignty] 

Now, we just got thru reading an article at (, written by Robert Skidelsky, a member of the British House of Lords, is Professor Emeritus of Political Economy at Warwick University, entitled Democracy or Finance? The basic idea of the thing was in our opinion is when is to much Democracy in the economic system to much Democracy, there should be limits placed upon the free market boundaries to ensure that the bakers dozen is just that a dozen, and there are no fingers on the measurement scales of weights and measures, limiting markets to ensure government sovereignty. The Professor used as example George Soros and his Shorting of British Bonds, that made George a Billionaire at the cost of the British economy, and may now well be done too the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE]. What Shorting means in economics is the tactic of betting against an asset with borrowed money in the expectation of making a profit when its value goes down, sell short of a due date of maturity, before it comes due. We had to sort of [KISS] Keep It Simple Stupid, the Professors version and add and combine from other sources, to be able to make sense of it all but it goes like this.  

[Writing call or put options contracts]   

A speculator can a short position [called a short]  a government by borrowing its debt from a bond broker in the form of bonds, commodities, currency, or securities, at its current market price, betting with the full expectations and hope of selling it later at a lower price and pocketing the difference. For example: Peter looks at the bond market one day and looking at things, and having an educated gut feeling figures the value of American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE] bonds will fall in value, called a [bearish view] so Peter in [2012] immediately borrows [10M] ten-million worth of [0.91] per share face value [EMPIRE] savings bonds, with a maturity date of [2017], from Paul a bond broker, under a contact agreement known as a [writing call or put  options contract], the contract gives/entitles Paul, the right but not the obligation to buy from or sell assets in the form of  specific bonds, commodities, currency, or securities, to Peter at their current market price for a specified amount of interest due at a specified call date, the deal being that Peter must eventually return the borrowed stock to Paul, in [6] six-months, but with the face value and interest it would have gotten over the entire period if held to maturity, that's [5%] annually, for each year of the [5] five years bond maturity time, or for a profit of [2.5%/ 250K] Two-hundred fifty thousand which is owed by Peter to Paul in not [5] years but [6] six months.  

[VoilĂ  – a successful "short" trade] 

Peter immediately sells the entire [10M] in [EMPIRE] bonds on the open market, at [0.91] per share, Peter get [9.1M] ninety-one million (0.91 face value per stock x 10M million amount held). And Peter is Fortunate and the value of the [EMPIRE] stock does fall in value, before Peter must pay Paul what is owed, in [6] months, the chickens have come home to roost the full extent of the [EMPIRES] fiscal problems are clear, their broke in over their heads in debt they can't repay, and is clear to the global community,  When the [6] six-months has passed and Peter is to repay Paul the [10M] ten- million in face-value of [EMPIRE] bonds plus the interest, the bond is trading at only around [0.72] per face value, so Peter goes to the open market where Peter buys back only [10M] ten-million in [0.72] face value stock, and pocket the difference in pure profit, sold at [0.91] repurchased at [0.72], a cool [1.65M];

[9.1M – 7.2M] = [1.9M] profit before interest

[1.9M – 0.25M] = [1.65M] profit after interest as per Peters agreement with Paul.

 VoilĂ  – a successful "short" trade, to quote Professor Robert Skidelsky, and the point is that if its been done once and worked with the same conditions in effect, it should and will work again, only this time its yet another [EMPIRE] not the British Empire, but the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRES] turn for a Sorosing. 


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


DON'T PUT YOUR EGGS ALL IN ONE BASKET – The Diversified Multilateral Currency Regime, the Bottom is about to drop out from under the [$USD$]


[Bench marks no more!]


Now, we invite the reader to find an article written by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D. entitled Webiner Transcript: The War on the dollar, as the price of Gold one of the eggs in the Diversified Multilateral Currency Regime basket that is being used by the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, China, and the Republic of South Africa. See if these past examples taken from that article haven't got a ring in the present of ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee, The [EMPIRE] served as the world's main/base reserve currency, over a prolonged period of time, from its heights late in the century the value of its currency fell to [2%] two percent of its value in just short of [13] years, as it postponed it day of reckoning suffering under the weight of borrowing from other countries, only paying the interest on their unsustainable, overwhelming, unplayable long-term deficits, debts and obligations, until it became apparent that they had gone beyond a point were even their children or their children's children could or would be able to make good on its obligations. Does this sound like the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE], it may but in fact it's the composite of two past [Empires] the Roman/Byzantine Empires. And, until the [S&P 500] announced that it would in [2] Two Years, or in just [24] months would downgrade the [EMPIRE'S] bonds rating from a triple-A standing to a negative one in an election cycle were only campaigning is done was considered a risk free financial benchmark, of the worlds economy, well that is no more as of now.


[Diversified Multilateral Currency Regime]


Or, a Diversified/Multilateral [Parity Spheres of Influence] Round Table of Nations, much based upon the European [EU] European Union, of joint cooperation setting places at the Common Round Table for nations meeting membership requirements, or representation as an association member to one of the [Parity Spheres of Influence] membership nations. Such as the [16] Sixteen Nation currency trading bloc within the Asian Sphere of the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China, [Parity Sphere of Influence], the [ASEAN] Association of Southeast Asian Nations, countries, who already want a single currency by [2020] but by the generally accepted end of the American-Israeli Empire, member would include; Japan, China, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand and India, and not decades down the line, as the [EU] represents the linking of the nations of Europe into a European [Parity Sphere of Influence of Europe].  The [Parity Spheres of Influence] membership nations would meet to discuss and establish a forum for the reform and restructuring and the continual upgrade of the international currency system, reforming international monetary institutions with stricter accountability and oversight, to limit vulnerabilities which are inherent in any financial system. The creation a common Currency Regime, with the purpose of providing funding and administrative oversight in support of International and Sovereign banks having become vulnerable to default or bankruptcy, avoiding downside risks to financial stability and to preserve confidence, of the Diversified/Multilateral System, of Multilateral Currencies, a GLOBAL NUMERAIRE CURRENCY, creating a new world reserve currency of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), [EMPIRE/ $USD's$] value, 150-250 billion annually, made up of but not limited to the [Euro, Pound Sterling, Japanese Yen, and Chinese Yuan], and hard currency Gold which the Bank if Nova Scotia, Canada, considers a currency in its own right, at [$1.500 USD's$] per ounce, as a hedge against the devaluation of the [$USD$] base currency's and bond future devaluation, bring with its hyper-inflation world wide., Silver, Oil and Mineral Currency. Creation of a broader trade-weighted basket based upon Mutual trade ties, of assets that are less volatile, against price fluctuations, virtually context-free of the chance of their value disappearing entirely... of  controls  limiting fluctuations in commodity, -The Russian Federation Oil and higher oil prices, increase both commodities and gold values as hedges against hyper-inflation and Mineral  Resources, Brazilian Food Production Currency, and Production, Gold China is the world's second-biggest gold consumer behind India, , and Mineral [Rare Earth] Currency of  The Peoples Republic of China/India.


[Bernanke butterfly effect]


Fed boss Ben Bernanke has caused a Butterfly Effect that is bring down one institution and one country after another, [S&P] Standards and Poor index had been all along expected to decline by [40%] Forty-Percent, the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange to drop to [6K] Six-Thousand range the empire is weakening under the weight of overwhelming, unplayable debts and obligations, sounds like the Roman/Byzantine Empires, the bell is tolling,  with the [$USD$] in a rapid devaluation position, as the [BRICS] having shifted to the [Diversified/Multilateral Currency Regime], based upon a broader trade-weighted basket. The Multilateral Currencies as the GLOBAL NUMERAIRE CURRENCIES [Euro, Pound Sterling, Japanese Yen, and Chinese Yuan], and hard currency [Gold, Silver, etc.] are now determining the price of Gold per ounce.

            Scenario One: [$2.3K/1.5K] Two-Point-Three Thousand Dollars/One-Point-Five Euros, Orderly transition to new currency

            Scenario Two: [$3K/2K] Three-Thousand Dollars, Two-Thousand Euros, Muddied, confused transition

            Scenario Three: [$5K/3.4K] Five-Thousand-Dollars/Three-Point-Four Thousand Euros, Chaotic transition and market panic [MOST LIKELY TRANSITION]

Don't put your eggs into one basket, [NOW], is past time to shift off the Empire Dollar, and begin The Cash and Carry Trade to The Multilateral Currencies would be the GLOBAL NUMERAIRE CURRENCIES [Euro, Pound Sterling, Japanese Yen, and Chinese Yuan], and hard currency [Gold, Silver, etc.] investments in companies [Off of the NYSE] in strategically importance raw materials, recourses, and related industries companies, commodities futures, in markets other than Empire Markets, The Bottom is about to drop out from under the Dollar.



Sunday, April 17, 2011




[Tri-Polar [EMPIRE, EU, and PDRC]]


It is no longer a question of if the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE], [$USD$] will be replaced by a new international monetary and financial system, its simply a matter of when, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex- the [EMPIRE] wants to slow the process and take decades, with the chance of at least [3] more world economic crises if not more occurring during this period. What will the [$USD$] based world economy be replaced with, as far as the [EMPIRE] is concerned little or nothing a simple [3] three way split consisting of the [$USD$], [€EURO€] and the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China, Yuan/Renminbi, with the [$USD$] still the base currency.


[Diversified Multilateral Currency Regime]


Or, a Diversified/Multilateral [Parity Spheres of Influence] Round Table of Nations, much based upon the European [EU] European Union, of joint cooperation setting places at the Common Round Table for nations meeting membership requirements, or representation as an association member to one of the [Parity Spheres of Influence] membership nations. Such as the [16] Sixteen Nation currency trading bloc within the Asian Sphere of the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China, [Parity Sphere of Influence], the [ASEAN] Association of Southeast Asian Nations, countries, who already want a single currency by [2020] but by the generally accepted end of the American-Israeli Empire, member would include; Japan, China, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand and India, and not decades down the line, as the [EU] represents the linking of the nations of Europe into a European [Parity Sphere of Influence of Europe].  The [Parity Spheres of Influence] membership nations would meet to discuss and establish a forum for the reform and restructuring and the continual upgrade of the international currency system, reforming international monetary institutions with stricter accountability and oversight, to limit vulnerabilities which are inherent in any financial system. The creation a common Currency Regime, with the purpose of providing funding and administrative oversight in support of International and Sovereign banks having become vulnerable to default or bankruptcy, avoiding downside risks to financial stability and to preserve confidence, of the Diversified/Multilateral System, of Multilateral Currencies, a GLOBAL NUMERAIRE CURRENCY, creating a new world reserve currency of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), [EMPIRE/ $USD's$] value, 150-250 billion annually, made up of but not limited to the [Euro, Pound Sterling, Japanese Yen, and Chinese Yuan], and hard currency Gold, Silver, Oil and Mineral Currency. Creation of a broader trade-weighted basket based upon Mutual trade ties, of assets that are less volatile, against price fluctuations, virtually context-free of the chance of their value disappearing entirely... of  controls  limiting fluctuations in commodity, -The Russian Federation Oil and Mineral  Resources, Brazilian Food Production Currency, and Production Currency of  The Peoples Republic of China/India.


[THE EMPIRE WILL DEFAULT ON DEBTS – Borrow, Tax, Print QE's and Spend like there is no tomorrow]



A Diversified/Multilateral [Parity Spheres of Influence] Round Table of Nations, would step in as at present we are looking at a complete economic global meltdown, to prevent default, the avoiding downside risks to financial stability and to preserve confidence, stopping the  [EMPIRE] from more of the same, simply borrowing and raised its debt ceiling, digging a deeper hole in the mistaken idea that in so doing it will dig itself out of debt, taxing its citizenry into poverty, and business systems into bankruptcy, the continual printing of  [QE's] Quantitative Easing [$USD'S$] the present worlds base currency, placing its economic problem upon the backs of developing nations through increasing inflation of food and energy price increases, effecting the World Financial Structure adversely, and spent like there is no tomorrow, with the hope that tomorrow will never come, and the debt will either disappear or not be called due, and the government of the [EMPIRE] loves to borrow, tax, print and spend other peoples money, the trouble is in the end it all catches up to you, and the [EMPIRE] is going to default on its debts, that is a given, the question is then what, do something now or multiple economics meltdown, down the road, kicking that can down the road will give you a sore toe eventually. Even the Loan Shark [IMF] The International Monetary Fund prior to the Japanese Meltdown Nuclear and Financial Markets, had  pressed debt-laden Japan and the [EMPIRE]  to make more progress the establishment of some type of financial strategy, vice kicking the can down the road of medium-term fiscal consolidation plans to ensure financial stability and preserve market confidence.



Thursday, April 14, 2011

THE EMPIRE WILL DEFAULT ON DEBTS - Borrow, Tax, Print QE's and Spend like there is no tomorrow

THE EMPIRE WILL DEFAULT ON DEBTS – Borrow, Tax, Print QE's and Spend like there is no tomorrow


[The Bear of Bretton Woods]

Barry Eichengreen a Professor of Economics and Political Science at [UCB] University of California Berkeley, author of Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the [$USD$] United States Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System, wrote and article for (www.Project-Syndicate.Org) a George Soros  Funded organization, entitled The Bear of Bretton Woods, a commentary on the meeting held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, the birthplace of the [IMF] International Monetary Fund, The American-Israeli Empire directly appoints the heads of the [IMF], which is basically the loan sharking department of the Empire. The [IMF] in concert with the World Bank give's huge high risk, loose term, loans to countries to cope with crisis situations, putting them in the back pocket of the [IMF], who in turn request [Services in Return], the [IMF] is the Landlord and the loaner country becomes the provided service renter, if you get the drift. The best thing for any country is to avoid dealing with the [IMF] because they do attach strings and conditions that do more good for the [IMF] at the cost of the country taking out the loan, forcing many countries to build up huge currency reserves, rather than deal with the [IMF]. The [IMF] basically provides the Empire policy-makers with advice as how to put other countries under their economic thumbs. If a country has a sick economy going to the [IMF] is the same as cutting your own throat, plus the [IMF] can be counted upon to miss the boat when it comes to providing early warnings of impending crises, your better off seeing a Clinical Physiologist/ Medium/ Mentalist/Physic/Witch/, or just flip a coin.


[[SDR'S] Special Drawing Rights]



[SDR'S] or Special Drawing Rights seem to be something the good professor has a real problem with, and just what are [SDR'S], a Supra-National Reserve Currency, or emergency credits, to be controlled by the [IMF] and that is a very bad idea, not the [SDR'S] the idea of the [IMF] under the control of the [EMPIRE] having more power to mess things up then it already has, if the fund were in Swiss Banks with oversight from the global [Parity Spheres of Influence], bank systems, with continual audits, that might work, but the [IMF], that would be shooting the worlds economy in the foot. The other complaint that the good Professor had is that [SDR'S] would not settle cross-border transactions, nor could they denominate international bonds, [no private markets for them], and any governing body would have to be able too issue them when need [a financial melt down], or crisis such as Japan the professor used Lehman Brothers as an example, and felt that even Texas Rep. Ron Paul would object to any central bank located anywhere, having that much power. The problem is the good professor didn't give a good alternative, meltdown after meltdown, sit on your hands and do nothing or a loan distribution process, with strict oversight would seem the reasonable alternative, and that is what the duty of responsible government oversight is for, not like today where the cart is pulling the horse, where [Fox] banks, business, and lobbyist run the [Chicken House] of government, the inmate's running the asylum.    


[Tri-Polar Vs. Diversified Multilateral Currency Regime]


It is no longer a question of if the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE], [$USD$] will be replaced by a new international monetary and financial system, its simply a matter of when, and the good professor gave some bad news on that front it may well take decades, and his guess at least [3] more world economic crises if not more away. What will the [$USD$] based world economy be replaced with, well so far it's a toss up, either a [3] three way split consisting of the [$USD$], [€EURO€] and the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China, Yuan/Renminbi. Or, a Diversified/Multilateral Currency Regime, based upon a broader trade-weighted basket. The Multilateral Currencies would be the GLOBAL NUMERAIRE CURRENCIES [Euro, Pound Sterling, Japanese Yen, and Chinese Yuan], and hard currency Gold, Silver, Oil and Mineral Currency-The Russian Federation,   Food Production Currency-Brazil, and Production Currency The Peoples Republic of China/India, assets that are less volatile, against price fluctuations, virtually context-free of the chance of their value disappearing entirely. With the creation of a [16] Sixteen Nation currency trading bloc within the Asian Sphere of Chinese Influence, as the Euro represents the nations of the [EU] European nations linking the [ASEAN] Association of Southeast Asian Nations, countries, who already want a single currency by [2020] but by the generally accepted end of the American-Israeli Empire, member would include; Japan, China, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand and India, and not decades down the line.


[THE EMPIRE WILL DEFAULT ON DEBTS – Borrow, Tax, Print QE's and Spend like there is no tomorrow]



At present we are looking at a complete economic global meltdown, the [EMPIRE] simply has borrowed, taxed, printed [QE's] Quantitative Easing [$USD'S$], and raised its debt ceiling, and spent like there is no tomorrow, with the hope that tomorrow will never come, and the debt will either disappear or not be called due, and the government of the [EMPIRE] loves to borrow, tax, print and spend other peoples money, the trouble is in the end it all catches up to you, and the [EMPIRE] is going to default on its debts, that is a given, the question is then what, do something now or multiple economics meltdown, down the road, kicking that can down the road will give you a sore toe eventually.




Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ARAB SPRING VS EMPIRE WINTER - Democracy vs. Plutocracy

ARAB SPRING VS EMPIRE WINTER - Democracy vs. Plutocracy 

[Basic Human Aspirations]  

The Arab Spring revolution is Arab, and to them it is personal based upon the Human Goals, Aspirations and Rights to the pursuit of happiness and a better life for themselves and their descendents based upon justice, human rights, freedom of expression, and freedom from want that every citizen upon this little blue ball they and we all inhabit in this solar system, and all are one and the same, and this must be underlined upon every street and every public square and chat room. That is in fact the message that is being shared by those on Main Street but not those in the Beltway of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex - the [EMPIRE]. As the youth of the world seeks a new balance of [PARITY SPHERES OF INFLUENCE] as George Soros and the Economic Gurus' of the Globe meet to discuss the Multi-Polar Parity Spheres of Influence, of the [BRICS], Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China, and The Republic of South Africa, and a Round Table of those and other regional Multi-Polar Parity Spheres of Influence, with rotational representation of their regional Association Memberships, such as the [ASEAN] Asian South Eastern Association of Nations, with a new base currency replacing the [$USD$] United States Dollar, with [SDR's] Special Drawing Rights, in the [21st] Century.  

[New Charlie McCarthy and Howdy Doody Puppets]   

Were as the [EMPIRE] Beltway Plutocracy a government that is controlled and owned by The Military Industrial Complex and its Lobbyist such as [AIPAC/AZC] the American Israeli Political Action Committee/American Zionist Committee, among many others, are marching down the same usual Status Quo path, of placing an old autocratic puppet and placing them into the Smithsonian Institution along side of Charlie McCarthy, and Howdy Doody, with a new western controlled puppet. Its nothing personal mind you its just business as usual. The [Islamic Parity Sphere of Influence] must be nipped at the bud, or at best it must be carefully, cultivated, to grow just as the master gardener wants its to grow and no other way, it must never be allowed to join the round table of Regional Parity Sphere of Influence Status, but must be divided among the Western Hegemony with the [EMPIRE] at the top of the food chain. This is about maintaining the cost of [OIL] at a level per barrel that is set by the [EMPIRE], as demanded by its economic interests, along with control of other regional resources, of its global hegemony Democracy of Hypocrisy.   

[Change is here like it or not] 

Enlighten individuals see that we are in a historic Era, and it will take a decade, if not more to really determine what the full impact of this Arab Spring of Islamic Awakening will bring, an like the Native American once said, I do not know if it will be for good or bad but change is coming. The [EMPIRE] has but one response to change and that is a military one, the question will be, can its military stop change and maintain the Status Quo, it would be the first time in the worlds history if it does, and everyone know what they say about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome, its just plain nuts, the odds on favorite is that change will win over military power, as change is one of those constants that can not be stopped, and change is here like it or not.  


Sunday, April 10, 2011

ENTERING THE [21ST] CENTURY - The end of the Empire!

ENTERING THE [21ST] CENTURY – The end of the Empire!


Plutocracy Superpower fall's economically before the [BRICS]   


The end time of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, the [EMPIRE] is fast approaching, as year by year the question of its position in the world as the Plutocracy Superpower of Hypocrisy, preaching, Democracy while practicing being a corporation and lobby controlled political structure of wealth for the top [1%] One-percent of its own citizenship, as it economically enslaves the other [99%], creating a vast gulf between the have's and have not's, creating a society based upon the principle that Greed Is Good, that if it is good for Big Business it is good for the citizens of the world, that a singular pyramid structure global economic system, with the [$USD$] United States Dollar as the base currency is the and will be the answer to ending world poverty in a Democratic World Order, all the while taking control of the resources of the globe, increasing the wealth of the wealth [1%] of its corporation based Plutocracy Superpower of Hypocrisy few. But, this Too Is Ending, as even the upper [1%], economic leaders of the are meeting with Billionaire George Soros, who has come to see that the Empire is in decline economically, that the future lay in a multi-polar global economic system with the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China, and The Republic of South Africa, leading the way into the [21st] Century of [Parity of Influence Spheres of Influence], a modern day Round Table of Nations, geo-economically, geo-politically, and geo-militarily.


Plutocracy Superpower fall's politically before the [BRICS]


Increasingly the grip of the [EMPIRE], the Plutocracy of Superpower Hypocrisy is losing its grip over the affairs of those it seeks to oppress, as increasingly the nations of the globe are rejecting its political leadership, as leadership not in the interest of the global community but that of [EMPIRE], self interests at the expense of those nations that have resources it needs to maintain its Plutocracy system of government, the Military Industrial Complex, of corporation lobbyist owned and controlled government, of wealth for a privilege few at the expense of the many. The global community of nations has begun to question the relationship of the [UN] United Nations, with that of the [EMPIRE], does it share the same special   [Special Relationship] with the [EMPIRE], as Israel shares, is it time for a new structure, a Round Table of [Parity Sphere of Influence], where regional associations are represented by their senior member nation, or by a rotating membership representation to that [Parity Sphere of Influence] Round Table a more geo-political democratic representative body of global representation, a body made up of the [BRICS], the [EU] European Union, The Islamic Peoples Democratic Republic, each with a rotating representation of its member nations association body of nations, within its [Parity Sphere of Influence].


Plutocracy Superpower fall's militarily around the globe.


The global community of nations increasingly is calling for the end of the Plutocracy Superpowers wars of Economic Stimulus, and this call is also being raised by its own citizens after decade upon decade of continued military cost in both blood, and treasure, as there has been in the history of the world no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare, that cost is a never ending one from inception thru continued occupation of those who have fallen before its military might, to the cost in pain and suffering of families who have lost their loved one's, to those who's lives are changed forever from wounds suffered from the wars of the [EMPIRES] wars of economic stimulus, and these cost have grown and continue to grow with each passing day, costs which are now becoming a debt of burden which can no longer be supported as the [EMPIRE] Plutocracy Superpower, as it  drowns in a sea of increasing debt to supports its failed Wars of Economic Stimulus. The peoples of both Japan, and Okinawa suffer under the economic burden of a Sympathy Extortion Tax by the Central Government of Japan even under its present distress, to support the occupation troops of the [EMPIRE] on Okinawa, who cry for justice and the ending of their second class citizenship and the removal of [EMPIRE] troops of occupation, and it's  illegal nuclear weapons from its soil, the Islamic Taliban Fighters of Afghanistan and Pakistan, are valiantly fighting a winning battle to force [EMPIRE] troops from their lands, the Islamic Al-Qaeda fighters of Iraq, have severed notice that by years end the fight for freedom from oppression by [EMPIRE] occupation will begin, and the list goes on as the world turns away from the past and Hegemony [EMPIRE] to the future and  [PARITY SPHERES OF INFLUENCE], as the world enters the [21st] Century, ending the [EMPIRE].          



HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVINIEN                                

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hamas rep killed in Sudan organized chemical weapons shipment for Gaza
DEBKAfile (, Exclusive Report April 6, 2011, 6:23 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  chemical weapons   Hamas   Iran   Libyan rebels   Sudan 

An Israeli Heron drone

Late Tuesday, April 5, two passengers of a Hyundai Sonata car were killed in a mysterious attack by a missile that wrecked their car near Port Sudan. debkafile's (, counter-terror sources report that the attack, carried out by an unmanned aerial vehicle at Kalaneeb south of Port Said, targeted the Hamas representative in Sudan in charge of the vast Iranian weapons smuggling enterprise for the Gaza Strip via Egypt and the Suez Canal.  His latest task was to organize the transfer to Port Sudan of a shipment of mustard and nerve gas purchased by Hamas and Hizballah representatives with Tehran's help from Libyan rebels in Benghazi.

 The covert WMD consignment was destined for Gaza and Lebanon.

debkafile (, broke the story of this transaction on March 31. The full report appears below.  

It raises the possibility that Israel carried out the missile strike in Port Sudan to cut short this traffic. This charge was leveled by the Sudanese foreign minister in Khartoum Wednesday. Jerusalem has made no comment.

debkafile (, also reports that Hizballah and Hamas personnel are stationed at the headquarters established in Port Sudan by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards intelligence and naval arms.
On March 31, debkafile
(, reported:

Senior Libyan rebel "officers" sold Hizballah and Hamas thousands of chemical shells from the stocks of mustard and nerve gas that fell into rebel hands when they overran Muammar Qaddafi's military facilities in and around Benghazi.  
Word of the capture touched off a scramble in Tehran and among the terrorist groups it sponsors to get hold of their first unconventional weapons.

According to our sources, the rebels offloaded at least 2,000 artillery shells carrying mustard gas and 1,200 nerve gas shells for cash payment amounting to several million dollars.

US and Israeli intelligence agencies have tracked the WMD consignments from eastern Libya as far as Sudan in convoys secured by Iranian agents and Hizballah and Hamas guards. They are not believed to have reached their destinations in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, apparently waiting for an opportunity to get their deadly freights through without the US or Israel attacking and destroying them.

It is also not clear whether the shells and gases were assembled upon delivery or were travelling in separate containers. Our sources report that some of the poison gas may be intended not only for artillery use but also for drones which Hizballah recently acquired from Iran.

Tehran threw its support behind the anti-Qaddafi rebels because of this unique opportunity to get hold of the Libyan ruler's stock of poison gas after it fell into opposition hands and arm Hizballah and Hamas with unconventional weapons without being implicated in the transaction.

Shortly after the uprising began in the third week of February, a secret Iranian delegation arrived in Benghazi. Its members met rebel chiefs, some of them deserters from the Libyan army, and clinched the deal for purchasing the entire stock of poison gas stock and the price.

The rebels threw in a quantity of various types of anti-air missiles.

Hizballah and Hamas purchasing missions arrived in the first week of March to finalize the deal and arrange the means of delivery.

The first authoritative American source to refer to a Hizballah presence in Benghazi was the commander of US NATO forces Adm. James Stavridis. When he addressed a US Senate committee on Tuesday, March 29, he spoke of "telltale signs of the presence of Islamic insurgents led by Al-Qaeda and Hizballah" on the rebel side of the Libyan war. He did not disclose what they were doing there.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


[THE CASE FOR LIBYAN PARTITION] – Maintaining the flow of commerce, stopping the flow of weapons!

With the Nuclear Plant Meltdowns, Japan has had to made some very hard decisions concerning its industry [Commerce], which included the transfer of a large part of its automotive industry to the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE], which leaves many Japanese without employment and Japan paying a [Sympathy Extortion Tax] for the maintenance of [EMPIRE] troops of occupation on the Island of Okinawa. But Japan can not afford to lose all of its industry [Commerce], and still requires energy [OIL] to support remaining industries and now both Japan and Europe must be provided with [OIL] to maintain their flow of [Commerce], and this is were Libya comes into play, that Oil for Japanese and European industry [Commerce], and has to be provided for and that means Japan with its re-entry into the [OIL] Market has put a strain upon the world wide demand for [OIL], which can be determined as cost per barrel of oil against electrical hrs. For the second day in a row price of oil is [76/$108/USD's$] per barrel, with a steady [1.4/$2/USD$] per day price level increase, at [92/$130/USD's$] per barrel the [EMPIRE's] economy stalls according to economic strategist, therefore the price of crude must be maintained, well below that amount, maintaining the flow of oil and commerce, which requires that all existing [OIL] must be held to below the [EMPIRE] economy stall price level that will allow for the flow of [Commerce] which is tied directly to flow of [Oil] at a price per barrel below the breaking price of [92/$130USD's$] per barrel, and at the present rate the magic number will be reached in [11] market working days. This is why Libya will be partitioned, as the most simple, and least expensive solution as a prolonged occupation adds to the cost which has to be made up directly by the cost per barrel of [OIL]. Libya is four times the size of Germany or the [EMPIRE] state of Wisconsin with about a quarter of it having [Oil] reserves, the rest is simply not worth the cost of occupation, the solution is the partition of a small strip running the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern [OIL] rich section of the country, and therefore regime change, is not required to achieve the partitioning and plundering of Libyan [OIL]. The advantage of Libya not ousting Gaddafi, is maintaining the flow of commerce, while nipping in the bud the demand for Nuclear Weapons technology, combined with [21st] Century delivery systems to those countries that may feel the need for such weapons to ensure their sovereignty and resources, thru [R2P] combined with regime change, and not handing it Libya directly into the hands of Al Qaeda, which has to date made off with some very important weapons which have been sold on the open market to the Al-Ishah, Hamas, Hezbollah, IAF JCG, MENA, SMB, those weapons include surface to air missiles, [2K]  Mustard Gas and [1.2K] Nerve Gas artillery shells, and as the conflict continues with Mission Creep, the weapons market will only increase, as regional stability decreases.



Sunday, April 3, 2011

[The poetry of war!]

[The poetry of war!]

Obama's Strategery

For those who study history
And military strategy,
A new approach to waging war
In ways that were untried before,
Is rarely seen or heard:
The old ways are preferred.

But in these times of global strife,
With sounds of drum and notes of fife,
A new man joins the hall of fame
Of leaders who receive acclaim,
For strategy in war,
Too brilliant to ignore.

With Hannibal, Napoleon,
And Kahn, the great Mongolian,
With Brennus and with Pericles
With Sun Tzu and Eurybiades,
Our President does share
A real strategic flair.

He joins in war, almost too late,
Makes public his withdrawal date,
Commences action from the air,
Then makes his enemies aware
He'll not attack on land,
Across the desert sand.

Within just days, perhaps a week,
His reputation and mystique
For managing the world's affairs
Achieves its peak when he declares
He'll bomb the rebels too,
For things that they might do.

Perhaps another Nobel Prize
Our friends from Stockholm could reprise,
For excellence in strategy
While waging war on Tripoli.
It's merited, at worst,
As much as was the first.


Sentiments we can applaud
But in this poem we cant avoid
The metric folly you've deployed
Cant help but make us be annoyed!
Four lines with eight beats you do write
Then two with six, its not quite right!
The rhythm sir works not for me,
The bard should stick to strategy.


And yet Moron Bush's warcrimes regime
Was what made the whole world scream
In history books it will be known
The Bush Doctine sadly stands alone
The uberstupid strategy
of missionary democracy
The cause of Great America's sad decline
To banana republic in record time.



[R2P] RIGHT TO PETROLEUM- Libya-Japan-Europe maintaining the flow of commerce. 



[Maintaining the flow of commerce]


Quote: Sometimes, the course of history poses challenges that threaten our common humanity and common security—responding to natural disasters, for example; or preventing genocide and keeping the peace; ensuring regional security, and [MAINTAINING THE FLOW OF COMMERCE.] Unquote, from the speech of King Obama I of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE], and the main objective is the maintaining of the flow of commerce, which means that the sputtering Western Economy must not be allowed to stall and fall into a decline, but at the least continue to limp along as the West continues to seek a way out of its economic malaise. The question was posed by an article author quote on the site (; Libyan assets are mainly in the [EMPIRE] and [EU] European Union, and they amount to hundreds of billions of dollars: the US Treasury froze [21bn/$30bn/USD's$?] of liquid assets, and [EMPIRE] banks [13bn/$18bn USD's$]. What is to happen to interest on these assets? Unquote. That is a simple answer the [EMPIRE] turns over the frozen assets to its hand picked [Rebels], who in turn purchase weapons from the [EMPIRE] on [IOU's] with heavy interest rates, that they help the use along with the damage done by the [EMPIRE] in the massive destruction of their own country, after which the [EMPIRE], advances more loans at high interest rates, to repair the damage done from the liberation, which gives the [EMPIRE] leverage to maintain the price of [OIL] per barrel sold by Libya. But, here is the kicker, they are dealing with Al Qaeda, who have no intention of honoring such [IOU's] and so far in the battle have made off with a lot of very important weapons including surface to air missiles, as the Muslim Brotherhood aide's [EMPIRE] covert weapons distribution to Al Qaeda creating the perfect storm, across all of North Africa, Al Qaeda with weapons and [OIL] revenues, along side of Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood.      



[And Once Again; Libya, Japan, and Europe]


With the Nuclear Plant Meltdowns, Japan has had to made some very hard decisions concerning its industry [Commerce], which included the transfer of a large part of its automotive industry to the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex – the [EMPIRE], which leaves many Japanese without employment and Japan paying a [Sympathy Extortion Tax] for the maintenance of [EMPIRE] troops of occupation on the Island of Okinawa. But Japan can not afford to lose all of its industry [Commerce], and still requires energy [OIL] to support remaining industries and now both Japan and Europe must be provided with [OIL] to maintain their flow of [Commerce], and this is were Libya comes into play, that Oil for Japanese and European industry [Commerce], and has to be provided for and that means Japan with its re-entry into the [OIL] Market has put a strain upon the world wide demand for [OIL], which can be determined as cost per barrel of oil against electrical hrs. For the second day in a row price of oil is [76/$108/USD's$] per barrel, with a steady [1.4/$2/USD$] per day price level increase, at [92/$130/USD's$] per barrel the [EMPIRE's] economy stalls according to economic strategist, therefore the price of crude must be maintained well below that amount, which requires that all existing [OIL] must be held by the [EMPIRE] to a price level that will allow for the flow of [Commerce] which is tied directly to flow of [Oil] at a price per barrel below the breaking price of [92/$130USD's$] per barrel, and at the present rate the magic number will be reached in [11] market working days. This is why Libya will be partitioned, as the most simple, and least expensive solution as a prolonged occupation adds to the cost which has to be made up directly by the cost per barrel of [OIL]. Libya is four times the size of Germany or the [EMPIRE] state of Wisconsin with about a quarter of it having [Oil] reserves, the rest is simple not worth the cost of occupation, the solution is the partition of a small strip running the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern [OIL] rich section of the country, and therefore regime change, is not required to achieve the partitioning and plundering of Libyan [OIL]. The advantage of Libya not ousting Gaddafi, is the bad [PR] Public Relations that it would send thru the media and may help to stop the demand for Nuclear Weapons technology, with delivery systems demands of those countries that may feel the need for such weapons to ensure their sovereignty and resources, thru [R2P] combined with regime change, and not handing it directly into the hands of Al Qeada.


[The prize remains' the Caspian Sea Basin]


The decision has been made by the [EMPIRE] to suck Libya Dry of [OIL], while paying little or nothing for the product, taking [IOU's] with interest attached which will be paid in lower costs per barrel of [OIL], basically something for nothing just the cost of production, allowing for [maintaining the flow of commerce]. In the view of the [EMPIRE], Libya is being sacrificed for the great good, their greater good, maintaining the flow of commerce to the [EMPIRE]. But, the Prize still remains and that is The Caspian Sea Basin: [IRAN], to supply the Nabucco Pipeline with it's estimated at (7.25 Trn.Cu.Mts.) Seven-two-five trillion cubic meters, yet to be developed underneath the Caspian Sea, along with (1/5th) One-fifth, (20%) Twenty-Percent of the remaining global oil reserves. Start small and think big, if you can use [R2P] in one Islamic Country, and get away with it why not The Prize [IRAN]. The [EMPIRE] is very consistent in its moves to lay a Nuclear Necklace running from [FOOTHOLD GERMANY] to [FOOTHOLD OKINAWA] to contain what it can not hope to militarily defeat, three of the four [BRIC] members who hold [OIL] assets, The Russian Federation, India and The Peoples Republic of China, while at the same time using [NATO] the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the African Theater of Operations.