Monday, February 28, 2011


LIBYA THE SIDE SHOW - Bahrain and Saudi Arabia the real action spots!!


[Market Watch]

MARKET WATCH. Having crashed over [€106.33/$147USD's] for yet another record on July 11th, 2008, crude oil is trading around [€70.88/$98USD's] per barrel.

This is up about [€46.29/$64USD's] from the low of [€24.59/$34USD's] per barrel prior to enactment of the Obama economic recovery program, reflecting a low point in global economic activity.

It's also up [ONE-SIXTH] one-sixth in a week as a result of the chaos in Libya.

[Now compare market watch to Germany]



Europe's Favorite Dictators

The EU Has Failed the Arab World


In Germany, production slowdowns in Libya have caused gas prices to climb to [€1.57Euros per liter/$8.17USD's per gallon], up from [€1.49Euros per liter/$7.75USD's per gallon] in January, and prices are expected to continue to rise. If the pro-democracy unrest should also spill over into oil-rich [SAUDI ARABIA], experts predict that oil prices could reach new all-time highs, which would have disastrous effects on growth and employment in Europe.


[Libya the political sideshow]


Libya is nothing more than a political side show to the real action in the East of Saudi Arabia and its bordering nation Bahrain, both critical to the American – Israeli Military Industrial Complex [THE EMPIRE] and the [EU] European Union economically, and militarily, one can only imagine what the [EMPIRE] citizens would feel about [€1.57Euros per liter/$8.17USD's per gallon +), after living on under priced oil at the pump all these years and that's not counting the cost of heating oil. Libya only represents [12%] of the worlds crude oil production, talk about disastrous effects in the [EU] no amount of [QE's] Quantitive Easings will save the day, for [THE EMPIRE]. Libya is a political side show, the real action is happening under their very noses


HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVINIEN                          

Sunday, February 27, 2011


BAHRAIN AND SAUDI ARABIA – The Military Industrial Complex Military Imperative



[Past versus the present and future]



The fact of the matter is the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and the West in general is running out of options and time. And time is the major constraint now facing the entire West, as is shown in the age demographics of the West, combined with their populations numbers, the West is in decline in population growth, with its age demographics rapidly rising to middle age and senior citizen status, representing the past as the Middle East has a larger population of pre-middle age citizenry, representing the [21st] Century and the future, the [NEW AGE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE], the past versus the present and future. So what does this have to do with the Revolution sweeping the Middle East, well maybe nothing and then again maybe everything?



[Plan B- Part One]



The Despots which were put into power throughout the Middle East and other parts of the Globe by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex [THE EMPIRE] are being sweep from power, and other puppet politicians or Wall St. Lawyers such as in the Republic of Georgia, are not accepted as any longer fit to rule as a replacement both by [THE EMPIRE] or the region that [THE EMPIRE] seeks to maintain control of. But [THE EMPIRE] has made it a policy too use the Pentagon as its Plan-B back-up for such happening, and that Plan-B is one of two parts, failure of said ruler to maintain power would mean the replacement by one of the many Ft. Benning, Georgia, [School of Terrorism] trained Senior Military Officers, of the region in question, which has always been the first and best solution of the problem to date, and what was expected to happen in Egypt, at this time, but it now seems the [NEW AGE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE CYBER CHILDREN] Egyptian citizenry have seen thru this subterfuge, and many of the Junior Officers are standing ready and willing to replace these Senior Officers, in their Military duties, while not seeking to take over power and authority of the State, but to allow for a Citizen based Democracy to occur, and not a controlled totalitarian top down [EMPIRE] puppet government to be reinstalled.


[Plan B – Part Two]


So what does all this have to do with Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, again maybe nothing, but it is imperative to [THE EMPIRE] that these two critical areas within the Middle East and the Islamic Crescent not fall to the Islamic Revolution, for Geo-Economic – Military, reasons, the loss of Saudi Arabia would in effect turn off the flow of oil not to the world but to [THE EMPIRE] at worst or a drastic price increase at the least for a smaller amount of energy resources, it would no longer have its hand on the control valve or the cash register, setting the flow rate or the cost. And as a military matter it would be a complete loss of a command and control position within the region that could not be replaced, or substitute found for. And, therefore we have been seeing hints of preparations being made by [THE EMPIRE] for the second part of Plan-B, the Military Occupation of both Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, the final option, with Medina and Mecca two of the most holy sites of  Islam under its control the whole of Islam would be under its control, as religion plays such a large part in the Islamic Region, as was witnessed during the Egyptian Uprising, the participants met their prayer obligations even during their battle for freedom. And at the same time [THE EMPIRE] will maintain its firm grip upon the oil flow valve and cash register which it now has thru their role of puppet masters maintaining in positions of authority these same despotic aged rulers of these countries. All these reasons make BAHRAIN AND SAUDI ARABIA – The Military Industrial Complex Military Imperative' of the [Islamic Sphere of Influence].




Saturday, February 26, 2011


THE ODYSSEY BEGINS ANEW! – History's shifting sands.



[History's shifting sands]



Now, we just got thru reading a very well written article on (, Mark LeVine, a professor of history at [UC] The University of California at  Irvine and senior visiting researcher at the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies at Lund University in Sweden author of  Overthrowing Geography: Jaffa, Tel Aviv and the Struggle for Palestine (University of California Press, 2005) and An Impossible Peace: Israel/Palestine Since 1989 (Zed Books, 2009). The article is entitled [History's shifting sands], raising the question as to if the revolutions sweeping the Arab world indicate a tectonic shift in the global balance of people power. And, we feel that a world wide revolution is in fact under-way, far beyond the Islamic Crescent or the entire Middle East and must not only continue but must sweep the Status Quo, of Western and in particular the American Israeli Military Industrial Complex totalitarianism from the [21st] Century, ending its self enriching use of Global Wars of Economic Stimulus around the globe.



[The Odyssey]



The great Arab historian Ibn Khaldun would have predicted, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex entrance into its irreversible downward spiral liken too all great civilizations even having been fore warned about its decline by Dwight David Eisenhower, and the unwarranted growth of the Military Industrial Complex, which would come to replace the United States of America, bringing with it the lose of  social purpose and solidarity, plunging it into the darkness as the bright light of hope and freedom was extinguished from the shining light on the hill, replaced by Falsehood, Prejudice, Cowardice, Compromise,  and Vanity, and as the Persians statement of truth that would last thru out all time, This Too Shall End! The Flame of Liberty like the torch of the Olympians must be passed if the Odyssey/Journey is to continue, it is now in the hands of a new generation of [21st] Century of [Parity Spheres of Influence] Cyber Star Children.



[Let go of the past]



And, at some point the student must become the teacher, and Myrroynomous wrote to Triathlon Quote, Our new spheres of influence should not be totalitarian or top down--but a co-operative amalgamation, something more amorphous with localized economies--mostly, and universal knowledge and co-operation, Unquote, and we could not agree more. Another mentor wrote to Triathlon concerning the use of Google E-mail, Quote, You might find it useful, but please don't feel like you have to. I like to try to keep up to date with the latest technologies, Unquote, and were pretty much unlike Probe Bee Gibbs of the television series [NCIS] Naval Criminal Investigative Service, we like giving new things a whirl while holding on to old sound proven methods, letting go of outdated methods and ways, ours is one of looking back at the Good Old Days, while trying to peer into the bright future that awaits this New Revolutionary Generation, they may not know what they will do next, But They Are Thinking And That Is not only Something, it is the first step on their Journey! Their Odyssey has just begun!





Thursday, February 24, 2011




[Nationalism or Regionalism]


Now, we just got thru reading and watching and interview on ( RussiaToday.Com. given by Valeria Paikova, of the [62] Six-two year old born in Africa, of Spanish nationality, French Actor Jean Reno, the French Cop of [The Da Vinci Code] who had the leading role in the French Movie the [Round-Up], a film about the rounding up of French Jew's for transportation to relocation camps in the East of Europe, in France by the Vichy French, in [1942]. The question was put to him by [RT's] Valeria Paikova, Quote; Nationalism has recently been on the rise in Russia, in Europe, across the world. Does the versatile actor have a clue as to what provokes it? And the actors response was "No, because I'm not the good person for that. Unquote, but it was a very interesting question, so we taught well why not take a crack at it. And we felt that it's not so much about nationalism as in the past decades but more Regionalism that is taking hold around the world, its not simply about The Russian Federation, its about the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Democratic Peoples Republic of China, and The Union of South Africa, and other developing Regional [Spheres of Influence], and about what has transpired during the past [40] years.


[The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex]


We feel it's not really a move toward nationalism but away from the Hegemony, One World Government as envisioned by the metamorphosis from the United States of America into the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex [The Empire], to that of one of [Spheres of Parity Influence] cause by that transformation. Those nations and regions that have suffered the effects of them under purchased and owned political collaborators, not only serving their own self interests, but the interests of their masters within [The Empire], to the detriment of the citizens of their nations and regional interests. After this prolonged period of time, a new generation has grown with the idea of what [FDR] Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, Quote; We have nothing to fear, but fear itself Unquote. They have been born to oppression, generated from a foreign master, and they are their parents children but not their parents, and are as Mad As Hell and are not willing to take it any longer, and are in the process of tearing down the established order, and throwing out the status quo.


[Parity Spheres of Influence]


Why should their not be multi-polar, regional, Parity Spheres of Influence instead of Bi-Polar or a single Hegemony, Global Government? Why should only one currency be the base line currency, for the entire global economy? Why should Democracy be the one and only form of Global Government? In the [21st] Century with the Revolution in Communications that has lead directly to the World Revolution against the Hegemony of [The Empire] why since the Genie of [WMD's] Weapons of Mass Destruction is out of the bottle, there only be a select few nations to have them, and why those certain select few? This new generation has a duty and a right to determine their own destiny, and are no longer willing to accept the idea of that's just the way things are, you have to deal with it. The new generation has come upon just how they are going to deal with it and that is to do away with the past status quo and replace it with a new way of doing things. As the status quo seeks to retain control, by saying they don't have a clue as to what to do, the new generation is saying, But you can bet we will think of something, and it can't be worse than we already have, we have survived the very worse you could and have thrown at us and we are still here and still standing, and what hasn't killed us has only made us stronger, a multi-polar, regional grouping of association membership countries of parity/equality, with a new form of [SDR] Special Drawing Rights based economy, and First Strike Parity Nuclear Capability, working within the framework of a New [USINA] United Spheres of Influence National Assembly to replace the failed [UN] United Nations, in the [21st] Century can't be any worse than it is now. It is what the citizens of the [21st] Century are moving from the past and the Status Quo, to the Future and a New Way Of Doing Things.



Tuesday, February 22, 2011


TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES ? – The fine line between security and freedom!




What is Truth, the opposite of a lie, and [The Truth Shall Make You Free], therefore the opposite would hold true, if the truth is not know then you not free.  Or as George Carlin stated; "Honesty [Truth] may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy." It is said in one breath that the truth will out, but in another that many take the truth to their graves. There have been many instances where little white lies are told to protect those who if they knew the truth of the matter would be hurt Yes there is a Santa Clause, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, the fish died and went to heaven, lives have even been forfeited for the greater good by not revealing the truth, as in the blitz of London, when the British had cracked the enigma code, but it was win the war at any cost even the cost of innocent lives. So, Truth in the long run is Power, and Control if you're the one who really knows what the Truth, and by keeping a closed loop on those who need to know within the Power Structure, and that Power Structure the modern day American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, the [EMPIRE], while supporting internet freedom abroad has been and is in the business of using its controlled media as a pacifier, with its [Everything's Fine] nightly teleprompter reading media Stars, all the while it spies, restricts and send out its [Homeland Security Forces] too intimidate those who dare to cross them, but there are Consequences.


[Or Consequences]         


The Consequences are not only the loss of Freedom of Communications with  The Inter-Net Kill Switch, for use during a national emergency, determined by those in Power, to retain and maintain its Power and Control, the loss of Freedom. There must be no true Freedom of Communications, Command and Control of the Public is maintained thru a controlled and tightly gripped media, information is power and power is control, and that control must extend beyond the Controlled Corporate Press of the Military Industrial Complex its authority must cover other communications forums such as the Internet as without such controls and censorship, these methods of communications pose a threat too the existing status quo. What the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex government and their league of client state collaborators need is legislation giving legal authority to institute methods to silence those, individuals or groups posting of politically subversive content, to the established order, by thru extensive heavy presence of by government moderators/regulators, who with warrantless authority duties include; monitoring, internet filtering, with disconnect authority, of free citizens, landline/cell, text messaging phone services, and Internet service thru subterfuge when such communications are sent, using an error message as inappropriate content, according to a customer service operator of the service provider, as a legal problem by corporation lawyers, along with the permanent suspension of any individual from any domestically operated websites which allows public comment, or comments were unable to be posted due to upgrades in progress, of a temporary nature, with the immediate removal  from any medium, comments that are politically sensitive or motivated, calls to protest, or social revolutions. With the notification of local police, regional state authorities, and national Homeland Security authorities, and in the case of non-domestic communications American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Client State's would be notified, ending the unlikelihood of the publics' knowledge of such call to political protest, stage protests or uprising, maintaining a controlled Democracy of Hierocracy.


[The Empire has no clothes]


Noam Chomsky wrote quote, that's kind of an odd description. I mean the United States of America [Now the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] is probably the only country [Empire] in the world that was founded as a 'nascent empire' – it's what George Washington called it. The colonies he said [George Washington], were a nascent empire and they were just beginning their imperial conquest……. interventions everywhere, unquote. This has held true to this very minute, control the message, control the communications media, and control the mass's not only within the boundary of its own [Empire] but within its Client States, this is about [Empire] now seen for what it is a Democracy of Hypocrisy, The Empire Has No Clothes.



Friday, February 18, 2011


CONTROLLING THE MESSAGE – The Cyberspace Range War


[A citizenry of mushrooms]


Basically the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex citizen's are Mushrooms kept in the darkness and feed [BS] Bull Shit by a small group of controlled media companies and their affiliates which do double talk, they say and present a domestic sanitized [Propaganda] version to its own citizens and then go Internationally reporting the very same story that is totally different from their internal home town version reporting, it is a selective feeding process of misinformation by the controlled press leaving those who are looking for information, with which to make an informed decision, in a position of; they just don't know which is what and why after having made a comparison of the two versions. Now, one could make the argument that this is being done strictly for corporate profit and making money for owners and shareholders, with cults of personality individuals reading teleprompters dividing the world between [them and us], by their constant onslaught of false media and political manipulation, creation of International Bad Guys and Domestic Good Guys, and we will be back after the commercial, and by the way commercial products which allow us to keep you informed making for a strengthened democracy. Or on the other hand are the so called conspiracy theorist been proven correct/right all along in their pointing out and asserting, that they have sources, documentation, gathered and second sourced thru cyberspace means which prove that the media of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is not all it seems, when one compares their media controlled message and that of the Cyberspace Cowboys, bloggers, dissidents, internet hacktivists; and social networks rallying for revolution and social justice.


[Cyberspace Range War]


The Controlled Media has been sucker punched, with an out of the blue, hay maker punch of Internet raids, called (DOS) Denial of Service attacks using the [Low Orbit Ion Cannon], which sends huge volumes of pointless inquiries to a website until its serves shut down, a  flawed design software package which when used allows the Controlled Media and its State Pinkerton' to trace the [IP] Internet Protocol, the address of the computer sending the attack, [BLACK FAX] flooding fax machines with black pages until the costly toner cartridges are empty, not to mention being put behind the curve to the reality of revolutions in the making being created and stated in Cyberspace brought down into the world of action based reality. And so the war is on, one which former Grateful Dead lyricist John Perry Barlow, wrote paraphrased, [this is the first real info war, and you The Cyberspace Cowboys, bloggers, dissidents, internet hacktivists; and social networks with no manifesto or consensus, just rallying for revolution and social justice using Twitter and chat rooms to determine your targets, and then sounding the call to Battle Stations, attack; "Fire! Fire! Fire!" have become, the soldiers, in the war between the Controlled Media Range Barons and open range Cyberspace Cowboys]. And just who are these Cyberspace Cowboys, not simply teenagers engaging in some ritualized test of courage on the road to adulthood, the mantra, of the Barons of the Controlled Media Message, but legions of individuals full well knowing what they are doing, and willing to stand up to state based authority, supporting freedom of opinion built upon a don't fence me in cyberspace range belief system. The War has just begun, pitting the State Pinkerton's against the Cyberspace Butch and Sundance, Hole in the Wall gang's. The Hole in Cyberspace Gang comprised of Lone Wolves and decentralized leaderless units of untold numbers, moving at the speed of light, in which a week in time away from the action is like a thousand years of lost time that must be made up to catch up.



[The Kill Switch]


If you can't, stop them, locate them to prosecute them, silence or eliminate them then lets make it legal to turn off Cyberspace, and create a Kill Switch and turn it off, lets stop any and all Freedom of Communications it must be Controlled, and informed public is a threat to its control and safety only we the elite must have control of information and information is power and power is control. [WE NEED A KILL SWITCH!!], The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex needs a Cyberspace Kill Switch and we needed it yesterday, Battle Stations, Battle Stations, now where is that KILL SWITCH?

Thursday, February 17, 2011


WALK SOFTLY, BUT CARRY A BIG STICK! – Based upon Nuclear Parity


[One Size Fit's All Democracy?]


There is not just one way to get a government and foreign policy that reflects the ideals of the people and it does not have to be a one size fits all Democracy. Democracy is something that is in severe deficit in the former [USA] United States of America now the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and which is why that Military Industrial Complex is a Democracy of Democracy of Hypocrisy always, saying one thing and then doing exactly the opposite.


[It's a Family Affair]   


The problem is the [USA] no longer exists in principle or reality, Dwight David Eisenhower, warned of what was and what has replaced the Democratic System that had been in place up to that time. It is a sham Democracy, its elections are rigged starting at the very bottom with redistricting of voting districts, called Gerrymandering, a prime example is the former Speaker of the House of Representative Nancy Pelosi, there is no way in world your going to remove this woman from office vise her being carried out feet first and her dead body would be kicking and screaming. And she is both firmly attached to the Military Industrial Complex thru her husband and Diane Feinstein's Husband who run supporting business activities of that system, and whom Nancy Pelosi directs many a defense contract to her husband and that of Diane Feinstein, who is connected to the Clintons by inter family marriage. Then we have Nancy's connection to [AIPAC/AZC] the American Israeli Political Action Committee/American Zionist Committee she attends each an every quarterly meeting of that organization. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the problem, life time career politicians without out term limits, age limits, intermarriage connections, business connections; it's all one big happy family affair in Washington D.C. [District of Clowns], at the expense of not only its own citizens but increasing the citizens of the Globe.


[Walk softly, but carry a big stick!] 


 And we have come to the conclusion that there is not just one way to get a government and foreign policy that reflects the ideals of the people.... it's called democracy, but several, starting with Revolution, either from without or from within. The one world government as envisioned by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, its [$USD$] United States Dollar based world economy, its we decide what represents an acceptable form of government in the [21st] Century, its control thru puppet governments, its Special Relationship placing one government over another, and the list goes on and on old think, our way or the highway, is no longer the case. The Revolution is taking place from the outside, with [The Spheres of Global Parity of Influence], such as the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Democratic Peoples Republic of China, and The Union of South Africa,  [UN] the United Nations, was established in an effort to level the playing field it failed, the only rational approach left is for the establishment of Regional Spheres of Influence, comprised of Regional members, with Regional Self-Interests of common interest, with Nuclear Weapons First Strike Parity to ensure mutual Self-Defense of their Regional Interests. To keep the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex fingers out of the cooking pot, they need a spoon to rap its fingers. The [UN] and discussion failed, now the bully has to be faced walking softly carrying a big stick.


HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVINIEN                        

Monday, February 14, 2011


IT'S ABOUT THE JOURNEY / THE ODYSSEY! – "Arc of Imperial Nuclear Terror" house cleaning.



[Egypt in the crosshairs]



Egypt is in the crosshairs of history, and in the sights of the Democratic Hypocrisy American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex "Arc of Imperial Nuclear Terror" running from its [Foothold Germany] thru Tunisia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan [The Islamic Crescent], [Lynch Pin] Nationalist China, [Trip-Wire] Republic of Korea, to [Foothold] Okinawa, with its massive use of "Coalition of the willing" client state support. The very forces that seek to control, contain, intimidate thru the brutal force of puppet dictators and Emperors, and unchanging client Democracy's of Hypocrisy. The [Global Spheres of Global Parity of Influence] must stand together the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Democratic Peoples Republic of China, and The Union of South Africa, lending aid and assistance to the Egyptian Peoples, not allowing massive external interference, thru covert subversion of the revolution by the [CIA] Central Intelligence Agency/State Department], or the continued on going open intervention now underway between the [Joint Chiefs of Staff] and the heads of the former Egyptian Armed Forces Leadership, trained at the [School of Terrorism] in Ft. Benning, Georgia, and financially supports to the tune of [$Billion in USD's$] Billion in United States Dollars and its forces of "The Coalition of the willing" client states.



[Dictatorship or Equal Partnership]



The Journey the Odyssey has begun, and history is all about the small steps and the large leaps forward, based upon lessons learned from the past, but with the full knowledge that what is past is past, and the present will determine the course of the future. [The Spheres of Global Parity of Influence] are on the march and must act in an aggressive supporting nature to other [Spheres of Regional Influence] acting as bulwarks, against and hold accountable the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and those client "Coalition of the willing" states, which are seeking to block by any means the Journey the Odyssey, of any an all [Spheres] seeking Freedom of Choice of Religion, Freedom of Choice of Governmental Structure, Control of their own Regional Resources, Establishment of like minded Regional Exclusive Association Memberships to address regional issues, to control their own destiny in the [21st] Century and beyond, without outside interference or control. The Global Revolution has begun and it is a fight between the past and the present for the future, the continued Democracy's of Hypocrisy of the American Israeli Military Industrial Complex government of Washington, [D.C.] District of Clowns, with its economic strangulation by the long reaching tentacles of the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange with its [Tyranny of the Bottom Line], the [CIA/State Department]  spider and web masters of covert subversion, and its heavy handed  [Military/CIA/Mercenary] Coalition of the Willing Client State, repeat with  Black Op Prisons and torture, and its "Arc of Imperial Nuclear Terror" running from [Foothold Germany to Foothold Okinawa], or [The Spheres of Global Parity of Influence], a dictatorship or a community with equal partnership.



[House Cleaning]



The [The Spheres of Global Parity of Influence], can no longer sit idly by and take a wait and see approach, but must become actively involved, the building of the "Arc of Imperial Nuclear Terror" must be countered with their own "Spheres of Nuclear Parity" protective umbrella's of modern missile delivery systems able to penetrate any and all defensive systems presented. They must end the [$USD$] based economic system cutting the tentacles ending the reach and grasp by the [NYSE] upon the economic legs of developing future association membership nations of developing [Spheres of Global Parity of Influence] drowning them in the sea of its Tyranny of the Bottom Line Debt. The Spider Webs of Covert subversion centered in their embassy's must be swept away by the closing of the embassy's of Washington [D.C.s] Democracy's of Hypocrisy and working thru neutral government embassy's if that's what it takes, the hunting down of the Spiders of the [CIA] eliminating them by counter espionage methods, and to work together to stop any actions against any state by the Military Industrial Complex [Military/CIA/Mercenary/Coalition of the Willing Client States], to include the addition of any client state development based upon military support or training development. All this must be support by a Free Press and not a Controlled version of a Free Press, The Russian writer Mikhail Bakunin once said quote; [The people must be told everything.]Unquote, but it is up to the people to read what has been written, digest it, understand it, and then make their own decisions, holding those they placed into the public offices of the people; to act of the people, by the people, and for the people, accountable to fulfill those duties, monitored by its Free Press. In the [Arc of Imperial Nuclear Terror] it is necessary to do house cleaning and revolutions are just house cleaning and putting things back in order.





Sunday, February 13, 2011


THE WORLD WIDE REVOLUTION  [They Are As Mad As Hell And are Not Going To Take It Anymore!!]


[Mad As Hell!!]

What really was the message of [911], certainly not the one that was, and is being put out by the controlled media of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex of being the victim, of [3K] Three-thousand of its citizens murdered by crazed Islamic Terrorist, by taking a look at not a revised history but a different view of what the message was that those Islamic Revolutionary Martyrs, where making a statement made at the cost of  their lives. The very same thing which Egypt, Iran, Venezuela, and Okinawa are all saying thru Revolutionary Movements, and that is they will no longer be victims of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, just as the Islamic Revolutionary's of [911] where the products of countries under the thumb of dictators put into place by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and victims of those client states, and they came to the conclusion that Power only understands Power, and the only power they had was the willingness to forfeit their lives rather than continue to be victims of the perpetual system, of World Wide sustained victimization under the guise of Democratic Hypocrisy, Democracy for the very few elite of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex with Controlled Dictatorships for those Regional Spheres which have resources which it covets. The message of [911] was [WE ARE MAD AS HELL AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!].


[The Innocent Victims]


The Innocent Victims of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex are counted by the hundreds of millions, starting with the [3K] Three thousand of [911] citizen victims of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex by victims created by that Complex, they are just the tip of the iceberg, the Open Air Concentration Camp of Gaza, the lost lives of [400] innocent's the smaller ones are harder to hit, T-shirt victims, those who live one minute to the next waiting for the food, medical supplies, water and electric to be cut off, the peoples of Iraq under the military occupation of the foreign troops of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, much as Okinawa, their [Foothold] Far-East, under yet another dictatorship controlled and run by an Emperor, who in turn is run by Japanese elite families who wealth depends upon remaining in favor with the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to the extent that they unlike the very well paid dictators of other regions, in the [$Billions of USD$], have placed a [Sympathy Extortion Tax], upon the entire of the Japanese Peoples, in support of the continued illegal occupation of the Peoples of Okinawa, forced to live under the heal of foreign occupation, even outside of Japanese law, as the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has over [240] Nuclear Weapons on Okinawa, in violation of the Japanese Constitution, but they are only Okinawa's not really Japanese. The list is long growing daily as increasing Regional Spheres geographic resources are being grasps in the long reaching tentacles' the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Democracy of Hypocrisy, and their wars of Economic Stimulation, wealth for controlled elite and poverty and worse for its victims; Cuba's Gitmo, The Black Op Camps of Egypt, the Gaza Open Air Concentration Camp, the Rape Camps of Argentina, the Occupation of Okinawa all just the tip of a very large iceberg. And the Revolutionary Cry is being heard around the Globe [WE ARE MAD AS HELL AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!].


[The Spheres of Global Parity Influence]


No longer are the victims willing to remain victims, they are as [MAD AS HELL AND ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!], it has come time for a new reality, a new World Order of [Spheres of Global Parity of Influence], the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China and The Union of South Africa, are just the beginning, the Cyber Star Children, the [21st] Century at first didn't know what they would do but they have taught of something, an that something is the ending the Status Quo, of no long being victimized by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, based upon Hypocrisy, a Worlds Democracy of Victimization. The Cyber Star Children have taken their destiny into their own hands, and the Spheres of Global Parity of Influence will be the new World Order. The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex view that only they should have [WMD's] Weapons of Mass Destruction as they and they only are responsible enough to be entrusted with them has been seen thru just another means to its own ends, just as dictators who are not really dictators as they too sever their interests. It has come time for Regional Spheres of Influence Nuclear Parity, to end the present arms race which is being run by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to increase its hold on client states and those which it desires to make its client states, but Spheres of Influence with Parity of Power based upon Parity of First Strike Force. The option otherwise will be [WE ARE AS MAD AS HELL AND WE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!] increasing by magnitudes' of ten upon tens, [THEY ARE AS MAD AS HELL AND ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!]



Thursday, February 10, 2011


THE ODYSSEY HAS BEGUN! – You will think of something!! 



[He didn't know what, he would do next, but he would think of something!!]


We have seen that the youth of Egypt are not ready, the youth of the [PDIR] Peoples Democratic Islamic Republic [Sphere of Influence] are not capable of ruling themselves. We totally and completely reject this as yet another anti-[SPHERE OF INFLUENCE] bogus argument of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and its media controlled operatives. We believe the youth of today are the Star-Children the Cyber-Children of a New World Order, of [Spheres of Influence Parity Order], we believe that they may not know what they will do, but we believe THEY WILL THINK OF SOMETHING! We have complete and total faith that they are the future, and they and only they can create that future. It is the Right, and the Destiny of Peoples not only of the [PDIR] but those of the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China, and The Union of South Africa, to establish the [NEW WORLD ORDER]. It is time for a [GLOBAL REVOLUTION] of the youth of today. It is time to sweep the old from government, to break the ties that bind and hold the youth of today to past Status Quo, methods of doing things. We believe you the youth of today have it in [YOU], to create the [NEW WORLD ORDER] of [SPHERES OF PARITY ORDER INFLUENCE], we believe you will not only think of something, we believe you have already stated the Odyssey to that future, you have nothing to fear, but fear itself, you have taken the first step, in your journey, to that brave new world.


[[AIPAC/AZC] American Israeli Political Action Committee/American Zionist Committee]

There will be no, there can be no, and there will never be any change in the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex view, attitude or its support of dictators to ensure client states within the [PDIR] Peoples Democratic Islamic Republic of national [SPHERES OF INFLUENCE], as long as [AIPAC/AZC] has the full and complete support of the [NO TERM LIMIT, NO AGE LIMIT, GERRRYMANDERED DISTRICT] selected candidates by the [AIPAC/AZC] pro-Israeli lobby which supports this time next year in Israel of the old as the youth of [J-Street] counter no this time next year in Miami, and call for political change in Israel to sweep away the past and usher in the new reality of [SPHERES OF PARITY INFLUENCE] which simply not going to happen, if the old Status Quo is now done away with. The Islamic Revolution for control of its own destiny lay in its own hands, it will require bloodshed, it will demand loss, but it will mean VICTORY, FREEDOM, and yet another new [SPHERE OF PARITY INFLUENCE] allowing for the youth of Islam to control of its own governments, resources, military, and growth, based upon [NUCLEAR PARITY], of modern non-intercept able delivery systems, with [MIRV] Multiple Individual Re-entry Vehicles Systems. They will no longer accept sweet words of understanding and support that cannot be trusted, but seen as politically reality of slow them down, surround them, control them, and take control of them with those who support the Status Quo. The time has come for Revolutionary Action which are not tea-parties.




As the umbilical cord is cut the Star Children the Cyber Children the Children of the New World Order of Spheres of Parity Influence must hold accountable those who have shed the blood of innocents, [400] four hundred children of Gaza will never see or be members of the [Spheres of Parity Influence], millions have been murdered, in the wars on terror which have been nothing more than wars of economic stimulus, the rape camp of Argentina of the [Brazil] Sphere of Influence, the killing of Tucumán Venezuelan Freedom Fighters, the Vietnamese Domino Theory Wars, Iraq, [Af-Pak] Afghanistan and Pakistan, the occupation of the [Footholds Germany and Okinawa], as Japan pays its own occupation with a sympathy tax, while dictators of other nations are paid [$Billion $USD$] Billions in United States Dollars to ensure the Status Quo, and the list goes on, all original form's of [QE] Quantitive Easing of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex. These are no small matters that can simply be sweep under the carpet; the New World Order will have to hold those who were responsible, accountable for their crimes against humanity, the chessboard strategy, the domino theory, the wars of economic stimulus, they had backers who must be brought to justice.  


Sunday, February 6, 2011


SPHERES OF INFLUENCE – The New World of Parity Order!


[The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex World Order]  


The New World Order will be based upon Spheres of Influence, which has already begun, with the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Republic of China, and The Union of South Africa, which will be followed by the [EU] European Union as it breaks its connection and idealized Western ties to the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, politically, economically, and militarily forming its own regional [European Sphere of Influence] ending it servant master obedience to Washington, D. C. [District of Clowns], its [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange uncontrolled and black hole capitalism, feeding on the worlds population as a Vampire, sucking the life's blood from it, controlled by [AIPAC/AZC] The American Israeli Political Action Committee/ American Zionist Committee, in support of Israel and with both groups having failed to life up to the hopes that the world as a whole had believed would have been achieved by the return of the Jewish Peoples to a homeland of their own, only to deny the same dream to the Peoples of Gaza, turning their lives into a nightmare reality of living in an Open Air Concentration Camp, with food cut off, water cut off, under attack by weapons provided by the American-Israel Military Industrial Complex, [DIME & WHITE PHOSPEROUS] used in the murder of [400] Innocent Arab Children seeing them as no more than future enemies, on T-shirts [The Little One's Are Harder To Kill]. The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex of professional politicians, of [NO TERM LIMITS], [NO AGE LIMITS], [GERRYMANDERED ELECTION DISTRICTS], with large campaign contributions from the companies that supply its military industrial complex, along with large donations from [AIPAC/AZC], and a controlled media.


[The Sphere of Influence Parity World Order]


The New Sphere of Influence Parity World Order, will be based upon Peace and Prosperity of mutual Parity, not large amounts of money spent on professional military establishment but upon a small cadre of professional soldiers with a larger number of limited years conscripted service [PFC's] Proud Fracking Civilians], thus creating a nation of citizen soldiers capable, of the over throwing of a government that will not respond to the will and needs of its own peoples. A Military on equal [WMD] Weapons of Mass Destruction [PARITY] with other [Geo-Spheres of Influence] not a large stock pile of Nuclear Weapons which serve no purpose but amounts that are lethal to any other [Sphere of Influence] based on their unstoppable [DELIVERY SYSTEMS] manufactured and replaced with the newest systems and supported by the means of advancements in computer based satellite backed by internal point of no return destination targeting. The concept of a Nuclear Free World is just so much hype of the Western Powers and the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex in particular. World Peace and Regional Prosperity can only be achieved by mutual respect for each of the  [Spheres of Influence] toward each other and their rights to define their own regional governments, religious and economic systems, their rights to regional autonomy.



[Blood and Pain will rule the day]                      


We have seen the often quoted ["He who makes peaceful revolution impossible, makes violent revolution inevitable." Of [JFK – John Fitzgerald Kennedy], and so it is, the concept of containment with a military cordon of tanks of professional military who own their lifestyle to those in power, as those in power use paid and government employees to attack those protesters, while all the time seeking to contain, and delay in an effort to weaken and encage a threat to the puppets of The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, will make violent revolution the inevitable choice of mean of change, this same method which is being applies in the larger Geo-Political building of its Nuclear War running from [Foothold Germany to Foothold Okinawa], in its effort to contain, delay, and weaken by first strike, close in less time with less distance cutting any possible [Nuclear Parity], of [BRICS] members. The [PDIR] Peoples Democratic Islamic Republic Sphere of Influence, is in its birthing stage, and all births are based upon blood shed and pain, the amount of birthing pain will be based upon the military of Egypt, they must answer the question, are they pawns of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex or are they part of the Peoples of the [PDIR], will they be part of the shaping of the new future or become victims of its, for having stood in its way, so far at least one attempt of assassination has been made upon the newly appointed Egyptian [VP] Vice-President and military pawn of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, one of the two pawns that Military Complex sent to delay the birth of the [PDIR], and history has shown again and again Blood and Pain will rule the day.



Thursday, February 3, 2011


A WAKE-UP CALL- To a poor investment Israel!



[The World Trembles]



Now, the Middle East just like the Far-East has awoken, an one person in history that had experience with both areas more with Egypt than with China was Napoleon, a very shrewd tactician who said this of China – [the dragon sleeps now, let it sleep, for the world will tremble when it wakes], well not only has China awakened from its slumber but the Middle East has awoken from its nightmare of Western Domination, only two of a growing array of Geographic areas which have roused to a new day, a new era, each combining with regional area players to form [21st] Century Spheres of Influence, the mortar and [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China, and The Union of South Africa, of a New World Order, which are soon to be joined with the [PDIR] Peoples Democratic Islamic Republics which are at present in their birthing process, going thru the labours and pains to free themselves from the grasps of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex hold.



[Round Robin $USD's]



But what has been the cost to the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to maintain its strangle hold just upon just [3] states within the Middle East and the Tip of The Spear alone, well the answer is found in following the money, a trail that starts in Washington, D.C. [District of Clowns] where [$Billions$] of [$USD's$] United States Dollars are annually appropriated to ensure the continued existence of the tip of its spear into the Islamic Crescent, its partner state Israel. Money which is lobbied for quarterly by [AIPAC/AZC] American Israeli Political Action Committee/American Zionist Committee, which in turn supports the [Non-Term Limit], Slam Dunk created [Gerrymandered] district members of the Imperial Court, on a Round Robin [USD] trip o those [$USD's], to the established dictators in the Middle East, who in turn split the cash between paid government lackeys, and their Military Establishment, who purchase the tear gas, water cannons, tanks, weapons, security establishments and prisons to ensure their populations are kept in line. Funding supported from investors such as Nancy Pelosi, among others who line their nests, profiting from the Round Robin [$USD's], and the suffering of the world masses. Just add up the costs, follow the money lets say all [3] of the lackey client states plus Israel the Tip of the Spear got the same amount of [$USD's], Egypt, Jordon, Saudi Arabia, with each receiving [$1.5B/$USD's], but there are [4] listed that's, [$6B/$USD's], annually none of which is going to the infrastructure, education, healthcare, [R&D] Research and Development projects for future generations of any type, of The Client States with the exception of Israel and the Military Industrial Complex of American-Israeli Hypocrisy of Democracy and too line the pockets of the Nancy Pelosi's it buys, but simply to maintain its status quo.  



[A poor investment Israel]



And what has all these [$USD's] gotten in return for its poor investment, the hate and rage of those under the age of [25] globally, all for the continued support of Israel, which is guilty of apartheid, and running an open air concentration camp, called Gaza, murdering [400] children and then printing T-shirts, [The smaller ones are harder to hit] among others, the support of that state, with low oil costs per barrel. This as their [POTUS] President of the United States, talks support from one side of his mouth to the Peoples of Egypt and other Arab countries, while having his Military Industrial Complex [Pentagon] working with the [$1.5B/USD] paid for local military establishments of its client states to ruthlessly put down any insurrection, providing direction in suppression of mobile phones, internet, purchasing of anti-insurrection movement forces, acting against any non-controlled media of the world, moving from the outside in towards the main opposition central point, all this in support of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, Wall St., the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange,  Israel and its, declining and increasing  irrelevant Hypocrisy of Democracy. A Wake-Up Call-To a poor investment Israel!