Monday, January 31, 2011




The triviality of US Mideast policy


US Mideast policy has been irrelevant and fails to accommodate the current movement that is sweeping across the region.

BY: Robert Grenier


At ( Opinions




Sunday, January 30, 2011


DEMOCRACY OF HYPOCRISY – Revolution levels the playing field!



[Hypocrisy of Democracy vs. Democracy of the Streets]



So what has been learned by the Peoples Revolution of Egypt, well that the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex represents the height of Democratic Hypocrisy, and Hypocrisy according to the Random House Webster's College Dictionary are the false profession of desirable or publicly approved qualities, beliefs, or feelings, esp. a pretense of having viruses, moral principles, or religious beliefs that one does not really posses. And, what has this got to do with Egypt, well the American-Israeli Military Complex has for over the past forty years has been up to its old games, taking the talk about the virtues of a Democratic Society, and professing its duty to bring Democracy to the world, well maybe not a real Democratic Reformation but what would pass for one, if the Democratic Government that it did support was in line with what the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex felt it was all well and good, it was a Democratic government with its approval, and if not it was a corrupt Un-Democratic Government. And in Egypt well it was a good Democratic Government even if it some how had a President for Life, who could just get rid of anyone who didn't toe the line as established by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, which paid [$ USD's by the BILLIONS!!!] per year to the President for Life of Egypt, in its citizens Taxpayer [$USD's] to ensure its Democratic Hypocrisy, but it was a beautiful Democracy as far as the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is concerned, well until the Democracy of the Streets arose.   



[The Hypocrisy of Democracy]



Make no mistake it is very much in the interests of Israel, the United States and Europe that Mubarak remains in as President for Life even if the guy is [83] years old, they will prop up the dead body if necessary. Mubarak was their guy, not so much the man of the Egyptian Peoples but the man of the   American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, with all his the so called elected officials being simply well paid Yes men to the President For Life, who in turn is a Yes man to the American Israeli Military Industrial Complex, its all pretty much the system of Hypocrisy of Democracy, all family business, and connections. In the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex the guy at the top is the Yes Person, but with Term Limits, so the Democracy of Hypocrisy, seems less Un-Democratic, vice having a President for Life, the system has everyone else elected for Life. The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has [Yes Persons], its more Democratic allowing women to get graft for life also,. The Military Industrial Complex places plants into each State [Providence] of the underlings, within the government, with [NO TERM LIMITS], in carefully, [GERRYMANDERED DISTRICTS], and it's a slam dunk, the only way they leave the government is feet first, [$50K USD's] in their refrigerators from kick backs, wide stances in men's toilet rooms, getting a little on the side beyond the wife, and the Moral Hypocrisy goes on.



[Leveling the playing field]



Power to the People is growing globally with the aide of the Internet and all the other technical advancement in communications, with global citizens asking questions and finding out answers that don't fit the Democratic World view, they had expected but turns out that it's all a sham, of smoke and mirror Hypocrisy of Democracy. This creating a Global Revolution in the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex with the Tea-Bagger which has yet to be determined if it is a simple tempest in a tea pot, or the hot water heater is about to explode movement, but other global grassroots movements around the globe are turning into Hot Water Heater Explosions, looking to replace the dysfunctional Hypocrisy of Democracy that has been imposed over the last half century by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, with government's that more closely reflects the will of the peoples within their regional [Spheres of Influence]. All at a time when the world is in financial straights counter to the economic interests of the financial institutions [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange, who depend on the security Egypt and other autocratic regimes in other geographical [Spheres of Influence] providing the valuable resources needed to keep the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange globalization scheme afloat backed by the  American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, who in turn own the Yes Persons for life of its Democracy of Hypocrisy Government.   No, [Sphere of Influence] the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China, The Union of South Africa, or what appears to the be the developing [Peoples Democratic Islamic Republic] as right behind Egypt are Algeria, Jordon and Yemen, just a few of which are, all looking to free themselves of governments that the American-Israeli Democracy of Hypocrisy Government and its European puppet allies have all supported for decades, and directly profited from preventing the establishment of [Spheres of Influence] beyond their control, thru autocratic repression under the guise of a free market system controlled by Western Nations under common connection and the control of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, the only political Democracy and redistribution of wealth remains  under their terms and into their pockets. Revolution is a good thing, it levels the playing field.



Thursday, January 27, 2011


THE REVOLUTION CONTINUES!!the dawn of a new era, has risen!  


[Ending the old order]


The question has been posed [Is Treason a Civic Duty?], and the answer is a resounding YES! Is Social Revolution a Civic Duty and again the answer is a resounding YES! Is Rising Up and taking action against occupation by foreign forces such as those of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex upon your sovereign soil, and the answer is a resounding YES! Is the overthrowing of a puppet government established by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex a Civic Duty and again the answer is a resounding YES! Is the destruction of embassies that serve only the purpose of espionage for the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, and again the answer is a resounding YES! The one size fits all American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex straight jacket military occupation, puppet democratic democracy can no longer simply accepted. There is a time for every season under heaven, and this is once again a season of World Wide Social Revolution, it is time to end the era of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, one size fits all democracy, time has come to enter the [21st] Century and the new order of [SPHERES OF INFLUENCE].


[The Peoples Democratic Islamic Republic]


From the Bay of Pigs, to the fall of the puppet government of Saigon, the fall of the Shaw of Iran and the taking of the center of American-Israeli espionage, its embassy, within the [Islamic Sphere of Influence], to the present death in the quagmire, in which the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is now drowning, it is yet another Empire, that will soon join others of those who have died in the Graveyard of Empires Afghanistan. The slow march is increasing in speed to its end, the non-violent holding of hands around bases of military occupation demonstrations such as those used by the oppressed peoples of Okinawa are no longer the answer, it is time for the New Social Order of [Spheres of Influence] to be established, the beginning has started with the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China, and The Republic of South Africa. But, other [Spheres of Influence's] have the absolute Right to enter the New World Order, it would not be unreasonable to fore see a Peoples Democratic Islamic Republic, taking its place among others of equal economic, social, religious, and military nuclear parity, industrial status, not held to the dictates of the other [Spheres of Influence] yet sharing the responsibility to act as a responsible [Sphere of Influence] in its relations to other [Spheres of Influence] based upon mutual respect, open discussion, seeking win-win development in the moment with projection into future continued achievements for all.


[The Revolution Continues]


Revolutions are not a tea-party, they are not a cake walk, and they are not bloodless acts of simple peaceful demonstrations, they are violent uprisings that have been forces upon the oppressed and today that oppressive power is the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, Washington, D. C., and The [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange, The Federal Reserve of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, and the World Bank, its forces of occupation with its [Foothold Germany and Okinawa], Trip-Wire Korea, Lynch Pin Taiwan, Black-Op torture camps, espionage embassy's, and puppet run governments world wide. This another Historic Era, the Century, the Decade, the Year, the moment of Revolution. The stage is set, the time is now for the Worlds Community to rise up and demand and end to the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, and its Tyranny of the Bottom Line, Wars of Economic Stimulus, military occupation, one size fits all Democratic Order, a system that has failed politically, militarily, and economically becoming the World's Neighbor from Hell. The time of Revolution has come, a revolution that will bring about the end of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and the rise of the [Spheres of Influence] World Order, now is the time rise and strike, rise and fight, rise and risk, rise to a new day, in a new world free of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Wars of Terror, Wars of Tyranny of the Bottom Line, Economic Stimulus, Containment, Encirclement, and Control, the dawn of a new era, has risen!  


HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVINIEN                                    


Tuesday, January 25, 2011


NUCLEAR PARITY – Deployment of [21st] Century [1st] strike nuke missiles


[Unpleasant reality]


The Spheres of Influence in the [21st] Century have begun to awake to the fact that non-proliferation, simply means that no other nation but the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is to have nuclear strike potential using treaties to create a potential that would give an opponent an open vulnerable to a first strike, with removal as a threat to a possible response to itself. It has been reported by (WWW.CHINADAILY.COM.CN), an article entitled [Russian says it may deploy first-strike nuke missiles], that President Dmitry Medvedev, or the Russian Federation, a member of the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China, and the Union of South Africa, [21st] Century Spheres of Influence has decided its no longer a joke, the ringing of at least [3] of the [5] members of members of the [BRICS] by [1st] Strike wall of nuclear missiles of the being built in an effort to, contain, confine, control, and imprison those nations and undermine their regional growth and development, with a potential threat of a first-strike nuclear attack. And, has now come to grips with the unpleasant reality that in fact the Cold-War never ended but has entered yet another phase of one ups man ship.


[Three day old Red-Herring]


The unpleasant reality is that all the nations of the [BRICS] must develop Parity [21st] Century First-Strike nuclear potential capabilities in response to the threat of their walled containment by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, in its last ditch effort to reverse its decline thru military means. The concept of non-nuclear proliferation is a red-herring, which has begun to smell like three day old fish in the hot sun, and therefore it is time to throw it out. The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has its offense Trident Nuclear Pre-emptive [1st] Strike Submarine force on more patrols that it has ever been on in its history, it has its [12] one dozen Carrier Task Groups, with [1st] Strike capabilities on deployment more than they have ever been in their history, with plans to upgrade the present ring of offensive nuclear weapons running from [Foothold Germany] to [Foothold Okinawa], refusing to remove any such weapons from their increasingly growing cage of containment. While at the same time increasing the number of terrorist trained at its school of terrorism at Ft. Benning Ga.


[A new [21st] Century Warfare Paradyne]


The nations of the [BRICS] as well as those nations or regions that seek to enter the [21st] Century as regional Spheres of Influence of diverse cultures, beliefs, governmental systems, religions, economic systems, and peoples and not a one size fits all American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex democratic model must seek Nuclear Parity, based upon a creditable Nuclear [1st] Strike Capability, a capability based upon the latest in modern delivery systems with [MIRV] Multi-Individual Reentry Vehicle, multiple warhead, super computer satellite controlled, weapons, backed by volley response tactics, a multiple attack [1st,2nd, and 3rd] high, medium and low tactical attack scenario. This should also be backed by a new paradigm of Guerilla Warfare, and Resistance Cells, and not one of offensive occupation forces, let them in, grab them, and don't let them go, supported by the population, bleed occupation forces by the use of hit and run, [IED's] Individual Explosive Devices, Chemical and Biological agents, local cadre control small unit to combined small unit into large unit attacks and Ghost disappearance into the population tactics with individual personal sacrifice if condoned by individual beliefs, no quarter asked and none expected warfare, day and night, day in day out, week in week out, month in month out, year in year out, decade in decade out, warfare unrelenting unforgiving. Freedom does not come free and is paid for in blood and sacrifice, but the alternative is enslavement under the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex version of Democracy, they dictate what is and what is not Freedom of choice at others expense. It is time for a Nuclear Parity [21st] Century.



Sunday, January 23, 2011





[Comment by Hsun Tze – (]



I [Hsun Tze- Master Hsun]would rather describe Sino US relationship as that of important stakeholders rather than partnership.

It is not that of adversaries nor true friends. It is neither here nor there but the relationship is vital to the world as both are big and powerful.

Perhaps the relationship can be better if the USA learns to have real mutual respect and acceptance that there is equality in the relationship. If there is any benefit than it should be for the world to enjoy and not just the two powers.

So far, the USA has shown itself wanting to be the leader in the world. It wants to be the policeman as well as the judge and arbitrator. As long as this exists, there can be no genuine partnership. China cannot be a second Japan who have to listen to what the USA master say. China is a sovereign country. It must stand up and do the righteous thing, uphold its dignity and go for peace but never fear war.

If the USA can bring itself down to Earth and accept that all countries have their own ways of doing things (i.e. a live and let live policy) then partnerships can be a reality.

The ball is in the US court.




Friday, January 21, 2011


CALIFORNIA 1ST STATE ON BANKRUPTCY LIST – Sorry your credits card is beyond its limit!!


This is short sweet and to the point now the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, is going to raise its debt ceiling beyond [$14T-USD] Fourteen Trillion United States Dollars, and that's not all its going to allow its States [Providences], to go broke and file bankruptcy, and guess who will be the first on that list, it would be a safe bet the Republic of California, which represents the [7th] largest economy in the world, on top of going deeper in debt. Hu and the [PDRC] Peoples Republic of China is going to extend the credit card limit, or the member of the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, Peoples Republic of China, or The Union of South Africa? Then you can expect [25] plus other states to follow them into Bankruptcy!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011





[Tyranny of the Bottom Line]


The [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] is locked into a Tyranny Of The Bottom Line, degenerative economic spiral of its own making, with jobs such as the recent relocation to the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China of the Evergreen Solar Inc.,  company a solar panel manufacturing firm, from Danvers, Massachutes, a company which has been provided with substantial financial assistance from the [PDRC] in all phases of its growth and development, along with Massachutes tax relief of a lesser amount. And, what was the cost to the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, [800] eight-hundred employees are now without jobs in a job less economy. What are the short term loss's to the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange, the stock dropped from [$100 USD] per share to [$3 USD] per share, but this will be more than recouped by lower cost of development and manufacturing capabilities as this firm along with other companies are relocated too the [PDRC], the average cost per monthly cost per employee plus benefit package and pay in Danvers, Massachutes, [$5,400.00 USD's] compared to [$300.00 USD's] in equivalent [PDRC] currency the Renminbi/Yuan, [1/2 of 1%] the monthly cost, all going to the long term bottom line profitability of the company due to its movement off shore, [Sphere of Influence] as the [NYSE] with its Tyranny of the Bottom Line mentality, balloons its profits. But, this is but one company now multiply it by [50] one per each state, that's [40K] jobs lost in one month, each month for [12] months [480K] jobs lost in one year, are you getting the picture?



[The Elite Class / The Fat Cat's]



The Millionaire Elite Class / The Fat Cat's have been discussed by Peter Schiff, the president of Euro Pacific Capital in an article entitled [Washington fat cats prosper, rest of America suffers] and we quote; Washington, D.C., and Wall Street have combined to bleed Main Street dry. "All the wealth is being sucked out of the private sector and the productive part of it's economy and is being redirected to Washington, DC. Washington, D. C., is like a giant parasite feeding off the American economy. The bigger the parasite grows the weaker underlying economy becomes," he explained. As Washington, D. C., grows, more people will lose their jobs and the economy will shrink, Schiff argued. Government works are no longer civil servants, but an elite class. "It's producing big profits on Wall Street, but at the expense of everybody in Main Street, Unquote, Federal employees have actually made more money during the recession and more jobs have moved to the Washington, D. C., area." One thing is sure about this recession is that the public sector employees have been relatively sheltered compared to the private sector," said Economist Veronique de Rugy from the Mercatus Institute, paraphrased, The parasites earn [50%] more than a private sector employee and expect this percentage to increase, as the parasites get a [100%] average pay raise above that given to the private sector each year, while the ranks of parasites employment grows by [10%] a year, as the private sector employment declines by [7%] a year, un-paraphrased, as the unofficial unemployment rate stands at [20%], Washington, D.C. the [Beltway] is living in the lap of luxury while Main St., grovels in poverty, the poor underclass living on the dole, and food stamps, living with relatives, in  their cars, in homeless shelters, looking to those products purchased at Wally-World/Wal-Marts, for low priced [BRICS] developed and manufactured goods, just to keep them going.


[Degenerative economic spiral, the path of decline]   



And, the citizens of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex have the Millionaire Elite Class to blame, Massachutes, U.S. Representative Barney Franks, who repeatedly successfully opposed any attempts to increase regulation on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which became part of the financial implosion, Clinton's signing in to law [NAFTA] the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the sound could be audibly heard of jobs being sucked out of the country. Clinton again signed into law the [1998] revision of the [1933] Glass Steagall Act, which originally forbade commercial banks from engaging in investment backing activities, preventing collatorized debt obligations, credit default swaps. And again Clinton, signing into law the [2000] Commodities Futures Modernization Act, credit default swaps, which lead to the melt down of its credit markets, and traders et., el., Citigroup, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG, and the list goes on. While feeding into the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] growth Politically were [50] state have military contacts providing every elite millionaire fat cat Washington, D.C., politician with campaign contribution for their reelection from gerrymandered districts, without term limits, Economically the [NYSE] profits growth is due to low labor costs from off shore based companies. All this at the cost of generations of [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] workers and taxpayers thru loans provided by the [Economic Sphere's of Influence] to the tune of [$14 Trillion USD's] and increasing by [$4.15 Billion USD's] a day, and the [PDRC] which is [1st] and foremost a lender to it. As the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] paints a continuing picture of prosperity and wealth which is being supported by off the cuff, credit card, put it on the tab debt, and dependent on other [Geo-Economic Spheres of Influence] such as the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China, and The Union of South Africa which purchase their debt thru treasury securities with increasingly high rate's of return interest, this is not a path of development but a degenerative economic spiral a path to future decline, of the middle and lower class of the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex], a path chosen by the millionaire elite Fat Cat Class of so called elected officials, who are dully appointed by the masters of the [Military Industrial Complex].




Monday, January 17, 2011


FLIP-FLOP CHAOS-Or reasoned order!   


[Take with a large pinch of Chinese salt!]


The [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] has come to the point where it is in a state of Flip-Flop Chaos, with its executive Flip-Flopping/changing direction as the winds change's, as it's government is virtually lacking the able to any longer provide effective reasoned rational government, as its millionaire elite politicians are at war with each other, not just between the so called two parties system [A war between the elite millionaires] but also between [elite millionaires] factions of each party. This is hardly reassuring for and the rest of the world, of [21st] Century Spheres of Influence, such as the countries of the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China, and The Union of South Africa]. What has happened is the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] which represents itself as the Worlds Super-Power of never ending Democratic Sovereign Status Leadership, when in fact it is nothing more than a Military-Industrial Complex, which remains locked and committed to it's zero-sum Cold War mentality bent on World Domination, thru claims of National Interests upon territories and resources of the World's Spheres of regional and geographic influence, which have existed for millenniums, and in particular their [SOS] Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton who represents its ultimate spokes person full of Sugar-coated words hollow and meaning nothing but propaganda of a deceiving nature, using the halls of diplomacy for espionage lacking any real intend on deeds or real tangible actions to be expected, using the halls of diplomacy as a tool of espionage representing a government in flip-flop chaos and must be viewed with a large pinch of Chinese salt!


[Security Dilemma between incumbent and new rising power]


The Spheres of Influence of the [21st] Century [BRICS] and others, should not just take a [Watch and Wait] position, but must seek to foster, enhance and solidify closer Geo-strategies, it is essential that each [ [21st] Century Sphere of Influence] developed regional security based upon [WMD] Weapons of Mass Destruction, and Delivery System [PARITY] along with, increasing their trade and cultural exchanges with each other, it takes more than a smile to keep a wolf from its dinner[The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex], especially if your its intended dinner [Spheres of Influence]. Once again we reiterate the thoughts of Zhang Wei, a former Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of the Tianjing Municipal Government, former lecturer in the Chinese Economy at Cambridge University, and is currently a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC., who wrote and we quote; History shows that a rising military power[Spheres of Influence], will inevitably clash with an existing military power [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] if they do not have regular, effective dialogue. In that case, China's claim to a peaceful rise would ring hollow. China, the Asia-Pacific region, and the world would suffer greatly [Nuclear Winter] as a result, unquote. It's called the [Security Dilemma], the process in which an  incumbent power [The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] will try to portrait the new power the [BRICS 21ST Century Spheres of Influence], as bad as possible, as a method by which to create a pretext for the general support to regulate, contain and halt, the rise to power of the new power forcing the new power [BRICS 21ST Century Spheres of Influence] to conform to the will, direction and control of the old power [The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] and to this end the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] is seeking every means possible to maintain its hegemony in the Atlantic and Asia Pacific regions, an incumbent power hegemony that must come to its end, replaced by the new [Spheres of Influence of the [21st] Century.


[Mankind's Advancement or Demise]


It has come time that the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] rather than seeking to hinder in it's ill-conceived Cold War mentality the advancement of the [21st] Century [Spheres of Influence], various [Spheres of Influence] having governments of their own choosing and design whether the [American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] agrees with their view, of what may or may not fit into what it constitutes or considers Democratic, Humanitarian, or what are Liberal values, seeking to force its unwarranted, unwanted, and meddling interference into the domestic and political affairs of other's Spheres of [21st] Century Influence, to except and with grace and humility its own position and place within the new reality, the choice is no longer one in which the rise of a new power is inevitable and unstoppable, which the hegemony incumbent power is powerless to block, but is one of the simple choice between the total destruction of mankind by the incumbent power in its Cold-War mentality or, seeing the rise of the new power structure as advancement for mankind as a whole. The final choice is the advancement of or destruction of mankind, and flip-flop chaos must now be replaced with reasoned order.



Thursday, January 13, 2011


WHAT'S THE [$USD] WORTH? – It's time to Audit the Fed!!



Now, we are not a financial expert but it seems to make common sense that at some point in time when as on the [USS Enterprise the trouble with Tribbiles] those little cute animals that multiplied like rabbits, and as they multiplied their value went down as their numbers went up, causing more harm than good, that the [$USD] United States Dollar has reached the same position. Well, we read an excellent article at (WWW.CHINADAILY.COM.CN), entitled [Beijing seeks assurances on assets in [US]], by Li Xiaokum and Tan Yingzi [China Daily], and the question is not only being asked by the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China, but increasingly by the worlds financial community at large. What is the [$USD] really worth today, what is its value? With each passing day a new [QE] Quantitative Easing is put into play producing only short term spurts of upturn as even George Soros has written about in his site ( is the [$USD] unstable, and are [QE's] simply, creating a series of increasingly smaller and smaller [VVVVVVVV] recovery patterns, at the same time devaluing the dollar, while trying to force the Chinese Yuan to appreciate in the hope that some how it will bring about a miracle recovery within the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex.  


[Can [US] raise its game?]


US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, admits that even if the Federal Reserve were to pass an audit as is being called for by Dr. Ron Paul a U.S. Representative from Texas to the U. S. House of Representatives, and even if the Chinese Yuan is forced to appreciate in value it would force the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to up its game and reverse its downward spiral of non-productivity. Now, this would take a real leap of faith that this turn around could or would occur at the snap of the finger, we took a survey on the Canadian site (www.TheGlobeAndMail.Com.), and the results were interesting, [40%] of those surveyed said if they were to purchase a new automobile they would [NOT] purchase one produced in the Military Industrial Complex, and out of the ones that were most likely to be purchased would be the Canadian manufactured [FORD] a company that said no to a bail out, they did it the old fashioned way they earned it.


[NAFTA created the [BRICS]]


Let's face it the jobs are gone, Bill Clinton shipped all the jobs to the counties of the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China, and South Africa, countries that had educated and trained workforces but no work. And, with the creation of the [NAFTA] North American Free Trade Agreement you could hear the sound of jobs being sucked out of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, that were not Military Industrial Complex related work, or high tech. which was spread over the [50] states for the political purchase of Senate and Congress members who are now puppets of the Military Industrial Complex. And, who is reaping the profits from those jobs shipped to the [BRICS] well beyond creating global [Spheres of Economic Influence] the companies of the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange], why pay for Unemployment Insurance, Paid Vacations, Health Insurance, [401K's] or deal with possible union costs, when these are not part of the employment packages of [BRICS] manufacturing.




The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex needs to STOP!!! Printing [$QED's] Quantitative Easing Dollars, have an Audit of its Federal Reserve, to assure the [PRDC], the [BRICS], the [EU] European Union, and beyond that it's own citizens that the [$USD] is stable, that it can meet its obligations within the global economic community, and that its not creating just a series of smaller and smaller [VVVVVVVV] lesser and lesser value [$USD's], where a wheel barrel of which will be needed to purchase a loaf of bread.



Wednesday, January 12, 2011


THRUMP & HILLARY OPERATION BARBAROSSA/Red Hair- Look Hu's coming to dinner part two!


[Look Hu's coming to dinner]


To once again reiterate, now it seems as if both future Presidential Candidate's, to the Oval Office of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex [SOS] Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton and Donald Thrump, are in different parties politically but share common views when it comes to their views on the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, [PDRC] the Peoples Democratic Republic of China and The Republic of South Africa, [Spheres of Influence] of the [21st] Century and that is NEGATIVE one. Both appear to be on board and support a [Operation Barbarossa/Operation Red Hair] offensive against in particular the [C] of the [BRICS] the [PDRC]. As the President of the [CCP] Chinese Communist Party Hu Jintao having a state dinner in the White House on Jan. 18th, for a [4] day state visit, and the [PDRC] Peoples Democratic Republic of China expect nothing less than Red Carpet Treatment, with all the [i's] dotted and [t's] crossed with ALL formalities met thus showing the importance not only of the occasion but of the nation of which President Hu Jintao is the chief representative, where as in Donald's and Hillary's point of view it is one of those dinner invitations that should and would be cancelled if either Donald or Hillary had a say in things, with both unapologetically bashing China, if Donald or Hillary had their way the poor guy would need a food tester to try his plate before he ate it, and sitting across from either would be like looking into the face of a ravenous wolf ugly, sulky, ill-appeased, and one never dances or sits down to the table with a hungry werewolf you may be on the dance card as the main menu. Being a fly on the wall of this State Dinner would be like being on inside of a walk in freezer, high expectations with little results assured.


[Donald's & Hillary's Core National Interests]


[D&H] Donald & Hillary: On July 23rd, 2010, while on a mission to Hanoi, Vietnam, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, [SOS] Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, began Saber Rattling toward the [PDRC] concerning the South China Sea by [WARNING] the [PDRC], the Military Industrial Complex has [National Interests] in the South China Sea. Hillary warned that islands in the South China Sea, fall within the scope of the US-Japan security treaty. Hillary seems to think that her position shows that she is standing with an old friend and key ally the Empire of Japan, which represents a complete turn around from the past traditional neutrality policy which had been the norm, placing on the table her one sided multilateral settlement terms to any and all competing territorial disputes.


[HU]: President Hu Jintao, and the [PDRC], will reject in total that the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has any such right to its claim of sole and sovereign [National Interests] in any regional disputes within the [Sphere of Influence] of the [PDRC] a member of the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, China, and the Union of South Africa, [Global Spheres Influence], that the territorial regions by their very location and name [THE SOUTH CHINA SEA], are the Core National Interests of the [PDRC], and for millenniums, successive Chinese governments have claimed the South China Sea as part of Chinese territory. That not until the end of the [19th] Century during the [1st] Sino-Japanese War of [1895], when the Empire of Japan militarily took control of various historically Chinese island territory, which has been documented by Ma Ying-jeou, a Nationalist Taiwan breakaway providence leader, and author of a definitive study on South China Sea International Status [Ownership] wrote that these inlands to include the Diaoyu Islands among others were in fact Chinese Territory. And even the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Illegally supported Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Chinese Taiwan government as far back as the [1930'-40's] published a map with a dotted U-shaped line showing that even the puppet government of the West agreed that China had domain over the area's in question. That the Military Industrial Complex is being hypocritical by making any such claim of its [National Interests] in the regions of the South China Sea, as the  [PDRC] could in no way make any such claim upon the territorial interests of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex within the Caribbean Sea, which it treats as its own, and both may be  International waters but only in writing and not in fact.


[D&H]: Support the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex continued sale of advanced arms to the Nationalist Chinese Taiwan Separatists and argues that such sales promote stability and are required by the laws of the Military Industrial ComplexTaiwan [Nationalist China] with the Empire constantly being unwilling to abandon its sale of arms to Taiwan, and tries to impede the peaceful re-unification of the break away province with mainland China, going as far as having Taiwan working with Raytheon, since [2007], to construct its own [PAC 3] anti-ballistic missile system. But, increasingly China has exerted itself as the Sphere of Influence within is area stopping the sale of advance arms to the break away province, and has as a main goal of China's military build-up is to have sufficient forces on hand in the event of war across the Taiwan Strait, if necessary, if the province continues it's claim of secession, in the new reality of the ending of the American-Israeli Empire. But, the Empire and its Imperial Media Messiah President have announced a total sales package of [€4.5B/$6.3B] Four-Point-Five-Billion Euros/Six-Point-Three-Billion-Dollars, in military support to the National Chinese consisting of a [2.2B/$3.1B] Two-Point-Billion-Euros/Three-Point-One-Billion-Dollars, package of [60] Sixty, Blackhawk [UH-60M], Helicopters, and [€2.9B/$4.1B] Two-Point-Nine-Billion-Euros/Four-Point-One-Billion-Dollars, worth of [114] One-Hundred-fourteen, [PAC-3] Patriot anti-missile systems, [12] Twelve Harpoon anti-ship missiles, [2]  mine-sweeping ships and communications and surveillance equipment to the Rebel Nationalist Chinese hold up on Taiwan.


[HU]: Will Counter that the sale of arms by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex violate the terms of the [1982] Sino-US Joint Communiqué, and in no way promote the cause of peace but have in fact embolden the Nationalist Chinese Separatists endangering the good news story of increased close relationship of cross-Straits ties, with the real possibility of a Hong-Kong peaceful reunification of that breakaway Chinese province, with mainland China.


[China must draw a hard-line]


Now, Zhang Wei, a former Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of the Tianjing Municipal Government, and former lecturer in the Chinese Economy at Cambridge University, and is currently a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC., has written and we quote; History shows that a rising military power will inevitably clash with an existing military power if they do not have regular, effective dialogue. In that case, China's claim to a peaceful rise would ring hollow. China, the Asia-Pacific region, and the world would suffer greatly as a result, unquote. And we agree to a point, its not China's claim to a peaceful rise that would ring hollow, but the claim of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex which represents itself as the Worlds Super-Power of never ending Democratic Sovereign Status Leadership, when in fact it is nothing more than a Military-Industrial Complex bent on World Domination, thru claims of National Interests upon territories of [Spheres of Influence] which have existed for millenniums, and the nations of the [BRICS] must seek [WMD's] Weapons of Mass Destruction, of equal power parity, to ensure their Regional Sovereign Territorial Rights, against the power grab of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, they must draw a hard line.



Tuesday, January 11, 2011




[Look who's coming to dinner]


Now it seems as if both future Presidential Candidate, to the Oval Office of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex [SOS] Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton and Donald Thrump, are in different parties politically but share common views when it comes to their views on the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, [PDRC] the Peoples Democratic Republic of China and The Republic of South Africa, [Spheres of Influence] of the [21st] Century and that is NEGATIVE. Both appear to be on board and support a [Operation Barbarossa/Operation Red Hair] offensive against in particular the [C] of the [BRICS] the [PDRC].  And the idea of the President of the [CCP] Chinese Communist Party Hu Jintao having a state dinner in the White House on Jan. 19th, is one of those dinner invitations that should be cancelled if either Donald or Hillary had a say in things, with both unapologetically bashing China, if Donald or Hillary had their way the poor guy would need a food tester to try his plate before he ate it, and sitting across from either would be like looking into the face of a ravenous wolf ugly, sulky, ill-appeased, and one never dances or sits down to the table with a hungry werewolf you may be on the dance card as the main menu.


[D&H vs Hu Views]


Now what are the views of [D&H] Donald and Hillary Vs Hu;


[D&H]: China is manipulating their currency, with its predatory trade policies, neo-mercantilism, and undervalued currency, hurting the American-Israeli economy and contributing to its high unemployment.


[HU]: China hold over [1T] One Trillion in [U.S.] Treasury notes, [1st] among the top [3] three nations hold debts made by the Military Industrial Complex followed by Japan and Israel, as that Complex engages in one after another [QE's] Quantitive Easing, making it the largest debtor nation on the face of the planet with a [14T] Fourteen Trillion Dollar debt and growing bring into question the real value of its currency, as Dr. Ron Paul is calling for an audit of the Federal Reserve to find out just what that value really is. This is more about the manipulating of the [USD] United States Dollar in an effort to devalue the dollar an increase the value of Chinese currency, a backdoor trade protectionism. When the true fact is that a sudden an dramatic revaluation of the Chinese Currency would not only destabilize China but send a ripple effect thru all the world currency and would be a disaster for the Global Economy.


[D&H]   Chinese products should face a stiff import tax until such time as the trade imbalance is corrected as the Chinese are making hundreds of Billion


[HU]: That is nothing but nonsense, the Clintons, and the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange are responsible for your own mess, it was the Clintons who passed [NAFTA] the North American Free Trade Agreement shipping shop out of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex into the countries of the [BRICS], where they could profit from hard work ethics of our [Spheres of Economic] labors. The [NYSE] and the Military Industrial Complex have and are reaping huge profits at the cost of their own peoples. It is not the [BRICS] who are guilty of Tyranny of the Bottom Line, but the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex who have created the perfect storm of Political, [NYSE], and Military Industrial Complex Tyranny, it has been the [BRICS] that took the scraps from off the dinner table and created a stew, and now you want the [BRICS] to straighten out your mess, before we sit down to dinner, maybe you should go to bed hungry.


[D&H]:  The [DPRK] The Democratic Peoples of Korea [North Korea] should have the [PDRC] put the screws to them and get them into line for saber rattling, and uranium enrichment program, pursuing nuclear weapons, the suspected sinking of a [ROK] Republic of Korea warship, and the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island  by simply making a telephone call.


[HU]: And we see that such a phone call was never made during the Kennedy Administration to an Island nation just [145km] One hundred forty five kilometers off of Florida, named Cuba and the missiles of October, and how has that worked out so far after how many year of your embargo against that country, and now your faced with the end of your control of the entire Western Hemisphere, as the [B] of the Brazil [BRICS] is with the support of the other members of the [BRICS] exerts its power within your sole ownership territorial claim. China has called for the resumption of multilateral negotiations and dialogue of [6] Six party talks to resolve the issues in the region which of course the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has refused in favor of Gun-Boat Diplomacy, harsh rhetoric, threats, and high-profile military Gun-Boat Diplomacy military exercises, which only serve to increase tension within the region which once again only profit the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex drum beats of war, providing reasons for increased military spending driving higher and high debt, which would you prefer Cuba or the [DPRK] as your neighbor, and how long would it take for a nuclear armed Cuba to hit major targets in your country?   


[D&H]: The [ROK] Republic of Korea should just as the Empire of Japan be paying a host nation support fee, [Extortion Budget], for their occupation by forces of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, for protection against the [DPRK] belligerent behavior, an unless such a fee is fort coming then why should we protect them, they are yet another Asia country making Billions of [USD] yearly from one-sided trade agreements, and should be paying for protection provided by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex.


[HU]: Your own Dr. Ron Paul has stated to Russia Today that in fact the occupation forces of American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex should have been removed from the Korean Peninsula decades ago and that the two parties would have resolved their problems without the interference by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex long ago. But it is again to the benefit of the Military Industrial Complex to keep the pot boiling Korea is their [Trip-Wire], Okinawa which does pay a National Support Extortion Fee, for it's unwanted forced occupation and use as a depot for illegal nuclear weapons of the unwanted occupation forces, serves as your [Foothold Far-East], an occupation that even Rep. Barney Franks of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has stated needs to end, not to mention your [Lynch-Pin] illegal support of the Nationalist Chinese Island of Taiwan, territory of the [PDRC].


[To be continued]


The list is long on the continued interference by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex into the [BRICS] Global Spheres of Influence, and in particular the [C] of the [BRICS] the discussion is long and needs to be addressed, and the interference stopped.



Sunday, January 9, 2011


HAVE QEDs WILL SPEND!! – A new [BRICS] World Order!!


[The Cold War Continues]


Now, Bob Gates the [SOD] Secretary of Defense of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has revised his position, it is no longer about cutting the size or the budget of the Military Industrial Complex, or its [Footholds] Germany or Okinawa, [Trip-wire] Korea, or its [Lynch-Pin] Taiwan, or the building of a new modernized Nuclear Wall/Cage from its [Foothold] Germany to [Foothold] Okinawa to choke off [3] three of the five members of the [BRICS] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, The Peoples Democratic Republic of China, and South Africa, and their umbrella Associations of nations. Bob Gates is planning a Ponzi Game, a robber Peter to pay Paul approach to cut one part of his Military Industrial Complex to modernize another part of the it, at the expense of the other, with of course the planned mistake that will require a short term temporary augmentation to the defense budget that never ends, more money, more men, more time, more, more, more and more. While at the same time the [SOS] Secretary of State of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, uses the Embassy's and all it's diplomatic corp. as espionage agents around the globe to support the concept of a one size fits all Democratic World Government with the American Military Industrial Complex as the sole head of that World Government. All this as the individual sitting in the Oval Office Chair of it's White House, has been using the Federal Reserve of that Military Industrial Complex to undermined the world economy with [QE-s] Quantitive Easings, [1,2,3……..], all just a continuation of the Cold War.


[Have QED's Will Buy]


Well, it is time for a change it is time for action it is time put all those [QED's] Quantitive Easing Dollars that the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has been printing for a destructive purpose to a positive one, it is time to use those [QED's] to bring about a new World Order of [BRICS] Sphere of Influence objectives, to end the one size fits all American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Democratic One World Order. To that end the [QED's] will be spend upon Media Free [BRICS], a modern media created to bring about the ending of that Military Industrial Complex, and its Cold War objectives by putting forth a new way a new idea, a better sysem, to the ending of the building the Missile Wall from [Foothold to Foothold] from Europe to Asia, to bring about the reunification of Korea, the ending of [Lynch Pin] Taiwan with a Hong-Kong return of that breakaway providence to it China [Our Land], and end the remilitarization of the Japanese Empire with its support of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex in Asia, in opposition to the [ASEAN] Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The [PDRC] The Peoples Democratic Republic of China, as a member of the [BRICS] has [QED's] and Will Spend to buy, items of Industrial and Military Espionage, in whole of or in part stolen from the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, at premium [QED] prices, it will support to the absolute maximum those individuals, groups, and political organizations who support the [BRICS], and will support the economic rebirth and resurgence of those countries that support the [BRICS] as it has done with Greece, and is in the process of doing in support of the [EU] European Union, and the [EURO].


[Put Up or Shut UP]


The [PDRC] has decided it is time to Put Up or Shut Up, and is now going to put its [QED's] where its mouth is, it has decided to put to a positive use the [QED's] that where printed for a negative use, to put forward a new world order view, to support those who support that view, and create a world order, a World Order no longer living in fear created by a Cold War Order, of Wars of Economic Stimulus, and Wars on Terror created by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, ending Footholds, Trip-Wire's, Lynch Pins, and Gun-Boat Diplomacy. And, bring about the [BRICS] Sphere of Influence, of economic development and partnership of Spheres, dedicated to peaceful coexistence, and mutual support ending the threat of Thermo-Nuclear Warfare and a World Wide Nuclear Winter, [HAVE QED'S WILL SPEND!!!].