Tuesday, November 30, 2010


RECOMMENDED READING AT (www.japantimes.co.jp)

Ditch Futenma to resurrect Japan-U.S. ties

Saitama City

Monday, November 29, 2010


COLD WAR II or Just another Cold War I day.


Now, one could debate as if this is Cold War II or that the Cold War really never ended at least as far as the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and its continued Wars of Economic Stimulus, operation of its School of Terrorism at Ft. Benning, Georgia generally used to maintain control within South America, its Black Ops. Prisons around the globe, imprisonment of [2M] Two-Million of its own citizens, the largest imprisonment of any government both in number and in percentage of its own population in history, human rights violations by intrusive pat downs [Grouping] by Inspectors [Perverts], in the name of some sort of perverse national security, family members forced to stand-by as other family members are publically humiliated, the refusal to remove over [440+] Four-hundred and forty plus offensive nuclear weapons spread between its two [FOOTHOLD's] The Federal Republic of Germany and Okinawa, the use of military threats to ensure its Geo-Economic hold on both the [ROK] Republic of Korea [South Korea] and Japan, the only economic base left to support its declining World Super Debtor Nation collapse, beyond its printing press economy, by sending an ocean donut cutting Super Carrier to cut circles into the Yellow Sea between the [DPRC] Democratic Peoples Republic of China, and Okinawa, its [FOOTHOLD] militarily and Japan, one of [2] two Economic [FOOTHOLDS] in the Far East the other being the [ROK]. All this as its Trident Submarine Forces runs its Blue and Gold operations, at levels never see in its history, while [START] the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty is dying a slow death, heading for a scrap pile, to quote; Republican Senator from the State of Missouri and vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Christopher Bond; ["I think the treaty just needs to be scrapped,"], and now we have the State Department of [SOS] Secretary of State Hillary Diane-Rodham Clinton having the State Department Corp. acting like James Bond [007's] up to its ears in doing the job of being [007's] having watched to many movies, and not getting a dime more in pay while in fact facing a pay cap for the next two years unless they are not considered civilian employees but military intelligence specialist.


[START Stopped]


Now, [START] stopped even before it got started, it would give the cheating Russians just what they wanted, and their [MIRV's] Multiple Individual Reentry Vehicles, armed with Nuclear War Heads, would give them the advantage,  but in fact it is necessary for the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to spend [€67B/$84B] Six-Seven Billion Euros/Eighty-Four Billion dollars to begin the immediate, modernization, along with the ending to the moratorium on nuclear underground testing at a minimum thereby maintaining technological superiority, with their deployment too the missile cage now being built to encircle [3] three members of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and The Democratic Peoples Republic of China, after all the Russian Federation is once again planning to enter the Western Hemisphere the very [Sphere of Influence] of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, its sacred territory, only this time not only adding once again Cuba as its base of operations but Venezuela and with Brazil a member of the [BRIC] a larger continental land based threat would be faced by the Military Industrial Complex, along with the growing Geo-Political, and Geo-Economic threat that is being posed by this organization soon to be a major voting block within the [UN] United Nations, on the Security Council, [START] stopped before it even got started. 




Well, old Hillary thru out the rule book when it comes to the State Department, under the [UN] Convention on the Privileges and Immunity within the [UN], and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, it's a no-no for diplomats to engage in espionage and undercover activities that is to be done by the various special branches, and was pretty much the way things ran, until now. The idea of plausible deniability of the diplomatic corp. was throw out the window, yes the diplomatic corp. would gather information but not generally as part of its job description, but only as  required or if it fell in their laps, and then it was turned over the [CIA] operatives within the Embassy, to do their thing, make sure it was solid information feeding it back to [CIA] Headquarters in Langley or along with their feed back, under their department, without connection to the separate operations of the State Department to maintain plausible deniability, a department of state representative would then not be sitting across from his counter-part having made unfavorable reports about that person or his family, biting him on the backside, they knew nothing about such matters it would have gone thru the [CIA] and we know those spook [007] types, now the diplomatic corp. will most likely be  getting scripted worded answers within any diplomatic conversation, and private personal conversations, this is off the record, that's not going to happen. All diplomatic are now required to gather intelligence, what is the new job description to include?



* Organizational titles

* Positional titles

* Business Card information

* Types and numbers of telephones [cell, pagers, faxes]

* Any and all methods by which each could be reached too include;

        ** Telephone directories (in compact disc or electronic format if available)

* Internet and Intranet users to include;

        ** Web site identification-URLs Internet name, and e-mail listings, passwords and personal encryption keys.  

* Credit Card account numbers

* Number of frequent flyer miles and their account numbers

*Work schedules* Biographical information; to include any and all medical information not limited just to fingerprints, the body measurements and iris scans.

* Personal Comment about counter parts and members of their government.


And beyond this Hillary has really established a [2nd] a second government, a second Presidency within the present American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, Hillary has her claws pretty much dug into the Department of Defense along now with that of the [CIA] Central Intelligence Department, and the COLD WAR GOES ON.




Friday, November 26, 2010




[NATO'S new look]


We just got through reading an editorial opinion in the on line site (www.japantimes.co.jp), entitled NATO's new look, which is more about making a New Years Resolution, you know those that everyone makes but very few ever happen, well the new look for [NATO] the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is going to look like the emperor has no clothes, that having the Scarlet Pimpernel tying its new cravat. It has collective defense, crisis management and cooperation security that is arms control, and disarmament, like this is going to happen the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has told Japan that no matter what happens it will never leave Okinawa, and the Russian Federation is planning to return to the New World in military force, to protect its economic interests as part of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India and The Democratic Peoples Republic of China, soon a new Russian Military presence will arrive not only into Cuba again but into Venezuela and others within the [12] South American states of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela), could be expected to ask for bases or military assistance in equipment, training and support to protect themselves from those elements being trained at the Terrorist Training Camp in Ft. Benning Georgia, use to train South American Terrorist, against the established government of South American by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, and as far as arms control its only a matter or who control's the market area that any nation selling arms is in control of.


START [Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty]


Start is a STOP! Not going to happen the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is not going to remove any of its offensive Nuclear Weapons from either one of its [2] two foothold nations [Germany or Okinawa] each of which has in excess of [220+] offensive weapon and Okinawa has them within its beyond the laws of Japan as if they really matter. And, beyond this is the fact that it will never ever be approved by the so called Peoples House, its really Pelosi and Reid's house and its not working at all. So START is not just stuck its all STOP!




Let's face the facts you have to have [2] two sides to every coin and that means the Muslim World needs someone who is going to look out for their interests after all they represent a sizeable part of the world's population, so the Russian Federation and the Democratic Peoples Republic of China need to face the fact like it or not they got the job as their representatives against the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex. Make no mistake we are now entering COLD WAR II, which is not a bad thing if you lived thru COLD WAR I, which at least you knew just how things stood and were the lines were drawn, the RED PHONE, and constant meetings to assure that both sides were on the same page. But, the difference this time will who can now afford the cost, the [USSR] Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was not oil rich at the time of the last COLD WAR I, but the new Russian Federation is very oil rich, along with other minerals, The Democratic Peoples Republic of China, is a massive Geo-Economic, Political, and Military power as is the Russian Federation, both are members of the [BRIC], and the nations of South America have come a long way since COLD WAR I, and are more willing to work within the [BRIC] which mean along with the Russians and Chinese, to protect themselves from American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex trained Terrorist of Ft. Benning, it will be interesting to see if just printing money and [QE's] Quantative Easings will pay for COLD WAR II.        



Thursday, November 25, 2010


SUPER DEBTOR NATION- Comparison Shopping


[[50%] Comparison Shopping]


Now we just got thru reading a hit article by one Pranab Bardhan  a professor of economics, in upstate northern California, at the University of California at Berkeley, and the author, most recently, of "Awakening Giants, Feet of Clay: Assessing the Rise of China and India," at (www.japantimes.co.jp), entitled, [China and India exposed], is just cutting the dog in half, leaving out the fact that the Democratic Peoples Republic of China and India only represent One-Half, [50%], of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and the Democratic Peoples Republic of China, the massive Geo-Political, Military, and Economic Engine that has risen to World First Tier Domination, soon to be a major World Voting Block group sitting upon the [UN] United Nations Security Group of Nations as a block vote. Bardhan asserts that China alone "contrary to popular impression, is not yet the manufacturing center of the world" but when you combine the [15%] it does represent with the [EU] European Union of [20%] or [Chimany] China-Germany Economic Engine, while leaving out the Brazil, head of all [12] South American states (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela) belong to the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), and leaving out the enormous mineral wealth of the Russian Federation, to a declining [24%] represented by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, which has to be see as suspect after subtracting Japan and South Korea from the mix. [50%] Comparison Shopping is not comparison shopping. 


[Domestic Investment Comparisons]


Pranab Bardham blasts China for an export value-added of little more than [25%] of its [GDP] Gross Domestic Product, while its domestic investment contributed a substantially larger share, while downgrading its large investment in its rural institutional changes in  the distribution of land-cultivation rights, changes in agrarian production organization and an egalitarian distribution of land-cultivation rights, and the question has to be asked and just how much as the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex been investing in its own domestic investments [0%], its infrastructure lay in ruin bridges literally falling down, its educational system is an economic joke with more administrators than teachers more money being spent on football, baseball, sports and pleasing the alumni, to get bigger sports stadiums built, while it is more profitable to get an [MBA]  Master's in Business Administration than engineering, science or technology, or join the business of Wars of Economic Stimulus Corporations. And just who does Bardham use as the authority for his hit piece article of course one the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex backed cronies the U.S.-based Heritage Foundation's widely cited Index of Economic Freedom, they should look in the mirror while going thru screening to board an aircraft and see how that works for economic freedom let alone personal freedoms, illegal search and censure, [2m] Two-million domestically imprisoned citizens not counting black-op prisons around the globe,  its time to do a little deeper domestic investment comparison.


[Comparison Shopping]


Pranab Bardham goes on to address that basically the countries of the [BRIC] without political reform, has no long-run viability and the global media should examine the many features of the rise of China and India that depart from the simplistic narrative of the triumph of market reform, only [50%] of the [BRIC] economic engine one that is still in the process of being fully tuned. Well we suggest that the actions of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex should be put within the same fish bowl of global media examination, a country that is in political quick cement as Senator Harry Reid, and Rep. Nancy Pelosi have publically stated it is there jobs to stop any and all movement from where it now stands in political terms, and the guy in the oval office a not only late night political comedian but a world stage comedian only with a political veto pen in his hand, running a system of government where the only thing backing up a printing press economy is a massive over rated under performing military. Yes, lets examine the cost to China as it made its [6K] six thousand mile march, and its continued building upon the shoulders of those who fell during that march, to the lives taken by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex in its continued War of Economic Stimulus how many nations have been put to the sword to enrich it, how many today face its terror, we agree with Pranab Bardham but lets put the magnifying glass to both sides and not just one the [BRIC] and the American-Israeli Industrial Complex, and project which is best for generations to come, lets do a little comparison shopping.



Wednesday, November 24, 2010


THE SUPER DEBTOR NATION- The New First Tier Sphere of Influence [U.N. & BRIC]


The big surprise out of the artillery dual between North and South Korea, was an unexpected one, the rise of the [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and The Democratic Peoples Republic of China on the world scene. And, what are we talking about, seats on the [UN] United Nation Security Council, placing them not only as the worlds premier, Economic Sphere of Influence but as the world first tier of Geo-political and Geo-Military voting block member of that select seating within the [UN]. What happened was the Hermit Kingdom, the [DPRK] Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea [North Korea], proved beyond any doubt that the [20th] Century Cold War position and mentality of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is not only over rated but ineffectual, bleeding to death in Afghanistan, the Graveyard of Empires, while its modern day [20th] Century version of the old Battle Wagons the Super Carriers are sent to sail around in circles doing nothing more than sailing around in circles, showing just how little threat they really are in the [21st] Century. The fact is that Japan is in decline, its economic engine is on level with the [ROK] The Republic of South Korea, and The American-Israeli Complex has no economic engine, only it's over rated and failing military establishment to back it's over printed currency. So, when the artillery shells started popping in Korea, the Dollar began its clime, as Japanese Yen and Korean Wan began to pour into Wall St., just in case the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex did something stupid such as intervene with some type of military action,  elevating the [BRIC]  into Geo-Economic, Geo-Political, and Geo-Military Sphere of Influence position. There is now a new [21st] Century political reality, it takes more than just a large military and printing massive amounts of currency to be in the top tier of nations of [Spheres of Influence], so welcome once again into the Century of Spheres of Influence and the [BRIC] is the top Sphere.  



Tuesday, November 23, 2010


THE DRAGONS BREATH- the Eagles singed tail feathers




In an article reported  by (www.japantimes.co.jp), entitled [DPRK shells South Korea island, killing 2], On Tuesday at [02:34PM] Korean Local time an artillery battle broke out between the [DPRK] Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea [North Korea] and the [ROK] Republic of Korea, [South Korea] as [DPRK] artillery units rained down [100] one-hundred rounds on Yeonpyeong Isand of the [ROK], who responded with [80] eighty artillery rounds in return, we would now be interested in what Richard C. Bush III, the Director, at the Northeast Asian Policy Studies will write this time, considering his last article about Kim Jung Ill, in the Huffington Post entitled [The Mind of Kim Jung ILL], about this. In that article, Bush III, quoted The Chairman of the [DPRC] Democratic Peoples Republic of China Mao Tse-tung, quote There is great chaos under heaven and the situation is excellent, unquote, and even stated that Mao would have been proud of Chairman Kim Jung ILL of the [DPRK], and is that an understatement.  The Chairman of the [DPRK] has preformed a group of  Coup d'etat's, ending the idea of the ability of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex [The Empire] both under the Bush Administration and now this administration, that puts an end to the concept that the Empire can or is able too project its Military Power, into the Far-East, while at the same time sealing the existence of the new reality of [SPHERES OF INFLUENCE] economically, politically, and militarily, as the Military Industrial Complex of the Empire is held in check by the fact it is now a Super Debtor to the Far-East Sphere of Influence, and therefore to the nations of the  [BRIC] Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and The Democratic Peoples Republic of China Spheres of Geo-political power, the new reality in the [21st] Century.


[One-Hundred Battles]


We can feel assured that the [SOSE] the Secretary of State of the Empire Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, will once again first consult with the [PM] Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of  the [DPRC] and then take once again [NO ACTION] beyond that of calling for Sanctions which once again no nation is going too in reality comply with. Make no mistake the action of Chairman Kim Jung ILL was a brilliant act of international craftsmanship that even Sun Wu Tzu would have been proud, quote [Know the enemy know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat] unquote. So,what has been achieve by Chairman Kim Jung ILL, as we have already stated that the Empire in incapable of any longer projecting its military power into the [DPRC] Sphere of Influence, that the Spheres of Influence are the [21st] Century's answer to the end of the Empire, ending Footholds and Trip Wires, but, beyond this are more immediate benefits, these events have not been lost upon others within the Sphere of Influence of the [DPRC], other players who must now come to grips with a new reality;


Nationalist China, the Breakaway Province of Taipei, over which the [DPRC] is the central [Sphere of Influence], and will bring once again under its control by force if that is the way of things in the [21st] Century, which to date has been under the protection of the Empire, without the Empires ability to any longer project its military power within the Sphere of Influence of Mainland China, the end is nearing and they will not have missed the change from the [20th] Century reality into the [21st] Century reality, The [Empire] decided not to sell [66] Sixty-six [F-16's], worth [€3.7B] Three-Point-Seven Billion Euros, as not to upset the [DPRC].


[ROK] The Republic of South Korea, will not have missed or misunderstood the facts as they now exist the end is approaching, the Peninsula of Korea will be reunited into [1] One unity government, it will now fall upon them to decide how that will happen, will combat again between broken family units of the North and South, or thru political settlement.


[DPRO] The Democratic Peoples Republic of Okinawa, Japan and its treatment of the People of Okinawa as [2nd] Class Citizens, under the occupation of American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex troops of occupation, paying for it themselves with an [EXTORTION TAX], but with a new option to rise up and cast off its occupation and become the [DPRO] The Democratic Peoples Republic of Okinawa, and members of the [UN] United Nations, as [1st] Class Citizens. 


[Singed Eagle Feathers]


The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has in fact gridlocked, and cemented itself into Geo-Political inaction, thru its Wars of Economic Stimulus on the Islamic Crescent and its last Vietnam Afghanistan, the Graveyard of Empire, coupled with its status as the worlds Super Debtor Nation, lacking the ability to compete Geo-politically, Geo-politically or Geo-economically within the [21st] Century, lacking the industry, political unity, or economic ability, to even form or be a member of those [21st] Century Spheres of Influence which are now shaping the world to come, the Eagle has once again had its tail feathers singed by the Dragons Breath.



Monday, November 22, 2010


HILLARY [2012]- It's now or never!


Now, we are not a fan of the Clintons or the Raging Cajun Carville at all but across the globe, it is a recognized fact that the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has begun a [24] twenty-four month period of Gridlock under a Lame-Duck late night comedian in the White House, who will not work with the new Congress, but will remain in a Far-Left position, bolstered by Harry Reid in the Senate, and Nancy Pelosi in the House of Representatives, as things pretty much fall apart around Washington, D.C. the District of Comedians, the Pentagon in deep trouble for arresting Russia Today reporters at the annual demonstrations to close the Military Industrial Complex School of Terrorism, at Ft. Benning George, while having VIKTOR BOUT ("The Merchant of Death"), in New York City preparing to take the guy to court when in fact the Pentagon was using his services as a sub-contractor, while the [Start]  Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, will not be voted upon until the next congress, and the list goes on, and on, and on, of things that are going to be stopped, reversed, changed, altered, amended, you talk about gridlock it will be more like having quick dry cement in government. The main point is, if Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton wants her pants suit seat in the oval office chair it has to be done in [2012] or it will never happen. Hillary need's to leave the [SOS] Secretary of State Job and begin her run for the office, the Lame Duck, is Duck soup, it's now or never.



Saturday, November 20, 2010




[VW's and Double Dips]


Now in the good old day's [VW] stood for the German Beatle and not for letters out of the alphabet to describe economic recession to recovery, we had one of those little Red German Beatle's and sort of liked it but this new [VW] isn't our cup of tea. So, what in the world is all this [VW], that these over educated, over-paid and looking in the rear view mirror of our [VW] talking about, well most of the time they don't know and were only guessing, the [V] is not for Victory as in Victory at Sea by William Rodgers, but for the economy taking a dive doing a bounce and then getting back up to were it was before the dive, the [W] is just two [V's] connected, or a double dip, and we are not talking about a double dip ice-cream, the economy takes one dive, get back to were it was in the first place and then takes a second dive and once again bounces back to were things were in the beginning, and if you think that this is all going to turn out were things are going to return to where they were, we have a couple of weak infrastructure bridges we would like to sell you. Now, these soda jerks are saying there will be no double dip, but there will be a [JOBLESS RECOVERY]. What, a jobless recovery, we have how many out of work and they are going to remain out of work, which means the middle class working stiff is going to have to support the continued unemployment checks being paid out, let alone the soup lines, and homeless shelters, you have got to be kidding, of course there will be no double dip no [W] shaped economic recovery its not even a [V] shaped recovery its simply a dead cat bounce, the economy took a dive and a whole lot of unemployed cats are still going to be in the unemployment line that's the down stroke of the [V] and at the bottom having taken a dead cat bounce.   



[Big Ben and Chermany]



Now, Big Ben and that's not the clock in London, or Ben Franklin, but Ben Bernanke, is placing the entire blame on the worlds economy upon [Chermany] that's a new economic country made up by those over rated economic boys, made up of the countries of The Peoples Republic of China and The German Federal Republic, they are THE CULPRITS, the Chermanyor's, they are standing in the way of World Wide economic recovery, that the almighty Empire, the American-Israeli Military Industrial and Economic Complex, with its broken economy and monopoly money [QE's] Quantitative Easing's, base currency has the right to dictate to the world what to do and how to do it. But, the problem is we are now in the [21st] Century, were more than just [Chermany] are willing to tell the Super Debtor Nation what to do and where just to stick it, this blame the other guy approach to economics just isn't cutting the mustard. Ben is complaining that [Chermany] and Israel have purchased to much of the Empires debt, but was singing a different tune when the almighty dollar was on the skids, and they were buying to stop the slide, talk about being two faced, this guy talks out of one side of his mouth one day and the other by evening end.  


[Thrown under the [VW] bus]



So what is the working class stiff, sitting in the local diner, drinking his cup of hot black Joe, after getting his last unemployment check, looking at, just harder time's ahead, his standard of living after his cash runs out from that last check will be out of the local homeless shelter at best or made on the streets at worst, the poor working class Joe, after additional tax's to pay for those on unemployment, and no raises in sight, spending those [CD's] Certificate of Deposits set aside for  college for the kids and retirement, and facing broken promises about health care, education, a monopoly dollar, as Ben continues to cry about foreign financial support from [Chermany] and Israel, but continues to print monopoly money for them to purchase, well if you got a job and income, but your seeing your standard of living slipping on a daily bases, with the outlook for your kids not so good, John Q. Citizen can only look in the mirror and too see just who they should blame, for not paying more attention to just who they voted into office across the board, and ask what were they thinking if at all. An Old Ben can say along with his economic know nothing that there will be no [Currency War] which is in progress, caused by [QE2] Quantitative Easing II, dumping, (€437B/$600B), Four-hundred-thirty-seven Billion Euros / Six-hundred Billion Dollars, in cheap major reserve money, as it holds down interest rates to nearly [0%] Zero percent, and that there will be no protectionism that is already going on, as Ben keeps blowing more and more, hot air into the worlds asset balloon bubble market when sooner or later the inflationary pressure will POP!!! it, but saying it isn't so doesn't mean a thing too the guy on his back thrown under the [VW] bus, with a Peace Sign painted on the side for yet another unnecessary monetary and hot economic stimulus war, paid for by monopoly money and soap bubbles.




Thursday, November 18, 2010


SUPER DEBTOR NATION – Cat's, Dog's, and Horses


[Can't get out of the hole]


In an article written by (www.japantimes.co.jp) entitled [Fixing the U.S. economy], by Michael Spence a professor of economics at the Stern School of Business, New York University, and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, basically recognized that the American-Israeli Complex [QE2] Quantitative Easing II, dumping, (€437B/$600B), Four-hundred-thirty-seven Billion Euros / Six-hundred Billion Dollars, in cheap money, as it holds down interest rates to nearly [0%] Zero percent, while, Stephanie Flanders, Economic editor, [BBC] British Broadcasting News, states that quote, [There are fears that if US [The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex] rates are kept too low, this could create bubbles in the prices of commodities and stocks, Unquote, as at the same time trying too set a quota on all nations of a [4%] Four percent, [GDP] gross domestic product limit of what it can export, the Empire, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex,  have dug themselves into, are in and will never again be able to achieve the ground level that it once stood upon before digging the hole.


[Don't trust mirrors or crystal balls]


And what has brought about this sad but true state of affairs, Spencer suggests the failure of economists, investment analysts, financial firms and regulators to look in their crystal balls and not see what was coming, well maybe, economics is all about looking in the rear view mirror, and seeing the fall out from past mistakes and than trying not to make the same one's again, while not seeing the new pot holes in the roads due to not paying attention to the warning signs of Danger Ahead, but were not here to rewrite a well written article but to suggest that the reader take the time and read it for themselves, we see it one way, you see it your way and maybe we can meet in the middle on that old Georgia Line. So why are we so sure that [QE-2] is going to fail, the handwriting is on the wall, you simply can't use monopoly money to pay your debts, either it has value or it doesn't, not just a promise on the Empires Dollar that you will get another monopoly Dollar, it has to be backed by a competitive economy, not just by ringing The Russian Federation, and The Peoples Republic of China with a Missile Wall, have unwanted and necessary [FOOTHOLDS OF EMPIRE],  [FOOTHOLD] Europe [German] and [FOOTHOLD] Japan [Okinawa] or engaging in Economic Stimulus Wars, and taxing your citizens just to support an out of control Military Industrial Complex, with a Cold War mentality, in the [21st] Century. And we once again refer you to the Spencer article, it is well written, the Infrastructure of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex was let go after the Eisenhower Administration, and is crumbling, Clinton shipped all the well paying manufacturing jobs along with some not so well paying jobs out of that country with [NAFTA] the North American Free Trade Agreement and now the late night comedian star, in the Oval Chair sitting in its White House wants to ship what is left out with a [FTAAP] Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, along with a large part of its agricultural products driving up food prices, and all this without an Infrastructure or Economic Machine, capable of supporting playing with the Big Boy Spheres of Economic World Influence.


[Cat's, Dog's and Horse's]


Both Spencer and Bond Fund Manger Bill Gross of the money management firm [Pimco] Pacific Investment Management Co, Newport Beach, California, Bill Gross and Spencer both see a new nor or new geo-economic reality,  agree that the paper asset economy had driven stock prices, far above all asset prices, and higher than the economic growth required to justify them, both had, and do see the failure of [QE-2] as a complete misinterpretation of what is going on, a period of tight credit, higher inflation, slower growth, elevated unemployment based upon structural unemployment, [NO INDUSTURY], causing declining tax revenues, while at the same time draining any [QE's] Quantitative Easing Stimulus Packages, creating a bubble in  growth in its budget deficits, leading to excessive debt, currency instability, there is no doubt that the proverbial dead cat bounce, of economics when free fall stops and inventories run out, causing output to pick up, or the so called [V] shaped recovery, sharp down and then sharp back up don't apply, this is just more trying to kick life in a dead horse, the nag is dead, and there isn't enough meat left to feed the dog, hey guys its raining cat's and dog's and stop kick the horse its dead.



Sunday, November 14, 2010


SUPER DEBTOR NATION –Commodities and stocks bubble


[[QE-2] Quantitative Easing II]

The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is a Super-Debtor Nation in decline, with its Federal Reserve once again starting up its money printing machines under operation [QE2] Quantitative Easing II, dumping, (€437B/$600B), Four-hundred-thirty-seven Billion Euros / Six-hundred Billion Dollars, in cheap money, as it holds down interest rates to nearly [0%] Zero percent, while at the same time trying too set a quota on all nations of a [4%] Four percent, [GDP] gross domestic product limit of what it can export, in an effort to kick start a dead horse, were jobs do not exist as all manufacturing was shipped out of its Military Industrial Complex under [NAFTA] The North American Free Trade Agreement, and what does exist produces nothing more than high priced junk, not only for its own use but for export. The effects of this dumping are being seen in the creation of speculation bubbles in the commodities and stock markets world wide. As the increasing global imbalances in export/import, a nation either imports more than its exports, or it exports more than it imports, causing the creation of a dangerous speculation bubble over time as surplus's from countries that export more than they import causing a trade surplus condition, amassing large amounts of currency from purchasing nations, over a period of time this currency must be invested somewhere, and that somewhere is were it will get a high return, [more money]. 



[$$$Dollar Devaluation$$$]



Now this is all nothing more than economic mumble jumble, its simple, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is printing monopoly money, not worth the paper its printed on, and purchasing imported items from around the globe, at the same time it is producing junk, and high priced junk at that for sale to other countries that no one is interested in buying, that is the small amount of junk that is manufactured by the Military Industrial Complex, beyond the export of its military troops of warfare and occupation.

So, what's the deal with the [QE2], its to devalue the $$$Dollar$$$, making it cheaper for the other guy, [other countries] to purchase, to create a flow of junk out of the Military Industrial Complex to the other guy while getting back money/currency worth more than the monopoly money its printing. The problem is the other guy is having none of it, they see [QE2] as nothing more that a devaluation of currency that is worthless already. And the cap and trade [4%] limit is one that newer nations aren't buying, they need to export their products, to gain capital to grow, they can't sell at the market, they can't buy at the store.



[Mirror, mirror on the wall]



It comes down to common sense, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has done nothing to maintain or improve its own infrastructure, it lacks a modern light rail system, a heavy rail system, a nuclear power grid, simple wind-power electrical systems running along a rail system of any type, solar power for homes, it has allowed its own manufacturing base to relocate to foreign lands, lost control of its own boarders, allows its military to run amok around the globe, while telling the rest of the world that the American Dream exist when it has turned into the Nightmare of the World. The Military Industrial Complex can no longer just print monopoly money, to support itself at the expense of other nations, both developed and undeveloped, they expect the world to just standby as the rest of the world community place their value based money on the worlds gaming table, along side the monopoly money printed by the Super-Debtor nations, back by what, [QE2-QE3-QE4-QE5] how many [QE's] is the world community of nations expected to see before the say enough is enough. It is time for a new way of doing business, it has come time for the community of nations to cut the credit card of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex in to pieces, and demand a value based currency be place on the global gaming table, it is time for that nation to get its house in order, its time for the community of nations to demand that debtor nation tighten its collective belt, roll up its sleeves, get off its backside, and work just to keep its head above water, it no longer rules the waves. It is time for that nation to forget about building a missile wall from Foothold Europe [Germany] to Foothold Asia [Japan], and begin the process of rebuilding itself and start looking into a mirror, mirror on the wall and stop telling others how to be more like them, when they should be looking at themselves and asking how did we become the Worlds Super-Debtor Nation, when did the shinning light on the hill go out.  




Thursday, November 11, 2010




Question [1] what the blazes is Rare Earth? 


And the immediate question becomes what the blazes is Rare Earth, and we didn't know what is was either or just how rare this earth was and what in the earth the stuff was even used for so we looked it up on (en.wikipedia.org.) under Rare Earth Element, and did we get a surprise, this stuff, Rare Earth is made up of  [17] Seventeen elements that are Rare across the globe with the exception of the Peoples Republic of China, which has no less than [97%] Ninety-Seven Percent of the earth's Rare Earth, and if your really interested in what these elements are and their atomic numbers and, how they got their names [Scientists name things after what they found] ,  let your computer fingers do the walking, the thing is they got some pretty important uses;  Russian Federation [MIG-29] Fighter Plane parts are made from this stuff,  high-temperature superconductors, high refractive index glass, [X-Ray lenses], flint, hydrogen storage, battery-electrodes, camera lenses, fluid catalytic cracking catalyst for oil refineries [makes oil into gasoline, petroleum], dyes, explosives, magnets, lasers, nuclear batteries, [self cleaning ovens for She Who Must Be Obeyed], thermonuclear reactions [ [WMD] Weapons of Mass Destruction the Atomic Bomb, and reactors that fuel Trident Nuclear Submarines], Fluorescent lamp [the one's you replace in the kitchen and bathroom for She Who Must Be Obeyed], high speed tool steel [Steel used to cut other steel in machine shops to produce machines that make everything basically], pretty impressive stuff.


Question [2] what is [TPP]?


The answer is that [TPP] stands for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), which is yet to be even voted upon by Washington, D.C. District of Clowns/Comedians, Imperial Court, all the while as and we quote from the (www.japantimes.co.jp), article [U.S. commerce chief praises TPP interest], by its Staff writer Masami Ito, Quote, [U.S.] or The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex,  Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke ["The objectives of the TPP are to try to remove access barriers, and that would enable the economies of the participating countries to sell more to each other and engage in mutually beneficial trade that could create jobs for people among all of the participating countries,"] Unquote, which is viewed by Japan as one pathway towards an Asian regional wide free-trade area within the [ASEAN] the Association of South East Asian Nations, of [10] ten present member nations, into which [6]  additional nations are now seeking membership [Japan, The Peoples Republic of China, The Republic of South Korea, Australia, India, and New Zealand], but the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex wants to horn in on the fun with a grand plan for a  [FTAAP] Free Trade Area of the Asian Pacific, and all this is being taken under consideration at the [APEC] Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, are you lost yet in all these [ABC's], it's pretty simple, you go to The Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation forum to sit down to talk to the Association of South East Asian Nations, as [6] six nations ask to be in the membership, at the same time take about creating a Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, with the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, which includes a Free Trade Area of the Asian Pacific all of which no one really wants and no country as any real authorization from its government to approve of or create, you go thru all these [ABC's] to arrive at the math solution of [Zero].  


Kicking the can toward [2012]


In all truth nothing is going to happen of any particular importance as the word being bantered about across the globe concerning the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is Gridlock, after the past election cycle in that country. And, considering that in only a few more months the second election cycle will in fact be gathering its momentum, for the White House and Oval Office seat, well it doesn't take a genius to see that Gridlock pretty much covers what will be happening over the next [2] two years/[24] twenty four months, and one can debate if that is good or bad, taking a positive spin on it, the less the American-Israeli Imperial Complex can do at this juncture in history the better it is for the rest of the global community of nations, that is with one exception and that is its Federal Reserve, [IMF] International Monetary Fund, and World Bank in New York City printing more and more worthless currency, with its promise of a World War of Currency Devaluation.  In the end Rare Earth will remain in a Rare State, and math will over-ride the alphabet in importance giving the [ZERO] balance of accomplishments or Gridlock expected, its more fun watching Max on Dancing With the Stars, that Russian, can tell it like it is, the Italian Gay Judge, the Old Brit, and Female Oriental better take their paddles and comments and duck and cover under their desks, Max is using the Nuclear Option. 



Friday, November 5, 2010


[21st] Century Okinawa


[Don't Blame the Victim]


The time has come for the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Troops of Occupation to leave Okinawa, the fact is it is the presence of unwanted and unnecessary foreign troops with their boot heels upon the necks of the People of Okinawa, that have cause the hate, much as has been the case in country after country, the setting up of Rape Camps in Argentina, by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, the killing of Venezuelan Patriots and their bodies dumped into the ocean by their military, The Bay of Pigs of Cuba as traitors to the Cuban Revolution, were beaten back by the Cuban Peoples Army, the War in Africa conducted against Cuban Troops by the same government, The [20] twenty year war, in which the peoples of Vietnam fought off not only the French but the Americans. The blame is not that of the peoples of Okinawa the blame and the shame is that of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex. 


[The Peoples Republic of Okinawa]


If the Central Government of Japan continues to allow the occupation of Okinawa, if it continues to tax the Japanese Peoples with a [Extortion Budget] to support the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Troops of Occupations and Jack Boot treatment of the peoples of Okinawa, if the Central Government continue to treat the Peoples of Okinawa as [2nd] Class Citizens, if the Central Government continues to allow [200+] Illegal Nuclear Weapons to remain on Okinawa, but not on the mainland, then it is time for the Peoples of Okinawa to take a bold step, an Free Independent Peoples Republic of Okinawa, a hard decision and choice but a grandparent must look to his grandchildren, a parent to his children, and their future, shall that future be one as [2nd] Class Citizens within the Japanese Empire or [1st] Class Citizens of their own nation. The Peoples of Okinawa have been, are, and if they continue to be betrayed by the Central Government, have the duty to themselves and generations to follow to open their eyes to what must be done.


[Freedom is not free]


Freedom is never Free, it requires sacrifice, a Peoples Republic is not just given to the Peoples it must be taken by its people, there is help too be had, but it must be requested, there is aid to be had but it must be asked for, there is support that will be provided but must be applied for, but the BLOOD AND SACRAFICE must be that of the Peoples of Okinawa, and once that BLOOD has been shed, once the Sacrifice of lives have been made and its representative appear before the [UN] United Nations, that loss of BLOOD AND SACRAFICE OF LIVES, will be rewarded by a seat among its peers, as a free PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF OKINAWA, as [1st] Class Citizens of equal merit, FREEDOM IS NOT FREE, BUT THE PRICE IS WELL WORTH THE COST!


This should be a wake up call for the Peoples of Germany and its [2nd] Class treatment of East Germany, in preference to its own occupation by American-Israeli Troops of Occupation    



Thursday, November 4, 2010


JAPAN VS OKINAWA; Us Vs The People's Republic of China




Two articles you may want to take a gander at today were written on Japanese sites, (www.japantimes.co.jp) [U.S.-backed Pacific FTA to be 'pathway' at [APEC] or Super Debtor American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex backs plans for a [FTA] Free Trade Agreement to be road to more jobs shipped out of the Super Debtor Nation, at [APEC] Asian Pacific Economic Conference to be held in Yokohama, Japan on November [13th & 14th], you can just feel the draft as more jobs follow the path of the jobs that were lost by [NAFTA] The North American Free Trade Agreement, and American Workers all know how that worked out. And the other site is (www.japanupdate.com), Okinawa, mainland cities, [JSDF] get new funding, or a bribe is sent to Okinawa, mainland cities, by giving the [JSDF] Japanese Self Defense Force, more money to spend in Okinawa, a lot more [0.031T/ ¥33.54T] Point-Zero-Thirty-One Trillion Euros/Thirty-Three-Point-Five-Four Trillion Yen , to offset the [Extortion Tax] paid by the Japanese taxpayers to keep the burden of the Super Debtor American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex forces of occupation, and its [200+] Two-Hundred plus, illegal nuclear weapons on the Island of Okinawa, and off the Japanese mainland, leaving the burden of it all on the [2nd] Class Japanese citizens of Okinawa, if the Tokyo Central Government even considers them Japanese citizens, the people of Okinawa are starting to believe the Central Government in Tokyo doesn't.  



[Southeast Asian Spheres of Economic Influence]



What is happening is the Footholds of both Germany and Japan are slipping away from the Super Debtor American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, [20th] Century Cold War strategy giving way to the [21st] Century Spheres of Economic Influence, which are; [BRIC] The Brazilian, Russian Federation, India, and The Peoples Republic of China, [APEC] The Asian Pacific Economic Conference of nations, representing the [FTAAP] Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific, community of nations, within the [ASEAN] Association of South East Asian Nations, was made up of [10] Ten member nations, but has expanded to [16] Sixteen nations with the addition of Japan, The Peoples Republic of China, The Republic of South Korea, Australia, India and New Zealand, of the member nations, and then there is the [TPP] Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement which is a [FTA] Free Trade Agreement Organization made up of Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore, which Australia and the Super Debtor American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex are looking for a foot into, as the Israeli part of the Military Complex seeks a foothold into the [BRIC] thru India.


[The Doggie Do-Do]


This is a late effort by the Super Debtor American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to get into the game Sphere of the [PAC-RIM] Pacific Ring of Fire Economic Spheres of Influence, what that means the worlds Super Debtor wants to show how play with its main Creditor Nations, as the Big Dog, and that means what, a bright, bright sunshine day? No! What that means is the price of food will go up in the Super Debtor Naion, as agricultural products are shipped out of that country to the Southeast Asian Countries, they sure don't want the Junk, Garbage and over priced manufactured  items of the Super Debtor American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex when quality items are being shipped from Europe to the Far-East, China and the Republic of South Korea within the region of higher quality and cheaper cost, and you can now feel the draft as more jobs are sucked out of Super Debtor nation to the Far-East and all of this to maintain its Foothold and [Extortion Budget] at the price of the people of Okinawa, the Japanese Tax Payer, and the Taxpayers and Workers of the Super Debtor American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, the question will be just will this lame dog hunt, is it just chasing its own tail, will it bite its own backside, and the most important question is who ends up in the doggie do-do.