Sunday, October 31, 2010


WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS: As the walls come tumbling down!


[The Cold War Era's Last Wall]


Well folks, it looks like the last of the last wall of Cold War Era is showing signs of crumbling even before it is constructed, from the shores of the Emerald Isle Jolly Old England, to the Land of the Rising Sun Japan, the (www.Haaretz.Com), articles [Dollar nosedives to [NIS] New Israeli Shekel as Fischer buys [€515 milion/$650 million], Forex trading turns into an all-out global war], by Moti Bassok and Orr Hischauge, (, [A diet for Britain's defense, by Hugh Cortazzi, and Mr. Cameron's new "Big Society"], ( [LDP seeks new law to develop Okinawa, backing no base goal], [meaning no American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex bases or missiles], (, [Okinawa Governor says he'll talk Futenma, but wants it moved out], the message seems to be pretty clear that the Missile Wall of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex as envisioned in the Grand-Chessboard Strategy, of Full Spectrum Totalitarian Democracy Dominancy in the New World Order to be built around the Russian Federation, and the Peoples Republic of China, with the control of the last oil reserves in the Caspian Sea Basin, and the China Sea simply is out of the question, with the low probability of a large-scale military attack between states its is more prudent to focus upon the integration of intelligence resources and diplomatic means in the prevention of international  crises, than the continued large and ever ballooning investment of their [GDP] Gross Domestic Products, and [Extortion Budgets] for the payment of the continued unwanted presence of American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, Foothold Troops in either Germany or Japan.


[Humanistic Warfare Strategy]  


The New British Government is working on a new strategic defense and security review drastically cutting the numbers size of its own military, along with support too the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex as a British Auxiliary Force within the Complex Structure, and will in the future only deploy its forces where it feels the national interests of the [U.K.] United Kingdom, under international law, are at stake, and then only where a viable exit strategy based upon humanistic warfare is the clear goal, [Short, Rapid, and Limited Damage and Loss of Life Warfare, with prompt withdrawal of all forces], is achievable, to this end the [U.K.] will only continue to support its role as Auxiliary Forces of the Military Industrial Complex in Afghanistan with and by providing its support, to that conflict with its [SAS/U.K.] Special Forces, that force to be upgraded with the most modern up to date European military equipment, and training but within the strategy of Humanistic Warfare, not based upon an open ended commitment. At the same time the new [LDP] Liberal Democratic Party, and the Okinawa Promotion Committee, is calling for the removal of all American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex troops and bases from Japan along with its unlawful [200+] Two hundred plus nuclear weapons from the soil of Japan, as it looks to the [U.K.] strategic defense review, too bring about changes in the [21st] Century, of the role of the Japanese Self-Defense in light of possible threats to Japan within the [ASEAN] Association of South East Asian Nations, Sphere of Influence, as Japan has now enters into bi-lateral / [2] two side by side nations The Empire of Japan, and The Peoples Republic of China concerning their mutual interests within the [ASEAN] Sphere of Influence.


[The Walls Come Tumbling Down!]


When it rains it pours and the walls come tumbling down! The days of the Cold War did not come to a close when the Berlin Wall fell, what did occur was the end a divided Germany, but a one sided Cold War Strategy remained in the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex as envisioned in the Grand-Chessboard Strategy, of Full Spectrum Totalitarian Democracy Dominancy in the New World Order, but as with the fall of the [USSR] Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the cost broke the bank, and the cost of the Military Industrial Complex Wars of Economic Stimulus have gone past the estimate by double and continue to clime, and its debt to the Peoples Republic of China, Japan and Israel continue to grow with no end in sight, as the Military Industrial Complex was short sighted in its view that the enemy would be rapidly defeated as it leadership was decimated, but as fast as the enemies leadership fell yet younger and more dedicated leadership has arisen, and with each passing hour, their strength and resolve grows, and the debt balloons, as [NATO] the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, seeks a political resolution to bring about a Humanistic withdrawal, and the nations of both the East and the West seek to once and for all end the American-Israeli [20th] Century Cold War, Grand-Chessboard Strategy, of Full Spectrum Totalitarian Democracy Dominancy in the New World Order.  



Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Spheres of Influence: Trust but Verify

SPHERES OF INFLUENCE: Euro-Atlantic Security – Perceptions and Realities



The German Minister of State Hoyer can't have it both ways, as presented in his speech given during the German-Polish-Russian [NATO] North Atlantic Treaty Organization Seminar, in one paragraph [Spheres of Influence] are a bad thing yet in another they are a good thing, it simply does not work that way;


[Quote]: To us, the concept of indivisible security, which President Medvedev has rightly emphasized, means the rejection of zero-sum logic. From our perspective the principle that security can be strengthened only in harmony, not in confrontation, means that greater security for the other side also implies greater security for oneself. To this end we must do away with the notion of [SPHERES OF INFLUENCE AND POWER], as it does not help us but, on the contrary, merely raises the specter of new conflicts, [Unquote].


[Quote] Russia is a strategic partner of the European Union. The European Union needs Russia just as Russia needs the European Union. This holds true not only in the [BUSINESS SPHERE] and regarding energy security, but also in the [SPHERE OF SECURITY POLICY], [Unquote]


[Formula for Totalitarianism]


We totally and completely disagree that [Spheres of Influence and Power] should be done away with, we feel it only serves the interest of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, which has as its only  stratagem that of the Grand Chess Board, Full Spectrum Totalitarian Democracy, as its goal, by not having a counter balance we are looking at Washington, DC [District of Clowns] the Pentagon, and Wall St., with the Dollar as the Base currency for the entire world a one world government under the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, we feel they act as a balance against form of totalitarianism.


[Buchel & Okinawa]


We feel that their goal is the Caspian Sea Basin with its [1/5th] of the easily gotten Worlds Oil Supply cutting off China from access to its main supply of oil, cutting the oil lines built by the Russian Federation from that area thru Turkey to Germany and Europe, giving it total control of the geo-political and energy reserves of the industrial world. The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has been, is, and will continue to break the laws of Japan concerning having Nuclear Weapons on Okinawa, and has indicated that it will in fact not remove its [200] Two hundred nuclear warheads from Europe or the [20] twenty minimum based in The Büchel military base in southern Germany where it is thought that some its Military Industrial Complex tactical nuclear weapons are stored.


[Trust but Verify]


The answer rests in Trust but Verify, between the Spheres of Influence in all areas the areas of Military Spheres of Influence, Political Spheres of Influence, Business Spheres of Influence, and Spheres of Security Policy. The concept that one size or one brand fits all is beyond perception or reality, one Sphere of Influence, One World Government, a wall of offensive nuclear weapons to cage the Russian Federation Bear or the Peoples Republic of China, with the total control of the energy reserves of the Globe in one Sphere of Influence the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is not the answer, the answer is in local [Spheres of Influence] and the withdrawal of the Forces of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to within its own national boarders.



Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Peoples Republic of Okinawa

THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF OKINAWA: A New Direction, A New Beginning!!


The people of Okinawa are nothing more than pawns in the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, New World Order, Grand-Chessboard, Full Spectrum Totalitarian Democracy Strategy, by its critical central location within the [ASEAN] Association of South East Asian Nations, [16] nations which will by [2020] use a  single [ASEAN] trading currency within the bloc and Sphere of Influence of; Australia, Brunei, The Peoples Republic of China, India, Indo-China [Vietnam], Indonesia, Japan, A United Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Paracel Islands, The Philippines, and The Spratly Islands. It has become time for the abandoned [2nd] Class of Okinawa, by the Central Government of Japan to choose a new direction an a new beginning within the [21st] Century to become the [17th] nation within the [ASEAN] bloc of nations, The Republic of Okinawa a free and independent nation under the guide lines of the [UN] United Nations, a new Republic which would be recognized by regional nations as a new Republic.


* The ending of the [2006] agreement allowing the [47K] Forty-Seven Thousand, [FOOTHOLD] Troops of Far East Occupation, to remain on soil of Okinawa, demanding their immediate and total removal from The Republic of Okinawa, and its occupation of The Republic of  Okinawa, with the closing of their Marine Corp Air Station Futenma.


* Ending all present alliances/ commitments/ relationship and relationships built upon such past treaties with the American-Israeli Empire as they now exist ending the Status Quo, which now exists leaving the [20th] Century behind and walking as a free independent Republic into the [21st] Century.


* The ending of port calls of any American-Israeli Empire, nuclear-armed warships to The Republic of Okinawa ports, ending hidden past agreements of the Japanese Central Government upon The Republic of Okinawa, not only violating the hallowed anti-nuclear principle of postwar Japan Weapons with nuclear weapons located both on Okinawa and the Ogasawara Islands, but putting the citizens of The Republic of Okinawa in harms way, as a pawn to the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, with its  Full Spectrum Totalitarian Democracy Strategy.


If the small of Island of Cuba [145 Km] One-Hundred and forty five Kilometer from the shores of the American-Israeli Complex stood alone until now as other nations of the region in which it exits, now come to its aide and support, how then would it be easier for a new nation half a world away have the courage to step into the positions of [1st] First Class Citizens of their own new Republic, with the aid and assistance of those waiting with out stretched hands of assistance. It is time to become a New Regional Republic in a New Dynamic and Growing Regional Area, it is time for a new direction, a new beginning.



Friday, October 22, 2010


JAPAN OWES LT. GEN. EDWARD RICE: A modest level of support


[Justification of the Extortion Budget?]


Now, we have to believe that Lt. Gen Edward Rice the out going commander of U.S. Forces Japan, has flipped his wig, is out of his mind, is in another world far, Far, FAR from this part of the universe his position on the [Extortion Budget] that is levied upon all Japanese citizens is owed to him, you have got to be kidding. What the good Gen. Rice said was and we quote from the (, article entitled, [Senkaku challenge surmountable: departing U.S. Forces commander], "I have obligated myself to defend Japan and if necessary, give my life in the defense of Japan. . . . That is part of our contribution to this alliance," he said. "What value you put on my commitment to defend Japan is subjective in some way, but I would suggest that it is certainly not an unequal commitment for Japan to agree to host the forces that are here for their defense and provide a modest level of support for those forces as we meet our obligations," unquote. In the first place Japan never asked Rice to defend it, and if so he could have joined the Japanese Defense Force in its defense, and as far as his commitment to Japan, it's not about a career in the Japanese Armed Forces it's the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex forces and that is not subjective, his oath was to the Complex and its agenda's.


[Watch out for the door General]


Why is it that down thru history it is always the same old story that troops of occupation always think that they are there for the benefit of those countries they are occupying, and here we have a prime example, they are there for the Japanese defense as if the Japanese are incapable of defending their own country, and they are a host, get real, they are a burden pushed upon the [2nd] Second Class Japanese Citizens of Okinawa, and are expected to pay out into an [Extortion Budget] that isn't a simple modest amount. Why Thank-You General we can never fully repay you for your generous provision of your protection at our expense, have a good trip home and take the rest of your defense force with you, we think we can well take care of ourselves and at a far less cost and burden to the [2nd] Second Class Citizens of Okinawa, don't let the door hit your backside on the way out!



Thursday, October 21, 2010




[World Cop-Global Policeman-Town Sheriff and Deputy, NO!! thank-you.]  


So, what's been going on in the what the British news commentator Mark Mardell of the of the (, calls [In the US and UK, Big Defense is sacrosanct], well the idea of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, and its British Auxiliary Forces, showing the appearance of [2] two separate nations joining together and acting as the World's Cop, may look good on line and in news print but in reality it is seen for what it is a last gasp effort to put a positive face on the End of Empire. While the British [PM] Prime Minister and the guy in the White House are claiming that [NATO] The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is and will remain a [1st] First rate military power, committed to all its responsibilities, meaning in the Military Industrial Complex and British Auxiliary Forces a World's Cop a view not shared by Germany as expressed by the German Minister of State Werner Hoyer concerning [NATO] during the [NATO] Strategic Review Conference  that in fact [NATO] is not a Global Policeman, that the best way to approach international problems is thru the [UN] United Nations, working with local governments and or principles outside those governments, thru local organizations, then if necessary and only then if called upon to provide assistance should [NATO] consider taking an active part in such efforts as outlined thru the leadership of the [UN] once [NATO] membership has deliberated and agreed to such assistance the last of which would be a military one. What does all this mean, the Brits are now the Auxiliary Force to the Military Industrial Complex now cutting their defense forces to align themselves with the needs of the Complex, but [NATO] is having nothing of it, they are more than willing to just let the American-Israel Military Industrial Complex and its British Auxiliary Forces play [World Cop-Global Policeman-Town Sheriff and Deputy] thank-you.  


[NO!!! Bilateral agreement]


Things aren't going much better the guy in the Oval Office sent The [SOD] Secretary of Defense, and the [SOS] Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton has summoned the Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara  to Hawaii, on the [27th] of October, (

[Obama, Japan to skip new security declaration!], too twist his arm about the Japanese [Extortion Budget] and the forcing down the throat of a signed treaty deal made in [2006] to not only maintain but relocate the Futenma air station, on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa, Hillary demanding that the base and the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex troops of occupation remain on Okinawa forever paid for by the peoples of Japan under the current Japanese [Extortion Budget], along with interference in the Senkaku Islands Affair, under article [5] of a bilateral security agreement which the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to defend Japan in the event of an armed attack of territories under the administration of Japan, using it as a means of political interference. But, all it is doing is tearing relations between the countries apart, to the point were her White House Boss in November,  [WILL NOT] be signing or even have under serious taught of any bilateral document, the [2nd] Second Class Japanese Citizens of the Island of Okinawa are tired of being the [2nd] Class Citizens of Japan, they are tried of have not only the burden of being occupied by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, but paying for the privilege of being thrown under the bus by its own central government in Tokyo, while the entire of the Japanese society is tired of helping pay an [Extortion Budget] for the whole affair, along with interference in the Senkaku Islands Affair, under article [5] of a bilateral security agreement which the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to defend Japan in the event of an armed attack of territories under the administration of Japan, using it as a means of political interference. The [2nd] Second Class Citizens of Okinawa don't want them and the [1st] Class Citizens of the Japanese Mainland absolutely don't want them, and if they are all shipped to Guam and that Island sinks into the Pacific under their weight, there would be no tear shed.


[1st Rate Lesson's learned]


The Bottom line is we are in the [21st] Century, and no one is interested in the idea of building a jail wall of offensive nuclear missiles by the American-Israeli Industrial Complex [The Sheriff] and its [Deputy Dog] British Auxiliary Forces British, around the [Bad Guy's] The Russian Federation and The Peoples Republic of China, and have learned a [1st] First rate lesson out the [Af-Pak] Afghanistan-Pakistan debacle it doesn't pay to get draw, dragged, hooked, or sucked into situations that can and should be address thru other than [The Sheriff and his Deputy Dog]. It's lets talk this over, see what the problem is, decide on a course of action, placing the military option far, Far, FAR, down the list and then as a last ditch get in and get out as soon as possible action. Its is time for a new approach, and time for the Footholds Europe and Japan to be terminated, with the withdrawal of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex forces and its Nuclear Offensive Weapons from both Footholds Europe and Japan, the citizens of East Germany and Okinawa need to become citizens of their countries and not [2nd] Second rate inferior groups behind the needs the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex.   



Tuesday, October 19, 2010





[The Cartoon Characters]


Now, Warner Bros. Cartoons always had at the end of its cartoons, the statement; That's All Folk's, The End! Well that is pretty much where the former United States of America, now know across the globe as the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, is at. What do we mean by this well the Military Industrial Complex [Washington D.C. District of Clowns], New York City, and the [NYSE] New York Stock Exchange, along with the [IMF] International Monetary Fund, and the Pentagon the cartoon characters who have put the citizens of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex in a pickle;




First the country is in hock over its head to First to the Peoples Republic of China, the one that said they were going to bury The United States of America, the Communist, they did one step better they own The United States of America, then Secondly the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is in debt to the Empire of Japan, and on October 27th old Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton the [SOS] Secretary of State of the Military Industrial Complex is going to have the Japanese report to her in Hawaii, to arm twist them into the continuation of the [Extortion Tax] that the people of Japan are being forced to pay for the maintenance of Complex troops of occupation upon the Japanese Island of Okinawa, as the second class Japanese citizens of Okinawa are held under the Jack Boot of continued servitude by that occupation force, subjected to insults, injury, molestation, rapes and murders at the hand of those forces. And, last but not least to the State of Israel, and their [Special Relationship] having complete and total control of the political, media, and now economy of the Military Industrial Complex, when someone owes you money, that someone the Military Industrial Complex, jumps to your tune.


[NATO not a traffic officer]


The nations of [NATO] The North Atlantic Treaty Organization have had enough of playing World Police and are now beginning the process of withdrawal from the Military Industrial Complex Wars of Economic Stimulus that is anything but providing any type of economic uptick for their countries, but in fact has proven to be just the opposite a drag upon the economy of Europe, Oktoberfest, twice has suffered in loss of revenues first [911] were Europe lost Millions due to the fear created by the Military Industrial Complex of attacks in Europe then again this year as once again the [CIA] Central Intelligence Agency Cried Wolf but Europe this time was not ready to fall for The Sky Is Falling, this is just one of many problems that have been generated by the America-Israeli Military Industrial Complex in Europe, with its refusal to withdraw [200] Two-hundred nuclear weapons from the soil of Germany, weapons that Germany wants off its soil as Japan wants both troops of occupation and nuclear weapons off their soil. The Footholds no longer want to be footholds, the East Germans did not get out from under the heel of Soviet Troops just to have it replaced with that of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex troops, or having the [CIA] along with its Mossad partners combing thru their countries intelligence systems.

[World Cop or Competitor Nation]


The Infra-Structure of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is falling apart what is left of it, bridges are simply collapsing, the heavy rail system is a shambles, there is no light rail system, there is no nuclear power grid system as there is in Europe, solar power and wind power at this junction are not even a drop in the bucket to what is needed. The Dollar is a joke in the international monetary community, its only a breath away from collapse, devaluation against all the major currencies of the world, and the world is up front in saying that the Military Industrial Complex can not compete with other major industrial nations of the world as it only produces JUNK!!! When a German or Japanese car is manufactured it is purchased, the price is seldom the problem as it is a high quality value items that will in every way pay for itself in customer satisfaction along with many other items that are produces by other major industrial nations of the world. The American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is not working, and it has now become time to stop playing the world cop and concentrate upon becoming a world economic competitor, by the [22nd] Century, or become yet another footnote at the wayside of history.





Monday, October 11, 2010




[Creating snap up products]



Now, we are by no means any economic genius, and fact is we are far, Far, FAR, from it but we can read between the lines if give a reasonable article about what is going on and to date we have been reading quite a few of them concerning just how much the debt of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is affecting its foreign and domestic policies, two articles which caught our eye were on ( , the (1st) first [No [G7] intervention fallout], and the [2nd] second  [IMF fails to resolve row over currency]. For those of us who have no clue just what the [G7] is it's Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, the [IMF] International Monetary Fund is a more sinister group, which is outlined in the section [IMF] International Monetary Fund. But the whole point of this is when a country what's to sell to another country, it needs to be able too sell its products at a price that the people of the country being sold to will snap those products up which means jobs and employment in the selling country those products at the cost of the one purchasing those products.



[Japan covers its base]



So, what Japan did was to sell a lot of it's currency, the [JPN] Japanese Yen on the open market, in an effort to make it less valuable, keeping its value against the Complex Dollar low, making its products cheaper to purchase in the good old [USA] The United States of American, not the industrial town of USA in Japan, and due to the fact that the good old [USA] is in debt up to its ears to Japan [2nd] second only to China, with Israeli in [3rd] third, so we not only know who's on [1st] first we know who's on all the bases. And, today if you want to trade a Dollar American for a [JPY] Japanese Yen, you get about [85 JPN], more Yen for the buck, when it was about [81 JPN], less Yen for the buck last month, so do you get the point more Yen for the Buck means more sales in the good old [USA] more car sales, for China it would mean Wally World prices are low and sales are great, and for Israeli more political clout. But back to Japan, with the [SOS]  Secretary of State to the Military Industrial Complex, Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton [Hillary summons Maehara to Hawaii], on the [27th] of October, is summoning the Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara of Japan to Hawaii to twist his arm about the Japanese [Extortion Budget] and the forcing down the throat of a signed treaty deal made in [2006] to not only maintain but relocate the Futenma air station, on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa, Hillary demanding that the base and the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex troops of occupation remain on Okinawa forever paid for by the peoples of Japan under the current Japanese [Extortion Budget], along with interference in the Senkaku Islands Affair, under article [5] of a bilateral security agreement which the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to defend Japan in the event of an armed attack of territories under the administration of Japan, using it as a means of political interference, you just can't yes much to Japan when your in hock up to your eye ball's to them, you just bow to Japans economic might.  


[The economic war to come]


Now, again after [NAFTA] the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement was put into place American Workers heard the sound of American Jobs being sucked out of the country, and companies moving to countries were profits could be made with cheaper labor and with the ability to undercut the dollar with the currency of the country of manufacture, how sweet it is. And, this is not even to mention that the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has put itself into a position where they can do nothing economically, or politically let alone militarily, against it, the top [3] three China, Japan, and Israel, hold all the cards, with the only option being compliance or war, simply put no jobs in the good old [USA], the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, while more jobs are shipped overseas, or a tariff war begins in which countries start adding a value added tax to imported products to their state treasuries, it like when Henry VII took over with the Church of England from the Church of Rome, windfall profit. The other alternative is to tax the life out of his own citizens such as the [55%]  Fifty-five percent inheritance tax, you can't leave anything behind  for your kids if you wanted to the more kids the less they get, while the government gets the lions share, you earned it but the government needs it to support the Military Industrial Base, and it isn't going to the infra-structure, health care, aide to those such as the elderly or young, but the building of its missile wall around China and Russia, and endless Wars of Economic Stimulus. Something has got to give!             



[IMF] International Monetary Fund


The American-Israeli Empire directly appoints the heads of the [IMF], which is basically the loan sharking department of the Empire. The [IMF] in concert with the World Bank give's huge high risk, loose term, loans to countries to cope with crisis situations, putting them in the back pocket of the [IMF], who in turn request [Services in Return], the [IMF] is the Landlord and the loaner country becomes the provided service renter, if you get the drift. The best thing for any country is to avoid dealing with the [IMF] because they do attach strings and conditions that do more good for the [IMF] at the cost of the country taking out the loan, forcing many countries to build up huge currency reserves, rather than deal with the [IMF]. The [IMF] basically provides the Empire policy-makers with advice as how to put other countries under their economic thumbs. If a country has a sick economy going to the [IMF] is the same as cutting your own throat, plus the [IMF] can be counted upon to miss the boat when it comes to providing early warnings of impending crises, your better off seeing a Clinical Physiologist/ Medium/ Mentalist/Physic/Witch/, or just flip a coin.



Sunday, October 10, 2010




[America Under Creditor's Thumb]


Now, we have been reading the sites (www.NYTimes.Com.) and its article entitled [China Emerges as a Scapegoat in Campaign Advertisements], and (www.Haaretz.Com) [Dollar nosedives to [NIS] New Israeli Shekel [€1.26/$1.00/NIS3.59] as Fischer buys [€515M/$650M/NIS2333.5M] millionrex trading turns into an all-out global war.] Which, at first glance which at first glance appeared not to have anything in common but after a nights sleeps the two unrelated articles pretty much on the same page. The Dollar is doing a Titanic it is breaking apart and beginning its plunge into the abyss, there can be no doubt about this fact, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is in debt not up to its ears its in over its head and the credit card is about to be cut. The Israeli government now controls [55%] Fifty-five percent of the elected officials in the government thru [AIPAC/AZC] the American Israeli Political Action Committee/American Zionist Committe with [300] Three-hundred of the elected Court Clown, officials signed unto the [Special Relationship] Pact, and Rick Sanchez spoke the truth that in fact [AIPAC/AZC] does control the media of the Complex, and now represent the [3rd] of the top [3] three countries to which the Complex is indebted too, an all together whatever the man in the White House wants from Israel or any leverage that the guy taught he had does not exist, Israel can pretty much now call the shots, new fighter planes for Israel no problem, stop the expansion into the western bank not going to happen, what ever Israel needs or wants or does not want to happen, now is pretty much going to happen the way Israeli wants it to happen, that is what happens when your in debt over your head, your under the thumb and control of those your in debt to.


[The Blame Game]


So, just who are the Kings Court in Washington, D.C. [District of Clowns] now blaming for the pickle there in well the very same people that they are in debt to, it's the other guys fault for lending us the money, they are loan sharks, we were duped. Well just who duped who, where was the individuals who signed on to [NAFTA] the North American Free Trade Agreement, that Bubba Clinton came up with it was not much of a wind fall profit for the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex beyond Israel which took control of the steering wheel of a car that out of control, but a large break for China, India, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan and any other country with cheat labor. It's a regular turn the tables it wasn't our fault it was theirs, we didn't ship the jobs overseas it was the companies, were just the government, we didn't twist their arms and force them to purchase the low interest rate Federal Reserve Notes that we put on the market, they were the ones who freely purchased them.


[Who closed Detroit down?]


You have got to be kidding, just who is then responsible for closing Detroit Down, our number [1-2 or 3] One-two- or Three Creditor, China, Japan or Israeli, its true that Japan is now the new Detroit, along with Canada [Ford], but just who allowed the whole thing to happen, maybe the Unions with excessive wages and benefits, maybe poor workmanship, maybe poor government oversight, maybe [NAFTA] or maybe it was the whole package, but what ever the total effect is they still closed Detroit down and that's a done deal. We can go thru a whole list of companies from typewriters, cars, washing machine and dryers, and the computer your reading this on all not made in the [USA] unless your talking about that not so little industrial town in Japan named USA. And, now the Washington, D. C. [District of Clowns] Royal Court and their jester King want to blame the other guy, when they unbutton their pants, dropped them, and placed the other guys hand on their short hairs, you have got too be kidding.



Friday, October 8, 2010





[Hillary summons Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara of Japan]


Now, we have just finished reading an article on the ( entitled [Maehara, Clinton plan month-end talks at Hawaii], which is not what the title should have been it should have been [Hillary summons Maehara to Hawaii], which is a more accurate description of events. What is going on is the [SOS] Secretary of State of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, and who is looking to become the [SOD] Secretary of Defense of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, on the [27th] of October, is summoning the Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara of Japan to Hawaii to twist his arm about the Japanese [Extortion Budget] and the forcing down the throat of a signed treaty deal made in [2006] to not only maintain but relocate the Futenma air station, on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa, Hillary demanding that the base and the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex troops of occupation remain on Okinawa forever paid for by the peoples of Japan under the current Japanese [Extortion Budget], along with interference in the Senkaku Islands Affair, under article [5] of a bilateral security agreement which the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to defend Japan in the event of an armed attack of territories under the administration of Japan, using it as a means of political interference.



[Okinawans Thrown Under the Bus]


The [2nd] Class Citizen of Japan the peoples of Okinawa are oppose to the continued insult to injury of being under the Jack Boot of occupation by the foreign troops of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and the interference by that Complex in the regional affairs of the region, the dispute between Japan, China and Taiwan over the Senkaku Islands located in the East [China Sea], which each claims, and now Hillary is injecting a military solution under Article [5] of a bilateral security treaty,  not to mention their victimization under the terrorism at their [expense] under the Japanese [Extortion Budget] by their oppressors. The Japanese Central Government has been in existence for over [1300] Thirteen hundred year of which Okinawa has been a part of Japan for a very short period but during this time they have had no say, or control of their fate or destiny, to the point were there can be no question they have become nothing more than [2nd] class citizens, to which even Japanese Laws do not even extend, as on the Japanese mainland Nuclear Weapon are not allowed, but on the Island of Okinawa the American-Israeli Military Complex maintains offensive Nuclear Weapons at sites located both on Okinawa and the Ogasawara Islands.


[Anti-Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation Demonstrations]


Not only should the [2nd] Class Japanese Citizenship of Okinawa but the entire of the Japanese Peoples should be outraged at the treatment of fellow citizens, and the payment of the Japanese [Extortion Budget] levied upon each Japanese citizen till the end of time to continue the burden of their own occupation, but should unite and demonstrate that anger about the continued interference by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex in both its domestic and [ASEAN] Association of Southeast Asian Nations regional affairs. There should be large scale Anti-Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation Demonstration during the planned visit of the individual seating in the White House scheduled visit to that forum summit meeting. The summoning of the Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara of Japan to Hillary is nothing more than laying out the [Extortion Budget] and informing the Foreign Minister of just how things are going to continue never ending into the future, which Japan must agree to at the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, this is nothing more than [Extortion] this is outrageous. This is the [21st] Century, it is time to throw out old ideas and old ways of doing things, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is in debt to Japan only second to China, those who are in debt do not pull the strings, and the Complex is deeply in debt to Japan a part of the [ASEAN] Association, this [Extortion] of the Japanese Empire MUST END.



Thursday, October 7, 2010


THE BLACKMAIL/PROTECTION BUDGET! [Or, Japan's host-nation budget]


[[25%] cost of sympathy rise]


Now, we seem to be but a few of those who are watching the oppression of the free peoples of the Island of Okinawa under the Jack-Boot of the American-Israeli American Military Industrial Complex Thugs of Occupation Troops. But, we had no idea that these victimized peoples were not only suffering on the heel of occupation they were having to pay for that privilege, under what there Central Government in Tokyo calls Japan's host-nation budget, and by the peoples of Okinawa the [Sympathy Budget]. The (, in an article entitled U.S. fears Japan could reduce troop support, [Sympathy Budget], and the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is not only suffering under a declining Dollar against all other major world currencies, but Japan's [Sympathy Budget] has dropped [15%] fifteen percent in the last [8] eight year since [2003], were as the cost of hosting the unwanted troops of occupation has risen by [25%] twenty-five percent.   


[Blackmail by any other name]        


The real truth of the matter is this is not really a [host nation budget/sympathy budget] and both are outmoded phrase's or politically correct terms, its out and out BLACKMAIL, it has been established that the citizens of Okinawa are at best nothing more than the [2nd] second class citizens of the Japanese society, who have been surrendered along with their homeland island to foreign troops of occupation the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, and to add insult to injury they are required to support their own occupation. So, who is getting any sympathy, it isn't the [2nd] class citizens of the Island of Occupation Okinawa, and it can't be classified as either a [host nation or sympathy budget] to those being oppressed, the correct term is BLACKMAIL. Drunken, Thugs and Criminals who steal, assault, rape, and murder don't receive or deserve [host nation or sympathy] funding, and they don't want it, they take what they want and that is whatever they want including [BLACKMAIL/PROTECTION MONEY] from worse being done, the one's who deserve a [host nation/sympathy budget] are the people of Okinawa, they truly deserve the sympathy of the world, they are the ones indeed who should be given by the Japanese Central Government, at the least a sympathy budget for hosting unwanted troops of occupation, for pain and suffering at the hands of the Thugs and Criminals of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, Sympathy and payment for their suffering should go to those who endure it not to those who cause it. [BLACKMAIL, PROTECTION MONEY] call it what it is, if you have any sympathy at least take away the insult of those being victimized, by not having them pay for their own victimization.



Tuesday, October 5, 2010


TERRORIST WARNINGS [Foothold created justification incidents]


[The cost of terrorist warnings]


Now, we just got thru reading comments on terrorist warning written by Matthew Yglesias a fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, and author of Heads in the Sand: How the Republicans Screw Up Foreign Policy and Foreign Policy Screws Up the Democrats, at (www.TheDailyBeast.Com), entitled The dangers of blind, useless terror alerts,  but we could see his point concerning terrorist warning and they are of course valid ones and both Yglesias who is an off the wall liberal, and the conservative news outlet of Fox News have the same views Fox News' Terror Warnings Are 'Negligent and Damaging' as reported by (WWW.SPIEGEL.DE),So to combine the views you sort of get useless terror warning are dangerous, negligent, useless and totally damaging, that you have a better chance of being hit by a car than killed in a terrorist attack, and this point is very clear once you come to understand the amount of money that was lost in Germany after the [911] attack when attendance at the Oktoberfest celebrations dropped to a low [5.5] Five point five million, a fraction of what it normally is, normal attendance would bring in [€790M/$1B] Seven-Hundred Ninety Million Euros/One Billion Dollars, with the employment of [14T] fourteen thousand workers, and when does this terrorist threat come towards the end of yet another Oktoberfest.


[Growing skepticism]        


But we take another view of what this was all about a terrorist threat even the German intelligence community is more than skeptical about. So, just were did this Foothold Europe threat come from an Afghanistan born, naturalized German citizen from Hamburg, a one Ahmad Sidigi, the Germans are sending a unit of their own intelligence agencies to interrogate Sidiqi themselves vice taking everything that is said by the [CIA] Central Intelligence Agency of the Military Industrial Complex at face value, if you want a full history of Sidiqi, we recommend (WWW.SPIEGEL.DE)  and both the German and Japanese Governments and people are seeing these terrorist threats as more about the continuation of the Footholds Europe and Japan than about any real terrorist threats or regional disputes as at the same time a dispute is being blown out of all proportion over an incident between China and Japan at the Senkaku Islands, with Japan, U.S. cooking up island defense war games, as reported by (, in which The U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet's  aircraft carrier task force, USS George Washington, will take point of the show of force, on the Pacific side of the Nansei Islands, Noto Peninsula in the Sea of Japan , a show of force against both the Peoples Republic of China and the Peoples Republic of North Korea by Foothold elements of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex.


[Relic Militaristic Strategy]



But this all being said we hold the view this is about the Grand Chess Board Strategy, of the Master of Terrorism, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the strategy of placing a missile wall supported by Foothold Holds and Trip Wire areas along the entire of the Russian Federation and the Peoples Republic of China, a Chess Board Game that has fallen behind schedule and having a serious cost over-ride, as the Dollar slips with each day against all major currencies, along with increasing debt to foreign governments that the Military Industrial Complex seeks to encircle, and the shifting tide of alliances, in the [21st] Century, the Grand Chess Board Strategy is a relic of the [20th] Century along with Footholds, Trip-Wires, and Missile Encirclements Strategy's all of which must now be abandoned it is not a time of increased militarism and the closed fist, but a time to replace it with international cooperation, and the open hand of friendship and trust, yes trust but verify, not trust build upon military threat. 




Monday, October 4, 2010


Do the people of Okinawa even have a country? That is now the question that must be asked by each and every non-American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex human being living on the Island of Okinawa. Just what are you a citizen of are you simply Okinawan's, are you Japanese citizens living on the Island of Okinawa, are you Second Class Citizens of the Empire of Japan who live on the Island of Japan, or are you a people without a country, who have no say, who have no representation within the Center Government of Japan. Now, just do what you are told by the foreign troops from the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, they commit any crimes against you well that's not for you to hold them responsible its after all a masters place to do what he wants with his slaves.
It would seem that the people of Okinawa aren't even Japanese Second Class Citizens but only Slaves to a Foreign Power, with no say in any matters, a slave only does what his master tell him to do, its a matter of the Central Government of Japan simply saying now do what you are told by your masters.
Okinawans a People without a country, slaves on their own lands to a foreign power that does not respect or care about the people, or the Island of Okinawa. Okinawa a People Truly without a country.

Saturday, October 2, 2010




[The needs of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex]


Now, we seem to be the only taxpaying citizen of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex that reads what's going on in the Foothold's Europe and Japan, but make no mistake things are happening that the rest of the Military Complex taxpayers are unaware of, the citizens of those Footholds of Occupation by the troops of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex are increasingly waking up to the fact that they are really being Occupied, in an article written by Tomohiro Yara is an editorial writer at the Okinawa Times, published by the Kyodo News, and on line at (, entitled [Don't victimize Okinawa over adrift security policy], T. Yara writes and we quote; If the locations of bases are to be determined according to the needs of foreign troops, it would be fair to say that Japan is under "occupation" in this regard. It is common knowledge that military forces figure out strategy and operations based on given equipment and bases, unquote. And this statement says it all about the Footholds both in Europe and Japan it is not about the needs of the Occupied Nation but about those who have their jack boots upon the necks of the Nation being occupied.


[[21st] Century Japanese ASEAN's]


Now, T. Yara writes basically in his article that the Troops of Occupation began with the idea of the defense of the Trip Wire Troops on the Korean Peninsula, but today there is no real expectation that such troops would even make it off the Island of Okinawa, let alone enter the combat theater at the cost of a Nuclear waste land being made of the Okinawa. The last American Caesar General of the Armies Douglas Arthur MacArthur uses Korea as a means to place illegal Nuclear Weapons on the Island of Okinawa, which have been replaced and upgraded over the years, these weapons are illegal upon Japanese soil, under Japanese law, but being a continued force of occupation since the end of [WWII] World War Two, and the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex paid in blood for the island of Okinawa, well it's just to bad. But, the new generation of Japanese are not [20th] or past generation Japanese they are the new [21st] Century the [10] Ten,[ASEAN]Association of Southeast Asian Nations, countries, who already want a single currency by [2020] the generally accepted end of the American-Israeli Empire, member would include; Australia, Brunei, China  [to include the breakaway Chinese Providence of Taiwan & the Taiwan Straits], Tibet, The China Sea, Hainan Island India, The countries within the region of Indo-China [Vietnam], Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan New Zealand, Paracel Islands, Philippines, Spratly Islands, and a United Korea. With a Geo-Economic Influence extending around the Economic [21st] Century Ring of Economic Fire the countries of the  [PAC/RIM] Those nations bounding the Pacific Rim, Australia, [The Republic of Alaska, The Republic of California, The Republic of Hawaii, upon their secession from the American-Israeli Empire], Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America, with extended Geo-Economic Influence into Africa [Sudan], Cuba, India, and Pakistan, thru loans and economic assistance.


[Building Straw Men]


Now the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex has been going about the continued Grand Chess Board Strategy of the Father of International Terrorism, Zigniew Brzezinski, in a non-stop effort to build its missile wall around the now Russian Federation, and the Peoples Republic of China as [1/7th] One seventh, yes [1 in 7] one in seven of its taxpayers are living in poverty, children going to bed hungry and waking up and going to school hungry, the elderly not going to school but going to anywhere where there is a food bank to get fed. With the continued plan to build up its troops of occupation both in Europe and Japan by build straw men or pointing to small problems that can be handled within and by the countries within their occupational strangle hold as only problems that the Military Industrial Complex Troops of Occupation and resolve with military force if necessary, this time instead of well we are needed to support the Trip Wire Troops of South Korea, well  the Military Industrial Complex [SOS] Secretary of State, Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, pulls out a security pact that says the dispute between the Peoples Republic of China and Japan over the Senkakus Island in the East China Sea authorizes the Military Industrial Complex to protect Japan in [Event of an armed attack in the territories, now get this [ADMINISTRATION OF JAPAN], a very fancy way of saying the Forces of Occupation will protect Japan. This is a problem of the [21st] Century [ASEAN] organization, of which Japan and China can work things out without Foothold Troops help. In both areas of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Footholds of the Grand Chess Board Strategy of the Father of International Terrorism, Zigniew Brzezinski, those peoples are looking up under the jack boots of occupation seeing the straw men as what they are and those wearing the Jack Boots as what they are Troops of Occupation.