Wednesday, June 9, 2010




Now, we have been busy attending to other things so something always has to give and blogging is nice, but there is a real world beyond the internet, but we did take time out to read our in box messages from the Federal Foreign Office, headed by Dr. Guido Westerwelle, who stands head and shoulders above any politically minded individual today globally, we highly recommend that the reader go too (, and read the following [2] Two speeches of building bridges, and not demanding compliance by Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, they are [21st] Century Progressive and not [20th] Century Rehash, just more of the same, enjoy.


* Echo 2010: The German language goes on a world tour


* Speech by Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle at the German-Arab Business Forum of the Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry



Monday, June 7, 2010




[GC] Grand-Pa, those men over there daddy says are not ours, and are bad men, and to stay away from them, why is daddy say that?


[GP] Well, they are not ours they are American Troops of Foothold Occupation, your father may have use the wrong word by saying they were bad, they are more dangerous than bad, but your daddy is correct in saying you should stay away from them.


[GC] Grand-Pa what does Troops of Foothold Occupation mean?


[GP] Well, lets start out with Occupation, the word occupation in this case it mean they are staying in our country, a foothold is an iron grip on something, and troops are a fighting force, so if we put it all together they are a fighting force which is not ours, staying in our country, with an iron grip.


[GC] Oh! But all the family all my aunts and uncles and my other Grand-Pa and Grand-Ma, and all my friends and their families they break our laws, and don't belong here and should go home, they commit crimes like assault, robbery, drug possession, rape and murder, that they have weapons our government won't let our soldiers have, they pollute the environment with noise from their planes, and other laws of our country they simply don't obey.


[GP] Well, that's a hard one, the answer is yes they do, do all those bad things,  none of us want them in our country, and by reading blogs and their newspapers in our language on the computer even their own mothers and fathers don't want them here, but after having [2] Two Wars with them and having been beaten [2] Two time by them with a great loss of life on both sides, their government and other governments feel that an iron grip has to be continued to make sure there isn't another war with us. These are very dangerous individuals, and can do very bad things, and that's why your father told you to steer clear of them.


[GC] Oh! But why did we go to war with them [2] Two times?


[GP] Well, the short answer is wars happen when the politicians can't do their jobs, and talk things out or have an agenda of their own, then war breaks out, but you will learn all about that in school.


[GC] Oh! Grand-Pa what's an agenda?


[GP] It's something they want to get done, something they want to do.


[GC] Grand-Pa, if their mommies and Daddies don't want them here and we don't want them here, why don't they go home, can't we just tell them to go home?


[GP] Well, it's like with your mom and dad they tell you to go too your room, or wash your face and behind your ears you have to do it or your in big trouble, well if they don't come here to place an iron grip on our country, then they will be in trouble, so they are doing what their government is telling them. We, that is our government does not have the authority to tell them to go home.


[GC] But, Grand-Pa you said that their families didn't want them here either, so why doesn't their government tell them to come home?


[GP] That's a good question, an no one has an answer to that one, we simply don't know when or if they will ever leave our country, one of their leaders a mommy by the name of Hillary Clinton, said they will leave when they decide to leave.


[GC] And, how long have they been here Grand-Pa?


[GP] As long as your Grand-father has lived.


[GC] But Grand-Pa, your OLD, really, really old, you mean they will be here that long?


[GP] Well, not all that old, but yes they could be, and maybe longer.


[GC] But, Grand-ma was talking to mom and said your so old that since you retired, and stopped working so has everything else, she told mom that you can't see without your glass's, you can't hear worth bean without your hearing aides, you teeth aren't yours, you use a walking stick and say it's what elderly men do, but she say's you need it to walk, and if it wasn't for the little blue pill nothing would work at all, and that only works for a very short time, you mean that long?


[GP] Oh! Your Grand-mother and mother said that about me, well were just going to have to have a little chat about that, your Grand-mother, mother and Grand-Pa, sorry but yes, and when you have a Grand-child you better remember this conversation, it may or may not help you explain why those dangerous men are still in our country.


[GC] Well, I think they are BAD! And they should GO HOME!


[GM-Grand-mother] Dear, his mother is here to pick the child up.


[GP] Look, why don't you go out in the back yard for a little while and play, Oh, Sweetheart, why don't you and Pumpkin come in here, we have something to discuss, Old, OLD MY FOOT!



Sunday, June 6, 2010




[The True Terrorist]


The World is in engaged in [WWIII] World War Three, and the Empire is the True Terrorist State,  The Empire, the Israeli-American Empire and that Empire is only the made up of the State of Israel and the Mega-Metropolis of [NYC] New York City, and Washington, D. C., the D. C. can be defined as either the District of Columbia, The District of Clowns, or the District of Criminals, the choice is up to the individual. The reader must take a look at the facts, and the facts are these, the Empire points to enemies in all directions, justifying at last count in [2005], [737] Seven hundred- thirty seven, a force numbered at about [2.5] Two-point-five million troops, and this does not even take into consideration Para-Military forces with their companies changing names at times but not personnel, in at least [75] Seventy-Five know bases outside the Empire on the soil of foreign countries, conducting illegal operation in [60] sixty known locations, many beyond the [75] base countries. These operations are not limited in scope just to the Middle East, in countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen, but are global in scope, with operations even in the New World the Western Hemisphere the countries of South American were the Empire was even involved in the rape camps of Argentina, the torturing of Tuke-A-Mor Communist in Venezuela, and as far back as the Bay of Pigs in Cuba, operations that have not stopped, but have only dipped in intensity with the ebbs and flow of time only, with an up tick in this era and time, against Brazil, one of the member of the [BRIC] The Russian Federation, India, and The Peoples Republic of China, Spheres of Influence.


[Terrorism of Security Mantra]


Providing the justification for carrying out Invasions, Occupations, Footholds and Trip-Wires Insertions, Surges, Unconventional Warfare Special Forces joint Black Ops, covert/clandestine, search-secure and destroy missions around the globe, in which numerous causalities of every shape size and description occur under the Terrorism of Security Mantra. By labeling those it perceives as threats to the Empire, those that are taken prisoner, are listed as [Terrorist] who are then, whisked off to Black Ops Prison locations, at best only for Torture, reminiscent of the Inquisition, but many have their lives ended and their existence erased. The Empire all the while ensuring its control in the [21st] Century, using terrorist or future terrorist threats they have the potential too create [WMDs'] Weapons of Mass Destruction, saying all the while the Empire is doing the Foothold Hold countries of Europe [Germany], and Japan a favor, in providing them with both troops along with its Nuclear Umbrella of protection, which are not occupation forces but security forces for their defense, against those labeled  the axis of evil which the Empire has created for its justification for those security forces, keeping, the wolf from the door, checking the closet, and under the beds, fear mongering. And when will the day come that [THIS TOO SHALL END], not as long as the Empire exists.


[Terrorism or Patriotism]


The Israeli-American Empire should be seen for what it really is a Terrorist State, exports death and destruction around the global, robbing, assaulting, raping, torturing  and murdering thousand of world citizens on a scale never seen since before when taken in full scope, a few here a few there, killed by crossfire, enemy fire, non-regular troops the Special Ops Civilian Arm of the [MICE] Military Industrial Complex Empire, those counted and those who simply vanished. The Question now that must be asked by the [21st] Twenty-First Century Dreamers, Thinkers, Workers, and [NetCitzens], any yes the [Tea-Baggers In One Country] but many names for those in countries around the globe whose,  governments are puppets for the Empire, whose Central-Governments are bought and sold, offering to ease there burden, but not remove their chains, as the security forces of the Empire gang rape, assault, rob, and murder, generation after generation of those it is there to provide security to, at some point those victims of Empire security, will be prepared to become Patriots, while being labeled as Terrorist by the Empire, willing to engage in acts of Defiance/Vengeance/Retribution,  which will be labeled as Terrorism, one mans villain is yet another mans hero, one mans Terrorist is yet another's Patriot. Look at the numbers [75] nations are under some form of occupation with unnumbered under attack [Covert Operations] for their own security. How much Blood is on your hands, your nations hands, or your combined responsibility, and how much Blood has been spilled by the Empire, is the Empire your security blanket, or simply foreign security thugs   spiting on you freedom and sovereignty or that of others yet another gang rape has been reported at the hands of GI's, Yet another Robbery or Assault has been reported at the hands of GI's, yet another murder has been reported at the hand of GI's, one generation after another, who is the Patriot fighting for his soil, land, family, prefecture/county/parish, Island, Nation, and future and  who is the Terrorist State using a promise of security to place that Dreamer, Thinker, Worker, [NetCitizen], and yes Tea-Bagger by any other name in any other nation, under its dominating Our Way Is The Only Way, Thug Security protection.



Thursday, June 3, 2010




[Table it]


So, what happened with the Korean Warships having at each other, an investigation, the [BRIC] member the [C] The [PRC] Peoples Republic of China, Apple, Boeing, General Electric, Goldman Sachs, Google, Nike, Rio Tinto, Starbucks, and last but not least [Wally World] Wal-Mart Stores, are what happened and they are not happy campers, some pretty smart people have some really insightful comments about there is going to be a [3] Three Legged solution to this mess that was created by the [SOSE] Secretary of State of the Empire Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, and among those was to put a stop to things, now in Parliamentary proceeding you Table a motion, put it into executive committee, or if you're the Supreme Court you simple don't hear it, so the boys decided to have an investigation, that will have a very clever answer that will be a short item in some minor news report, end of problem.       


[Heads have to roll]


This is to be swept under the rug, a trade war between the three legs of the business tirade, Beijing, Tokyo, and Washington, D.C., have decided that when there is a prolonged economic slump that seems to have no end, it, having military hardliners ruining business. And the next order of business is to clean house, Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton has to go, Timothy Geithner, has to go, Gary Locke has to go, former [EMPIRE] Ambassador to Japan Thomas Schieffer, and Guam Senator Judith P. Guthertz, who is the chair of the Committee on Military Buildup and Homeland Security in the Senate have had all the political tack of a Bull in a China Shop when it comes to Asian Affairs, especially placing saber rattling military hardliners first over business considerations, and these business concerns aren't going to put money into the campaigne coffers of hard-liners which with the mood of the electorate for the removal of any incumbent is going to the only life blood that may win them another election.


[Decade's Business Plan]


Things are going to have to change, if the Israeli-American Empire [THE EMPIRE]. The [Empire] is going to have to acknowledge the existence of the [BRIC] Sphere's of Influence in the [21st] Century, Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and The Peoples Republic of China, and the [EU] European Union, that the wars of terror and the wars of economic stimulus are going to have to come to an end, thru negotiation or it will be the Israeli-American Empire against the rest of the world, which is the way things are drifting now, with the Mega-Metropolis Empire of New York City, and Washington, D. C., and Israeli seen as a problem to be dealt within, vise one to be worked with. A Ten and Twenty Year plan a course of action for the next two decades across the board has to be the order of the day. What happened with Asia, it has been awakened, and the world has changed, no more one fire after another to be put out is acceptable, controlled business structured management is the order of the day.






[When you got a good thing]


In any war if you can get in a punch faster and harder than the other guy you have the advantage, and that hold true even more today than at any other time in history, the Israeli-American Empire has the policy of First Strike. So what does this have to do with Japan, basically everything, we read in an article from Japan the during the [1950's-1960's] the Empire had stored atomic weapon in both Okinawa and Ogasawara Islands, and that doesn't mean that nuclear weapons don't still remain there, and in fact there is no good reason to suspect that they still aren't there, when you got a good thing going why stop, we know that there are nuclear weapons in the other Foothold Europe, Germany and they want them out. Now, this has been basically called keeping the genie in the bottle cold war thinking, and the genie of course is one of the [BRIC] Sphere of Influence the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China, and since they have Nuclear Weapons in one Foothold, come on, do you really think they don't have them in the other? 


[Bull Halsey]


Japan, is a Preemptive First Strike Nuclear Attack Foothold Far East pointed directly at its biggest threat in the [21st] Century the [PRC], the Empire can now arm aircraft from Japan's [ADIZ] Air Defense Identification Zone, directly into and over the [PRC] breakaway province of Taiwan, and the island of Yonakuni and directly to targets in the mainland of the [PRC] in minutes, distance is time and time is distance, as a preemptive first strike. The Japanese only represent a military advantage to the Empire over the [PRC], Adm. "Bull" Halsey was a boxer and believed you hit them first, you hit them hard and you just keep hitting them, and Japan represents the first punch below the belt.


[William Wallace]


The problem with the grand plan is that there is always some guy name William Wallace, and in case anyone forget that the Scot from Braveheart, the Scot who decided one day after his wife was murdered by troops of occupation, to pick a fight with those who occupied Scotland. Well history has an odd way of repeating itself if its ignored and lessons aren't learned, William Wallace wasn't the first in history to go an pick a fight with foreign troops of occupation, and seeing as history is full of the same action happening over and over again we suspect that Japan will be just another of those Braveheart historical moments waiting to be repeated, the Japanese are more concerned about its their land, their nation, and they don't want foreign troops of occupation, on them. And then there is Germany the Foothold Europe nation, the question that Germany must now ask is this the way things are going to be, if this is how it is with Japan, is this what Germany can now expect, troops of occupations to remain indefinitely?



Tuesday, June 1, 2010




[Bull in the China Shop]


Now, we just got thru reading a great article written by Debito Arudou, entitled Futenma is undermining Japanese democracy, on (, which left nothing much to really comment upon about what is happening now in Japan since the [SOSE] Secretary of State of the Empire, Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton tore thru the China Shop like a ragging bull, its an article that needs to be read if your following the lost of the Empire's Foothold Far East, there has been so much damage done within the region, everyone in the world outside the American Press which is in some other galaxy far, far away, is holding their breaths just one wrong misstep and [2] Two of the world's Nuclear Power would be in direct confrontation, with the Israeli-American Empire faced in a instant with the question of is [WWIII] World War Three really worth it over South Korea? WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING DEBITO ARUDOU, if your interested in just how bad things are now in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan they are all interconnected.  




The [2] Two Koreas that now exist will not continue as is, they will reunite and under Communism, the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China is one of the members of the [BRIC] Spheres of Influence, Brazil, The Russian Federation, India, and The Peoples Republic of China, all of which along with increasingly the New European Union, and Germany are replacing the Israeli-American Empire in the [21st] Century. It is not a question of if the unification will happen its simply a matter of when, Germany could not be kept apart, Ireland could not be kept apart, Vietnam could not be kept apart, and Korea will not remain apart, and Japan will not remain a country under occupation by the Empire, the PEOPLE of Japan do not what any further occupation by Empire Troops of Occupation, and the Empire simply can't afford further occupation. Today its announced it couldn't even afford nor could the Island of Guam support the withdrawal of [8k] Eight Thousand Marines from Japan to the Island of Guam, Foothold Hold Far East is breaking and it will be followed in short order by loss of Foothold Hold Europe.


[Reunification and Communism]


Hillary has opened the door to the Communist take over of Nationalist China, Korea, and Japan, and it maybe done in a relatively short time, as the Japanese Government falls, for the last and final time, in September, replaced by a far less compliant government to the Empire, one with Communist beginnings, the slogan may be YANKEE GO HOME! Across the entire Sphere of Influence of the [BRIC] member the Peoples Republic of China, the handwriting is on the wall, a Communist Japan, a peaceful reunification of Korea around the Empire Trip Wire Troops, and the reunification of the breakaway province of Taiwan to the Mainland. So YANKEE GO HOME!!!