Monday, August 23, 2010






Now, in the present economic conditions, POOR TO VERY POOR, nothing is moving, and this is especially true in the Mobile Home Park Industry, no mobile home park owner in his right mind should even consider the idea of purchasing a modular mobile home and placing it in their parks for sale at a cost of [€70k-78k/$90k-$100k] Seventy to Seventy Eight Thousand Euros /Ninety to One Hundred thousand Dollars just to have them sit not for short periods of time but for years, yes, years, we have seen just such [2] two units sit just that long before the owner gave up and simply rented them out, and the best individuals to rent such units out to in this non-economy is in fact Section 8, renters as the government is picking up most of the tab, and that means the taxpayer is picking up the tab on the rental of such units, which is not in itself a bad thing at all, but just goes to show just how bad things have really gotten, the government is getting into renting properties.




The Mobile Home Park Owners are really in a serious bind, and that bind in fact is tightening up with each passing day, older units, which were hot items in the [70's-80-s] Seventies and the Eighties, which a serviceable are increasing hard to find in this economy and the purchase of newer units for sale and even rent beyond government assisted renting is out of the realm of reality in the non-economy that is in play. The fact is that the older Mobile Home Owners are dying off, and units are available but that does not mean that the owners of parks are really interested in their purchase, as these owners grew older they were both physically and economically unable to maintain themselves let along a Mobile Home Unit. May such units are in fact becoming increasing available to the Mobile Home Park Owners for purchase from the family estates. But that does not mean that a Mobile Home Park Owner will be interested beyond offering a rock bottom offer, and why should that be so, the modern renter is spoiled the idea of not having a dish washer in the kitchen, central heating and air conditioning, a washer and dryer in the unit is below modern day standards, and the majority of units of the past decades do not in fact have such items, and the owners have to make sure that the unit can in fact support such modern day items with their old wiring systems, having to install such modern items is up and beyond the replacement of carpets, painting, replacing grass around such units with rock in areas were water conservation is becoming a great and great issue in many areas where Mobile Home Parks still exist. Just as a side note the past era sported French Doors and they were nice looking and all but are heat sinks, allowing cold in during the winter months and heat in during the summer, and using aluminum  tin foil over them not only looks bad but really serves little or no purpose, even if they had been made with polarized glass, it would only have served to keep out a small percentage of [U/V] Ultra Violet Rays, the over all fact is past era is past era, and they aren't passing muster with the present era generation, they are not going to wash dishes by hand, walk to the nearest launder mat, they expect the temperature to be what they want when they want for the rent they are paying, and for what it cost to rent such a unit, well its nice to have the tax payer picking up the cost. In the end the Old Ways are Meeting the New Ways.




So, basically the Mobile Home Park Owners are becoming strapped and are in a cut throat war to obtain units that are both serviceable and have the possibility to bring up to modern era renter requirements, and in the Southwestern part of the Israeli American Empire the War Is On, we watched as one owner out bid another owner of a unit in the unit owners park. The park owner was to angry he gave the purchasing owner [24hrs] twenty-four hours to get it off his property, the winning park owner had to pay some over-time to his staff that weekend. The point is Mobile Home Parks are a Microcosm of just what is going on in the economy, nothing is moving except down to Old Mexico, units that cost to much to bring up to modern day standards in the Empire, you talk large cast outputs and no one has that kind of liquid cash flow available and with the value of assets in steep decline, what a Mobile Home Park or its owners value for tax purpose may not be in fact his or its true value in this failing economy. It's a matter of rentals yes, but don't expect that modern day era standards will apply any where, will you have a dish washer and dryer or are you going to do it the old fashion way by hand, are you going to have a washer and dryer hook up and units within your unit or apartment, or are you going to chug on down to the nearest launder mat, are you going to have central heating and air-conditioning, or will it be electric fans sitting in your [BVD's/Undies] in the heat or layering up with heating elements, in the winter? In Mobile Home Parks renters are now the norm, owners are dying off, and are no longer the fall back in hard time's they once were, in fact they are become and increasing cost item forming Mobile Home Park Renter/Owners Associations [Communist Style Movements] spying upon your neighbors, and threats to little old ladies, taking Mobile Home Park Owners to court costing the loss of Insurance Coverage, and thousands of dollars in additional costs, and the Mobile Park Owners are being forced to seek a new way, of NO OWNERS, short leases, month to month, and look to the government for increasing allowances for Section 8, rental, guaranteed government support thru the back door.


HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVINIEN                       

Friday, August 20, 2010






Senior Citizen Mobile Home Parks [SCMHP] are used as Granny Dump sites across the nation, this is not to say that it is done out of some malice to Granny by the offspring it is just that Granny like so many women was younger that her husband who pasted away and Granny loved her children and grand-children and on and on, but Granny has no intention of moving in with the kids, Granny has got her stuff and she has had her independence for a long time and is not ready to give it up, she pretty much figures that when she is ready to go into assisted living that will be a different thing, then she can divide her stuff up among the kids if they really want old stuff to add to their stuff. It is a sad but true fact that sometimes Granny goes to sleep one night and never again wakes up.




So what can happen to Granny's Stuff and the answer to that is make someone a quick buck. Some child who has had a bad relationship with Granny has been estranged for decades, may show up get the car, clean out the bank account, and any other valuables they can find, let the landlord how that the unit is his, for whatever price he is willing to pay, just sent the check to them, and anything in the unit is his to do with as he pleases. Other times individuals claiming to be representatives or connected to some charitable organization, but charity begins with them, they generally pick thru Granny's Stuff, looking for what can be sold on line or elsewhere, that's free cold hard cash in their pockets, then what's left over either may or may not end up going to a charitable organization, but the lions share will end up in the local landfill.




Now, we know that it sounds terrible that [SCMHP'S] are Granny Dumps, but it is what it is, the up side is Granny is around individuals of her generation and era, and that counts for a whole lot along with no kids under her feet or wild parties going on in the unit next to hers, the owners and others in the Park know and understand the process of both aging and death that are a daily fact of life living in a [SCMHP], tours can be arranged for residents, special reductions in utility bill, etc. are arranged by many [SCMHP] owners for their residents. It is that those who are going to place/dump Granny in an [SCMHP], understand that it is best NOT TO OWN A UNIT, renters in [SCMHP'S] are generally not unable to purchase their own units it is that it is recommended that Senior Citizens seek only to be on month to month rental agreements or leases as you wish to call them. The main reason for this is that a long term lease could come to be a problem in estate settlement if the Senior Citizen was to pass away with a long period remaining on their lease agreement, and then there is the question of if they do in fact owners of their own unit, which must by some local laws be upon a mobile home site and can not be upon privately owned land, unless it is in a Mobile Home Park that is owned by the residents, a total Association Park. In today's economy there is a glut of foreclosed homes let alone Mobile Homes in Mobile Home Parks, and nothing is moving, so Granny pass's away leaving a long term lease agreement and her Mobile Home, the grieving relatives are now stuck with a unit that will not sell, and the month up keep, yard, water, gas, etc. too continue to have to fork out the cash plus the lease payment on unit sight. At this point the relatives make the decision that it would be best in this economy to sell the unit to the park owner or the landlord. 


HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVINIEN                       


Thursday, August 19, 2010






Now we have been off the blog community for over a month doing a self move to a newer unit within a Seniors Mobile Home Community, and we are what Buba refers to as trailer park trash which may or may not be the case, it depends upon one's point of view, the Irish Travels have [4] Four area's located around the country which are established communities in which the customs of the Irish Travelers are in fact separate countries, with actual Kings running the communities under Irish Travelers Laws and Customs, then you had the Lawrence Welk Retirement Community that was established in California, my homeroom teacher from High School days retired to that very community. Well in every community that are politics, and since we were in moving from one unit to another and off the usual blog rantings we got involved in the local community politics, generally we don't care what goes on in the community as long as we have a roof over our head, food in the fridge, a bed to flop on, the [BBC] British Broadcasting Company to watch on the tele/boob tube, but we got caught up in the Senior Mobile Home Park Political Mayhem.




In our park we are now broken down into [3] Three groups, Owners, well they owner the units in which they live but not the land upon which they live who have formed an ASSOCIATION, what an association represents is a Communist Party, they have a Chairman, and his close henchmen who go around when the landowner's representatives close down for the evening or on the weekends take off to get away from the Mobile Home Park Political Mayhem. They tool around in their golf carts giving the evil eye to full renters, those of choose not to be stuck with home of any type and section 8 [Eight] renters, those who can no longer afford to live on their own without government assistance. An of course they have taken the Landlord to court with Pro Bona Lawyers, all that means is they are using the case as a tax write off against other cases where they are making a killing. Now these clowns tell the Association Members that they have never lost a case against Mobile Home Owners, and that is true they deal their way out of going to court, the association goes in with dollar signs in their eyes and comes out with black eyes. Now, we don't take well to threats or intimidation, money works we have our price and can be bought off, but out and out threats and evil eye's, well that means the guy is looking for a black eye on our part, so when the Association Chairman made his move on us we offer to plant a black eye were his evil eye was, where upon our Commie Party Leader made a hasty retreat.




Now, the Owners were give long term lease agreements, by the Landowner who is worth a cool [90] ninety million United States Dollars, but is in his eighties with failing health, it mostly works that if your [60] sixty you have about [40%] forty percent chance of seeing [70] seventy, if your [70] Seventy you have about a [30%] thirty percent chance of seeing [80], so the owner has about a [20%] twenty percent chance of seeing [90]. But the owner has children, and a [$90] ninety million dollar corporation with shell companies included. They mobile home business was set up with owners of units being the safety net, but have become a legal club thru associations that are driving up the cost of living within non- total owner Mobile Home Parks, parks in which the unit owners are owners of the park in which they live, vice those who live in units that are upon land owned by a corporation. So, in this case the option has been placed upon the table that since the ring leader of the association has a long term least and the association and its ring leaders represent long term legal problems, look to the headache solver, Zell Miller of Chicago. In the Mobile Home Industry, the name that strikes fear, from owners, thru association, and renters or any connection to the Mobile Home Industry is Zell Miller of Chicago. The Mobile Home Corporation of the Community in which we live has placed on the table the sale of the park the Chicago problem solver Zell Miller, and if anyone is the Excedrin Table to the headaches of Mobile Home Park Association, its Zell Miller, the man strikes fear in the hearts of mere mortal men. We will continue with our rantings Mobile Home Park Mayhem on another day, but now we have to work on putting up a Sun Screen on the unit, the work never stops.